Title: Cloud TV Market:A game changer for TV distribution
1Cloud TV Market
2Report Description
- A game changer for TV distribution
- This report explores changes in users viewing
habits and the way video is being distributed
over IP networks. - It focuses on new cloud TV solutions by segment
and type of vendor, and situates them in terms of
their ability to satisfy the needs of video
publishing professionals and consumers. - Download The Full Report On http//www.bigmarke
3Slideshows contents
1. Executive summary 2. A whole new viewing
environment 2.1. The development of IP video is
creating a rich and diverse viewing
environment 2.2. The ATAWADAC umbrella
concept 2.3. More cross-cutting approaches
complete the segmentation 3. Solutions from the
TV side 3.1. Development of media gateways 3.2.
Intermediate devices 3.3. Creating a bridge
between home IP boxes and the Internet 3.4.
Secure and consistent video distribution 4.
Responses from cloud TV 4.1. Cloud TV and its
features 4.2. Solution providers 4.3. Customer
needs 5. Conclusion
4 Table Of Content
1. Executive summary 2. A whole new viewing
environment 2.1. The development of IP video is
creating a rich and diverse viewing
environment 2.2. The ATAWADAC umbrella
concept 3. Solutions from the TV side 3.1.
Development of media gateways 3.2. Intermediate
devices 4. Reponses from cloud TV 4.1. Cloud TV
and its features 5. Conclusion 5.1. A very
attractive solution 5.2. But certain unknowns
5List of Tables
Table 1 A selection of vendors TV everywhere
features Table 2 Summary new viewing habits,
new features Table 3 How compatible are devices
and TV solutions with the new viewing
environment Table 4 How the cloud responds to
different needs Table 5 TV solution providers
'positioning with respect to integration Table 6
Features included in a selection of vendors
cloud TV solutions Table 7 Selection of recent
deals between video/TV companies and providers of
cloud TV solutions To Get More Details Enquire
_at_ http//www.bigmarketresearch.com/report-enquiry/
6List of Figures
Figure 1 Anytime viewing poll Figure 2 Growth
of smartphone users watching TV or video, between
June 2012 and June 2013 Figure 3 Number of TV
and radio program requests on the BBC I Player by
type of device Figure 4 The content
dilemma Figure 5 Illustration the Free box
Revolution Figure 6 Sky TV boxes Figure 7 TiVo
stream Figure 8 The SES SATgtIP solution
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