Title: Asirin Tsabtace Muhalli, Tattali, m Ruwa mai Tsabta da Fasaha da ke da Amfani Kuma ga Africa / Secrets of Environmentally Friendly, Economical, Effective Water Clean Technology for The Future(1of11)
1Asirin Tsabtace Muhalli, Tattali, m Ruwa mai
Tsabta da Fasaha da ke da Amfani Kuma ga Africa
(Ta?aitaccen a Harshen Hausa)
- Secrets of Environmentally Friendly, Economical,
Effective Water Clean Technology for The Future
Ben Rusuisiak New nature paradigm TECH analysis
vancouver, BC, CANADA, updated Feb10, 2017
2- Takaice Bayani Wannan gabatarwa rufe wasu daga
low cost, da ruwa da alaka commercialized
cleantech da aka karkashin-amfani, ko ba fiye da
aka sani zuwa zama a duk, a yankunan na 1-
Muhalli tsabtatawa, 2- Kwandishan kyautata, 3-
Energy hakar, 4- Industrial tafiyar matakai, 5-
Shan ruwa tsara, 6- Geo injiniya, 7- Zababben
Bio-inganta, antioxidizing, da tsatsa rigakafin
da dai sauransu. Wasu daga cikinsu suna canzawa a
amfani a fagen makamashi, kiwon lafiya, ilmin
halitta, weather gyara, kayan kimiyya da irin
wannan abubuwan amfãni. - Daya daga irin effects ba cikakken bayani da
sunadarai, yet hukuma amfani da wasu wadanda ba
Western ally al'ummai, an tsawo "tsarin a cikin
ruwa", ko / m lantarki cajin rike damar ions a
cikin ruwa. Akwai mahara magani hanyoyin da za su
iya haifar da ci musamman iyawa a bayyana ruwa
domin akalla 4-5 days da kuma amfani da, ba tare
da kara da cewa sinadaran ko solutes. msl a-As
abu don wanka don kasuwanci kitchen, yanka ko
nauyi mai kau, b-Industrial yankan ko wanka ruwa,
c-Asibitin aiki dakin, ko masana'antun sarrafa
kayayyakin abinci da kayan disinfectant, d-
Medical fata cuta, kamuwa da cuta, ciki sashin
jiki, oxygen hydrophobic miyagun ?wayoyi
bayarwa wakili, e-Shuka / dabba girma karuwa,
brackish ruwa ciyar, cire dabba zama wari, f-?ara
?arfin kankare, ice, takarda, g-Inganta dandano
na taliya, kofi, burodi, h-Low watsi man fetur
yin daga low sa ba kona hydrocarbon, i-Nuni
sunadarai ko ma'adinai sakamako, ba tare da
sunadarai ba a cikin ruwa. Wasu sosai lantarki-m
ruwa alama ko da aiki a matsayin "lokaci mai kara
kuzari" da kuma amfani da "zallan ruwa tattara"
ga m ko fiye da suka fi karfi effects da
dilution., - Irin kimiyya sakawa rata tsakanin Western
masana'antu al'ummai da sauransu suna kuma lura a
daban-daban aikace-aikace. Wannan alama ya shafa
bincike kasuwar kudade, ainihin abubuwan
tayin matakin sabon tasiri matakai. misali ruwa
magani daga lokaci bambanci Magnetic filin
juyawa lantarki, Far infrared tãguwar ruwa, Wasu
daga sub / supercritical ruwa, ruwa emulsion man
fetur, Hydrodynamic cavitation, Cold Fusion, rawa
ruwa saki kamar yadda HHO gas, kiya pulsed wuta
bushewa, electro-scavenging sakamako ga ruwan
sama tsara cosmic ray bisa sauyin yanayi
ra'ayin. Daya tabbataccen dalilin debunking ne
saboda effects iya nuna academically tattalin
arziki sosai hallakaswa effects Yana
thermodynamic doka saba "free makamashi"
wadanda ba na gida sakamako. Amma low cost m
fasaha da za su iya maye gurbin sinadaran tushen
tsarin ma an goyan bayan yammacin ally al'ummai
electro coagulation ruwa tsaftacewa da aka goyon
baya daga kasashen Turai da kungiyoyin halin
yanzu suna goyon bayan lantarki PlasmaActivated
ruwa, thermal hydrolysis, membrane distillation,
NanoFiltration da dai sauransu kamar yadda
?arshe, low cost "kimiyya takaran" ruwa mai
tsabta tech a baya aka ?ara amfani da m business
kungiyoyin ko ma da manyan kamfanonin musamman a
gida factory matakin. Kuma idan wannan baza
wannan sabon yayi ya ci gaba, "rufaffiyar tsarin"
imani da al'ada al'umma za fundamentally matsawa
zuwa wadanda ba iyaka hanya bisa "bude tsarin"
kafin 2030
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm - Ben
Rusuisiak, Vancouver BC, Canada
ABSTRACT This presentation
covers some of low cost, water related
commercialized cleantech that is under-utilized
or not commonly known to exist at all, in areas
of 1-Environmental cleaning, 2-HVAC improvement,
3- Energy extraction, 4-Industrial
processes, 5-Drinking water generation,
6-Geoengineering, 7-Desalination wastewater
treating, 8-Selective bio-enhancing, rust
prevention etc. Some of them are convertible for
a use in field of energy, medical, biology,
weather modification, material science with
similar advantages. ?
- One of such effects not fully explainable by
chemistry, yet officially utilized by some
non-Western ally nations, is prolonged "water
structure", or/ "activated" electrical charge
holding capacity of ions in water. There are
multiple treatment methods that can cause
sustained unique capability in plain water for at
least 4-5 days and used without added chemical or
solutes. e.g. a-As detergent for commercial
kitchen, butcher or heavy oil removal, b-Non
fouling industrial cutting or washing fluid,
c-Hospital operation room, or food industry
equipment disinfectant, d-Medical
oxygen/hydrophobic drug delivery, skin
disease/infection/organ, upto conventionally
untreatable chronic disease. e-Plant/animal
growth increase, brackish water feeding,
Removing animal residence odor, f-Increase
strength of concrete, ice, paper, g-Enhance
flavor of pasta, coffee, bakery, h-Low
emission fuel making from subgrade incombustible
hydrocarbon, i-Display chemical or mineral effect
without chemistry present in water. Some
exceptionally electrical-active water seems to
even function as "phase catalyst" and used as
"plain water concentrate" for similar or more
robust effects by dilution.?
- Such Scientific Status gap in water tech by
nations is fairly common and it affects research
funding market share of effective processes.
e.g water treatment by Time variant magnetic
field Rotating/Concentric Electrode, Far
InfraRed waves, Hydrodynamic Cavitation,
Sub/SuperCritical water, Non Anthraquinone H2O2,
Emulsion fuel, Cold fusion, Resonance H2O
decomposing, Acoustic Pulsed Fire Dewatering,
Electro-Scavenging effect for rain generation
Cosmic Ray based climate change idea. One reason
for discrediting is they might co-display
scientifically economically disruptive seeming
thermodynamic over-unity non-local phenomena.
But low cost effective way to displace chemical
based system also have been supported in West
Electrooxidation/coagulation or multiple ways of
AOP including Ozone was backed by European groups
they are now supporting Plasma Activated Water,
Thermal Hydrolysis, Membrane Distillation,
various Nano Filtration etc. Others are accepted
but only for certain use ElectroOsmosis/Poration,
Metal ion, 3chamber electrolysis, Vacuum
superheated steam, Steam eductor etc. Overall,
previously science contested low cost clean water
tech is increasingly rapidly adopted even by
multinationals, often accompanied by firm back up
of mainstream media, science, tech awards. And
unless spread of this new paradigm stalls soon,
limitation based "closed system" belief of
society will fundamentally shift to no-limit
"open system" before 2030.
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm - Ben
Rusuisiak, Vancouver BC, Canada
4- PART 1
p10 Crystallization Template
sssddAssisted, Fluidized Bed etc
p21 Ozone UV etc p41
SuperCritical Water etc - PART 2 to 11
p45 Ultrasonic, Cavitation effect, . .
. Pulsed Combustion Drying
p61 Nano/UltraFine Bubble etc p67
PhotoCatalytic water etc - p91 Electrolyzed acid water etc p118 Plasma
Activated Water
Electrolytic Venturi etc p141 .Magnetic Water
treatment p157 Phase Catalyst Water
p181 Torsion field/Scalar
Wave p190 Far InfraRed, Bioceramic, ..
Minerals treated etc
- p221 Pumpable Ice Slurry p228 ElectroSpray
etc p235 ElectroHydraulic
effect - p245 Solar Desalination etc p268 SuperHeated
Steam etc p288 Magnetic Resonance
Freezing Thawing
- p291 Ion projection p298
Ferrous/Ferrate Ion water p310 Vacuum
Saturation/DDW, . Steam Jet
Ejector/eductor - p338 Plant Polymer Micelle p343 Rain Related
Weather .. Modification
p358 Water Technology List
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm - Ben
Rusuisiak Specialty Cleantech Analysis,
Vancouver, Canada
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm - Ben
Rusuisiak, Vancouver BC, Canada
- This presentation might not always reflect the
views of mainstream group, particularly of
western media, large NGOs, wikipedia hence
attendants/readers are recommended to re-assess
the data from independent perspective Listed
commercialized claims include that are
contradicting mainstream science law or
effectiveness acceptance level, while empirically
deemed to produce effects repeatedly. "Cleantech"
here includes "clean chemicals" that are non
residual Ozone, Hydrogen Peroxide, Peracetic
Acid, Plasma/ElectroChemical reaction etc - Compared to other industries, water technology
tends to have wider varied mechanics to achieve
intended physical effects Labs, schools, even
conservative mainstream, or mundane looking
companies often use their own effective unique
processes not widely known. Many of what is
covered here are selected technologies known as
effective in some sectors or by small of
consumers but not by other sectors.?
Currently more detailed
reference list is being produced will be
published separately The research is updated
based on reviewing academic papers journals,
books, speeches, presentations, patents,
lab/commercialized product testimonies/complaints,
publications public records of
NGOs/media/research institutes/think
tanks/military/space gov't agencies/industry
associations. Due to space constraints,
referenced individual names are given with max 3
letters of first name with entire last
name(except some non-Western names), company
names are listed in a way that is findable by
internet search. - 12 page long Water Technology Effect Comparison
Grid List is located at the end of presentation.
FILE AT SCRIBDclick here, ISSUUclick
here, YUMPU click here, or CALAMEO click
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm - Ben
Rusuisiak Specialty Cleantech Analysis,
Vancouver, Canada
6How to Read Tech Detail Explanation Texts
- Technology claims are explained in details in
each of 66 dedicated section in coming pages.
Example of Hydrodynamic cavitation below
- Tech effects Code used in tech lists(located at
end of this presentation) are headed by Boldface
purple letters as on the right. Code might
refer to either or both of a-effect of static
water product, b-process effect itself on water
rather than water's effect on matter. - Commercialized tech claims are listed in(Blue
Letter ), and within bracket means other
unnamed companies also claim same effect.
at example D4 indicates
particularly effective application.
- 11Hydrodynamic cavitation WM Accepted effect
J(BOD reduction, Advanced Oxidizing Process,
toxin/oil field waste water/sludge
decomposing)(WhirlWind.nl), For ballast
water(Globallast ua), Enhanced oil recovery-
additional hydrocarbon quality improvement(Arisdyn
e), - Sometimes WM Disputed effect, A(Descaling), HVAC
application(HyCator, VRTX Technologies), Pipe
cleaning(Group Konstanta ???????), Dairy
product flow pipe descaling is WM
rejected(TEKMASH) B(anticorrosion of water
pipes), C(Algae removal)(CT Systems ua),
766 Under utilized Water Technologies 1-26
- 66 Technology names Well established mainstream
application might be omitted from effect
explanations. Same techs are listed twice. - PART1
TAC(Template Assisted), FBC(Fluidized Bed)
2-Pulsed Power, 3-KDF, 4-Metal Ion,
5-Natural Acid, 6-Ozone, 7-UV,
8-Aeration/Anaerobic, 9-Sub SuperCritical
Water/Thermal Liquefaction
- PART2-11
10-Ultrasonic, Sonic Cavitation
water, Acoustic Pulse Fire Drying
11-HydroDynamic Cavitation, 12-Spiral Vortex
flow, Rankine Vortex
14-PhotoCatalytic Water treatment - 15-Electro Deionization(EDI) Capacitive
16-Electrolysis Alkaline water, 17-Electrolysis
Acid water
18-Electrolysis Acid-Alkaline mixed,
19-Boron Diamond Electrolysis
20-Electro Phoresis/migration/reclamation,
21-Fulvic Acid water
22-Nano Material Used Filter,
23-Plasma Activated Water(PAW)/H2O2
24-Electrolytic Metal Alloy Venturi,
25-ElectroStatic treated water
26-Electric field
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Rusuisiak Specialty Cleantech Analysis,
Vancouver, Canada
866 Under utilized Water Technologies 27-47
- 27-Time Variant Magnetic Field treatment
Rotating Magnetic Field
28-Phase Catalyst water or
Catalytic Water
Hydrogen dissolved water - 30-EM Other Antioxidant type Micro-organism
activated water
31-Torsion field Subtle
field treated water - 32-Scalar wave phase conjugated paired wave
treated water
33-Mineral, Bioceramic, FIR/Thz wave treated
water 34-Vacuum
Freezing, 35-Vacuum Flash Vaporization/Vacuum
Distillation. 36-Water jet, 37-Water Emulsion,
38-Pumpable Ice Slurry
39-Sabatier Reaction
Hydrocarbon production by CO2 H2O - 40-Electro Deposition/ElectroWinning, Plasma
Electrolyte Polishing
41-ElectroSpray, 42-ElectroPoration, 43-Electro
44-Electro Hydraulic effect,
45-ElectroDialysis/Bipolar Membrane
46-ElectroFloatation, 47-ElectroHeating
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm - Ben
Rusuisiak Specialty Cleantech Research,
Vancouver, Canada
966 Under utilized Water Technologies 48-66
- 48-Nitrogen Carbon Dioxide infused water
49-Solar Distillation, Solar Water
treatment, Atmospheric Water Collector
50-SuperCritical Water(also SubCritical,
Low Temp Hydrolysis, Steam Plasma) - 51-SuperHeated Steam, 52-Degassing/Degassed pure
53-Biochar/Classic Carbon UV treated water
54-Slow Acoustic Pulse wave, 55-Nano
Material Treated water
56-NanoFiltration water - 57-Electric Magnetic Resonance Freezing-Thawing
58-Ionizing Projection in air-mist
59-Ferrous Ferric/Ferrate Ion,
Its oscillation treated water, Iron Sulphate
water. 60-Vacuum Saturation heating or cooling
Deuterium Depleted Water. 61-Membrane
- 62-Mineral, FarInfraRed, High Pressure treated
water, Deep Sea Water
63-Other Anomalous Processes
from overunity energy to "ORMUS" making.
64-Plant NanoPolymer applied water, 65-Rain
Related Weather Modification. 66-Atmospheric
Water Generator
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm - Ben
Rusuisiak Specialty Cleantech Analysis,
Vancouver, Canada
101Crystallization Effect Accepted by Western
Mainstream(WM) as valid
- 1Crystallization Crystallizing water
dissolved matter to recover certain material as
solids, in this section a-Template Assisted
Crystallization, b-Fluidized Bed Crystallization
are covered(For Freeze Crystallization see
section 34').
- a-Template Assisted Crystallization TAC This
particular naming is branded used in English
speaking nations but other names/no particular
names used in other nations. Water treating resin
bead media with special surface triggers
nucleation pattern of dissolved elements - WM Accepted effect A(Scale prevention in water
pipe) Calcium Carbonate CaCO3 etc crystallizes
in microscopic scale when it passes TAC media so
that it remains in water instead of depositing
onto the water pipe wall as hard scale
formulation. - B(anti-corrosion in water pipe) rarely this
claim is made as most companies in this category
are focused in core Western Mainstream(WM)
market, but it is possible some of TAC media
might be triggering additional effects by WM
unapproved mechanics such as i-charge creation by
ceramic beads hitting each other, or ii-some kind
of non-light-photolytic process or metal ion,
iii-some media contains metal, magnet particles,
or FarInraRed emitting bioceramic which has same
effect etc. Pipe descaling effect seems to be
much faster than magnetic or electric field types
Might be less effective at heavy solutes
contained. Commercialized examples Watercryst,
Nextfiltration, OneFlow
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm - Ben
Rusuisiak Specialty Cleantech Analysis,
Vancouver, Canada
111Crystallization continued 2
- b-Fluidized Bed Crystallization(FBC)/Pellet
Reactor Crystallized pellets of various
minerals/heavy metal etc are recovered or
reused(eg Calcium Carbonate CaCO3Calcite etc)
at drinking water or wastewater processing. This
method often involves chemical dosage but
non-chemical cleantech option exists.
- WM Accepted effect A(Scale prevention in water
pipe), By water softening effect combined with
resource recovery fine sand/silica/calcium on a
fluidized bed become nucleus for inorganic
material to continue crystallizing to pellet size
for recovery utilization, Substantial
installation in Netherlands but in most other
hardwater countries especially Americas it
remains underused or not used at all. Deployed
at small to large drinking water treatment
facilities(Hydro-Elektrik GmbH, Veolia Actina,
Reststoffenunie Waterleidingbedrijven BV,
Symphonic water solutions) cleantech option is
non injection of low impact chemical(Caustic soda
NaOH, Lime CaOH2) to raise pH for enhanced
crystallization. Lime pellets recovered are used
for fertilizer/steel/cement/construction industry
application. - New calcite nucleus(not sand) pellet growth for
higher quality lime for increased return(Waternet
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm - Ben
Rusuisiak Specialty Cleantech Analysis,
Vancouver, Canada
121Crystallization continued 3
- --gtgtcont b-Fluidized Bed Crystallization(FBC)/Pel
let Reactor - Unlisted effect(Resource or toxin, heavy metal
recovery) in addition to water softening
purpose, FBC's ability to crystallize solutes in
water is used for wastewater cleaning combined
with resource recovery. This method often
deploys chemical dosage, but some companies can
use cleantech method of non chemical dose or it
is all recovered for reuse hence no effluent is
produced(Century Water Systems, Ever-clear
????????????? ).
Phosphorus Recovery (Royal HaskoningDHV -
Crystalactor), add magnesium dosed for
crystallization of phosphorus but all recovered
for fertilizer use (Mitsubishi Kakoki, PHOSNIX -
Hitachi Zosen), But unlike other processes, for
this purpose, there are many innovative method
that must always use low dose chemical/polymer
for flocculation(hence not covered in this
research) that are as or in some cases more
effective/lower cost. - P(Sludge reduction), S(separation of waste
toxin) as a result this enables separation of
unprocess-able elements, reduces sludge to be
handled at rest of wastewater process make more
entire system to function more effectively
(particularly Anaerobic Digestion) by providing
concentrated sludge feedstock.
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm - Ben
Rusuisiak Specialty Cleantech Research,
Vancouver, Canada
132Pulsed Power Effect Accepted by Western
Mainstream(WM) as valid
- 2Pulsed Power Strong Electromagnetic field
pulsation causes water and dissolved ion molecule
behavior to be affected - For some effects like pipe scale prevention,
official WM acceptance occurs only in Pulsed
Power categorization while other much lower cost
system with essentially the same mechanics tech
are pseudoscience treatment(actually the portion
of higher H2O2 type Reactive Species are
generated with Pulsed Power via plasma generation
in water but this is often not mentioned as
difference by WM). Such as 25Electrostatic
26Alternating Electric field, 27Alternating
Magnetic field, and to some extent
24Electrolytic metal ion and venturi do generate
some micro plasma by some of effective models.
High powered pulse is easier to make microplasma
or even larger plasma in water(for some unclear
reason certain weaker power systems seem to be
able to make one also frequency? waveform?) - Only difference is high cost of device,
frequency(in some cases) how much high power is
used to generate the effect. It might be
beneficial for seller of similar tech products to
use Pulsed Power as branding name for WM
acceptance, which might seem to happen with some
weaker power using devices.
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm - Ben
Rusuisiak Specialty Cleantech Analysis,
Vancouver, Canada
142Pulsed Power continued 2
- WM Accepted effect A(Descaling),
B(unti-corrosion), C(algae stifling) by altering
electric charge of CaCO3 type elements so that it
would continue to be suspended in water instead
of attaching to pipe walls, or stifle germs
activity, High power devices also caused by
shockwaves to rupture cell walls, Also effective
in fouling control by different mechanics but
same microplasma type generating Microwave
induction(Onvector), also widely known to
increase microwave plasma induction by ultrasonic
wave, H(oil water separation, demulsion), J(Waste
water cleaning), P(Sludge reduction or odor
remove), H2(Dewatering), See section
42Electroporation for more of above J,P,
H2effects, - Commercialized eg (Dolphin WaterCare, Griswold
Water System, Genesis Environmental Service co) - As generally in West, this type of contrast
often happens to coincide when existing tech
lobbying is strong enough to deny tech validity
of lower cost same effect technology across
different industry sectors(eg energy industry
Water emulsion of unburnable oil into low
emission fuel, medical industry Vaccine, Cancer
treatment exclusive only valid treatment while
clearly documented more effective much lower cost
techs are legally banned from quoting evidence
and witness).
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm - Ben
Rusuisiak Specialty Cleantech Analysis,
Vancouver, Canada
153KDF Effect mix of Accepted Disputed by
Western Mainstream(WM)
- 3KDF(Kinetic Degradation Fluxion) Media with
copper-zinc formulation, some relation to
24Electrolytic metal water treatment, Works by
triggering electrochemical oxidation reduction(by
copper and zinc in the media) to water for CaCO3
etc to remain in solution. Also ion reaction for
bacteria stifling effect. Often used with
Activated Carbon or a part of many filtering in a
drinking water system. Stand along system usually
need backwash every month or more, Usually piggy
backing other media or filters combined in
treatment system WM Accepted effect C(Algae
germ stifling) - Sometimes media Disputed effects, but WM science
accepted A(antiscale of pipes), B(anti
corrosion), Commercialized eg (CuZn Water,
TowerClean, H2O Concepts )
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm - Ben
Rusuisiak Specialty Cleantech Research,
Vancouver, Canada
164Metal Ion Effect mix of Accepted Disputed by
Western Mainstream(WM)
- 4Metal Ion Metal ions of Silver/Copper/Zinc
to dissolve into water,
WM Accepted effects CD(Algae germ stifling as
process or as water), N(Food detergent),
- Sometimes WM media level Disputed A(Descaling
water pipes)(BrightWater Environmental )
- Weaker effects Result is stronger in as "full
effect" when offered by certain specific mix of
metal ions(often to do with silver see
"colloidal or ionic solution" at section 63') or
some kind of "EM wave amplification" types
offered by some companies. Effect gap in this
area depended on technology might be significant.
This seem to include metal ion itself becomes
or/and surrounding water into biologically active
resonance state with selective bioenhancing
controlling ability H(oil water separation),
K(Dirty lake, river, ocean water cleaning, fish
enhancement) significant result in smaller sized
pond, but effect is weak in ocean or flowing
river - Commercialized eg(Cromwell Environment
Technologies, Nevoton, Ocion, Procare Water
Treatment, AquaSmarter VALTECH, Exterminator
Pond), Unique Silver ion H2O2 mix for
augmented effect of "stabilized" hydrogen
peroxide(Roam Technology Huwa San - BioXeco,
Sanosil AG, ) or catalyzed?(Hei Hungerbach) WM
sometimes insist Ag should decompose H2O2. - Unclear but seemingly similar mechanics
Specialty electroplating process of nickel which
reacts to water, for significantly increased germ
killing even over silver(Kobelco KENIFINE) can
be applied to paint as powder, surface is too
hard to scratch away.
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm - Ben
Rusuisiak Specialty Cleantech Analysis,
Vancouver, Canada
175Natural Acid Effect mix of Accepted Disputed
by Western Mainstream(WM)
- 5Natural Acids Here only a few of them are
highlighted from large of acids that can be
referred to as naturally fast degradable(hence no
toxin) acids synthesizable from natural
ingredients(but usually chemically produced for
commercial purpose including ingredients). - Some are fully generated by natural environment
or bio organism. Due to no residual this
qualifies as water cleantech. Also see
Hypochlorous acid(HOCl) at section 17'
18'Electrolysis, 19'Fulvic acid(C14H12O8). Very
widely used H2O2 is not covered in this
i- Citric Acid(C6H8O7)
Commercialized eg (NuvoH2O, eH2O, Precision
Dynamics). Standard process in oil
refining/degumming, but under-utilized usage as
- WM Accepted effect D(general cleaning), in rare
cases product is used without chemical mix on
commercial scale. --gtgtcont
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm - Ben
Rusuisiak Specialty Cleantech Research,
Vancouver, Canada
185Natural Acid continued 2
- --gtgtcont i-Citric Acid
- Disputed for commercialized benefit by some media
or conventional water treatment company linked
articles, Effects are widely accepted as valid
for historical traditional manual home type
applications but far less of academic documents
to officially approve practicality for commercial
use, while some industry linked credible groups
deny its effectiveness. Many chemical scale or
other water related treatment methods combine
citric acid with other chemical/mechanics. - A(Descaling), as chelating agent to soften water
by reacting with CaCO3 type scale elements,
H(oil-water separation), M(Spray, soak water to
last food, less mold), N(Food detergent),
Y(Insectcide, herb stifler), - Weaker effect B(Decorrosion or rust prevention),
F(Laundry detergent as water), i.e. effective
only in narrower range of situation.
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm - Ben
Rusuisiak Specialty Cleantech Analysis,
Vancouver, Canada
195Natural Acid continued 3
- ii--Peracetic Acid(C2H4O3)(PAA, Peroxyacetic
acid) Full std process in many industrial
applications with very large volume used, but
significant regional/industrial segment
acceptance gap with particularly low level in
consumer use or water treatment related
application. Might require modification in flow
system installation due to high metal
corrosivity. Basically a mix of vinegar and
hydrogen peroxide. More maintained oxidation
ability with organic matter mix, also effective
at lower temperature operation. Even now
occasional cleantech debunking occurs described
as "harmful residual chemical" by a small part of
mainstream or cleantech promotor by lumping
together with other chemicals that are toxic.
Some large commodity Hydrogen Peroxide(H2O2)
producers actively participate for specific end
use. - WM Accepted effect Many offer cross-over
effects A(Descaling), useable for heavy scale
depositing situation(Evonik DEGACLEAN),
C(algae-germ killing),(Vetoquinol HYPEROX),
D(general cleaning, disinfectant)(??????? ),
F(Laundry detergent as water)(Belinka Perkemija
PERSAN) - J(cleaning wastewater)(USP Technologies, Solvay
Chemicals) low initial infra cost and simple
operation advantage, Strong enough to have
effective results on oil field fracking water
(PeroxyChem VigorOx, Ecolab NALCO Champion),
85-100 water recycling as a module system(Organo
jp, ............................................
......................... additionally even
hot water heat is recovered for use(Kurita),
L(drinking water generation), usually for
domestic stock/animal(Agraplan Peraclean, Tevan
Panox), --gtgtcont
- ?ing ???????????? ARRoWS ),
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Rusuisiak Specialty Cleantech Research,
Vancouver, Canada
205Natural Acid continued 4
- --gtgtcont ii--Peracetic Acid?
M(Spray on seed/crops to disinfect)(Jet Harvest,
PERAgreen Solutions), N(Food detergent)(Enviro
Tech Chemical Services, ?????? "????") - Strong oxidizer, Fast complete degradation,
freezing point -40C. Many effects are quite
potent after high dilution used in some
industrial disinfection over toxic chemicals even
when it is not issue, while underused in other
sectors. There is added synergy by pretreatment
effect for UV. Many also offer in powder form to
be diluted by water for use(Atomesbio BIOXY), - Other H2O2 based Peracetic acid
variation(Freebac), H2O2 Formic acid gt
Performic acid(CH2O3 freezing point -18C)(Kemira
DesinFix), Other acid mix(Novus ACTIVATE wd)
there are many other variations that are
biodegradable and low cost. Also Most products
are transported stored before application, but
there are 25-40 less cost Peracetic Acid onsite
production upto 30 range concentration type
grades from various chemicals(Peracetic Acid
Systems), while Water Air based onsite
production is much lower cost(Eltron Water
IMPAACT)(max 330,000ppm) with negligible vol
catalyst - Other Natural Acids that are mainly limited to
DIY type use small scale utilization with some
of prementioned situations, and it is possible to
use cost effectively in many situations as is or
by blending with other natural acids, but in most
industrial situations mixed with chemicals eg
Ascorbic Acid(C6H8O6 Vitamin C), Acetic
Acid(CH3COOH Vinegar) etc.
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Rusuisiak Specialty Cleantech Analysis,
Vancouver, Canada
216Ozone Effect mix of Accepted, Disputed,
Rejected by Western Mainstream(WM)
- 6Ozone Part of std process in early stage
water disinfection, but rare to replace chlorine
as final stage drinking water treatment before
circulation mainly due to regulations(Xylem
Wedeco). Despite some WM claims of opposite,
cost can be already lower than chemical tech in
majority of cases. - Also when not isolate Ozone only effect, other
byproduct radicals co-produced its synergy seem
to magnify effect(can be 2-20 fold more effective
with likely by Hydroxyl generationOH) there
are many other ways than UV to produce
Electrolytic Ozone Generation(Biotek-Ozone),
Spiral vortex water ozone generator
(Ailove.co.jp), Platinum based coating(with
Ir, Ru or Rh) of Titanium electrode (Tanaka
Kikinzoku) etc, Concentrated -supersaturated
ozone dissolved in water by bubble size
pressure control etc (BlueInGreen, AirTree
Ozone). Plasma/Corona discharge in water(Ebara
EJK jp, Ozomax inc) often in pulse mode,
Emphasis on duel insitu sterilization by two
choices with H2O2(Teknomar), also see 19Diamond
Electrolysis, Catalyst based Ozone(Ozontech
Systems AB) some effective ones seem to be
ozone water exposed to corona/plasma discharge,
Ceramic based Ozone likely
other reactants co-producing(Medklinn) ?
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Rusuisiak Specialty Cleantech Research,
Vancouver, Canada
226Ozone continued 2
- WM Accepted effects In some nations not widely
deployed - CD(Algae-germ stifling process, or as water
short term) Ozonated ice/Ozone ice is rarely
used application outside of prolonged fish
preservation(O3-Matic, KoronaOzon), Claims WM
unapproved max 20ppm ozone dissolved
(???????? ????)
I(grease trap cleaning, kitchen odor
removal)(Kanplakun, Oxytech GmbH), Long lasting
Stabilized Aqueous Ozone(Tersano), Low temp
Medical Sterilization(TSO3), Partial agriculture
pesticide replacement while crop growth is
enhanced by increased oxygen supply(AgOzein, AgO3
nz), Wine industry(Pacific Ozone), Semi
pseudoscientized effective dental
treatment(healOzone), ?
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Rusuisiak Specialty Cleantech Research,
Vancouver, Canada
236Ozone continued 3
- --gtcont WM Accepted effects
J(AOPAdvanced Oxidation Process waste water
treatment etc) organic mater is decomposed
instead of absorbtion type process like filtering
which requires another process (also see 7'UV),
Ozone type AOP often involves H2O2, OH-(Hydroxide
ion), Singlet Oxygen(1O2 excited state,
regular ground state is triplet3O2) etc
co-production of Electrolytic related activity
which generates OH(hydroxyl radical), but there
seems to be other multiple ways of OH production
that is not understood/agreed upon(Silver Bullet
AOP is offered by many ozone
electrolyzer providers but still underutilized in
many sectors/nations(Note non-ozone based AOPs
are also listed here to give comparison). - Companies' focus on different mechanics i-Ozone
H2O2(Trussell Technologies), ii-H2O2
UV(Calgon Carbon Sentinel - Rayox) can be used
for wastewater as well as drinking water with
residual Hydrogen Peroxide to replace chlorine if
regulation allows (also generally no risk for O3
related Bromate byproducts), iii-Ozone water UV
(Spartan ULTRAZONE), iv-Some use all major
multiple combo i-iii to maximize multiple
reactive specie production, and can deliver mega
size wastewater oxidation system(Ozonia -
Degrémont - SUEZ, TrojanUV), v-Nanobubble Ozone
increases effect when organic material attaches
to negative electron of finebubble
surface(Sumitomo Seimitsu Kogyo), vi-Some
combine with Hydrodynamic cavitation(Ozomax
inc), Others combine cavitation from Ultrasonic
Hydrodynamic to further significantly augment
effect for high flow AOP(OZONIX Ecosphere Tech)
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Rusuisiak Specialty Cleantech Analysis,
Vancouver, Canada
246Ozone continued 4
- --gtgtcont WM Accepted effects J(AOP)
Some focus on niche markets
i-Competitive in Pulp paper bleaching(ZeTrac
Valmet - Metso), ii-Ground remediation by all
insitu generation electrochemical process(Kerfoot
Technologies), or by high pressure pulse mode
injection of Ozone H2O2 (Applied Process
Technologies APTwater HiPOx), iii--For Produced
Flowback water at Oil industry(atg UV),
iv--Mini AOP portable device(Ozo-Pen), v-For
ocean water fishpond, or hot spring baths(Toyo
Valve ????????), etc Under-explored regularly
claimed effects, H(effective in water oil
separation), M(food disinfection), N(food
detergent, Ozone/Ultrasonic can combine to
increase effectiveness), R(metal precision, high
tech parts washing) Wafer, semiconductor,
LCD(liquid crystal display), photomask parts,
ozone nanobubble infused water is most effective
washing fluid in some parts(MKS Instruments,
Nomura nms, Ovivowater ), W(degassing)
E(Industrial type cleaner), S(coagulation, toxin
separation) - Sometimes Disputed effects, A(pipe scale
prevention by stifling biological element),
Strong AOP insitu reactive specie mix for
drastically reduce or eliminate chemical blowdown
(Ozomax inc, BWT Coolzon, OzoCan),),
B(corrosion prevention)(Ozone Elettronica - De
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Rusuisiak Specialty Cleantech Research,
Vancouver, Canada
256Ozone continued 5
- Generally WM media Rejected effects,
significantly lower cost version by Ozone use and
already major commercial use in some regions - F(laundry, detergent as water or process,
effective in cold water use(unless washing load
is very dirtythen use lukewarm, Ozone dissolved
type is more effective than direct air ozone
injection, Some still uses reduced small amount
of detergent to activate its effect) eg
PureWash, Guardian Manufacturing, Air Trona )
Often plasma type method is used(can involve UV
pulse), co-producing H2O2, Hydroxyl Radical etc,
some combine other pseudoscientific methods to
increase effectiveness(eg Magnetic water
EcoWasher), Nanobubble use(Cwtozone), Validity
confirmation of low cost and effectiveness is
sometimes avoided by WM academic while still
appealed as complete pseudoscience at main
media(targeting consumer market), but amongst
scientists and industrial sector this tech is a
common sense and regularly used,
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Rusuisiak Specialty Cleantech Research,
Vancouver, Canada
266Ozone continued 6
- --gtgtcont Generally WM media Rejected effects,
significantly lower cost version by Ozone use and
already major commercial use in some regions
- Z(Plant growth enhancementaside from
disinfection by irrigation) Mainly Plasma
Activated water/Electrosprayed water containing
Ozone or separately ozone water makes plant
robust while reducing needs for pesticide(develop
resistance), Some insist effect is only due to
extra oxygen(Oxion Inc), Enhancing
roots(Novozone ltd), Something more than just
delivering extra oxygen its effects(Mountain
High Water, Ozonetrust.ir). - Academical interpretation is soil quality
enhanced with electrolyte concentration and more
absorbing softer soil even clays, UV irradiation
might be additionally required(Han Steffen).
Additionally saves water also(Climate Control
Systems Inc, Creative OZ-Air pvt), This effect
resembles Phase Catalyst Water production
methods(see section 28', also 23'Plasma Activated
Water, 41'Electrospray ) - Unlisted effects Water oil emulsion fuel etc
production Rotating Electrode(also Concentric
Cylinder Electrode or vortex swirling type
electrode)use 25 more efficient ozone generator
use(Inpal net)
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Rusuisiak Specialty Cleantech Research,
Vancouver, Canada
277UV UltraViolet ray Effect mix of Accepted,
Disputed, Fully rejected by Western Mainstream(WM)
- 7UV, widely deployed effect, Not always same
effect as 6Ozone tech due to some UV types
incorporate various reactive species
generation(H2O2 etc leading to Hydroxyl Radical
production strongest "nonchemical" type
oxidizer) for disruptive level effect(WM media
sometimes unapproved). - Also as effect itself one fundamental difference
is UV simply disinfects, but Ozone has oxidation
capability, while UV exposure of Ozone generates
amplified disinfection ability with Hydroxyl
generation. But especially on effective
versions, exact detail on i-catalyst/electro
chemical process, ii-what reactants are
co-produced, or iii-what chemical interaction
types of oxidizing takes place in their reactions
seem to be both secret unclearly identified at
the same time. Even cost for non-AOP/regular
type UV is increasingly becoming lower cost than
chemical system overall by various tech
advancement environmental regulation
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Rusuisiak Specialty Cleantech Analysis,
Vancouver, Canada
287UV continued2
- --gtgtLowering cost of various UV techs
- i Electrodeless UV lamp by microwave/plasma use
for instant turn on off, light direction
flexibility, adjust light, low heat etc (Severn
Trend Denora, MEC co Ltd ), ii similar benefits
in LED UV/UV-C LED/Excimer UV(laser like
concentration to focus on selectivity)
(Aquisense, Aquionics, Acuva Technologies,
RayVio), often significant effectiveness
dependence on UV equipment makers, and sometimes
owned by them, Original UV inventor offering
water treatment is rare(U-VIX), iii Unique
quartz inlined water pipe to continuously reflect
UV light in very effective way combined with
ultrasonic transducer to prevent
scaling(Atlantium), - iv Non water contact easy maintenance UV lights
surround transparent wastewater pipe with self
cleaning turbulent flow(Enaqua Grundfos), v
Vertical reactor flow control(Ozonia aquaray
SUEZ), vi Further stronger high powered UV
pulse(in some cases takes 1/30-40 time of
continuous UV)(Xenex, Excelitas, econos ????)
AOP type effect.
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Rusuisiak Specialty Cleantech Analysis,
Vancouver, Canada
297UV continued3
- --gtgtvarious UV techs
- For AOP Level strength i Hydrogen Peroxide H2O2
co-production and eventual Hydroxyl radical
generation seems to be one of key factors for
high effectiveness(compared to Ozone only, far
stronger effects produced by synergy with other
insitu produced reactants) as repeated often in
7'UV 6'ozone section, including Photo Fenton
Reaction(Enviolet), but also
ii some irradiate Ozone water with UV for
significantly amplified effect(Sen Lights UZON),
iii TiO2UV - Photocatalytic combo, - WM Accepted effect C(bacteria stifling at pool
etc), J(AOP process or/and disinfection)
Commercial pool doable with on par or superior
effects(DEL Ozone), Ballast water(Alfa Laval,
Hyde Marine, BIO-SEA/BIO-UV),
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Rusuisiak Specialty Cleantech Analysis,
Vancouver, Canada
307UV continued4
- --gtgtcont WM Accepted effect
- Super high performance officially pre-made enough
vol of Hydrogen Peroxide(H2O2) feeding for waste
water treatment combo with UV system exists since
1990s(ULTROX, Vulcan - Calgon Carbon Perox-Pure)
which was often shelved by buyouts other
methods etc, but actually many seem to be capable
of further disruptive waterair based insitu
production of low concentration H2O2 with UV
combo(Eltron Water PeroxEgen) this tech's
effectiveness is sometimes WM debunked as "UV
cannot penetrate well even slight turbid water".
Shirt pocket carried mini device(SteriPen),
While Sometimes WM
Disputed effects are A(pipe descaling) by
production of H2O2, Ozone, Hydroxyl(Silver Bullet
Water) this company also claims Singlet Oxygen
production as a cause. Occasionally claimed
effect of above temporarily decomposed water
functions as E(Industrial cleaner),
Weaker occasionally claimed
effects S(Coagulation, toxin separation).
Other commercialized eg (UV Pure, Phonix
Science and Technology, LG Innotek ) ?
Fully rejected Prolonged UV treatment combined
with other processes(pressure, distillation-conden
sation repetition, temperature, cavitation,
electrolysis) produces electrically active
capacity holding or bioenhancing effect
water(Penta AquaRX)
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Rusuisiak Specialty Cleantech Analysis,
Vancouver, Canada
318Aeration, Aerobic Bacteria, Anaerobic
Digestion Effect mix of Accepted, Disputed,
Rejected by (WM)
- 8 Aeration Aerobic Bacteria Activation(See
?Anaerobic Digestion 6 pages later) Also see
30'EM, 13'Nanobubble/Finebubble/Microbubble - Air or oxygen as dissolved in water is circulated
so that aerobic bacteria is activated to consume
organic waste faster. Most std process in many
parts of drinking water waste water treatments,
but not in other processes. There are less
deployed but notable combined stronger claims
with Ultrasonic, Microbubble(down to more
effective Nanobubble/Ultrafine Bubble) for
enhanced effects. - WM Accepted widely used effects C(Algae
stifling) different elements can make the process
ineffective, S(Coagulation), H(oil-water
separation) std process, J(waste water
cleaning) Although activated sludge process with
separate aeration settling tanks are starting
to become common amongst existing sewer waste
water treatment system, Membrane BioReactor
MBR(faster processing smaller space taking,
scalable sizing) is already mainstream standard
on new installation level(Bio Microbics). Some
claim to function with 1/2 size of regular MBR
tank size(Kubota), ?--gtgtcont
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Vancouver, Canada
328Aeration, Aerobic Bacteria, Anaerobic Digestion
continued 2 Aeration Aerobic Bacteria 2
- --gtgtcont WM Accepted widely used effects
J(wastewater aeration)
- Other competitive low cost effective aerations
by i- selecting bacteria that needs less
oxygen(American Water NPXpress),
ii- very high oxygen
retention large biofilm area generation
Membrane Aerated Biofilm ReactorMABR(Emefcy, GE
water ZeeLung, OxyMem ), aerating nano ceramic
"gill"(BioGill), similar?(Microvi), iii- deep
vertical underground shaft with separate up/down
controlled flow to maximize hyperbaric
oxygenation(NORAM VERTREAT), iv- pressurized
oxygen feeding with rotating ceramic membrane
disc that diffuses fouling(Grundfos BioBooster),
v- Aerobic and
Anaerobic processes take place alternatingly
(AtlasEnergyTech - Baswood BioViper), vi-
Simple containerized highly adoptable non reactor
type single-pass treatment by advanced composite
polymer material enhanced biofilm filter media
system(Island Water Tech REGEN), --gtgtcontinued
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Vancouver, Canada
338Aeration, Aerobic Bacteria, Anaerobic Digestion
continued 3 Aeration Aerobic Bacteria 3
- --gtgtcont WM Accepted widely used effects
J(wastewater aeration)
Other competitive low cost effective aerations
by - vii- Unique low maintenance tray based compact
Air Stripping system(not packed tower which is
mainstream in many nationsTonka Water, Layne
Christensen) that removes almost all toxic VOC
Volatile Organic Compounds (QED Environmental
Systems, Carbonair),
viii- Supersaturated /concentrated air
or oxygen dissolved in water by bubble size
pressure control etc(BlueInGreen) ix-
Combination of aeration and hydrodynamic
This is not really
aeration, but at about 10 size of equivalent
performing conventional primary treatment
settling tank with 1/2 power use with improved
overall performance by Rotating Belt
Filtration(screen belt) is still not well
propagated in some markets(Hydro International
Hydro MicroScreen, Blue Water Eco MAT), same
mechanics with sludge dewatering added(Salsnes
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Rusuisiak Specialty Cleantech Analysis,
Vancouver, Canada
348Aeration, Aerobic Bacteria, Anaerobic Digestion
continued 4 Aeration Aerobic Bacteria 4
- --gtcont WM Accepted widely used effects J(waste
water cleaning) Membrane BioReactor(MBR)
In addition to smaller
tank, 20-30 less energy use low CAPEX by
aerobic granular sludge generating quicker
setting(Royal HaskoningDHV Nereda) initiated by
Delft Univ.(There is slight disputing on
effectiveness at media level) - Although some universities in West pioneer new
water technology commercialization, This group
from Netherlands has most frequently been the
driving force of bringing in previous
pseudoscience into WM as science legal effects.
Often when they publish western unapproved but
non western nations granted effects, suddenly it
becomes "discovered" other western scientists
can officially start studying it for the first
time. - L(Drinking water production) Slow Sand
Filter(SSF) by biofilm effect(schmutzdecke) has
been long used as very effective low cost method
with essentially only cost is occasional sand
cleaning. Mostly replaced by "new conventional"
methods since around 1950s by exaggerated media
ineffectiveness appeal, lack of profitability
(when this system is sold compared to other
mechanical-chemical types) short term land
sales profit in low cost land area, and genuinely
higher cost in super high land cost area.
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Rusuisiak Specialty Cleantech Analysis,
Vancouver, Canada
358Aeration, Aerobic Bacteria, Anaerobic Digestion
continued 5 Aeration Aerobic Bacteria 5
- --gtgt cont WM Accepted L(Drinking water
production) Slow Sand Filter(SSF) by biofilm
Its high effectiveness in removing
heavy metal to undesired bacteria is not fully WM
explained. Also effective as activated sludge
combined waste water treatment is now becoming
under-utilized status on new installation basis,
replaced by another bio process MBR(Membrane
BioReactor). - Given established economic system, more suitable
to install new in poor nations with low cost land
that doesn't disrupt local overall business
structure. With mechanical sand cleaning system,
low cost labour is no longer essential. Cost
competitiveness diminishes in long freezing
season area(BioSand Filter - Manz Engineering,
Bushproof, South Asia Pure Water Initiative),
Often due to low profitability(too cheap) notable
NGOs handling rather than prv companies(similar
phenomena to solar desalination or atmospheric
water collector)(DHAN Vayalagam foundation), but
some eco conscious Western companies are taking
up again(Osmo Sistemi) - J(waste water cleaning) effect in sludge
digestion by some high aeration methods has
WM media occasionally
Disputed portion as to whether non-conventional
aeration methods are much more effective than
regular aeration types. In certain
applications/situations some are reported to
demonstrate disruptively increased effectiveness
in following types Spiral aerator type(Pax Water
Technologies), Z(bioenhancement, extra plant
growth)(Seair inc)
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Rusuisiak Specialty Cleantech Research,
Vancouver, Canada
368Aeration, Aerobic Bacteria, Anaerobic Digestion
continued 6 Aeration Aerobic Bacteria 6
- --gtgtcont J(waste water cleaning) WM media
occasionally Disputed Portion
Bottom up spiral vortex
bubble aerator(Hanasaki Bussan Neo Tornado),
Bottom up slow pulsed air seems to save 50-95 of
energy with low maintenance no moving parts
mechanics variety of unconventional favorable
side effects(Pulsair Systems, Pulsed Hydraulics
inc, Geyser Pulse Pumps ) this tech is widely
used for a long time by military types and many
mainstream organizations in specific segment - Oloid aeration for surface floating
device(Oloid.ch) likely the most effective in
exclusive surface aeration tech, BioCeramic
contained microbe use(BioCleaner), Cavitation
Jet(DynaSwirl), Some unidentified bacteria combo
seem to have pseudoscientifically effective
results(Sludge Solutions International), Adding
infused microbubbles ultrasound(Blue Frog
System) for smaller nanosized Ultra fine bubble
aeration(Anzaimcs) see 13Nanobubble. For
Vortex types see 11HydroDynamic Cavitation
12Spiral Vortex Flow. For Aerobic/Anaerobic
digestion also see 30EM. - Generally WM Rejected effect D2(Human preferred
selective herb-insect removing), G2(energy/fuel
production), microbial EOR(New AERO technology)
cleantech mainstream level acceptance is
increasing. - Unlisted Effect Unusually low energy use(80-90
less) effective aeration decomposing of waste
water when rapidly changing pressure was applied
as liquid travels to out of rotating treating
drums via settling tanks Bio-Disk Rotating
Biological Contractor (????? ?????? ?????? .?.?
E.P.C. ltd Bio-Disk)
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Rusuisiak Specialty Cleantech Analysis,
Vancouver, Canada
378Aeration, Aerobic Bacteria, Anaerobic Digestion
continued 7 Anaerobic Digestion(AD)
- ?Anaerobic Digestion(AD)(Anaerobic AnMBR)
microbes consume waste content in water to
produce methane gas(natural gas) in absence of
oxygen, which can be used to produce power, some
water treatment operations are net electricity
exporter. Pre-treatment like mild hydrolysis etc
increases digestion effectiveness - WM Accepted effects, widely used in some nations,
J(wastewater cleaning) specifically ammonia
oxidation/decomposing Anammox Process(Anaerobic
Ammonium Oxidation)(Paques nl, Kurita, DEMON
GmbH, Hitachi), likely similar(Microvi). ?
Also as four element
combined effect of J(waste water
cleaning)/P(sludge reduction)/C2(plant growth
promote matter generating)/G2(energy fuel
production) CHP(Combined Heat Power) use
often at least to heat AD tank. There are
installation gaps by nations industry/sector of
full mainstream use to under-utilization.
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Vancouver, Canada
388Aeration, Aerobic Bacteria, Anaerobic Digestion
continued 8 Anaerobic Digestion(AD) 2
- --gtgtcont WM Accepted effects J(waste water