Title: Getting Started with Oracle Development using Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003
1Getting Started with Oracle Development using
Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003
- Oracle Development Tools for Visual Studio .NET
Presented by Kalvin Parman Principal Software
Engineer Medtronic, Inc. kalvin.parman_at_medtronic.c
2Getting Started with Oracle Development using
Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003
- Introduction
- Background
- What is Microsoft .NET?
- Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003
- Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1
- Microsoft .NET 1.1 Data Providers
- Oracle Developer Tools for Visual Studio .NET
2003 - Conclusion
- References and Links
3Getting Started with Oracle Development using
Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003
- Introduction
- Kalvin Parman -Principal Software Engineer
Medtronic, Inc. - Objective
- Provide an introduction to the Oracle Developer
Tools for Visual Studio .NET 2003.
4Getting Started with Oracle Development using
Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003
- Introduction
- Background
- What is Microsoft .NET?
- Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003
- Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1
- Microsoft .NET 1.1 Data Providers
- Oracle Developer Tools for Visual Studio .NET
2003 - Conclusion
- References and Links
5Getting Started with Oracle Development using
Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003
- What is Microsoft .NET?
- As defined on MSDN, Microsoft .NET is software
that connects information, people, systems, and
devices. - Microsoft .NET consists of
- Developer tools
- Visual Studio .NET
- The .NET Framework
- A set of Servers
- Windows Server 2003, Microsoft SQL Server,
Microsoft BizTalk Server - Client software
- Windows XP, Windows CE, Microsoft Office XP
6Getting Started with Oracle Development using
Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003
- Introduction
- Background
- What is Microsoft .NET?
- Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003
- Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1
- Microsoft .NET 1.1 Data Providers
- Oracle Developer Tools for Visual Studio .NET
2003 - Conclusion
- References and Links
7Getting Started with Oracle Development using
Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003
- What is Visual Studio .NET 2003?
- Visual Studio .NET 2003 is a multi-language
integrated development environment (IDE) - Provides tools for the design, building, testing
and deployment of Windows Applications and Web
Services - Integrated with the .NET Framework 1.1
8Getting Started with Oracle Development using
Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003
Visual Studio .NET 2003
9Getting Started with Oracle Development using
Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003
- Introduction
- Background
- What is Microsoft .NET?
- Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003
- Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1
- Microsoft .NET 1.1 Data Providers
- Oracle Developer Tools for Visual Studio .NET
2003 - Conclusion
- References and Links
10Getting Started with Oracle Development using
Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003
- What is the Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1?
- The .NET Framework is a multi-language
development and execution environment for windows
application and web service development - Initial release in 2002, release 1.0
- Currently .NET Framework 1.1
- .NET Framework 2.0 beta 1 is currently available
as a download from MSDN
11Getting Started with Oracle Development using
Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003
- The .NET Framework
- Supports over 20 different programming languages.
- APL, Fortran, Pascal, C, Perl, C, Java,
Python, COBOL, Microsoft JScript, RPG, Pascal,
SmallTalk, Microsoft Visual Basic - Manages much of the plumbing involved in
developing software. This enables developers to
focus more on coding core business logic - The .NET Framework consists of
- The Common Language Runtime (CLR)
- The Framework Class Libraries (FCL)
12Getting Started with Oracle Development using
Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003
- Common Language Runtime (CLR)
- The CLR is the execution engine for .NET
framework applications - It is responsible for run-time services
- language integration
- security enforcement
- memory, process, and thread management
- And development cycle features
- life-cycle management of objects
- cross-language exception handling, etc.
13Getting Started with Oracle Development using
Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003
- Framework Class Libraries (FCL)
- A collection of classes that provide a common,
consistent development interface across all
languages supported by the .NET Framework.
14Getting Started with Oracle Development using
Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003
- FCL Consists of
- Base classes Input/output, thread, network,
string, text, user interface design features - ADO.NET classes data access in the form of XML
through the OLE DB, ODBC, Oracle and SQL Server
interfaces - XML classes Extensible Markup Language
processing - ASP.NET classes support for web based
application and web services - Windows Forms classes support desktop based
15Getting Started with Oracle Development using
Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003
- Introduction
- Background
- What is Microsoft .NET?
- Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003
- Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1
- Microsoft .NET 1.1 Data Providers
- Oracle Developer Tools for Visual Studio .NET
2003 - Conclusion
- References and Links
16Getting Started with Oracle Development using
Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003
- What is an ADO .NET?
- ADO.NET is a set of classes that expose data
access services to the .NET programmer. - What is a Data Provider?
- A Data Provider in the .NET Framework serves as a
bridge between an application and a data source.
17Getting Started with Oracle Development using
Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003
- ADO.NET Data Providers
- Bridge Connections
- Microsoft .NET OLE DB Data Provider
- Microsoft .NET ODBC Data Provider
- Native Connections
- Microsoft SQL Server .NET Data Provider
- mySQL .NET Data Provider
- Microsoft .NET Data Provider for Oracle
- Oracle .NET Data Provider (ODP.NET)
- Custom Connections
- IDbConnection, IDbCommand, IDataReader,
18Getting Started with Oracle Development using
Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003
- Oracle Data Provider for .NET (ODP.NET)
- Free download available at http//www.oracle.com/t
echnology/tech/windows/odpnet - ODP.NET is fully compliant with ADO.NET
- Provides advanced Oracle functionality
- High performance ADO.NET
19Getting Started with Oracle Development using
Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003
- Supports Oracle 8, 8i, 9i and 10g Database
servers on Linux, Unix, Windows, etc. - Windows Client must be 9i or 10g
20Getting Started with Oracle Development using
Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003
- ADO.NET Object Model for Oracle
Connected Layer (ODP.NET)
Disconnected Layer
Data Layer
21Getting Started with Oracle Development using
Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003
First Create a namespace reference to
- using System
- using Oracle.DataAccess.Client
- namespace ConsoleApplication1
- class Class1
- STAThread
- static void Main(string args)
- OracleConnection conn new OracleConnection("U
ser IdscottPasswordtiger1") - conn.Open()
- OracleCommand cmd conn.CreateCommand()
- cmd.CommandText "select ename from emp where
deptno 20" -
- OracleDataReader reader cmd.ExecuteReader()
- while (reader.Read())
- Console.WriteLine("Employee Name "
Spacing in ConnectionString creates a new pool
Close all ODP.NET objects, do not count on the
garbage collector to do this
22Getting Started with Oracle Development using
Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003
- ODP.NET Basic SELECT Console Application Demo
23Getting Started with Oracle Development using
Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003
- Introduction
- Background
- What is Microsoft .NET?
- Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003
- Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1
- Microsoft .NET 1.1 Data Providers
- Oracle Developer Tools for Visual Studio .NET
2003 - Conclusion
- References and Links
24Getting Started with Oracle Development using
Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003
- What is the Oracle Development Tools for Visual
Studio .NET 2003 (ODT for VS.NET)? - Tightly integrated "Add-in" for Visual Studio
.NET - Provides Oracle database functionality to Windows
developers - Partnership between Oracle and Microsoft -Oracle
is a premier-level partner in MS Visual Studio
Industry Partner Program (VSIP) - Free product
25Getting Started with Oracle Development using
Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003
- Beta is available on Oracle Technical Network
(OTN) - Production version planned for release end of
April 2005 followed by 6 month releases - Stored procedure debugging will be available in
the fall release - With the release of Oracle 10.2 on Windows, users
will be able to deploy stored procedures written
in .NET from Visual Studio.
26Getting Started with Oracle Development using
Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003
- The Oracle Development Tools contains
- Oracle Explorer -browse Oracle schemas
- Oracle Data Window perform routine database
tasks like inserting and updating Oracle data or
testing stored procedures - Designers and wizards -create and alter schema
objects - Automatically generate code -drag and drop schema
objects - PL/SQL Stored Procedure Create and Run Oracle
stored procedures - PL/SQL editor IntelliSense, Integrated context
sensitive online Oracle SQL and PL/SQL Users
Guide Help
27Getting Started with Oracle Development using
Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003
- Oracle Explorer -browse Oracle schemas
28Getting Started with Oracle Development using
Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003
29Getting Started with Oracle Development using
Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003
- Oracle Data Window perform routine database
tasks like inserting and updating Oracle data or
testing stored procedures
30Getting Started with Oracle Development using
Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003
31Getting Started with Oracle Development using
Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003
- Designers and Wizards-create and alter schema
32Getting Started with Oracle Development using
Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003
- Designers and Wizards
- Demo
33Getting Started with Oracle Development using
Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003
- Drag-and-Drop automatically generate code -drag
and drop schema objects
34Getting Started with Oracle Development using
Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003
- Automatic Code Generation
- Demo
35Getting Started with Oracle Development using
Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003
- PL/SQL Procedure Create and Run stored procedures
36Getting Started with Oracle Development using
Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003
37Getting Started with Oracle Development using
Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003
- PL/SQL editor IntelliSense and context sensitive
38Getting Started with Oracle Development using
Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003
39Getting Started with Oracle Development using
Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003
- Introduction
- Background
- What is Microsoft .NET?
- Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003
- Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1
- Microsoft .NET 1.1 Data Providers
- Oracle Developer Tools for Visual Studio .NET
2003 - Conclusion
- References and Links
40Getting Started with Oracle Development using
Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003
- Conclusion
- As the Microsoft .NET platform gains popularity,
Windows developers can utilize Oracle
productivity tools in an integrated development
environment that manages the repetitive elements
of software development allowing developers to
share services and focus on core business logic
41Getting Started with Oracle Development using
Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003
- Introduction
- Background
- What is Microsoft .NET?
- Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003
- Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1
- Microsoft .NET 1.1 Data Providers
- Oracle Developer Tools for Visual Studio .NET
2003 - Conclusion
- References and Links
42Getting Started with Oracle Development using
Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003
- References/links
- Oracle Data Provider for .NET (ODP.NET)
- http//www.oracle.com/technology/tech/dotnet
- Oracle Developer Tools for Visual Studio .NET
- http//www.oracle.com/technology/tech/dotnet/tools
- ODT for VS .NET Discussion Forum on OTN
- http//forums.oracle.com/forums/forum.jsp?forum22
43Getting Started with Oracle Development using
Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003
- MSDN Articles Links (http//msdn.microsoft.com/)
- Microsoft vs. Oracle ODP.NET
- MSDN .NET Framework Developer Center
- MSDN .NET Data Access Architecture Guide
44Getting Started with Oracle Development using
Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003
- Microsoft .NET and Web Service Training
- http//www.intertechtraining.com/
- Dan Dahlin
- 651-994-8558 ext. 22.
- dan.dahlin_at_intertechtraining.com
- Please mention that Kalvin Parman with Medtronic
referred you?
45Getting Started with Oracle Development using
Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003