Title: Nursing jobs in South Africa - Consult Mednurse
We recruit RNs for private hospitals in South
Africa, Australia and the Middle East.
2Welcome to Mednurse Health Recruitment
3Mednurse is a professional and reliable
recruitment service provider, bringing to you an
array of health vacancies in South Africa and
abroad. We recruit qualified, registered nurses,
midwives and allied healthcare professionals
into hospitals in South Africa and abroad.
4Find the Best Nursing Jobs in South Africa at
5Specialists in Health Recruitment
- Mednurse Healthcare Recruitment is an Australian
owned health recruitment consultancy, providing
HR solutions to healthcare providers throughout
South Africa and abroad. - The Mednurse Team consists of a growing team of
industry experts. With combined industry
experience of over 20 years, we are considered
experts in the field of health recruitment.
6Need a job? Looking for the right candidate?
7 Phone number South Africa 27 21 421 0832
Email address admin_at_mednurse.co.za
Website www.mednurse.co.za