Title: Romy Minko AustraliaIs A Skilled Professional Working With Charter Keck Cramer In Melbourne
1Romy Minko Is A Skilled Professional Working With
Charter Keck Cramer In Melbourne
2Romy Minko is an Australia based Research Analyst
working at Charter Keck Cramer in Melbourne.
Here, she writes Python scripts to access, clean
and compile data from the web, statistical
analysis of data in Excel and Tableau and
research into factors that may affect the
property market in Australia, such as
affordability metrics and the emerging middle
class in China and India.
3Romy Minko is proficient in German and knows
basic Spanish. She has academic skills in diverse
areas which includes probability, calculus,
quantum computation, public key cryptography,
error correcting codes, elliptic curve
cryptography, organic synthesis, and physical
chemistry. She has the comprehensive knowledge of
topmost programming languages like Python, MatLab
and LaTex.
4Despite of having a busy schedule and
professional commitments, Romy Minko invests
quality time into her hobbies and interests. She
is a sports lover and keen music listener. She
actively took part in various athletic activities
like Triple jump, Sprints, Netball and Swimming.
5- She plays piano, saxophone, guitar and shown
her talent in Symphonic and Jazz bands at
secondary school. She is also a passionate member
of the Feminism Society at Royal Holloway and
contributed to their annual magazine, the
Wilding, writing about women in STEM.
6Romy Minko has always been keenly interested in
cryptography, since she began her secondary
school in Australia. She is a subscriber to Bill
Schneider's newsletter and Crypto-Gram.
7- She tries to stay abreast of the most recent
developments in cryptography. Besides studies,
she shares a great interest in sports as well as
in music. She actively took part in various
athletic activities like Triple jump, Sprints,
Netball and Swimming. She plays piano,
saxophone, guitar and shown her talent in
Symphonic and Jazz bands at secondary school.
8 A Research Analyst at Charter Keck Cramer, Romy
Minko is a resourceful professional with a good
academic background. Based in Melbourne,
Australia, she has years of professional,
volunteer and research experience. Being a
Research Analyst, she writes Python scripts to
access, clean and compile data from the web,
statistical analysis of data in Excel and
9- She also research various factors that are
affecting the property market in Australia, such
as affordability metrics and the emerging middle
class in China and India.
10 In addition to this, Romy Minko has also
attended a Conference at the University of
Oxford- Celebrating Women Across the Mathematical
Sciences. This conference gave her the
opportunity to listen to several prominent
mathematicians speak, as well as current PhD
11- She also had the privilege to speak to Kristin
Lauter of Microsoft Research who directed her
towards the internship opportunities available to
PhD students. This experience motivated her to
continue her education into research.
12 Prior to this, in 2013, Romy Minko worked in a
laboratory for her modules at University of
Melbourne. This work was often conducted in a
group and required a high level of analytical
thinking, as well as research for laboratory
13- She has also taught Mathematics for VCE and
Chemistry for IB to two students which helped her
in developing communication skills, particularly
the ability to effectively explain and educate,
proved to be an asset for her research work.
14 Romy Minko's has a volunteering experience
with Don Bosco Centre at Phnom Penh in Cambodia
for a week. She was involved in taking medication
to poor families affected by AIDS and preparing
relief packages for communities in poverty.