Title: Extending Collaboration with Industry Daniel Kofman GET, TelecomParis EuroNGI Chairman of the Steeri
1Extending Collaboration with IndustryDaniel
KofmanGET, Telecom-Paris Euro-NGI Chairman of
the Steering BoardMarkus FiedlerBTH,
Karlskrona, Sweden
- Design and Engineering of the
- Future Generation Internet
- Towards convergent multi-service networks
- General Information on EuroNGI
- European Networks of Excellence
- Euro-NGI domain
- Main addressed topics
- The consortium
- Dissemination activities
- Collaboration with Industry
- Overview
- Perspectives and Invitation
3General Information
- European Commission, FP6
- Networks of Excellence general target
- Integrate the European research effort,
- build a virtual center of excellence,
- disseminate
- Euro-NGI main target
- Create and maintain the most prominent European
centre of excellence in Next Generation Internet
design and engineering, - Acting as a Collective Intelligence Think Tank,
representing a major support for the Information
Society industry and leading towards a leadership
in this domain.
4General Information
- 57 institutions, 203 researchers, more than 300
PhD students, 18 countries - Academy and industry
- Leader GET
- See www.eurongi.org for the list
- European Commission Contribution 5 000 000
Euros (10 of the total budget) - For the first 3 years
- Starting Date December 1st, 2003
- First Review Proceed as is
5Domain Next Generation Internet (NGI)
- What is NGI?
- The NGI will view multi-service/multimedia,
mobility, service ubiquity and context awareness,
convergence (services and fixed-mobile), Always
Best Connected, spontaneous networking and other
capabilities as the norm. - A main keyword convergence
- A concept that is evolving
6What does convergence means
- From Fix-Mobile Convergence towards Ubiquitous
multi-technology access to convergent services - Always Best Connected
- Seamless mobility across technologies and
operators boundaries - From Triple/Quadruple play kind of services
towards - Interconnecting the Real and Digital worlds
- Sensor networks, location, context awareness
- New User Experience integrating the experience
provided by different devices to create the
illusion of a single real and virtual world - Ambient intelligence
- Spontaneous networking, communities
- Peer-to-peer, Autonomic networking, ad-hoc
7Report A view on Future Communications
- Chapter 1- An overview on future communications
- 1. A brief history of the Internet
- 2. Main trends in communication and information
services - 3. Limitations of the Internet architecture and
open issues - 4. A focus on the required IP networking
evolution - 5. The Future Internet Architecture
- Chapter 2-Network Architecture Evolution
- Section 1- New networking paradigms
- 1- IPv6 and Home Networking
- 2- Beyond IP architecture of the future
Internet - 3- Research Challenges in Wireless Sensor Network
Architectures - Section 2- Access Networks evolution
- 4- A prospective analysis of access networks
- 5- Wireless networks evolution
- 6- Mobility and ABC - Some aspects of the Always
Best Connected solution - 7- Optical Access Networks
8Report A view on Future Communications
- Section 3- Core and Metropolitan area networks
evolution - 8- Optical Networking in core and metropolitan
area networks - 9- New generation control planes, GMPLS
- Chapter 3-Traffic engineering and quantitative
methods - 10- A flow-aware networking vision of traffic
management and QoS - 11- Network planning
- 12- Network optimization
- 13- New quantitative methods
- Chapter 4-Services overlays and virtualization
- 14- Self-Organization A Key Technology for the
Future Internet? - 15- A global and integrated services and network
design - Chapter 5-Socio-economic aspects and business
models - 16- Socio-economic aspects of Next Generation
Internet - 17- Next Generation Network and Regulatory issues
- 18- Pricing and business models
9Domain Next Generation Internet (NGI)
- From technology to network architectures and
services - The recent technological advances will lead to
exploitable innovative services once the
integration of these technologies through
innovative architectures is achieved. - Vertical and Horizontal Integration
10Horizontal integration
- From extremely small to immensely big
- Sensor networks, PAN, Ad-hoc networks, wireless
mesh networks, access to infrastructure networks - The IP networking model is no longer applicable
- Ubiquity, Mobility, Context Awareness, etc.
- Vertical roaming
- Seamless inter-working, transparent and dynamic
adaptation of the used technology - End to End services availability in a
Multi-domain context - Operated and spontaneous domains (e.g. based on
mesh networks) - From multiservice networks towards multi-network
11Vertical Integration
- Multi-layer networks
- Unified control and management planes
- Multi-layer routing, protection, restoration,
etc. - Cross-layer design of physical, MAC and upper
layers including innovative air interfaces,
optical packet/burst switching, etc. - Services Overlays
- Service planes and related middlewares
- P2P, Grids, others
12Domain Next Generation Internet (NGI)
- Technology diversity explodes
- Requirement to deal with the corresponding
complexity - Instant high bandwidth connectivity
- Future high-speed wire-line and wireless access
technologies - Makes difficult to forecast traffic and thus to
apply existing traffic engineering methods. - Investigation is required in new multi-technology
architectures. - It is understood today that new design, planning,
dimensioning and management principles are
needed. - The design of those architectures is a
multidisciplinary problem requiring a variety of
13Main addressed topics
- In this context, the main topics addressed by the
NoE are - Overcoming the challenge of technology diversity
(vertical and horizontal integration) in the
design of efficient and flexible FGI
architectures - Providing innovative traffic engineering
approaches adapted to the new requirements and
developing the appropriate quantitative methods
for analysis, simulation and measurement
14Organization of Research Activities
- Joint Research Activities 6 JRA and 25 WPs for
which - Integration and rationalization of research
efforts - Large working groups have been created
- Internal and External Workshops have been
successfully organized - A field for cross fertilization between
activities has been implemented
Network Architecture Evolution, Technology
Control, Managing the diversity
Traffic Engineering, Traffic Management,
Control and End to End QoS
Optimisation of Protected Multi
Layer Next Generation
Networks Topology, Layout, Flow and Capacity
Experimentation and Validation Through Platforms
Modeling, Quantitative Methods and Measurements
Economic Aspects of the Next Generation Internet
15JRA.1 Network Architecture Evolution
- Horizontal and Vertical Integration
- Core and Metropolitan Area Networks
- IP Networking Evolution
- Services Overlays
- New management architectures
16JRA.2 Traffic Engineering
- Mechanisms and protocols for controlled bandwidth
sharing - Evolution of Congestion Control protocols, beyond
TCP - Interaction with MAC layers (e.g. in wireless
networks) - Flow aware networks
- Active queue management
- Traffic management in a multi-provider context
- Admission control, Implicit admission control,
resources allocation, services differentiation,
QoS and pricing, etc. - Traffic engineering and routing for a cost
effective network - Routing in multilayer networks, constrain based
routing, load sharing, layout optimization, etc. - QoS in multi-service wireless networks
- Application of techniques for congestion
control, traffic management and traffic
engineering to the specific context of
multiservice wireless networks CDMA, WLAN
(802.11x), WiMax, ad hoc and sensor networks. - Planning of new generation cellular networks and
of hybrid wireless access networks
17JRA.3 Optimisation of Multi-Layer NGIs
- Optimisation of protected multi-layer core
networks topology, layout, flow and capacity
design - Optimisation of protected access networks
topology, layout, flow and capacity design - Study of methods for achieving network
resilience/robustness - Development of a European Network Design Tool for
Next Generation Internet
18JRA.4 Experimentation and Validation Through
- Integration and sharing of Platforms
- Experimental European wide IP over WDM, MPLS,
IPv6 network deployment - Evaluation of innovative services Grids, virtual
reality based CAD, Telemedecine, etc. - Software-based Test-Beds Development for Traffic
Engineering Experimentation - Distributed emulation of next generation networks
- European wide Measurement Platforms
19JRA.5 Modelling, Quantitative Methods and
- IP traffic characterization, measurements and
statistical methods - Dynamics of networks under new traffic paradigms
- Spatial network modelling and stochastic
geometry - Networks optimization and control
- Numerical and analytic methodologies
20JRA.6 Socio-Economic Aspects
- Quality of Service from the users perspective and
feed-back mechanisms for quality control - Payment and cost models for Next Generation
Internet - Security and Trust
21Joint Specific Research Projects, 2005
- JRA.S.01 Implementation of novel optimization and
control methods for the Internet - JRA.S.02 Pricing Mechanisms based on Auctions for
QoS and Resource Allocation - JRA.S.03 Vehicular NETworks
- JRA.S.04 Gaussian Toolbox for Storage Systems
- JRA.S.05 Origin-Destination Demands Matrix
Estimation Techniques Compared, New Directions,
and Characterization of the OD Demands at
Different Time Scales - JRA.S.06 Design and Evaluation of Distributed,
Self-Organized QoS Monitoring for Autonomous
Network Operation - JRA.S.07 Cellular
- JRA.S.08 Advanced Network design methods for Core
NGI - JRA.S.09 Reputation aware QoS control in wireless
ad hoc networks - JRA.S.10 Advanced Traffic Engineering methods for
CORE NGI - JRA.S.11 Fair and Efficient Scheduling in Wired
and Wireless Networks - JRA.S.12 A contribution to the ABC solution
- JRA.S.13 Integration of passive and active
measurement platforms
22Joint Specific Research Projects, 2006
- JRA.S.14 Vehicular Networks
- JRA.S.15 Random Encounter Based Distribution of
Large Files - JRA.S.16 Self-Adaptive Networks for Future
Internet-Based Infrastructure - JRA.S.17 Implementation of Novel Optimization
and Control Methods for the Internet - JRA.S.18 Advanced Optimization Methods for IP
Core Networks - JRA.S.19 Fair and Efficient Scheduling in Wired
and Wireless Networks - JRA.S.20 Characterization of Web Services with
Advanced Multimedia Components - JRA.S.21 Networking in Randomly Formed LEO
Satellite Constellations - JRA.S.22 Solving Traffic Engineering Problems for
NGI with Evolutionary Algorithms - JRA.S.23 Transfer Control with Delayed Feedback
Signals - JRA.S.24 Characterisation of Internet Traffic in
Wireless Networks - JRA.S.25 Cross layer design for QoS in wireless
networks - JRA.S.26 Routing in Overlay Networks
23New significant research efforts in EuroNGI
- Wireless sensor networks
- Self-organization
- Autonomous networks
25Integration Activities
- Establishment of a Knowledge Roadmap
- Interconnection and sharing of platforms/tools/fac
ilities and coordination of software development - Building collective intelligence through Advanced
Communication Tools - Collaboration with cognitive and social behavior
experts for the implementation and evaluation of
the collective intelligence - Organization of internal workshops
- Increase of the mobility for researchers and PhD
students - Creation of European graduated courses program
for PhD students and of Summer Schools
26Spreading of Excellence Activities
- Electronic dissemination - Euro-NGI web site and
group communication - Database of Euro-NGI publications
- International conferences, Workshops, Tutorials
- Summer Schools
- Creation of European graduated courses program
for PhD students and of Summer Schools - Publications of books and white papers providing
and integrated view of complementary domains - Synergic collaboration with SMEs
- Support of Spin-Off Projects from the Euro-NGI NoE
27Collaboration with external organizations
- Conferences and workshops SIGCOMM, WiOpt, QoS
- Technical Sponsorship
- Grants for PhD students
- Organizations CreatNet, Planet Lab,
- Non European Universities
- Example BUPT-China
- Other European Projects
28Examples of Coming Main Events
- Euro-NGI 4rd Summer School
- After the successful Euro-NGI Summer Schools in
Bamberg (Germany) ,Linz (Austria) and Laredo
(Spain) - September 2007, Copenhagen/Lyngby, Denmark
- Euro-NGI 3rd Conference, NGI 2007
- Following thriving NGI 2005 conference in Rome,
Italy and NGI 2006 in Valencia, Spain - May 21-23, 2007 Trondheim, Norway
- Euro-NGI regular targeted Workshops on topics as
- Wireless and Mobility, Traffic Engineering,
Resilience, Modelling, Social-Economic aspects, ..
29Cooperation with Industry
- We invite you to join the consortium
30Very strong relationship with industry
- Alcatel
- Cisco
- Ericsson
- HP
- Intel
- Italtel
- Juniper
- Lucent
- Marconi
- Motorola
- NEC Europe
- Algonet
- ATT, ATT Labs
- Bouygues Telecom
- British Telecom
- Deutsche Telecom
- France Telecom
- Netway
- Portugal Telecom
- Sonera
- Sprint
- Telefonica
- Telia
- TNO telecom
- Vodafone
- Through YRP NTT DoCoMo, KDDI, etc.
- Nokia
- Philips
- Quallcomm
- Siemens
- Solinet
- ST Microelectronics
- Teletel
- Thales
- Thomson
- 4Plus Technologies
These companies are cooperating on NoE
per-partners basis
31Strengthening Collaboration with Industry a main
- From the list of main targets in the contract
with the European Commission Consolidating
collaboration with industry, especially with
SMEs, through a durable partnership programme
implying strong commitments from both sides,
supported by an industrial club.
SME Small-Medium Enterprises
32Industrial Club, Members benefits
- Preferential access
- to the outcomes of the network as well as to the
documents prepared by the network - Preferential exchange
- with the start-up incubators of the partners of
the Network - Invitation to the network events
- free of participation fees
- Influence the strategic decisions of the network
- including research topics to cover
- Request the targeted tutorials
33Industrial Club, Members benefits
- Access participation in experiments, tools
- specific experiments on the Euro-FGI platforms
- to the software and tools developed by the
network - Consultancy
- Euro-FGI could commit on providing a certain
amount of person days of expert consultancy to
the members of the club - Standardization
- Euro-NGI contributes to and can provide support
to standardization activities - This will promote the take-up of new technologies
- by facilitating the transfer of innovative
technologies to and from European companies and
research institutions.
34Euro-NGI and SMEs
- Euro-NGI acknowledges the important role of SMEs
- as fast moving, technological highly innovative
entities. - SMEs, however, may be short of specific research
resources in order to complement their own
competences. - An efficient interface
- between SMEs and the available competences of the
Euro-NGI network is being organized - The SMEs will take advantage of
- the global and unified view of the field and of
the main technological trends provided by the
documents the network is producing. Indeed, - SMEs usually dont have enough internal resource
to afford this type of analysis and synthesis.
35Euro-NGI and SMEs
- Contractual issues
- may be a major obstacle for the cooperation
between university researchers and SMEs. - The network can support the cooperation by
providing help, e.g. in terms of fair contract
templates with regard to IPR issues. - Another objective of this activity is to collect
and arbitrate requests for exchanging - students, researchers and staff people between
SMEs and the academic members of the consortium. - Example Support sabbatical stays of researchers
within SMEs or co-advisory of students with SMEs.
36Industrial Club, Euro-NGI benefits
- Technological transfer will be in both
directions, - the club will help in transferring Euro-NGI
results to the applications world - The contribution in building the networks
technological roadmap - Win-win situation
37Industrial Club, IPR
- There are provisioned mechanisms to protect IP
Rights for all sides included (Industry,
Consortium Partners) - Legal issues would be analysed and workout on
- Collaboration with external colleagues and
organizations is one of our main targets - We will be very glad to discuss with you about
possible synergies - You are kindly invited to attend our various
events - Conference, Workshops, Summer School, etc.
- Web site and Contacts www.eurongi.org
- The main technical and scientific outcomes of the
2 years - a series of state of the arts and tutorials on
the various covered domains - the planning and execution of new jointly
executed research, with major innovative outcomes
in main advance domains - These innovative research projects have started,
they would not have exist without Euro-NGI - Spreading of the Excellence
- through the web site,
- publications database,
- Summer School,
- Conferences and workshops and
- several contacts and partnerships.
- A poll showed
- the high interest of the partners in the network,
- the motivation for continuing executing the Joint
Program of Activities is very high - Euro-NGI is becoming to be very well known
outside the consortium - The project continue beyond the initial 3 yeas
period - Euro-FGI Future Generation Internet, till 2008
- www.eurongi.org
- Daniel.Kofman_at_enst.fr (EuroNGI/FGI project
leader) - Myriam.Morcel_at_enst.fr (EuroNGI/FGI project
assistant) - Gerardo Rubino_at_irisa.fr (in charge of the
industrial club) - Markus.Fiedler_at_bth.se (in charge of todays
42Information about FP7
- 20072013
- Areas according to funding
- ICT 9.1 G (largest)
- Health 6.0 G
- Transport 4.2 G
- Special focus on SME
- EuroFGI and its members interested in joint
projects - Check possibilities for joint consortia with SME
- Strong correlation of expertises
44Work Programme and Calls
- In line with the main ICT policy priorities as
defined in the i2010 initiative - a European
Information Society for Growth and Employment - Calls
- No. 1 May 2007
- No. 2 Sept. 2007
- No. 3 Dec. 2007
- ...
- Updates expected
- Improving the competitiveness of European
industry and enabling Europe to master and shape
future developments in ICT so that the demands of
its society and economy are met. ICT is at the
very core of the knowledge-based society.
Activities will strengthen Europe's scientific
and technology base and ensure its global
leadership in ICT, help drive and stimulate
product, service and process innovation and
creativity through ICT use and ensure that ICT
progress is rapidly transformed into benefits for
Europe's citizens, businesses, industry and
governments. These activities will also help
reduce the digital divide and social exclusion.
46Three ICT Challenges for ICT Researchers and
- 1. The converged communication and service
Infrastructure that will gradually replace the
current Internet, mobile, fixed and audiovisual
networks. - 2. The engineering of more robust, context-aware
and easy-to-use ICT systems that self improve and
self-adapt within their respective environments. - 3. The increasingly smaller, cheaper, more
reliable and low consumption electronic
components and systems that constitute the basis
for innovation in all major products and service.
47Four Challenges Driven by Socio-Economic Goals
- 4. Digital libraries, knowledge and content
development tools and applications that will help
us preserve, develop and disseminate our cultural
assets, improve our learning and education
systems and strengthen the creativity of our
society. - 5. ICT tools for sustainable Health systems
enhancing our ability to monitor our health and
well-being and to treat major illnesses and
diseases. - 6. Intelligent and safe vehicles and technologies
environmental sustainability and energy
efficiency that are key requirements of our
citizens. - 7. ICT systems and applications for better
inclusion and independent living of all citizens.
48Future and Emerging Technologies Activity
- 8. The Future and Emerging Technologies activity
will continue to foster trans-disciplinary
research excellence in emerging ICT-related
research domains. - These 8 challenges are present in the call
- expected to remain largely valid well beyond this
first work programme as they express aims to be
achieved in a 10-15 years timeframe
49Funding Schemes
- 1. Collaborative projects (CP)
- Support to research projects carried out by
consortia with participants from different
countries, aiming at developing new knowledge,
new technology, products, demonstration
activities or common resources for research. - a) small or medium-scale focused research
actions (STREP) - b) large-scale integrating projects" (IP)
50Funding Schemes
- 2. Networks of Excellence (NoE)
- Support to Joint Programme of Activities
implemented by a number of research organisations
integrating their activities in a given field,
carried out by research teams in the framework of
longer term cooperation. - 3. Coordination and support actions (CSA)
- Support to activities aimed at coordinating or
supporting research activities and policies
(networking, exchanges, coordination of funded
projects, trans-national access to research
infrastructures, studies, conferences, etc).
These actions may also be implemented by means
other than calls for proposals.
51Typical Values
- 1a. Integrated Project (IP)
- 10..15 M
- 15..20 partners (industry-led)
- 3..5 years
- 1b. STrategic REsearch Project (STREP)
- 2.5..3 M
- 2..3 years
- 5..7 partners, at least 3 countries
- 3. Cooperative/Supportive Action
- 0.6..0.8 M
- 1.5..2 years
- 4..5 partners, at least 3 countries
52The Role of SME in FP7
- Feeding innovation SME play a vital role in the
development of new visions and in transforming
them into business assets. - Community research programmes in ICT provide
major opportunities for SMEs to - finance high-risk, early-stage research and
development - build strategic partnerships
- operate outside their local markets with higher
value innovative products and services - SMEs constitute an important part of the ICT
research consortia together with large companies,
universities, and public research labs. - Community financial contribution may reach a
maximum of 75 of the total eligible costs (FP6
50 )
53FP 7 Topics of Interest
- Challenge 1 Pervasive and Trusted Network and
Service Infrastructures - Objective ICT-2007.1.1 The Network of the Future
(Call 1) - Ubiquitous network infrastructures and
architectures - Optimised control, management and flexibility of
the future network infrastructure - Technologies and systems architectures for the
Future Internet
54FP 7 Topics of Interest
- Challenge 1 Pervasive and Trusted Network and
Service Infrastructures - Objective ICT-2007.1.2 Service and Software
Architectures, Infrastructures and Engineering
(Call 1) - Service architectures, platforms, technologies,
methods and tools - Service/software engineering approaches
- Strategies and technologies enabling mastery of
complexity, dependability, and behavioural
stability - Virtualisation tools, system software, middleware
and network-centric operating systems
55FP 7 Topics of Interest
- Challenge 1 Pervasive and Trusted Network and
Service Infrastructures - Objective ICT-2007-1.3 ICT in support of the
networked enterprise (Call 1) - Generic integrated solutions for inter-enterprise
interoperability and collaboration - Architectures and platforms for the integrated
enterprise supporting massively distributed
networked devices, notably enhanced RFID-based
systems - Tools and technologies that enable
intra-enterprise collaboration and the definition
and execution of tasks and workflows for
operation across multiple domains
56FP 7 Topics of Interest
- Challenge 1 Pervasive and Trusted Network and
Service Infrastructures - Objective ICT-2007.1.4 Secure, dependable and
trusted Infrastructures (Call 1) - Security and resilience in network
infrastructures - Security and trust in dynamic and reconfigurable
service architectures - Trusted computing infrastructures
- Identity management and privacy enhancing tools
trust policies - Research roadmaps metrics and benchmarks
57FP 7 Topics of Interest
- Challenge 1 Pervasive and Trusted Network and
Service Infrastructures - Objective ICT-2007.1.5 Networked Media (Call 1)
- Interoperable multimedia network and service
infrastructures - End-to-end systems
- Roadmapping and conference support,
58FP 7 Topics of Interest
- Challenge 1 Pervasive and Trusted Network and
Service Infrastructures - Objective ICT-2007.1.6 New Paradigms and
Experimental Facilities (Call 2) - Advanced networking approaches to architectures
and protocols validation in large scale testing
environments - Interconnected testbeds
59FP 7 Topics of Interest
- Challenge 1 Pervasive and Trusted Network and
Service Infrastructures - Objective ICT-SEC-2007.1.7 Critical
Infrastructure Protection (Joint Call between ICT
and Security Themes FP7-ICT-SEC-2007-1 ) (Call 2) - ICT theme, addressing technology building blocks
for creating, monitoring and managing secure,
resilient and always available information
infrastructures that link critical
infrastructures so that they survive malicious
attacks or accidental failures, guarantee
integrity of data and continuous provision of
responsive and trustworthy services, and support
dynamically varying trust requirements. - Security theme
60FP 7 Topics of Interest
- Challenge 2 Cognitive Systems, Interaction,
Robotics - Objective ICT-2007.2.1 (ICT-2007.2.2) Cognitive
Systems, Interaction, Robotics (Calls 1 and 3) - Artificial systems
- A principled approach to structuring research
61FP 7 Topics of Interest
- Challenge 3 Components, systems, engineering
- Objective ICT-2007.3.1 Next-Generation
Nanoelectronics Components and Electronics
Integration (Call 1) - Objective ICT-2007.3.2 Organic and large-area
electronics, visualisation and display systems
(Call 1) - Objective ICT-2007.3.3 Embedded Systems Design
(Call 1) - Theory and methods for system design
- Suites of interoperable design tools for rapid
design and prototyping
62FP 7 Topics of Interest
- Challenge 3 Components, systems, engineering
- Objective ICT-2007.3.4 Computing Systems (Call
1) - Novel architectures for multi-core computing
systems - Reference architectures for generic embedded
63FP 7 Topics of Interest
- Challenge 3 Components, systems, engineering
- Objective ICT-2007.3.5 Photonic components and
subsystems (Call 2) - Core photonic components and subsystems
- Application-specific photonic components and
subsystems - Underlying technologies
64FP 7 Topics of Interest
- Challenge 3 Components, systems, engineering
- Objective ICT-2007.3.6 Micro/nanosystems (Call
2) - Next-generation smart systems
- Micro/nano/biotechnologies convergence
- Integration of smart materials
- From smart systems to viable products
- Smart systems for communications and data
65FP 7 Topics of Interest
- Challenge 3 Components, systems, engineering
- Objective ICT-2007.3.7 Networked Embedded and
Control Systems (Call 2) - Middleware
- Cooperating objects and Wireless Sensor Networks
- Control of large-scale complex distributed
66FP 7 Topics of Interest
- Challenge 4 Digital Libraries and Content
- Objective ICT-2007.4.1 (ICT-2007.4.3) Digital
libraries and technology-enhanced learning (Calls
1 and 3) - Large-scale European-wide digital libraries
- Radically new approaches to digital preservation
- Responsive environments for technology-enhanced
learning - Adaptive and intuitive learning systems
- Longer term
67FP 7 Topics of Interest
- Challenge 4 Digital Libraries and Content
- Objective ICT-2007.4.2 (ICT-2007.4.4)
Intelligent Content and Semantics (Calls 1 and 3) - Advanced authoring environments for the creation
of novel forms of interactive and expressive
content - Collaborative automated workflow environments
- Architectures and technologies for personalised
distribution, presentation and consumption - Actions geared towards community building,
- Semantic foundations (Web integration)
- Advanced knowledge management systems
(computer-tractable knowledge) - Longer term
68FP 7 Topics of Interest
- Challenge 5 Towards sustainable and personalised
healthcare - Objective ICT-2007.5.1 Personal Health Systems
for Monitoring and Point-of-Care diagnostics
(Call 1) - Personalised Monitoring
- Chronic disease management
- Preventive monitoring
- Point-of-Care diagnostics
69FP 7 Topics of Interest
- Challenge 5 Towards sustainable and personalised
healthcare - Objective ICT-2007.5.2 Advanced ICT for Risk
Assessment and Patient Safety (Call 1) - Advanced computerised adverse event systems
- New risk prediction for large scale events
70FP 7 Topics of Interest
- Challenge 5 Towards sustainable and personalised
healthcare - Objective ICT-2007.5.3 Virtual Physiological
Human (Call 2) - Patient-specific computational modelling and
simulation of organs or systems targeting
specific clinical needs - Data integration and new knowledge extraction
- Clinical applications and demonstration of
tangible benefits of patient-specific
computational models
71FP 7 Topics of Interest
- Challenge 6 ICT for Mobility, Environmental
Sustainability and Energy Efficiency - Objective ICT-2007.6.1 ICT for Intelligent
Vehicles and Mobility Services (Call 1) - Intelligent Vehicle Systems
- Mobility Services for People
- Mobility Services for Goods
72FP 7 Topics of Interest
- Challenge 6 ICT for Mobility, Environmental
Sustainability and Energy Efficiency - Objective ICT-2007.6.2 ICT for Cooperative
Systems (Call 2) - Co-operative Systems
- Field Operational Tests
- Coordination and Support Actions
73FP 7 Topics of Interest
- Challenge 6 ICT for Mobility, Environmental
Sustainability and Energy Efficiency - Objective ICT-2007.6.3 ICT for Environmental
Management and Energy Efficiency (Call 2) - Collaborative Systems for Environmental
Management - ICT for Energy-intensive Systems
74FP 7 Topics of Interest
- Challenge 7 ICT for Independent Living and
Inclusion - Objective ICT-2007.7.1 ICT and Ageing (Call 1)
- Advanced prototypes of systemic solutions for
independent living and active ageing, including
mobility aspects and reorganization of integrated
care and rehabilitation processes - Open systems reference architectures, standards
and platforms - RTD roadmaps and socio-economic research (ethical
and privacy questions) - Contribution to standards setting, and strategic
international cooperation with US and Japan
75FP 7 Topics of Interest
- Challenge 7 ICT for Independent Living and
Inclusion - Objective ICT-2007.7.2 Accessible and Inclusive
ICT (Call 2) - New approaches and solutions for deeply embedding
generalised accessibility support within future
mainstream ICT-based products and services. - New methods and tools for computer simulation of
the user interaction and computer-based
validation frameworks - Advanced self-adaptive ICT-enabled assistive
systems based on non-invasive Brain to Computer
Interaction (BCI) - facilitating social inclusion of marginalised
young people
76FP 7 Topics of Interest
- 8. Future and Emerging Technologies (FET)
- FET-Open
- early indicator of new directions and
opportunities - FET proactive
- Call 1 FP7-ICT-2007-1
- ICT-2007.8.1 Nano-scale ICT devices and systems
- ICT-2007.8.2 Pervasive adaptation
- ICT-2007.8.3 Bio-ICT convergence
- Call 3 FP7-ICT-2007-3
- ICT-2007.8.4 Science of Complex Systems for
socially intelligent ICT - ICT-2007.8.5 Embodied Intelligence
- ICT-2007.8.6 ICT forever yours
77FP 7 Topics of Interest
- 8. Future and Emerging Technologies (FET)
- Objective ICT-2007.8.0 FET-Open (call open from
March 2007) - ICT-relevant, visionary, high quality, long-term
research of a foundational nature, involving
bright new ideas of high-risk high-pay-off,
aiming at a breakthrough, a paradigm shift, or at
the proof of a novel scientific principle - Research refining the visionary ideas that have
gone past the proof-of-concept phase to bring
them to the maturity level where they could be
taken up by the mainstream ICT programme
78FP 7 Topics of Interest
- 8. Future and Emerging Technologies (FET)
- Objective ICT-2007.8.1 FET proactive 1
Nano-scale ICT devices and systems (Call 1) - new concepts for switches or memory cells
- new concepts, technologies and architectures for
local and chip-level interconnects - radically new functionalities by the integration
of blocks from a few nanometres down to the
atomic scale into high added-value systems
79FP 7 Topics of Interest
- 8. Future and Emerging Technologies (FET)
- Objective ICT-2007.8.2 FET proactive 2
Pervasive adaptation (Call 1) - Evolve-able and adaptive pervasive systems
- Networked societies of artefacts
- Adaptive security and dependability
- Dynamicity of trust
- Security for tiny and massively networked devices
80FP 7 Topics of Interest
- 8. Future and Emerging Technologies (FET)
- Objective ICT-2007.8.3 FET proactive 3 Bio-ICT
convergence (Call 1) - Novel computing paradigms,
- Biomimetic artefacts
- Bidirectional interfaces
- Biohybrid artefacts
81FP 7 Topics of Interest
- 8. Future and Emerging Technologies (FET)
- Objective ICT-2007.8.4 FET proactive 4 Science
of complex systems for socially intelligent ICT
(Call 3) - Theoretical and algorithmic foundations
- Data-driven simulation
- Prediction and predictability
82FP 7 Topics of Interest
- 8. Future and Emerging Technologies (FET)
- Objective ICT-2007.8.5 FET proactive 5 Embodied
Intelligence (Call 3) - Mind-body co-development and co-evolution
- Morphology and behaviour
- Design for emergence
83FP 7 Topics of Interest
- 8. Future and Emerging Technologies (FET)
- Objective ICT-2007.8.6 FET proactive 6 ICT
forever yours (Call 3) - Eternal Systems
- Knowledge, diversity and time
- Secure and dependable software
84FP 7 Topics of Interest
- 9. Horizontal support actions
- Objective ICT-2007.9.1 (ICT-2007.9.2)
International cooperation - Objective ICT-2007.9.3 Trans-national
co-operation among National Contact Points
- European Information and Communication
Technologies Prize (EICTP) - This scheme promotes European innovation and
entrepreneurship in ICT through public
recognition of companies that excel in turning
technology and research results into products for
the market.
86Presentations by the SMEs
- Wireless Independent Provider, Karlskrona, Sweden
89Discussion w.r.t. EuroFGI
- Which aspects of cooperation are most attractive
for your institution? - What advantages do you see from the cooperation?
- Would you be willing to participate in the
Industrial club? - if yes, who would be a contact person?
- If you are not interested, what are the key
reasons? - What would be preferred way to interact with the
90Discussion w.r.t. FP7
- Regarding FP7, what are your ( the SMEs)
- Ideas?
- Interests?
- Plans?
- Are you interesting in building up/being part of
a consortium?