Title: Kitchen Layout Ideas For Your New Home-Interior Design
1Kitchen Layout ideas For Your New Home
- Kitchen Layout Ideas For Your New Home
2A kitchen is the most important part of the
house. It is the place where we spent a major
part of our daily life in cooking and may be
sometimes to spend time with other family
members. Kitchen layouts often have a major
impact when it comes to giving a facelift to the
general facade of the dwelling place. Kitchens
may be categorized into following categories,
based on the geometric pattern of construction.
3One Wall Kitchen This kind of kitchens are
ideal when a large premium space is available. It
streamlines the cooking area and the appliances
along the same wall. However, there is a drawback
with these models, that there is not much scope
for counter tops and storage. It is advisable to
maximize the area by using more compact
appliances and also to use dining table or moving
4Galley Kitchen
Galley kitchens are basically of two types,
single and double gallery. These are the natural
choice when the space available is quite less.
Generally, optimum utilization of space is done
in these types of kitchens. There is generally
space for a single cook to prepare food. Storage
space is however quite large in these kinds of
5U-Shaped Kitchens
These are one of the most common types of
kitchens that we come across. These provide the
cook with easy accessibility and much more
storage and countertop space. However, they lack
extra space for tables and chairs. It is the
kitchen just so perfect for keen cooks.
6G-Shaped Kitchen
These are also one of the most common types of
kitchens that we come across. They are an
extension of U-shaped kitchens. There is plenty
of countertop space with four walls of cabinets.
In case someone is looking for more storage
space, then this type of kitchen layout is very
7L Shaped Kitchens
L- Shaped kitchens are very common these days.
They are generally located in the corner of the
house. They are generally ideal for small to
mid-size kitchens. You have space for guests to
mingle with, inside the kitchen. In some cases,
you can even include a dining area inside the
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