Title: Can You Become an Australian Citizen After Living a Year in Australia? (1)
1Immigration Agent Adelaide
(08) 8120 4117
- Can You Become an Australian Citizen After Living
a Year in Australia?
2Every year thousands of immigrants come to
Australia in the hope of working or studying and
building their life. Many of them stay here as a
permanent resident. But if you want to be called
yourself an Australian Citizen, you have to
apply for the citizenship. If you want to know
more about the procedure of citizenship, you can
contact an Immigration Agent Adelaide for a
better overview.
(08) 8120 4117
3Requirements for Australian Citizenship
(08) 8120 4117
- There are certain requirements for an Australian
Citizenship, without which you cannot obtain one.
Commonly, to apply for Australian Citizenship,
you must be 18 years of age. Children can also
apply but their requirements and conditions
change. You must have passed the Australian
Citizenship test. You are exempted from the test
if your age is 60 years or above.
4Permanent Residence for how much Time?
- Earlier it was required only for 12 months. But
the requirements have been made a bit stricter
lately. Now, the requirements state that you must
be living in Australia for the past 4 years at
least and as a permanent resident for the past 12
months without being absent from Australian
territory for more than 12 months in 4 years and
more than 90 days in the last year.
5(08) 8120 4117
An important part of the citizenship process is
the Citizenship Test which ensures that you are
eligible to enter the Australian community as a
citizen. It gives a chance to maximize your
opportunities in Australia and promotes the
feeling of cohesion with society.
6Contact Us
Monday 8AM -6PM Tuesday
8AM -6PM Wednesday
8AM -6PM Thursday
8AM -6PM Friday 8AM
-6PM Saturday
Closed Sunday Closed
U5, 3/19 Market Street, Adelaide
5000 consult_at_immigrationagentadelaide.com.au (08)
8120 4117 http//www.immigrationagentadelaide.com.
7(08) 8120 4117