Title: Get the MBA Project for Symbiosis Centre for Distance Learning, Pune
1Get the MBA Project for Symbiosis Centre for
Distance Learning, Pune
2Premium Quality Dissertation Writing Services
from projectreportconsultant.com No doubt,
dissertation projects are comprehensive, time
taking and troublesome. projectreportconsultant.co
m helps the number of students to write their
dissertation project. Our writers are able to
help you in each and every aspect of the
dissertation project writing. With
projectreportconsultant.com, you can get the
premium quality dissertation project, which can
guarantee approved from your institute/ college.
3Time Time frame, I can exactly say after
viewing guidelines. Like title, no of pages/word
count, data collection analysis, plug rule
etcPay MethodCash, cash deposit, net banking,
money gram, western union. (any payment transfer
fees charged by agency or bank need to be paid
extra) My FeesMy fees will be depending on
guidelines, size, in-deftness, complexity, time,
data research required for Dissertation
development. There is no fixed fees structure
available. I can email you fees once I receive
your requirement in detail.
4My 9 step method of Dissertation writingStep
1. Selection of topic confirmation from guide
(If you selected dissertation title, then let us
know. If not yet selected then we will help you
to suggest)Step 2. Group discussion/conference
call with in our team of professors writers on
planning for proposed dissertation writing.Step
3. Preparation of Synopsis/ proposal sent to
project guide (If you have prepared it, let us
know)Step 4. Main Project Starts- Literature
data collection from university library,
journals, web etcStep 5. Drafting of project,
titling, subtitling, indexingStep 6. Final proof
reading, spell grammar checking, data analysis
cross checking.Step 7. Pagination,
paragraphing, image table placing, font
formatting as per guidelines given Final copy
sending to you/guide for reviewStep 8. After
receiving ok from guide/ you, work on plagiarism
testing to insure 85 score (as /if required in
guidelines)Step 9. Corrections if any, based on
students/guides feedback final delivery
5Contact - Prof. Prakash Bhosalewww.projectrepor
tconsultant.comPhone\ WhatsApp 91
8424876285.91 9987613486Emailinfo_at_projectrepor
tconsultant.com, contact_at_projectreportconsultant