Title: The Inside EdgeTM How to Profit from Asynchronous Communication The power of connecting with your cu
1The Inside EdgeTMHow to Profit from
Asynchronous CommunicationThe power of
connecting with your customers, anytime, anywhere
212 Minute Web Conference
312 Minute Web Conference
- What if you could hire 2 employees for the price
of one?
412 Minute Web Conference
- What if you could hire 2 employees for the price
of one? - What if you could clone your best sales person?
512 Minute Web Conference
- What if you could hire 2 employees for the price
of one? - What if you could clone your best sales person?
- Out smart the competition, improve business
efficiencies, improve service
6Whats the catch??
7What is Synchronous Communication?
- Relies on real time
- Phone call
- Face to Face meeting
8What is Asynchronous Communication?
- Does not rely on real time
- Email
9What is Asynchronous Communication?
- Does not rely on real time
- Email
- Webcast Technology
- Go from real-time to any-time
105 Ways to Drive Profits Using A.C.
115 Ways to Drive Profits Using A.C.
- Ensure Consistency of Communications
- Duplicate your top sales person
- Message from the President
- Communicate your companys mission or vision
125 Ways to Drive Profits Using A.C.
- Ensure Consistency of Communications
- Reduce Communication Costs
- Reduce telephone expenses
- Reduce printing costs
- Reduce mailing costs
- Reduce travel expenses
- Reduce employee costs
13Traditional Business Revenues Expenses
Profits Using Webcasts Revenues (Expenses
-X) Profits X
145 Ways to Drive Profits Using A.C.
- Ensure Consistency of Communications
- Reduce Communication Costs
- Maximize Scalability
- Double or triple your sales presentations
- Multiply the amount of service you can deliver
155 Ways to Drive Profits Using A.C.
- Ensure Consistency of Communications
- Reduce Communication Costs
- Maximize Scalability
- 24 x 7 Availability
- No longer limited by office hours
- Generate profits around-the-clock
165 Ways to Drive Profits Using A.C.
- Ensure Consistency of Communications
- Reduce Communication Costs
- Maximize Scalability
- 24 x 7 Availability
- Improve Customer Service
- Trouble shooting presentations
- Installation demonstrations
- Product knowledge sessions
17Additional Applications for A.C. Webcasts
- Online Training/e-Learning
18Additional Applications for A.C. Webcasts
- Online Training/e-Learning
- Field Announcements
- Rich Media Press Releases
- Customer Testimonials
19Additional Applications for A.C. Webcasts
- Online Training/e-Learning
- Field Announcements
- Rich Media Press Releases
- Customer Testimonials
- Expand Nationally or Internationally
20Webcast Systems the good, the bad and the ugly
21Webcast Systems the good, the bad and the ugly
- Simple, real-time updating
22Webcast Systems the good, the bad and the ugly
- Simple, real-time updating
- Full Reporting
- Viewer Password Protection
23Webcast Systems the good, the bad and the ugly
- Simple, real-time updating
- Full Reporting
- Viewer Password Protection
- Unlimited Usage
24Other New Ways to Drive Profits
- Dynamic FAQ Systems
- Customer Service Ticketing Systems
- Information Delivery Robots
- Smart Mail
25To Learn MoreContact Your Internet Consultant
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