Title: How to become a better public speaker – with Alexia Vernon
1ALEXIAVERNONhow to become a better public
2- ALEXIA VERNON. Branded a moxie maven by the White
House for her unique approach to developing
women's voices through her Step Into Your Moxie
platform, Alexia has become the go - to expert
for helping TEDx speakers, entrepreneurs,
executives, online experts, business
professionals, educators, and creatives deliver
their signature speeches.
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4- A motivational speaker focused on heart-centered
and high-impact communication, values-driven
leadership, and women's empowerment, she not only
cultivates the voices of thought leaders, she is
one. She's scored face time with hundreds of
corporate, conference and college audiences with
her keynote speeches and interactive training's,
and is founder of the Las Vegas based women's
leadership program, Influencer Academy.
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6- As the co-organizer and co-host of Las Vegas
TEDx Fremont East Women, she possess a unique
understanding of the TED speaking style and what
organizers are looking for in prospective
speakers. She's also the creator of a first of
its kind digital training program for aspiring
TED-style speakers, Your Spotlight Talk, and you
can dive deep and delicious into her teachings in
her Go From Hot Mess to Hotshot speaker video
training at hotshotspeaker.com.
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8- Rachel met Alexia about a month ago through the
amazing Jordana Jaffe, whom she also recorded a
podcast with. They spent a few hours together and
she felt an immediate deep connection with her.
She's one of those people that you can feel
really comfortable around. She's authentic, just
speaks her truth with compassion. Just a really
good-hearted person and someone that you know you
can trust.
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10- To give an example of her character, when Rachel
was advertising her event in New York City, she
asked me how she could help. Rachel asked if she
would be able to tell people about the event.
Rachel would be happy to give her an affiliate
link. She immediately was like "No. I'd love to
help. No affiliate link needed." And then Alexia
tells me that she prescheduled ten different
posts around social media. That's just the type
of person she is, so generous and cares so much.
Just really an incredible person to know. I'm
very excited about this podcast with her. Rachel
knows she has so much to share and this is going
to be awesome.
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12- HotshotSpeaker.com
- Alexias site.
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14- YourSpotlightTalk.com
- Alexia is in the middle of a launch right now,
and this is where you can find her spectacular
video training.
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16- Alexia is most proud of the family she has built.
17There are few examples of Millennial superstars
who are setting the bar for Americas next
generation of leaders. Alexia is one such
person. Alexandra LevitBestselling Business
and Workplace Author, Speaker, and Consultant
18Alexia is a powerful example to the next
generation of leaders. Gabrielle
BernsteinBestselling Author of Spirit Junkie
and Add More -Ing to Your Life
19Alexia knows her subject matter on generational
diversity. She is a Millennial leader who
understands how to bring staff together, what
each generation seeks from the workplace, and she
will help you achieve better communication
results. Donna Coulson, PCCCEO and Chief
Learning Officer
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