Title: Aarkstore - India Power and Distribution Transformers Market Forecast and Opportunities, 2020
1India Power and Distribution Transformers Market
Forecast and Opportunities, 2020
Category Energy Power
- India has been witnessing a significant rise in
power demand for the past few decades on account
of rapid growth in population, industrialization
and urbanization. The government has taken up
various initiatives including Deendayal Upadhyaya
Gram Jyoti Yojana (DDUGJY) for electrification of
rural pockets of India, which has spurred
significant investments in the countrys power
sector. Notable technological upgrades are
underway to reinforce the countrys transmission
and distribution network, which would continue to
drive the demand for power and distribution
transformers in India. Considering the negative
impact of these technological developments on the
environment, the industry has been undergoing a
paradigm shift towards green technologies. As a
result, transformer manufacturers in India as
well as in other countries have started investing
heavily towards their research and development
efforts. Foreign players, especially Chinese and
Korean electrical equipment manufacturers, have
captured almost one fourth of Indian transformers
market, mainly in EHV and UHV class power
transformers, as the products offered by them are
considered cheaper and technologically advanced.
- According to India Power Distribution
Transformers Market Forecast Opportunities,
2020, the power and distribution transformers
market in India is projected to grow at a CAGR of
over 10 till 2020. Power transformers contribute
a major portion in overall market revenues due to
their higher price points. Under the 12th five
year plan (2012-2017), Indian government
allocated US 200 billion for strengthening the
countrys power generation, transmission and
distribution sector. One of the major
developments underway includes the countrys shift
from 765 kV to 1200 kV power transmission. This,
in turn, is fueling the demand for EHV and UHV
class power transformer installations throughout
the country. India is also focusing on use of
alternative energy resources like nuclear and
solar energy for power generation, which is
expected to further boost transformer deployments
in the country in the coming years. India Power
Distribution Transformers Market Forecast
Opportunities, 2020 report elaborates following
particularsIndia Power Distribution
Transformers Market Size, Share
ForecastSegment Analysis - Power Transformer
(5.1MVA to 50MVA 50.1 to 160 MVA 160.1 to 350
MVA and above 350 MVA) Distribution
Transformer (up to 100 KVA 100.1 to 315 KVA
315.1 to 5000 KVA)Policy Regulatory Landscape
4Report Methodology
- The information contained in this report is based
upon both primary and secondary sources. Primary
research included interviews with transformer
manufacturing companies and industry experts.
Secondary research included an exhaustive search
of relevant publications like company annual
reports, financial reports and proprietary
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5Table of Content
- 1. Research Methodology 2. Analyst View3.
Product Overview4. India Power Sector An
Overview5. India Power Distribution
Transformers Market Outlook5.1. Market Size
Forecast5.1.1. By Value5.1.2. By Volume5.2.
Market Share Forecast5.2.1. By Region5.2.2.
By Company 6. India Power Transformers Market
Outlook6.1. Market Size Forecast6.1.1. By
Value6.1.2. By Volume6.2. Market Share
Forecast6.2.1. By Power Output (5.1MVA to 50MVA,
50.1 to 160 MVA, 160.1 to 350 MVA and above 350
MVA)6.2.2. By Region (North, East, South, West,
Northeast)6.3. Power Transformers Pricing
6List of Tables
- Table 1 Growth of Power Transmission Sector in
India since 6th FYPTable 2 India Power
Transmission System Scenario, 11th Plan vs. 12th
PlanTable 3 Upcoming Transformer Requirement
for Distribution Network as per 12th Five Year
Plan Table 4 India Import Duty Levied on
Transformers, By Power Rating, 2014Table 5
International Indian Standards Stipulated for
Power and Distribution TransformersTable 6
India Permissible Sound Levels for Transformers,
By Power Rating Table 7 Insulation Wires
Standard TemperatureTable 8 India Power
Distribution Transformers Product Matrix, By
Power Rating, By Company, 2014
7List of Figures
- Figure 1 India Total Installed Power Capacity
(MW), By Sector, 2014Figure 2 India Total
Installed Power Capacity (MW), By Source of
Energy, 2014Figure 3 India Power Distribution
Transformers Market Size, By Value, 2010-2020F
(USD Billion)Figure 4 India Power
Distribution Transformers Market Size, By Volume,
2010-2020F (Thousand Units)Figure 5 India Power
Distribution Transformers Market Share, By
Region, By Value, 2014 2020FFigure 6 India
Power Distribution Transformers Market Share,
By Company, By Value, 2014Figure 7 India Power
Transformers Market Size, By Value, 2010-2020F
(USD Billion)Figure 8 India Power Transformers
Market Size, By Volume, 2010-2020F (Units)Figure
9 India Power Transformers Market Share, By
Power Output, By Value, 2014 Figure 10 India
Power Transformers Market Share, By Region, By
Value, 2014 2020FFigure 11 India Power
Transformers Average Selling Price, By Power
Rating, 2010-2020F (USD Billion)
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9- India Power and Distribution Transformers Market
Forecast and Opportunities, 2020 - Published Jan 2015 100 Pages
- India has been witnessing a significant rise in
power demand for the past few decades on account
of rapid growth in population, industrialization
and urbanization.Price
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