Title: Natural Remedies For High Blood Pressure To Control BP Levels
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2Natural Remedies For High Blood Pressure
High blood pressure or hypertension is a common
health problem troubling masses these days. If
timely controlled, one may lead a healthy life
even with blood pressure or else it may be quite
risky and even life threatening. Blood pressure
is the pressure exerted by blood on artery walls
while flowing through arteries into the various
organs. Normal blood pressure is around 120/80 mm
or millimeters of mercury.
3Natural Remedies For High Blood Pressure
The two figures in blood pressure reading stand
for systolic pressure and diastolic pressure
respectively. The top number is systolic
pressure it is the pressure of blood on
arteries, when heart contracts and pumps blood
into arteries. The lower number indicates
diastolic pressure it is the blood pressure on
arteries, when heart relaxes after contraction.
4Natural Remedies For High Blood Pressure
Thus systolic pressure indicates maximum pressure
and diastolic pressure indicates minimum pressure
of blood on arteries. One needs to worry when
systolic pressure exceeds 140 mm and diastolic
pressure exceeds 90 mm. The reading implies high
blood pressure. Consistent high blood pressure
may lead to heart failures, kidney failures,
brain damage, cardiovascular disorders, hardening
of arteries etc.
5Causes And Symptoms Of High Blood Pressure
Causes of High Blood Pressure Aging, family
history, salt or sodium sensitivity, alcoholism,
smoking, tobacco, caffeine intake, obesity,
stress, inactivity, certain medications like
contraceptive pills, diet pills,
steroids. Symptoms of Hypertension Headache,
sleepiness, irritation, dizziness, nose-bleeding,
nausea and vomiting, flushed face, visual
6Control Blood Pressure Levels
- Weight reduction - Obesity is one cause of blood
pressure. Losing extra pounds can reduce blood
pressure miraculously. For instance, losing 10
pounds can work wonders for a patient of blood
pressure. Weight reduction improves the
effectiveness of BP medicines, the patient is
taking. The doctor may suggest a target weight
and the patient must strive to achieve it.
7Control Blood Pressure Levels
- Also one must be attentive about ones waist
line. Flab around waist increases the risk of
blood pressure. For men, the waist line should
not exceed 40 inches and for women, the waist
line should not exceed 35 inches. - Reduction in alcohol intake - Heavy drinking
increases blood pressure. More than one drink a
day for women and two drinks a day for men can
cause elevation in BP.
8Control Blood Pressure Levels
One may maintain an alcohol intake diary to
estimate ones drinking pattern. If one is
consuming more than 12 ounces of beer or 5 ounces
of wine or 1.5 ounces of 80 - proof liqor, it is
wise to cut down. Sudden break in drinking can
have a reverse effect, raising BP considerably.
It must be done under doctor's supervision.
9Control Blood Pressure Levels
- Avoiding smoking - Smoking and tobacco intake
should be avoided strictly. Nicotine in tobacco
causes considerable rise in BP. Blood pressure
may rise up to 10 mm, after an hour of smoking.
Being a passive smoker or inhaling smoke can also
cause the same kind of health problem.
10Control Blood Pressure Levels
- Cutting down on caffeine intake - One must reduce
the intake of caffeinated beverages, for it
causes a hike in blood pressure. One must not
consume more than 200 milligrams of caffeine a
11Stresx Capsules
Herbal Supplements for High Blood
Pressure Stresx capsule is a specially
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effectively against hypertension or high blood
pressure. It not only lowers high BP but also
helps in maintaining healthy blood pressure level
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