Title: Leading Someone for Success - Demands the Leader to be on Back Foot
1Leading Someone for Success Demands the Leader
to be on Back Foot
2Everyday is not Sunday. Similarly, same
strategies also do not work for every different
sector. The strategic techniques and methods
differ depending on the way the lead generation
process takes place. Many people even do not know
what the true definition of a lead is. Lead means
leading the consumer to make him buy the products
and services of a company. Leads can only be
converted to sales, when the person who is
leading the consumer has sufficient leadership
skills. Without leadership skills, its like
delivering Lead Generation Services which never
converts to sales. The lead that does not convert
to sales is equal to no profits for the company.
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4What is the use of Outsourcing Lead Generation
projects to some company, which can never deliver
results by converting the leads to sales? Without
profits the leads are useless, and profits only
happen when the leads get converted to sales.
Its a simple logic. Even before conversion from
lead to sale the earlier step is to find
qualified leads. There is a difference in
business language between a lead and a
qualified lead. A lead is simply the list of
contact details of possible consumers. A
qualified lead is one which ensures more chances
of getting converted to sales i.e. the consumer
will become customer or client. Its much more
above, than to merely have the contact details of
a consumer.
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6What is the use of Outsourcing Lead Generation
projects to some company, which can never deliver
results by converting the leads to sales? Without
profits the leads are useless, and profits only
happen when the leads get converted to sales.
Its a simple logic. Even before conversion from
lead to sale the earlier step is to find
qualified leads. There is a difference in
business language between a lead and a
qualified lead. A lead is simply the list of
contact details of possible consumers. A
qualified lead is one which ensures more chances
of getting converted to sales i.e. the consumer
will become customer or client. Its much more
above, than to merely have the contact details of
a consumer.
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8When a companys leadership team or senior
management team takes decision to outsource their
Business Lead Generation (also known as B2B
Leads) requirements they have to be selective
during the entire outsourcing process. Any
outsourcing company which does not have enough
experience should be immediately ignored. Any
outsourcing firm which does not have proven
records of lead-to-sale conversions should also
be ignored. These two steps have to be kept in
mind during the very first stage of decision
making process. Apart from this, its also
essential to check whether the companys team
members, who will be directly responsible behind
lead generation for your company have enough
credentials or not.
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10There is a vast difference between speaking or
claiming about doing a task successfully and
making it happen through practical
implementation. Its a part of human psychology,
which is also natural to think or presume or
assume that he/she will be able to do it
successfully. But when such people practically
begin working at the implementation stage, their
claims remain blank. During their experience at
practical implementation stage, they realize that
they were wrong when they claimed they would
make it work or make it happen. So, this is how
the identification and selection of correct
outsourcing company should take place for
increasing the sales of your company. The Lead
Generation Services of the outsourcing company
has to be unique, and thats the challenging job.
11There is a vast difference between speaking or
claiming about doing a task successfully and
making it happen through practical
implementation. Its a part of human psychology,
which is also natural to think or presume or
assume that he/she will be able to do it
successfully. But when such people practically
begin working at the implementation stage, their
claims remain blank. During their experience at
practical implementation stage, they realize that
they were wrong when they claimed they would
make it work or make it happen. So, this is how
the identification and selection of correct
outsourcing company should take place for
increasing the sales of your company. The Lead
Generation Services of the outsourcing company
has to be unique, and thats the challenging job.
12It would be a large mistake, to blindly select
anyone for such an important task the task which
is responsible for the profit generation in a
company. Lets take an example of Email Lead
Generation. Most of the outsourcing companies
keep mailing without taking care of the inbox
deliverability rate. Those emails only fill the
spam box or bulk folder of the consumer. It can
never get converted to sales. Is it the right
outsourcing service that you want for your
company? Obviously, no would be the answer of any
smart entrepreneur!
13Thank you !