Title: Romy Minko Holds an MSC in Mathematics of Cryptography and Communications
1- Romy Minko Holds an MSC in Mathematics of
Cryptography and Communications
2Romy Minko is an Australia based professional who
has extensive professional, volunteer, and
research experience. She holds an MSC in
Mathematics of Cryptography and Communications
from Royal Holloway, University of London.
3- During this course, she won Santander
International Excellence Scholarship and her
project was Protocols for Blind Quantum
Computation. Prior to this, she attended the
University of Melbourne for Bachelor of Science
in Chemistry, which she completed in July 2014
with first class honours.
4- In addition, her educational credentials also
include Diploma in Mathematics from the
University of Melbourne and International
Baccalaureate from Methodist Ladies College in
Melbourne. Besides studies, she has also been
involved in extra-curricular activities.
5- While studying MSC in Mathematics of Cryptography
and Communications, she was a course
representative serving as a liaison between the
staff and students in Mathematics department. She
has also been a member of ScienceGRRL Royal
Holloway Mathematics Society and a Prefect of
Methodist Ladies College.
6 Romy Minko has good working knowledge of
Phython, LaTeX, MatLab, and has also studied
linguistics both at university and independently.
She believes that her understanding to
linguistics plays a vital role in learning
different aspects of computer science easily, and
her abilities to understand new languages as
7 Romy is a dedicated person who has lots of
achievements in her career. She works diligently
to achieve what she puts in her mind. At present,
she is working as a Research Analyst at Charter
Keck Cramer. At this company, she is responsible
for writing Python scripts to access, clean and
compile data from the internet and doing
statistical analysis of data in excel and
tableau. In addition, she also does research on
various factors that may affect the property
market in Australia.
8 Prior to joining Charter Keck Cramer, Romy
Minko worked with Dan Murphys for three years.
Serving as a Customer Assistant, she handled
financial transactions, provided product advice
to customers, handled customer complaints, and
liaised with the visitors to the head office. In
addition, she was also involved in maintaining an
organised and clean workplace, restoring
reconstructing the store, and assisting customers
along with completing other tasks.
9 She is also a benevolent person who believes
in charity work. She has volunteered with Don
Bosco Centre for a week, and contributed in
achieving the goals of this non-profit
organization. She was involved in various
operations such as taking medication to the poor
families affected with AIDS and preparing relief
packages for communities in poverty.