Democracy, Media and Corruption - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Democracy, Media and Corruption


Modern classic in theoretical politics. Echoes of The Logic of Collective Action 1965 ... Most recent contributions to the debate ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Democracy, Media and Corruption

Democracy, Media and Corruption
  • Democracy ? corruption?
  • Olson 1993
  • Clague, Keefer, Knack, and Olson 1996
  • Keefer 2007
  • Free press ? corruption?
  • Adsera, Boix, and Payne 2003

Olson 1993
  • Modern classic in theoretical politics
  • Echoes of The Logic of Collective Action 1965
  • Individuals free ride
  • Developed further in Power and Prosperity 2000
  • Anarchy (roving bandit) lt Tyranny (stationary
    bandit) lt Democracy (majority government)

Clague, Keefer, Knack, and Olson 1996
  • Pioneering and most quoted empirical articles on
    the impact of political institutions
  • Controversial points
  • Structure
  • Simple but powerful Olsons theory
  • World Bank economists empirical methods

Keefer 2007
  • Most recent contributions to the debate
  • Encompassing empirical analysis of differences
    within democracies
  • Several dimensions of Quality of Government
  • Corruption
  • Provision of Private Goods
  • Provision of Public Goods

Adsera, Boix, and Payne 2003
  • Important contribution to the debate on Causes of
    Good Government
  • Theory with mechanisms linking Democracy, Free
    Press and Corruption
  • Original empirical analysis cross-country and
    within-country variation

Olson 1993
  • Are all polities built by means of force and
  • no one has ever found a large society that
    obtained a peaceful order or other public goods
    through an agreement among the individuals in the

Stationary bandits gt Roving bandits ?
  • Why should warlords, who were stationary bandits
    continuously stealing from a given group of
    victims, be preferred, by those victims, to
    roving bandits who soon departed?

monopoly of theft gt uncoordinated competitive
  • "the first blessing of the invisible hand the
    rational, self-interested leader of a band of
    roving bandits is led, as though by an invisible
    hand, to settle down, wear a crown, and replace
    anarchy with government. The gigantic increase in
    output that normally arises from the provision of
    a peaceful order and other public goods gives the
    stationary bandit a far larger take than he could
    obtain without providing government.

Democratic rulers gt Dictators
  • Not because democrat incumbents are more
  • Assumption taxes ? distort incentives ? reduces
    income so much that tax collections fall
  • Dictators establish a revenue-maximizing tax
  • Democrat rulers tax less the majority always has
    a higher stake at the growth of the national
  • Underlying idea the broadest the interests
    represented in government (majority gt oligarchy gt
    dictator), the more the government will take into
    account the social costs of redistributions

But, if you are unlucky, and have a dictator
  • Dynastic Monarchies gt Standard Dictators
  • Why?
  • Any other critical comment to Olsons theory?

Why do democracies emerge?
  • If autocrat rulers obtain more revenue than
    democratic ones
  • why do not those rebel leaders who overthrow a
    ruler always establish another autocracy instead
    of a democracy?

Great works, great last sentences
  • The moral appeal of democracy is now almost
    universally appreciated, but its economic
    advantages are scarcely understood.

Clague, Keefer, Knack, and Olson1996
  • Simple but powerful Olsons theory World Bank
    economists empirical quantitative methods
  • What matters for protection of PPRR is not
    Democracy vs. Dictatorship, but Short vs. Long
    Time Horizons
  • But, at the same time, WHY and HOW property
    rights are protected in democracy dictatorship

Different reasons for protection of PPRR
  • If Dictators do not expropriate (too much) and
    protect ? rise in national income ? more taxes
  • If the democracy is to last, incumbents need to
    delegate the protection of PPRR to disinterested
    parties (e.g. independent courts)

Theoretical Hypotheses
  • In dictatorships time horizon of the
    individual dictator ? protection of contract
    and PPRR
  • In democracies duration of the democratic
    system ? protection of contract and PPRR
  • So, time heals all wounds.

Empirical analysis
  • Proxies for the expected remaining life (of the
    system/of the dictator)
  • for democracies current age of the democratic
  • for dictatorships years of the dictator in power
  • Whats wrong in tables 3-5?

  • 1) confirm the hypotheses the longer
    (dictator/democratic system) ? protection of
    contract and PPRR
  • 2) point out an intriguing U- or J-shaped
    relationship between democratization and
    protection of contract and PPRR

The mysterious case of the U- or J-shaped
  • Increasingly, empirical studies tend to show
  • Consolidated/Old Democracies gt Dictatorships gt
    Transitional/Young Democracies (Keefer 2007)
  • (focus on time)
  • Full/Totally Free Democracies gt Dictatorships gt
    Semi-/Partially Free Democracies lt
  • (focus on degree of democracy)

Keefer 2007
  • Tackles the most intriguing puzzle in theory,
    Democracy gt Dictatorship, but, in practice, many
    democracies fall short of many autocracies in
    many indicators of good government (e.g.
  • Offers
  • 1) theoretical explanation
  • 2) empirically someone proves for the first time
    the systematic performance differences between
    Young and Old Democracies

  • In relation to Old Democracies, the Young ones
  • underprovide non-targeted goods (e.g. education,
  • overprovide targeted goods (e.g. patronage)
  • and are more corrupt
  • Reason Young democracies candidates are not

How to win credibility?
  • Two options for new incumbents
  • Be Good Invest resources to show they can
    provide public goods (costly)
  • Be Bad Rely on local patrons and deliver
    targeted goods to them and their clients
  • Problems with these options? Or with a theory
    based on something vague such as credibility?

Alternative factors?
  • Young democracies also have more political
    violence than Old ones
  • Reason more freedoms
  • Short-time-horizon incumbents in Young D vs.
    Long-term-horizon incumbents in Old D

Empirical analysis
  • His proxies for good government
  • Nontargeted policies benefiting all citizens
    secondary school enrollment, bureaucratic
    quality, the rule of law, and government
    ownership of newspapers
  • Targeted policies, benefiting discrete and
    identifiable groups of voters public investment
    (where pork barrel projects reside) and the
    central government wage bill (which finances
    patronage jobs).
  • Corruption standard measure of corruption
  • Do you agree with the proxies? Do you think the
    analysis supports his predictions?

Expected effects of control variables
Nontargeted Goods Targeted
Goods Rent Seeking More presidential
Less Less Less More
majoritarian Less More Less Greater social
cleavages Less Less More More affected by
conflict Less Less More Less citizen
information Less Less More
Problems with this analysis
  • Any omitted variables you would introduce?
  • Does his variable (age) remain strong after the
    control variables are included?
  • Any other flaw?

Adsera, Boix, and Payne 2003
  • Important contributions to the debate What Causes
    Good Government
  • Democracy necessary, but not sufficient
    condition for good government. We also need Free
  • Unlike most of the previous literature, the
    theory here fleshes out the micro-mechanisms
    through which rulers comply or are made to behave
    in a benevolent fashion
  • Original test cross-country and within-country

Mechanisms of the theory
  • 1.Democracy gt Dictatorships
  • Mechanism Electoral accountability
  • 2.Better informed citizens gt Poorly informed
  • Mechanism No room to divert resources when
    people know it!
  • 3.Capital mobility gt non-mobile assets (e.g. oil)
  • Mechanism People can exit

Empirical analysis
  • Encompassing account of alternative explanatory
    variables (p.451-457)
  • Main result as long as they introduce controls,
    Democracy seems to exert less significant
    influence on good government, but Free Press
    remains strong
  • Fine, but sure you also found some problems

World Bank Governance Indicators I
  • "Not everything that can be counted counts, and
    not everything that counts can be counted"
  • Albert Einstein
  • 212 countries and territories
  • Period 19962006
  • Six dimensions of governance
  • Voice and Accountability
  • Political Stability and Absence of Violence
  • Government Effectiveness Regulatory Quality
  • Rule of Law
  • Control of Corruption

World Bank Governance Indicators II
  • Reflect the views of enterprise, citizen and
    expert survey respondents in industrial and
    developing countries
  • They are aggregate indicators made with lots of
    individual indicators by survey institutes, think
    tanks, non-governmental organizations, and
    international organizations

World Bank Governance Indicators
  • http//
  • Intrinsic problem with these data statistically
    significant differences at opposite ends of the
    distribution of governance
  • Very difficult to discriminate among the majority
    of countries with any degree of confidence

Analysis of corruption in US States
  • Which is the advantage of testing a theory in one
    single country? Is there any added value?
  • Nice result more circulation of papers ? less
  • Other variables that matter electoral turnout (a
    lot), social capital (a little)
  • Any omitted variable?
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