Title: "Tips and Tricks for Effective Social Media Marketing" (1)
1Tips and Tricks for Effective Social Media
- By an Expert Social Media Marketing Company
2Why should a business invest in Social Media
- Like it or not, today your customers are online.
- 81 consumers are influenced by friends on social
media to make a purchase. - Competitors will swoop in on your customers if
you are not online. - Expand your reach.
- Drive qualified traffic.
- Increased brand authority and brand association.
- Amass data for insightful business decisions.
3Tricks to be successful on Facebook
- It is an ideal platform to humanize your brand.
- Schedule your posts when your target audience is
most active online - Be proactive to address negative comments and
delete offensive posts etc. - Avoid grammatical and spelling errors.
- Ensure your facts are from credible sources.
4Expert Tips to be successful on Facebook
- Facebook has algorithms to detect spam so be
tactful with your posts. - Never make the blunder to let your audience feel
that they have been forgotten. - More than three posts a day on Facebook tend to
annoy consumers. - Post from Facebook itself rather than depending
on tools for better results.
5Tricks to be successful on Twitter
- Be concise yet informative in your tweets within
the limit of 140 characters. - Respond swiftly else you may end up going viral
for all the wrong reasons. - Updated profile creates a good first impression
and adds credibility to the brand.
6Expert Tips to be successful on Twitter
- It is crucial for the image of your brand
please dont spam. - Add a period before the username to expand the
reach of your tweets. - Use hashtags to expand your reach to a wider
audience. - Shorten your links when you tweet.
7Tricks to be successful on Google
- Google community has a tendency to respond
better to images. - Comparatively easier to find, engage and build
relationships with influencers. - Dont be afraid to share your Google page on
other social media platforms. - Format posts to draw attention of users and give
your posts a professional touch.
8Expert Tips to be successful on Google
- Create circles of influencers, post rich content
and share helpful updates. - Append brand/person name in search bar to find
other Google pages. - Schedule posts using Chrome extension Do-share or
3rd party tools e.g. Buffer etc.
9Tricks to be successful on LinkedIn
- Complete your profile and company page
information honestly. - Follow competitors to keep track of their
updates. - Participate in Groups to build authority.
10Expert Tips to be successful on LinkedIn
- Personalize your interactions rather than sharing
updates addressed to all. - Use recommendations to show off your expertise
but dont overdo it. - Content shared has direct implication on your
professional attitude and reputation.
11Tricks to be successful on YouTube
- Link your Google brand page to the YouTube
account of your brand. - Use instructional videos, guides and how-to
videos enhance engagement.
12Expert Tips to be successful on YouTube
- Moderate videos which have comments enabled in
them to eliminate spam. - Ensure a consistent brand voice across all your
comments to foster credibility. - Advertisements can be a source of income however
it hinders user experience. - Enter maximum possible information to boost
visibility of your video while uploading.
13Dharne Your Expert Social Media Marketing
Company Orange County, CA
- At Dharne we breathe life into your social media
marketing campaigns. - Leverage our domain expertise to get scalable
solutions for your business.
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Phone (877) 932-0888
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