Title: Promoting Quality Early Childhood Education Programs: The Challenges and Opportunities of Preparing
1Promoting Quality Early Childhood Education
ProgramsThe Challenges and Opportunities of
Preparing ALL Children for a Successful Future
- Mark R. Ginsberg, Ph.D.
- Washington, DC
2Introduction and Goals
- NAEYC brief overview and introduction
- Critical view that the early years are learning
years a mantra for the field and advocates
for children - Quality Matters Key predictors of quality
- Description of the recent update by NAEYC of
developmentally appropriate practice - Accreditation and Related Initiatives
- Evolving critical issues in early childhood
education - Discussion
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4NAEYC Who and What We Are
- Largest early childhood professional organization
in the world nearly 90,000 members - Professional development and resources for early
childhood educators - Advocacy, policy development and position
statements about critical issues - Accreditation of center-based early care and
education programs and higher education - Focus on development and education of ALL young
children and families
5The Early Years are Learning Years
- Early Care
- IS (and must be)
- Education
6ECE Today Key and Critical Issues that Predict
- Focus on quality an aspiration and a goal --
- Availability, accessibility and affordability of
services - Teacher and staff qualifications and workforce
challenges - Administration and management of ECE
- Group size and ratio issues
- Cultural and linguistic diversity and associated
challenges - Attention to children with challenging
behaviors and special needs - Accountability and assessment
- Linkages of ECE School Family Community
- Research to Practice to Policy (and back again)
- Fragile economics for the ECE field (and the
nation and world) - Impact on ECE programs
- Impact on ECE training and professional
development - Impact on research
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8Developmentally Appropriate Practice
(DAP)(Revision in Fall 2008)
9Young children are born learners. Although
individual differences are present at birth, most
set out to explore their world with unbridled
eagerness and curiosity. Perhaps, more than any
other time of life, early childhood is a period
of never ending possibilities. (Copple
Bredekamp, 2008)
10The Context for Developmentally Appropriate
Practice (DAP)
- Historically important construct for the ECE
field - Recent advances in understanding of human
development and neuroscience (brain science) - Practice rooted in child development theory
- Evolution and development of the ECE field with
advances in understanding of and practice of DAP - Historic commitment to young children and
families, and an affirmation about the importance
of the early years
11Historically Critical Concepts
- Appreciating early childhood as a unique and
valuable stage of the life cycle - Emphasis on child development research
- Importance of the partnership with the family
- Recognition of the importance of understanding
the child in the context of the family,
community, culture and society - Group size and ratio issues important in a
practical sense for optimal learning and linkage
with quality
122008 Statement Builds on Earlier Statements
(1986 1997)
- Core Themes of the 2008 Revision
- Excellence and Equity
- Intentionality and Effectiveness
- Continuity and Change
- Joy and Learning
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14The purpose of DAP is to promote excellence
inearly childhood education
15DAP Requires
- Meeting young children where they are enabling
children to reach goals that are challenging
achievable - Applies teaching practices that are age and
developmentally attuned to children and
responsive to social cultural contexts - Best practices based on knowledge and evidence
about curricula and teaching
16Comprehensive Effective Curricula
- Focus on ALL domains of development
- Interrelationships of and sequence of ideas
- Scaffolding of ideas and concepts
- Knowing that the rate pattern of learning is
different among children - Learning experiences are aligned across the
early childhood period - Linkage between ECE and Elementary School
programs - Individual, family, school and community
17Effective Curriculum
- Multiple teaching strategies
- Focus is on multiple domains
- Coherent and sequential
- Emphasis on teacher capability and pedagogy
- Assessment driven curriculum based on needs and
challenges of each child - Resources available to all children there is no
one curriculum that is best of ALL children
18Improving Teaching Learning
- Teacher behavior is critical essential
- Teachers are INTENTIONAL (critical for learning)
- Curriculum is planned, strategic evidence based
- Teachers are well trained and participate in
continuing professional development - BOTH teacher-guided AND child-guided experiences
are vital - Play in service of learning across multiple
spheres of development - External generalization essential at home and in
the community
19Ready Schools
- School readiness is as much about helping schools
be READY for CHIDREN than it is about helping
CHILDREN be READY for School
2021St Century Learning
- 21st Century Students
- 21st Century Knowledge, Skills and Abilities
- 21st Century Pedagogy
- 21st Century Teacher Training
- 21st Century Success
21The 10 most frequent jobs of 2015 havent yet
been inventedDaniels School of Business,
University of Denver
22The seed of successare sewn early
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24Important Domains for Success
- Relationships
- Development
- Innovation
- Context
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26NAEYC Program AccreditationThe Right Choice
for Kids
27NAEYC Program Accreditation
- Established in 1985
- Differentiated from higher education
accreditation - Program to assure quality in center-based early
care and education programs - Standards, criteria and program review processes
- Currently, more than 9,000 accredited programs in
US, with nearly 10,000 in self-study serving
1,000,000 children - Many accredited and applicant programs in GA
- 265 in state, 75 in ATL area
- Many more programs in process
- Steps toward accreditation
- Enrollment
- Candidacy meeting certain benchmarks
- Application self-study process
- On-Site Visit
- Annual Reporting and random and interim visits
- Re-Accreditation process
- Reinvention of program in 2006
- Review and revision of process
- Newly revised standard and criteria
28NAEYC Accreditation A Standard for Quality
- NAEYC accredited programs have demonstrated a
commitment to providing a high quality program
for young children and their families - Emphasis is on the quality of interaction among
teachers and children, the experiences of
children and on the developmental appropriateness
of the curriculum
Assessment of Child Progress
Leadership Management
Teaching Staff
Physical Environment
Community Relationships
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31Strategies and Tactics
- Use of governmental programs to incent quality
- 16 of 18 link with NAEYC Accreditation
- 20 additional state QRIS in development
- Tax Credits
- Arkansas and Maine link a tax credit to sending
children to NAEYC Accredited programs - LA has tax credits linked to QRIS
32Strategies and Tactics
- TEACH and other scholarship and workforce
development programs - Grants, loans and financial aid
- Professional development programs and incentives
- Professional development systems
- College of Education
- Other community linkages and partnerships
- Birth-to-five incentive grants coordinated with
state early learning councils - Linkages and strengthened relationships with
public schools and school systems - Workforce credentialing systems
- Teachers
- Administrators
- State early learning standards
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34A New Administration New Opportunities and
- ECE, and education more generally, are priorities
of the new Obama Administration economic
issues, energy and health care are primary goals - Economic Recovery Stimulus
- CCDBG and Head Start Funding Increases (4.1B)
- Quality
- Birth to 5 Incentive Grants
- State-Level QRIS and related quality incentive
programs - Training and professional development
- Child and Dependent Care Tax Credit
- Nutrition Child and Adult Food Program
- Re-authorization of NCLB and other federal
programs - Workforce
- Higher education loan forgiveness
- Higher Education Opportunity Act
- Credentialing issues
- Coordination among agencies and with states
- National Commission on Early Childhood
Development Learning and new Office of Early
Learning - FMLA
35Call to Action
- Reap national economic benefits by helping
children families thrive - Head Start, Early Head Start, CCDBG
- Make the dependent tax credit refundable
- Prevent gap from birth
- Expand early head start
- Better infant toddler care
- Expand FMLA
- Expand Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA)
Part C - Help families afford and programs provide high
quality development learning - Double the of children receiving subsidies
- Improve child care subsidies by requiring states
to pay at no less than 75 of market rate - Develop statewide quality rating and improvement
systems (QRIS) - Improve professional development systems
36Call to Action(Continued)
- Enhance strengthen professional development
systems for teachers, administrators staff - More widely available developmental screening
- Expand child adult care food program
- Build a high quality ECE system
- Create a birth 5 incentive system and QRIS
- Currently 18 state QRIS with 27 more in
development - Linkage of ECE with P(K) 12 systems
- Fund state early learning advisory councils
- Reinstate Child Care Bureau Head Start in the
US HHS - Establish and interagency coordination workgroup
leading to a National Council on Early
Development Learning
37Call to Action(continued)
- Attract, educate and retain a high quality ECE
workforce - Expand Higher Education Opportunity Act program
- Programs for increased compensation benefits
for ECE staff - Focus on workforce
- Expand our knowledge and apply it
- Maintain a research center on ECE
- Make research a component of the National Council
on Development Learning - Continue EC longitudinal study
- Fund National Academy of Science study on the
costs of quality ECE - Require school districts to provide more data,
especially on Title 1 programs re .
Comprehensiveness of programs, enrollment data
and demographics of children served
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39Evolving Critical Issues in ECE
- ECE Workforce and enhancing knowledge, skills
abilities - Teacher training and pedagogical practice
- Credentialing
- Research to and connected with practice
- Curricula
- Technology
- Culture, language and related issues
- Inclusion special education
- Early literacy and mathematics (STEM)
- Social emotional learning and issues re.
challenging behavior - Standards, performance based assessment and
accountability issues - Systemic linkages
40Challenges to an effective system of ECE
- Workforce Matters preparation professional
development, comp benefits, prestige respect,
retention career advancement - Program Management principal metaphor
- Links with public schools
- Evolution of P 12
- Quality versus quantity
- Community engagement and context
- Resources facilities, teaching tools
- Health and safety issues
- Financing the central issue high quality and
accessible ECE for ALL children is costly yet
a good investment - Principle of social arbitrage
41A National Consensus
- Importance of education, generally
- Impact of our past economic growth and current
economic downturn - World events and changing priorities
- Hurdling toward a consensus about the integral
role of ECE public will - Racing toward the finish line (urgency) with
hurdles (barriers) to traverse - Need for responsible advocacy and public
engagement - Rhetoric needs to match actions
- Change is upon us
- We must be the WIND
- We must create momentum for the SAIL
42NAEYC Web Sitewww.naeyc.org
43Summary andDiscussion