Title: Android 7.0 Nougat is going to be upgraded in Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge
1is going to be upgraded in Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge!
2- Control over Notification Priority
When a notification pops up, just press and hold
to toggle the settings. For instance, you can
silence future alerts from an app in the
notification itself.
Easier to take action in the moment, with more
personalized settings and smarter notifications.
3- Reply to Notifications directly
- Mini conversations within your notifications
let you reply on the fly without opening any app. - It allow users to reply to a notification, right
from the notification bar, even without unlocking
your smartphone. - No need to navigate away from your current
window just to answer an important messages.
Notifications Direct Reply
4- Now its really easy to switch between apps with
a double tap, and run two apps side by side. - We can resize the apps like we do on Windows 8,
Tablets, which gives more flexibility.
Watch videos while checking other important stuff
Set an Alarm while browsing websites.
Multi Window View
5- Multiple Languages Support
- It has the ability to use two or more languages
at the same time. - You can now choose multiple languages for the
system default, and they will switch on the fly
when an app has localized content. - The new locale setting feature also comes with
tools to make it easy for developers to use them
in their apps
6- Quickly cut down on Data usage
- Android Nougat allows the users to turn on the
data saving mode and choose which apps will get
unrestricted data access to them. - It strictly restricts apps which are
unnecessarily running in background to use
mobile/cellular data. Therefore, it will help to
save your data and monthly bills. - Indirectly, it saves your battery life too.
7- Fast Performance and High Security
It ensures more tighter security and application
ask you for a permission to use storage related
files or not.
Starting your device is faster and apps run
securely even before you enter your password.
8- Its a great way to change how your screen
looks, whether you needed things to be a little
bigger/smaller to see them better, or if you are
a developer and want to test your app on
different display sizes. Its Perfect! - Not only you can change the size of the text on
your device, but the size of the icons and the
experience itself.
9- Enjoy favourite apps in Virtual Reality Mode
With Virtual Reality mode, Android Nougat is
ready to transport you to new worlds.
10- Experience Android in a new dimension
It introduces high-performance 3D graphics. Now,
you can play games, use applications even more
11- Show Emergency Information
- It lets you add information that can be useful
when youre in an emergency. - Just fill your information and data can be
accessed by anyone by tapping Emergency Call in
the lock screen, and then tapping on Emergency
12- Android Nougat have so many amazing features,
users are getting in Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge at a
decent price of approx. 1499 AED