Title: IGCSE BST Business Studies Marketing Mix for Apple Products in India meso rise academy Nishant Sir
1 IGCSE business studies
mesorise _at_gmail.com
Marketing Apple Products in india
Whtsapp No -9810773664 Malviyanagar , South
Prepared by Tripurari Dwivedi Nishant
2Marketing mix Apple Products in india
3Marketing is the soul of any business, so is
true for famous apple products in india
Marketing is the management
proces which identifies consumer wants, predict
future wants, create wants and find ways to use
these wants to the fullest (most profitably).
Businesses try to satisfy wants in the most
profitable way possible. Marketing covers a wide
range of activities such as advertising,packaging
,promotion, etc
4- A successful Marketing department for apple
products should be able to achieve these
objectives for the business - To increase sales revenue and profitability in
india - To increase market share (percentage of sales a
product has in a market) - . To maintain or improve image of a product or
company. - To target a new market or market segment.
- To develop new products or improve existing ones.
- SWOT analysis
- It is important for the firm to evaluate its
position. .It assess these things - Strengths (internal)
- Weaknesses (internal)
- Opportunities (external)
- Threats (external)
- If Apple wants to market its product in India, it
has to do SWOT analysis for its products.
5Market segments Market segments are parts of a
market which contains people which have similar
preferences for their products. The Marketing
department should know which segment their
product fits the most, so that they can advertise
and sell their products to it. There are two
ways to segment markets. By the type of product
or the attributes of the customers buying it.
Here are two types of markets which are segmented
based on the product ? Mass market Where there
is a large number of sales of a product. (e.g.
Pepsi can be bought anywhere) ? Niche market A
small market for specialised products. (e.g.
Ferrari cars) Apple is an elite product and its
market is a Niche market. Hence, it has to focus
on the rich and highly educated middle class to
sell its products.
Market can be segmented depending on peoples
buying habit of theproduct ? Income ? Age ?
Region ? Gender ? Use of product ?
Lifestyle The Apple inc. should focus on
teenagers and adults belonging to a rich segment
of the Indian society who specially buy lifestyle
products for distinction. I
6The marketing mix The marketing mix is a term
that describes how products are marketed.
Marketing research is optional if product is
well- known internationally. However, market
research will provide more accuracy and
objectivity if it is done in the context of
India. The rest is summarized into the four P's.
Basic mantras of success lies in 4 Ps of
marketing as below ? Product Design and
quality, competitiveness, packaging, etc
? Price There are different pricing strategies.
Businenses need to use them so that they increase
sales. ? Promotion Advertising and promotion.
Discounts, TV adverts, sales, packaging, etc ?
Place The location of the point of sale (the
shop). Channels of distribution. Type of shop
(wholesaler or retailer) For a success in Indian
market, even Apple has to use all the 4 Ps
effectively to maxamize its profit, sales
revenue, and market share.
7The Apple is a highly valued international brand,
it can set high price while selling its products
in India . In order to improve its brand image
further, it has to focus on ? Unique packaging.
? Needs advertising to enforce the brand's
qualities. ? Higher price than unbranded
products. ? Higher quality than unbranded
products. ? Creates a brand image (unique image
associated with using the product) ? Creates
brand loyalty. ? Consistent quality.
Packaging - Getting the packaging right is very
important. Packaging performs several tasks ?
Protecting the product (also includes preserving
foods) ? Making it easy to transport. ? Allow the
product to be used easily. Container must be able
to be opened easily. (e.g. juice in a can) ?
Suitable for the product to fit in. Packaging
also helps promote the product ? Make it
eye-catching. ? Carries information about the
product. ? Promotes the brand image.
8The product life cycle For the Indian market,
Apple products are known. Thus it has crossed the
introductory level. The Apple for India is in the
second stage of its life cycle where big growth
potential is still untapped. Persuasive and
informative advertising should be used to
increase market share , sales revenue and brand
9Product Range Apple products are highly priced,
that limits its market specially in the case of
India. A lot of people do not have so much
purchasing power to buy Apple products, even
though they dream to buy them. For a success in
Indian market, Apple must come up with a varied
range of products keeping in mind the purchasing
power of middle class as well. In India, 200
million families long for better quality of life
and better goods. If Apple introduces products
that suit this class also, there will be great
increase in sales revenue and profit for Apple.
10- Price is a very important part of the marketing
mix - Price directly influences profits by creating
revenue - Price helps a business differentiate its
product or service compared with other, similar
products - ??E.g. High price better quality?
- ??E.g. Low price better value / lower quality?
- The price that is set must be consistent with
everything else in the marketing mix. - ??E.g. a high-priced product needs to have
features/benefits that customers feel justify
paying more
Price and the Marketing Mix
- Main objective of setting the right price is to
generate the level of sales that meets the
objectives of the business . Possible objectives
that influence price-settingMaximising profits - Maintaining or increasing share of a market,
- Entering a new market and
- getting a product/service accepted by customers
in the new market - Increasing sales volume (e.g. to make more
efficient use of production)
11Factors affecting demand ? The popularity of
substitute products. (products that can be used
instead of the product) ? The popularity of
complementary products. (products that require
each other or are used together) ? Changes in
income. ? Changes in taste and fashion. ? Changes
in advertising.
- Factors affecting supply
- Costs in supplying goods to the market Price
of raw materials. - Wage rates.
- Improvements in technology Makes it cheaper to
produce goods. - Taxes and subsidies Higher taxes mean higher
Market demand for Apple products is quite
inelastic, hence apple can charge high prices for
its products in Indian market too. Supply
condition is also favorable for apple as it is
one of the largest MNCs producing and selling
its product in this particular product group. We
cant deny the importance of reasonably priced
products for India, if Apple has to increase its
market share and market demand to boost its sales
revenue and profit in India.
12 Suitable pricing for Apple Price- skimming
Apple should charge lesser price in India than
what it is charging in the international
market.It should go for charging the highest
price in India in the same product group. High
prices are used when a new product is introduced
into a market, partly because it has a novelty
factor, and because of the high development
costs. High prices could be charged, because a
product is high quality. One last use of it is to
improve the brand image of a product, since
people usually associate high price with good
products. Skimming can help establish a product
as being good quality. It may lose potential
customers because of high price.
- Psychological pricing
- Apple is considered to be the best throughout the
world hence Apple should also adopt psychological
pricing as a well thought strategy because people
believe that a costly product is better than
others.Psychological pricing involves setting the
price that changes consumers perception of a
product. This may be by - Using high price to make using the product give
the user a status symbol. - Pricing a product at just below a whole number
(e.g. 99) which gives it an impression that it
is cheaper. ucts
13The role of promotion in the marketing mix
Promotion informs consumers about the rest of the
marketing mix. Without it, consumers do not know
about the product, the price, or the place.
Promotion is more than just advertising, and it
includes several activities. It is crucial when
you are selling in a mass market or you have a
brand name. Promotion includes
Advertisements They can take different forms,
e.g. on TV, in newspapers. h Promotion e.g.
Money off coupons. Personal selling Sending out
sales representatives to talk directly to the
consumers. Public relations Involves making the
public aware of the company, e.g. creating
publicity in the media. The aims of promotion
To inform people about particular issues. To
introduce new products to the market. To
compete with competitors products. To improve
the company/brand image. To increase sales.
14Promotion Different types of promotion
Promotion is usually used to support advertising
and to encourage new or existing customers to buy
the product. Its main function is to boost sales
in the short-term. It is used to attract new
customers Here are some ways in which promotion
can be used by Apple in Indian market ? Price
reductions Involves sales or price reduction
coupons. ? Gifts Gifts are placed in the
packaging of the product to encourage consumers
to buy it. (e.g. some free accessories to Apple
buyer). ? Competitions A card may be put in the
packaging allowing the consumer to enter contests
such as the lottery. ? Point-of sale displays
and demonstrations Can be put near the window
and displayed attractively.
15? After sales service e.g. warranty services. It
reassures the customers that if the product has a
problem then they can go and fix it for free.
This make the product more attractive than others
without warranty. The advantages of promotion
? Can boost sales during the year when sales are
traditionally low (encourage off-season
purchases) ? Encourages people to try a
product. ? Encourages people to buy a product or
the product in greater quantities. ? Encourages
people to buy a product instead of competitors
16Marketing mix - place
Consumers should be able to get to the product
easily, and the product has to be in the right
place (e.g. expensive chocolate shouldn't be in a
small grocery store) to sell well.
Channel 4 Involve selling the product overseas
through an agent, who sells them to wholesalers
on behalf of the company. This may be because
he/she has better knowledge of the local
17E-commerce E- commerce is a well known method
these days to increase the sales in a short
period of time because a large segment of the
population is always on the web searching
economical and good quality products. Apple can
make its own commercial site for display and sale
of its products. The use of the internet to
carry out business transactions is faster and
most popular way for effective marketing.
Finally, after all the four P's of the marketing
mix have been decided, the Marketing department
of Apple will put them together into one
marketing plan. It will also consider how the 4
P's will be modified or adapted to fit the
overall image of the product. If this is
successful, sales and profits will be likely to