Title: Nutrition News Dee Sandquist, MS, RD Southwest Washington Medical Center Vancouver Director, Center
1Nutrition NewsDee Sandquist, MS, RDSouthwest
Washington Medical Center VancouverDirector,
Center for Weight ManagementAmerican Dietetic
Association Spokesperson
- Simplify strategies for patients to help them
decrease 100 calories per day and increase
physical activity by 2000 steps - Answer your questions
- Provide how to strategies for you to use with
3Questions for Patients
- 1. Why are you here today
- 2. What are your barriers
- (What is keeping you from _____)
4- Using the most accurate data available, it is
estimated that 36 of all children born in the
year 2000 will be diabetic sometime in their
lives - among Hispanics, 50 will become diabetic.
- Source Aldana, Steven G., The Culprit and the
Cure How Lifestyle is the Culprit Behind
Americas Poor Health and How Transforming that
Lifestyle Can be the Cure. 2005, Maple Mountain
- We do not hesitate to pay 3.19 for a
- bag of chips, but we wont spend that much
on a bag of oranges. - Physical activity in small quantities is ok.
6Movies - POPCORN
20 Years Ago
270 calories 5 cups
630 calories11 cups
Calorie Difference 360 calories
7Quiz Bagel Breakfast
350 calories
8Calories In Calories Out
If you walk 1 hour and 20 minutes, you will burn
approximately 305 calories.
Based on 130-pound person
9Calories In Calories Out
If you walk 1 hour and 20 minutes, you will burn
approximately 305 calories.
Based on 130-pound person
10Calories, Calories
- Increase in average food energy intake between
1971 and 2000 - Among men, the average energy intake has
increased from 2450 to 2618 calories per day. - Among women, the increase was from 1542 to 1877
calories per day. - (NHANES - MMWR 2004)
11Yo-yo Math
- Lose weight (fat and water) rapidly
- Regain as fat
- It takes fewer calories to feed fat than muscle
- A person who previously lost weight on 1500
calories may not because the yo-yo lost and gain
replaced muscle with fat.
12How did this happen?
Weight gain
Energy Out
13What has changed?
- We are eating more calories
- Portion sizes have increased
- Consumption of sugar and soft drinks has
increased - Increased availability and affordability of high
calorie foods
Source dietz
14How did this happen?
- The gap
- Environment
- Genetics
Source Dietz 04
15Where to start
- Prevent weight gain
- Small steps
- Decrease calories 100/day
- Increase steps 2000/day
16Choose a diet rich in plant-based foods.
- Whole grains,
- Fruits, and
- Vegetables
- Using the plate method think of ¾ of your
dinner plate contents as being of plant origin
and ¼ animal or other protein source.
17The Goal
- Maintain a Healthy Weight and be Physically
Active - A body mass index (BMI) of 18.5 25 is
recommended - Healthy weight results from a balance of calories
(energy) in and energy expended.
18Select Foods Low in Fat and Salt
- The US Dietary Guidelines recommend 2.4 gms (2400
mg) sodium or less per day - Reduce animal fats and hydrogenated fat
sources, limiting total fat to 30 of calories.
19Prepare and Store Foods Safely
- Use safe storage methods and promptly chill or
freeze leftovers. - Do not eat charred food.
- Avoid burning of meat juices.
- Consume only occasionally meat and fish grilled
in direct flame cured and smoked meats.
20Educating the Patient
- Survival skills
- Social and emotional issues
- Plan strategies
- Face the challenge with a positive outlook
- Fine tune
21Associations between excess weight and disease
- Depression
- Poor self-esteem
- Eating disorders
- Heart failure
- Heart disease
- High cholesterol
- Sleep apnea
- Exercise intolerance
- Asthma
- Digestive problems
- Several cancers
- High blood pressure
- Kidney problems
- Osteoarthritis
- Joint problems
- Flat feet
- Insulin resistance
- Diabetes Type 2
- Polycystic ovary syndrome
Source Adapted from Lancet 02, CDC
22Food Allergen Labeling and Consumer Protection Act
- Effective January 1, 2006, food labels must
clearly state if the product contains any of 8
major food allergens -
- Milk Fish
- Eggs Shellfish
- Peanuts Wheat
- Tree Nuts Soy
23Counseling Philosophy
- What are your barriers?
- Food Log
- Do you cook?
- Keep it basic
- Keep it positive
- Plan strategies
24Educating the Patient
- What do you want to learn?
- Do you use the internet?
- Eating out/label reading
- Resources
25Limit Alcohol Intake
- Limit alcohol
- lt2 drinks for men, 1 for women
- 1 drink is 12 oz beer, 5 oz wine, 1.5 oz liquor
- When is a moderate intake too much?
26Limit Salt
- Ability to taste salt changes over time
- 8 weeks.
- High salt foods dont taste salty
27Limit Salt
- Salt does still matter, although some people are
more sensitive to it than others - Avoid adding salt at the table
- Rule of thumb the more processed the food, the
higher the sodium content
28DASH diet resources for patients
- www.nhlbi.nih.gov/health/public/heart/hbp/dash
- Complete DASH diet info
- www.nhlbi.nih.gov/hbp/index.html
- General hypertension treatment/prevention info
(includes DASH)
29Tips to Help With Changes
- Start with half the meat at a meal.
- Add extra vegetables, rice, pasta and dry beans
in meals. - Go meatless once a week.
30Ideas for DASHing Your Diet
- Eat 2 fruits or vegetables at each of 3 meals
then add 2 more as snacks - Use fresh, frozen, canned or dried fruits
- Use fresh, frozen, or no salt added canned
31DASH pyramid
- Sweets 5/week
- Beans, Nuts, Seeds-1/day
- Low Fat Dairy-2-3/day
- Grains-
- 7-8/day
Oils, salad dressing,mayo-2-3/day Seafood,
poultry, lean meat- 0-2/day Vegetables/fruit8-10
32DASH Diet
- A diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains,
nuts/seeds/legumes, and nonfat dairy, and low in
saturated fat/red meat. 2,000 cal example - Grains 7-8/day (1 slice bread)
- Vegetables 4-5/day (½ cup cooked vegetable)
- Fruits 4-5/day (1 medium fruit, 6 oz juice)
- Nonfat dairy 2-3/day (1 cup yogurt, 8 oz milk)
- Fish, poultry, lean meat 2 or less/day (3 oz
cooked) - Nuts,seeds,dry beans 4-5/week (1/3 cup)
- Fats Oils 2-3 day (1 tsp vegetable oil)
- Sweets 5 per week (1/2 oz jelly beans)
33The Influence of a Parent
- Children model their parents behavior and eating
patterns. - Treating the parents of obese children is more
effective than directly treating the obese child. - Parents with poor nutrition and exercise habits
cannot expect their children to eat healthy foods
and exercise daily.
34Childrens Nutrition Rights
- Children have the right not to go hungry or
endure deprivation. - Children have the right to choose among the foods
available. - Children have the right to eat as much or as
little as they need. - Children have the right to enjoy their favorite
35Ask the right questions about
- Ethnic background
- Education level
- Economic status
- Religious beliefs
- Take care to individualize suggestions to a
family rather than giving a template
36How parents can encourage exercise
- Limit TV, video games and computer time.
- Use physical activity as a reward.
- Include children in activities that parents
enjoy. - Let your child win sometimes.
- Plan exercise as a way of life.
- Include physical activity in a vacation.
37How parents discourage exercise
- Allow endless TV, video games and computer time.
- Reward a child with TV.
- Use TV as a babysitter.
- Spending sunny, cool afternoons indoors.
- Make fun of exercise.
- Plan vacations that involve mostly driving,
eating and sitting.
38The Family that eats togetherfrom
- National Merit Scholars without exception came
from families who ate together three or more
nights a week. - Family meals can make your kids smarter, and
stronger spiritually and emotionally. - Kids who feel close to their families are more
likely to take the familys value system to heart.
39The Family that eats togetherovercoming the top
5 excuses
- Dad or Mom doesnt get home in time for dinner.
- We have too many after-school activities.
- Dinnertime is our only time to talk without kids
around. - The kids wont eat what we eat.
- Our kids arent old enough to sit still.
40Did You Know?
- Anyone can claim they are a nutritionist
- Anyone can write and sell a book
- Anyone can start selling supplements
- Anyone can create a website and post nutrition
41Weight Loss Industry
- 30 -50 Billion Industry
- Poorly Regulated
- Rarely Prosecuted
- Exploits ideal and overweight individuals
- Includes diet programs, Diet books, and
Over-the-counter Pills
42Weight Loss Claims
- Unrealistic!
- Lose 30 in 30 days!
- Use words like Magical, Cure,
- Offers permanent weight loss
- Are unproven
- No need to exercise
- Melts the fat away
- Lose weight forever
- Guaranteed
43Professional Resources
- American Dietetic Association
- www.eatright.org
- American Obesity Association
- www.obesity.org
- Federal Trade Commission
- www.consumer.gove/weightloss
- North American Association for the study of
Obesity www.naaso.org - Shape Up America www.shapeup.org
- WIN Weight-Control Information Network
44America on the Move
- www.americaonthemove.org
- Key messages move more, eat less
- 2000 steps,
- 100 calories
45National Weight Control Registry
- People who have lost 30 pounds and have kept it
off 3 years - 1400 calories/day
- Eat breakfast
- Daily physical activity 60-90 minutes
- Portion control
46Nutrition News
- Americans are overweight and undernourished in
several nutrients - Children live in a sensory world that prefers
sweets. This declines in adolescence. - The diet of mothers in pregnancy and lactation
influences the childs acceptance of foods.
47Nutrition News
- The parent is responsible for what, when and
where for feeding - The child is responsible for how much and whether
to eat. - Breakfast is the most important meal of the time
of day. - Inflammation plays a role in many human diseases
48Nutrition News
- Obesity increases the bodys inflammatory
response. - Phytonutrients from plant-based foods help
prevent disease risk. - By the time fruits and vegetables are consumed,
fresh, frozen, and canned are likely to be
nutritionally similar. Canning increases the
bioavailability of beta-carotene and lycopene,
however reduces water-soluble vitamin content for
B and C vitamins.
49Nutrition News
- Emerging reasons to chew gum
- Help focus
- Help feel relaxed
- Chew gum instead of high calorie snack
- Benefits of chewing gum
- Stress relief
- Cognitive performance
- Weight Management
50The Role of Protein in Weight Management
- Protein as a percent of weight not calories
- Need the right amount for the right person,
people are different - Protein has more effect on women with weight loss
51Distilled Alcohol Council
- Resources to facilitate patient discussions about
drinking - www.alcoholtoolkit.org
- www.standarddrinks.com
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