Title: Take My Online Class Now: 5 Myths No One Told You (1)
15 Myths About Online Learning No One Told You
2MOOCs on a steady rise - Stanford, Harvard, Yale,
MIT, IIT, Heidelberg, etc. offer MOOCs
Online learning industry expected to increase by
9.2 every year
Self-paced eLearning market worth approximately
49 billion dollars in 2015
3Myth 1 Online Learning Is Easy
? It is flexible but not easy ? Typical course
includes weekly assignment, tests, online
discussions, blog assignments, and more ?
Requires around 10- 12 hours every week
4Myth 2 No Deadlines
? Self-paced learning allows students to complete
assignments and comment on discussion boards at
any time ? Assignments and tests, though, have
strict deadlines ? Professors take dates
5Myth 3 Online Courses Are Unaccredited
? Courses from reputed universities are
accredited ? Accreditation varies from school to
school look for regional accreditation ?
Check with Council for Higher Education
Accreditation for list of accrediting bodies
6Myth 4 Employers Do Not Value Online Degree
? Employers value accredited courses online or
not ? Employers encourage online courses for
professional development ? Major companies offer
online training 8 of world companies train
through MOOCs
7Myth 5 Online Courses Are Managed By Diploma
? The system was popularized by for-profit
colleges and diploma mills ? But over time and
increased awareness, their credibility vanished
8About Us
? Take My Online Class Offers help to students
struggling to complete their classes ? Well
complete homework, take tests, do discussion
boards, write blog assignments and more ? A or B
or your money back ? Well complete assignments
on time ? Your privacy is paramount Call us
and ask can you do my homework for me?
9Contact Us Website takemyonlineclassnow.com