Title: SAP HCM Online And Remote Based Training in usa,uk,india
1SAP HCM Online And Remote Based Training in
- Online classroom Corporate
- Training certifications placements support
- INDIA 91-9052666559
- USA 1-678-693-3475
- info_at_magnifictraining.com
- www.magnifictraining.com
- Overview General / Structural / Context
Authorisation Check - How to reduce the number of roles
- Avoid these pitfalls
- How to approach a redesign
General auth.
Struct. auth.
What? e.g. PA30, IT 2001 - 2007
OM structure
Where? e.g. all P from personnel area, all O, S,
C, E
Training catalogue
4Example context-dependent auth.
Glenn is also a leader of his team and may read
master data.
Glenn is responsible for time management. He may
maintain time data for a special unit.
Structural profileTime manager
Structural profileMy team
5Overlapping of authorisation
Maintain time dataRead master data
A special org unit His own team
6Solution context-dependent auth.
Glenn is responsible for time mgmt. He may
maintain time data for a special unit.
Glenn is also a leader of his team and may read
master data.
Structural profile Time manager
Structural profile own team
7Context-dependent authorisation
2 roles and 2 profiles together lead to a mix of
objects and authorisations
Context-dependent authorisationcan assign a
profile to a special role
No more mix. Everybody can only do what he is
supposed to do.
- Overview General / Structural / Context
Authorisation Check - How to reduce the number of roles
- Avoid these pitfalls
- How to approach a redesign
9Why do we have so many roles?
10Possible solutions
- Implement structural authorisation with dynamic
start object - Stay with general authorisation but
- use object P_NNNNN
- use custom object BAdI
- Reduce maintenance effort using reference roles
11N structural profiles - 1 for each location
Responsible for your own location
Responsible for 2 locations
.. .
12How to create dynamic profiles
Standard function module RH_GET_ORG_ASSIGNMENT dyn
amically identifies the assigned org unit.
Org unit
Belongs to
IT 0105
13Get more out of dynamic profiles
14Dynamic but different start object I
1. Create custom relationship between position
and other org unit
Org Unit A
Org Unit B
Custom relationship ZIP
15Dynamic but different start object II
2. Copy evaluation path ORGASS and replace your
own relationship
16Dynamic but different start object III
2. Copy function module and replace your own
evaluation path
17Tip for enhanced use
- If the access to persons cant be determined from
org structure you can also develop a custom
function module that may identify relevant
persons by - user parameter
- master data
- customizing
- In this case evaluation path and start object
remain empty.
18How to reduce number of roles
- Dynamic start object
- Dynamic in general auhorization through custom
object or P_NNNNN or BAdI - Reference role
You need access to all persons of your own cost
center. Standard authorisations dont provide
cost center. Using the organisational key leads
to 1 role for each user.
You may also use P_NNNNN with additional
all fields of infotype1 (incl. custom fields)
1 role for all users
20Additional coding for P_NNNNN
- The report RPUACG00 generates coding in program
MPPAUTZZ - Here you can add your own coding.
- Note! After every regeneration the custom code
gets lost.
21How to decrease amount of roles
- Dynamic start object
- Dynamic in general auhorization through custom
object or P_NNNNN or BAdI - Reference role
22Concept of reference roles
Derived Role
Personnel Area 1000
Reference Role
Derived Role
Personnel Area
Personnel Area 2000
Derived Role
Inheritance of all authorisations except for the
organisational levels
Personnel Area 3000
23Question Answers
24Should you require any furtherinformation please
do not hesitate tocontact us
- http//www.saponlinetrainings.net
- -sap hcm online training
- contact us
- info_at_magnifictraining.com or 919052666559
- By Real Time Experts from Hyderabad,
- Bangalore
- ,India,USA,Canada,UK, Australia,South
- Africa.
25 Thank you !