Title: Types of business plan writing
1Types OfBusiness Plan Writing
- business plan writing services for raising
investor capital!
2Investor Business Plan Writing ?
Let us help you obtain the funding you need to
kick start or scale your business venture with a
winning investor-grade business plan. The
business plan is the foundation of your investor
package. However, most entrepreneurs are too busy
with other priorities such as developing
products, finding customers, and recruiting a
team to prepare a compelling business plan
3Pitching/Funding Business Plan Writing
Effectively impress a board of investors or
venture capitalists with a professionally-designed
PowerPoint. In any investment pitch, its
important that your persuasive argument is
outlined and organized accordingly. Our business
plan presentation services entail branding,
graphics, and statistics, which are essential in
any investment pitch
4Startup Business Plan Writing
- The traditional yet comprehensive business plan
our business plan writing services ensure to
covers all the aspects of starting a business
such as company information, management, team,
financial analysis and markets. It will contain
the detailed steps to creating your company. It
also contains financial analysis of areas such as
income, expenses and cash-flow
5Marketing Business Plan Writing
From helping entrepreneurs define their business
plans to improve their chances for obtaining
venture funding, to creating concrete marketing
deliverables to promote their original ideas, our
business plan writing services seeks to help
small businesses at various stages of development
6One Page Business Plan Writing
Our one-page business plan service enables
prospective investors and partners to quickly
understand your business idea. It serves as a
type of pitch document for your business, much
like a beefed-up elevator pitch. Offers an
approachable way to get your business plan in
front of the right people in the form of a single
sheet of paper, a single PowerPoint slide or a
simple copy-and-paste email
7Business Plan Writing Service
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