Title: Natural Ways To Gain Weight And Build Up Muscle Mass In Men And Women
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2Natural Ways To Gain Weight
Fluctuating weight and changes in metabolism
affect people of all ages. Young men and women
tend to gain weight due to excess intake of high
fat diet and low metabolism. A proper regulation
of diet and exercising can prevent excess weight
gain but the loss of weight in young and aging
due to a fast metabolism can be a severe problem
where it gets impossible to gain weight and these
people have low stamina and poor pressure
handling capability due to this.
3Natural Ways To Gain Weight
Weight loss can happen even in normal people
during stress, or when one tends to stop eating
leading to low body mass index but people who are
underweight and stressed may get thinner and
appear medically ill. Fat around the body
protects the internal body organs from damage
caused by external pressures, at the same time,
such thinny people may find it impossible to
build muscles.
4Natural Ways To Gain Weight
To build up muscle mass, avoiding stress,
avoiding strenuous work and relaxing is
recommended. Basically, people with fast
metabolism are categorized as Ectomorphs who are
thin built often having thin small shoulders and
poor muscle mass.
5Natural Ways To Gain Weight
The fast metabolism makes it difficult for them
to put on weight and sometimes, metabolic factors
such as overactive thyroid, nervousness, rapid
heart rate and fatigue are interlinked to such
conditions. Some have fast metabolism due to
internal medical factors, or one can acquire it
by messing up with the normal metabolism i.e.
having irregular or unhealthy eating habit,
smoking, chemical medicine abuse, alcohol abuse
6Natural Ways To Gain Weight
Metabolic disorders can quicken the process of
aging - the progressive decline in the
psychological functions of the body over time and
this can cause tissue damage and increases the
risk of diseases. If the metabolic function is
faster at cellular level - the body wears out
fast and this leads to higher production of free
radicals leading to increased risk of cell deaths
- wrinkles.
7Natural Ways To Gain Weight
The cellular machinery in the body requires
nutrients in the form of antioxidants which can
be provided by natural ways to gain weight e.g.
herbal foods. Fast metabolism lowers lifespan and
this was tested during a clinical trial where the
risk of mortality increased by 25 in people with
fast metabolism as compared to slower metabolism.
8FitOFat Capsules
Natural ways to gain weight have the capability
to provide bio-components to the body for
improving metabolic functions and preventing
risks of fast metabolism. FitOFat capsules
contain a set of tubers - Barahikand and
Vidarikand, which have power to nourish body
tissues and reduce the impact of aging.
9Ingredients In FitOFat Capsules
Vidarikand or Pueraria tuberose works as
restorative tonic, immune booster,
anti-inflammatory, brain tonic and cardio tonic.
It contains isoflavones e.g. puerarin, daidzein
and genistein which have power to cure a number
of ailments. Other herbs in FitOFat capsules are
Safed Musli, Ashwagandha and Kavach Beej Bek
which empowers the tissues and have anti-stress
10Ingredients In FitOFat Capsules
These herbs are used in the preparation of
bodybuilding supplements to build up muscle mass,
even in people leading a sedentary lifestyle.
Natural ways to gain weight contains herbs rich
in antioxidants to fight the side effects of fast
metabolism such as aging, and the bio-components
can enhance the power of metabolic organs to
energize it at cellular level.
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