Title: Developing eHealth Strategy for India Need of the hour
1Developing eHealth Strategy for IndiaNeed of the
- Prof. S. K. Mishra, MS, FACS
- Dept. of Endocrine Surgery
- School of Telemedicine Biomedical Informatics
- SGPGIMS, Lucknow
- Introduction
- Need and Justification of developing ehealth
policy - Global Scenario
- Indian Scenario
- Standardization of IT infrastructure of health
- National Task Force
- WHO/ITU National Strategy Toolkit
- eHealth an important tool having potiental in
achieving the goal of health for all. - eHealth reduces healthcare cost
- ehealth expanded services to un-served region
- eHealth needs to be integrated in healthcare
system both in practical and policy sense
Source Telehealth policy Looking for global
commentaryRichart E Scott et. al. J.
Telemedicine and Telecare 2002 8 (suppl. 3)
4eHealth Policy
- eHealth policy is concerned with solutions that
support capacity building and provide services
that improve health outcomes. - It is a set of statements, directives,
regulations, laws, and judicial interpretations
that direct and manage the life cycle of eHealth - Socio-economic, financial cultural,
Institutional conditions, Human and material
resources, Organizational and managerial models
defines policy boundaries
Source Telehealth policy Looking for global
commentaryRichart E Scott et. al. J.
Telemedicine and Telecare 2002 8 (suppl. 3)
5Need and Justification of developing ehealth
- Advances in ICT continue to outpace the
development of supportive policies,
infrastructure user acceptance of eHealth - Successful pilot projects have not translated
into adoption in health system - Government expenditure and business rules are
dictated through policies - Industry growth is heavily dependent on
government policy - Barriers like Interoperability, legal, security
ethical issues can only be addressed by a set of
rules and standards at national level - Need of development of National eHealth Policy in
Global Context
6Status of eHealth around the world
Source http//www.who.int/goe/publications/goe_te
7Policy Document
- Malaysia 1997 Telemedicine Act1
- Malaysia 2000 Telehealth policy statement
- Well defined e-health policy or clear policy
activity Australia, Canada, China, Croatia,
Denmark, Finland, Iran, Malaysia, Malta, New
Zealand, Russia, Singapore, South Korea, Sweden,
Taiwan, Tanzania, Thailand, UK, USA and Vietnam
1. http//unpan1.un.org/intradoc/groups/public/doc
uments/APCITY/UNPAN025631.pdf 2. Source
Telehealth policy Looking for global
commentaryRichart E Scott et. al. J.
Telemedicine and Telecare 2002 8 (suppl. 3)
8Adoption of eHealth policy
Source http//www.who.int/goe/publications/goe_te
9The Rockefeller Foundation
- The initiative would improve the quality,
equity, and cost-effectiveness of health care in
the "Global South"a term for developing
countries. - It would do this by using information and
communication technologies (ICT) to improve and
expand diagnostic, treatment, preventive, and
monitoring capabilities, as well as user
awareness and access.
Source www.ehealth-connection.org/
10PAHO Pan African Health Organisation
Argentina takes steps in establishing a national
eHealth Strategy
- Experts from the Ministry of Health of Argentina,
Hospital Italiano and universities, among others,
stressed the need to establish an eHealth plan
for the country, during a meeting organized by
the Pan American Health Organization in Buenos
Aires. - The discussion highlighted the need of eHealth
experts in the nation and public policies that
support the sustainability and viability of
projects, such as the creation of a unique
electronic medical records and telemedicine.
Source http//new.paho.org/index.php
11UGANDA eHealth Policy
- Widely consultative and participatory with
involvement of all stakeholders to ensure
ownership, shared responsibility successful
implementation. - Provides a framework for eHealth implementation
by all stakeholders in collaboration with other
Sectors - eHealth is in line with existing policies eg
Poverty Eradication Action Plan (PEAP), National
health Policy, Health Sector strategic Plan I
II and National ICT policy
12COCIR eHealth Toolkit for an accelerated
deployment and better use of eHealth
- European Coordination Committee of the
Radiological, Electromedical and Healthcare IT
Industry - In 2007, COCIR developed 10 recommendations to
accelerate the deployment of eHealth - Three priorities for deployment
- Develop an innovative sustainable business model
- Foster standards and interoperability
- Enable market development
Source http//www.cocir.org
13National E-Health Strategy Australia's Policy
Source www.ahmac.gov.au
- National health telematics network - INFOMED
(www.sld.cu) - Building a National eHealth Capacity Additional
eHealth applications already functioning include
specialized networks in nephrology, intensive
care, cardiology, and pharmacies, and there is a
growing electronic publishing capacity. - Future applications include a national health
economy management system and a hospital-level
management system (digital diagnostic results,
inventories, accounting, etc.)
Source www.medicc.org/mediccreview/articles/mr_42
15WHO/ITU eHealth Strategy Toolkit
Source www.who.int/entity/ehealth/brochure.pdf
16WHO-ITU effort to support National e-Health
- The health care, telecommunication and finance
sectors have to work together in developing
national e-Health strategies. - Develop resource materials building on relative
competencies of each of the two organisations. - Deploy approaches to support the development of
new national eHealth strategies or the update of
existing plans to reflect experience or emerging
challenges in the domain of eHealth. - Approaches will ensure country ownership of the
process and therefore sustainability
Source http//www.itu.int/ITU-D/cyb/events/2011/T
elecom11/e-health/Presentations /tuesday1-20WHOI
17National eHealth Strategy ToolKit
- Methodology to assess actual Health System
Status, Needs and Action Priorities - An integrated Action Framework covering
Infrastructure, Applications, Funding, - Governance, Legal and policy, Workforce,
Standards and interoperability, etc. - Guidance on how to set eHealth targets, benefits
and Performance Indicators
Source http//www.itu.int/ITU-D/cyb/events/2011/T
elecom11/e-health/Presentations /tuesday1-20WHOI
18eHealth Policy Issues
- Policy Objectives
- Coordination and Collaboration,
- Connectivity and Infra-structure,
- Human Resource Development,
- Content
- Provision of Health Information and Services
- Financing Mechanism and Sustainability
- Research
- Organizational Structures Institutional Framework
- Expected Cost and Benefits of the Policy
- Monitoring and evaluation
Source http//www.itu.int/ITU-D/cyb/events/2011/T
elecom11/e-health/Presentations /tuesday1-20WHOI
19Global Elements
- Network
- Inter-Jurisdictional Practice
- Diffusion of ehealth addressing the digital
divide - Integration into existing system
- Handling innovation at different levels
- Policy Goal Setting
- Evaluation Research
- Investment
- Ethical Issues
Scope of Policy Issues for eHealth Results from
a Structured Review Shariq Khoja et. al.
Bellagio, Italy, July 13-Aug, 8, 2008 source
20Planning for eHealth Policy Success
- Global eHealth Convention
- eHealth Policy Toolkit
- eHealth Education
- National eHealth Councils
- Stake Holders
Source ww.who.int/ehealth
21eHealth Challenges -I
- Coordination is not easy due to fragmented donor
driven projects leading to duplication, equipment
incompatibility - Integration of ICT into budgets of the service
delivery programs in the health system affecting
sustainability - Connectivity available even in remote areas but
very expensive. - Hardware like computers limited.
Source http//www.who.int/workforcealliance/forum
22eHealth Challenges - II
- Very few ICT professionals/Technicians to
maintain equipment and support/ train the users. - Inadequate band width and irregular power supply
or lack of it. - Regulatory framework to ensure confidentiality
and win the trust of patients - Embracing ICT is a process of cultural
transformation which takes place very slowly
Source http//www.who.int/workforcealliance/forum
23National Resource Center
School of Telemedicine Biomedical
Informatics, Lucknow, India
- Thank You
- Contact skmishra_1956_at_yahoo.com
www.sgpgi-telemedicine.org www.nrct.in