Title: The Connected Car Ecosystem: 2015-2030-Opportunities, Challenges, Strategies & Forecasts
1The Connected Car Ecosystem 2015-2030-Opportuniti
es, Challenges, Strategies Forecasts
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- The growing proliferation of embedded in-vehicle
connectivity and smartphone integration platforms
has made connected cars one of the fastest
growing segments of the IoT (Internet of Things)
market. Keen to establish recurring post-sale
service revenue streams, all major automotive
OEMs are investing in connected car programs.
Other ecosystem players, such as mobile operators
and telematics specialists, are also vying to
gain a larger share of the opportunity. In fact,
many mobile operators have expanded beyond their
traditional role as connectivity providers, to
offer end-to-end connected car platforms directly
to automotive OEMs and aftermarket suppliers.
3Topics Covered
- Connected car ecosystem - Market drivers and
barriers - Enabling technologies and key
trends - Connected car programs and platform
offerings - Embedded, tethered and integrated
connectivity models - Analysis of key
applications and opportunities - Regulatory
landscape, collaborative initiatives and
standardization - Industry roadmap and value
chain - Profiles and strategies of over 230
leading ecosystem players, including automotive
OEMs, mobile operators and connected car platform
4Key Findings
- The proportion of connected car service revenue
for driver assistance systems and autonomous
driving applications is expected to dramatically
increase from merely 5 percent in 2014 to over 11
percent by 2020 - Largely driven by connected car services, Big
Data and analytics technology investments in the
automotive sector are expected to reach 5
Billion by 2020, following a CAGR of over 14
between 2015 and 2020 - The connected car ecosystem continues to
consolidate, with larger players investing in
acquisitions to increase their market share,
capability, revenue and geographic reach - Many mobile operators have expanded beyond their
traditional role as connectivity providers, to
offer end-to-end connected car platforms directly
to automotive OEMs and aftermarket suppliers
5Companies Mentioned
21ViaNet Group3GPP (3rd Generation Partnership
Project)Abalta TechnologiesAccentureAcuraAeris
CommunicationsAgeroAGL (Automotive Grade
GroupAlliance of Automobile ManufacturersAllstat
e Insurance CompanyAlpine Electronics, etc
6If you are interested...
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