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Formula discount coupon - http//crownreviews.com/bnb-formula-review-and-bon
us/ - BNB Formula Review The 7 Figure Airbnb
Entrepreneur (And How You Join This BNB Gold
Rush) - BNB Formula is a labor of love intended to help
others get on the fast track to success with
Airbnb and become a part of the amazing window of
opportunity available right now in short term
rentals hosting! - BNB Formula Review BNB Formula Overview
- Homepage BNB Formula Official Site
- Product Name BNB Formula
- Type of Product Training Course
- Authors Brian Page
- Target niche
- Official Price
- Special Discount
- BonusesYes! You will get 2 extremely giant bonus
packs. Click to see 12700 Bonuses pack and
9700 Bonuses pack! - It's very huge - You will get 2 wonderful bonus
bundle that could - help you earn 135,000 in 18 months.
2These Jokers Figured Out How To Make 1M/Year on
Airbnb! 2020. Thats the year Airbnb is
projected to become 10 TIMES LARGER than it is
today, according to Forbes Magazine. And there
are a few people in the know whove figured out
the secret to earning HUGE six and seven figure
incomes on Airbnb. One of them is Brian
Page. So today I came across this guy, Brian
Page, who says hes making multiple six figures
per year on Airbnb even though he owns no
property. And he says hes just small potatoes
compared to the 75 people Forbes recently
uncovered who are making over a MILLION per year
on the site! Seems this guy has also figured out
how to outsource his entire business so he only
works a few hours per week to manage all his
listings. I could go on, but really, just see
for yourself this is really intriguing. Brian
has a set of 4 free videos which he is releasing
in which he shares the system he is
using! VIDEO The best thing is that Brian has
created an efficient system where he is earning a
full time income and just works a few hours each
week managing it. Sounds pretty good to me!
3This is really an interesting opportunity and as
you'll learn in the first video that you do NOT
need to own the properties yourself! In the video
Brian explains how he has a system where he
finds property owners that are happy to work with
him. Well, I could tell you more, but the videos
Brian is offering for free are amazing! Go check
them out before he takes them down on April
26th. I'm pretty sure that you'll be as excited
as I am about this great new opportunity after
watching the videos! Brian Page, an
entrepreneur, author, and expert Airbnb host has
completed an 8 week interactive training course
teaching students how to build a profitable
Airbnb business. Utilizing multiple properties,
this comprehensive video training and mentorship
program trains students in the 7 steps of his BNB
Formula. Brian used this formula to earn over
100,000 in his first six months and over
300,000 his first year with Airbnb, without
owning any properties. He is an expert in
automation and outsourcing, spending only a few
hours a week to manage his BNB business. BNB
Formula is a labor of love intended to help
others get on the fast track to success with
Airbnb and become a part of the amazing window of
opportunity available right now in short term
rentals hosting! BNB Formula provides
strategies, tips and resources to those
interested in the life changing business
opportunities available in the new sharing
economy phenomenon of short term
rentals. Airbnb is the leader in the
home-sharing, short-term rental and home sharing
industry. According to the Wall Street Journal,
Airbnb is projected to grow from 1.5 billion in
revenue today to 10 Billion by 2020. Currently
Airbnb makes up less than 1 of the hospitality
industry with exponential growth expected in the
near future as consumers become aware of and
choose sharing hospitality and short term stays
over traditional hotels. BNB Formula Review
Special Features of BNB Formula?
4- The BNB Formula training goes into depth on such
topics as - How to delegate 95 of day to day tasks to free
up your time - Using Templates, Fillable Forms, and Downloadable
Tools to build your business - Access to a global online community of other BNB
business owners - via the private forum - Using custom profitability software with the BNB
Property Profits Calculator - 14 On-site videos showing you the best tips and
tricks for listings - Deep Dive lessons for in depth training on a
variety of useful BNB skills - Outsourcing almost all guest communication
through third party services - The 3 types of property that are most profitable
to turn into BNB listings - The 8 teams to put in place that will help you
scale quickly - How to stage properties to get more bookings
- The calendar hacks that will fill 90-95 of your
available nights - How to scale the business over time to reach your
income goal - Discussions on guest interaction including rules,
check-in and checkout. - Promoting and marketing home sharing listings
globally. - Expert interviews from successful six figure BNB
hosts around the world - What Brian says about the course
5- projected growth of the industry, I really
believe we are still very early in this industry.
For those who have the ability to recognize a
real opportunity, this is it. - As far as I know there is no program available
anywhere, let alone this comprehensive, that
teaches students how to build a portfolio of
profitable BNB listings. The BNB Formula took
over 6 months to write, produce and record and is
everything an aspiring business owner needs to
start from scratch and within a few months have a
profitable, nearly fully automated business up
and running. - BNB Formula Review Why should you get BNB
Formula Now? - THE RESULTS ARE IN!
- We had a huge number of people commenting about
the free video from the guy who scaled up his
AirBNB business. - It seems a lot of people think it's too good to
be true. Heres what you may have missed - Airbnb is now becoming a BIG business for those
who learn how to SCALE it up. - There are 75 people making over 1 Million a year
listing on airbnb and many more earning 6
figures. - You dont need to own any property to build a big
Airbnb business - Airbnb is still less than 1 of the hospitality
industrys size, but is projected to EXPLODE in
market share in just the next 4 years. - Sound like something that could be a good
opportunity to look into?
6The BNB Formula is part online educational video
training and part direct live mentorship.
Students will watch videos each week, complete
real world tasks and join a live weekly coaching
call where they work to implement what theyve
learned. The course walks through how to go from
zero properties and no experience to expert
status and multiple income earning listings by
the completion of the 8 week training. BNB
Formula Review Conclusion/Bottom
Line Summary This work at home opportunity
requires very few hours to make full time income
in the booming short term rentals hosting
business. BNB Formula provides Airbnb training
to help students get up and running quickly.
Training provided by Airbnb expert, Brian
Page. http//crownreviews.com/bnb-formula-review-
and-bonus/ https//www.facebook.com/BNB-Formula-m
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