Title: Qualities of an Impressive Logo Design & Why You Need One for Your Business
1Qualities of an Impressive Logo
Design Why
You Need One for Your Business
Article Source http//goo.gl/qzHz0m
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- A logo is the visual image of a brand, and
intends to give a unique identity to it. - Here are a few points explaining the importance
of having an impressive logo design, especially
when you are planning to do or promote a new
business, online. -
- A Logo Ensures Consistency in Brand
Representation Across all Brand Contact Points - Brand contact points for any business have not
just increased in numbers but have become widely
dispersed as well. This has happened due two
reasons, - A.) the number of different types of media
vehicles (gadgets) has increased, - B.) brand communication has become propagative
as it could be shared across various
social-networking websites and over multi-media
platforms. -
4If your firm aims to acquire new customers and
maintain a touch with the existing ones, then it
is important to ensure that there is consistency
in brand representation across all the media
platforms, your audience could learn about you
from. A well designed logo could help maintain
consistency in brand representation across all of
your brand contact points. Also, in case there
exists another brand with the same name as yours,
then your unique logo would distinguish your
brand from the other. An Impressive and
Easy-To-Recognize Logo Builds Trust in The
Audience A logo has its unique importance, as it
often represents the value a firm stands for.
Hence, a symbolic representation of a brand makes
it appear reliable and worth spending ones
resources on. In the long run, if a business
succeeds in building a significant customer base,
then the logo becomes its prime identity and
perhaps the main source of brand recognition.
5Categories of Logo Designs
- A logo design could typically be of one of the
three types, mentioned below - Only a symbol
- Only the brand name (or its initial(s))
- A combination of both- a symbol the brand
name - Logo Designing is an opportunity to create a
visual indication/communication about your
business offering. Therefore, ideally, it should
either be only a symbol, or a combination of
symbol and the company name, so that even before
someone has read about your brand, he would have
an opportunity to guess what you do, by seeing
your logo.
6Logo Color
- Logo color is of great importance. It
communicates the value your brand carries or
wants to be recognized for. Therefore, the color
for logo should be chosen strategically. When
designing a brand logo, generally, firms pick up
a logo color that either represents their core
value, or represents the field they belong to.
For instance, an organization working towards
solving environmental issues is likely to have a
green logo. On the other hand, a jewelry brand
would probably use black as their main color for
logo since it represents sophistication. - Related Post How to Use the Psychology of
Colors When Marketing
7Qualities of Highly Impressive Logos
- The most impressive and well recognized logos
have some or all of the attributes, mentioned
1. Clear Representation Clear representation of
the brand offering, makes the logo not only
impressive but also highly recallable Wellas
logo is an appropriate example of a visual
representation that clearly communicates the
brands offering. Clear representations create
clear and highly memorable visual identity for
the brand.
82. Hidden Message Some logos carry indirect or
hidden meaning or message that is left to the
customers to infer. This kind of representation
makes a logo unique and adds appeal to it,
thereby creating an impressive visual identity
for the brand. For instance, the yellow arrow in
Amazons logo is intended to communicate that
Amazon has everything - from a to z - available
for you. Such kind of indirect representation is
an example of well delivered brand communication.
9Another impressive logo that silently gives out
meaningful information by the virtue of its
design, is the Baskin-Robbins Logo. The pink
portion of the characters B R together make
31 , thereby indicating 31 flavors of
ice-creams, that Baskin Robbins serves. Such kind
of stylish logos definitely create a memory of
the brands they uniquely represent.
103. Symbolic Meaning Few of the most recognized
brand logos symbolize some essential
information/value that their brands stand
for. Toyotas logo is one of the most
appropriate examples for this. The three ovals in
this logo represent the customers, the company
and the world. The overlapping inner two ovals
represent a mutually beneficial relationship and
trust between customers and company.
Interestingly, these overlapping ovals, also form
and represent the T of Toyota. The outermost
oval on the other hand, indicates that the entire
world embraces Toyota as a brand.
11These kinds of symbolic representations
communicate a much deeper sense of commitment
that these brands have towards their customers,
thus going beyond being mere symbols. Having a
logo is a must since it creates an identity that
is unique to the brand. After all, one of the
most important objectives of any business is to
distinguish from its competitors and be uniquely
remembered by its audience. Create a unique
identity for your new business by having a
meaningful and interesting logo designed for
it! Read Full Article Here http//goo.gl/qzHz0m
For Any Query Regarding Video Production, Web
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