Title: The Semantic Interoperability Information Sharing Tool Kit Pilot Part 2
1The Semantic Interoperability Information
Sharing Tool Kit Pilot Part 2
- Brand Niemann (US EPA), Chair,
- Semantic Interoperability Community of Practice
(SICoP) - Best Practices Committee (BPC), CIO Council
- August 16, 2005, Workshop
- http//web-services.gov/ and
- http//colab.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?SICoP
- Steps for this Workshop and Beyond
- 1. Learn About the W3Cs Standard for Data
Modeling and Information Sharing (RDF) - The Semantic Interoperability Information Sharing
Tool Kit Pilot Part 2 Modeling and Merging of
Vocabularies. - 2. Learn to Use Tools to View, Create, and
Validate RDF - See Resources and Tools Link in the Wiki Page.
- Submit your RDF files from today and afterwards
- URL of RDF file or RDF file itself.
- 3. Learn About a Major New Semantic Web
Application (DOAP) - Does ET.Gov Core.gov for and with open source
software tools! - Can adapt to your own needs!
- 4. Learn About the Semantic Technology Profiles
for the DRM - Suggested Strategy for Merging COIs and FEA
Vocabularies into the DRM Core. - FEA Geospatial (GWG-MFG) Profile, and Security
Privacy, Records Management Profiles (in
process). (Advanced take-home exercise.)
- Coordinated with Afternoon Demos
- Data Modeling
- Model-Based Data Engineering for Web Services.
- Pragati's Expose Tool Suite for Harmonization.
- Model-Driven Semantic Web - Emerging Technologies
Implementation Strategies. - Robust Applications
- TOPOFF and P2P Semantic Querying for Information
Sharing. - Oracle 10gR2 RDF Spatial Network Data Model
Examples. - Siderean's Seamark Navigation Server (based on
Oracle 10g R2).
- 1. Introduction
- 1.1 July 19th Workshop
- 1.2 July 25th DRM WG Meeting The Data Reference
Model At Least a Taxonomy Now and Hopefully An
Interoperable Data Architecture in the Future
Ten Talking Points for Your CIO - 2. Practical RDF Book Excerpts
- 3. Information Sharing Tool Kit Pilot Part 2
Today - 4. Information Sharing Tool Kit Pilot Part 3
September 14th - 5. Application Demonstrations - Today
51.1 Introduction July 19th Workshop
- Information Sharing Tool Kit Part 1
- Used SVG to display DRM Schema taxonomy and
provide data entry. - Short-term Goal Some individual instances in
http//et.gov (no cost and scalable). This is
happening. - Longer-term Goal Enough individual instances to
be organized into a Topic Map (low cost and
scalable). See next slide. - Note there is a Federal Web Content Manager's
Toolkit from the work of the Interagency
Committee on Government Information. - See http//www.firstgov.gov/webcontent/index.shtml
- Address suggested improvements at September 14th
2nd Public Forum. - Information Sharing Tool Kit Part 2
- Short-term Goal RDF Data Stores in Oracle 10gR2
running on the Collaboration Workplace Server
(reasonable cost and scalable). - See http//humanml.cim3.net
- Longer-term Goal DRM Ontologies and others used
with the RDF Data Stores Pilots and in the
Composite Applications Pilots (reasonable cost
and scalable). - See Web Ontology Language Architecture in slide 7.
61.1 Introduction July 19th Workshop
71.1 Introduction July 19th Workshop
Ontologies on Web Servers
Standard namespaces XMLS Datatype OWL
Specification RDFS Specification RDF Specification
Ontologies being Used/Extended
namespace references
Ontology Stewards Web Server
Information Publishers Web Server
Ontology- specific Datatypes
compliant with
Instance Data
Web Ontology Language Architecture. Source Lee
Lacy, OWL Representing Information Using the
Web Ontology Language, Trafford, 2005, page 144.
81.2 Introduction Ten Talking Points for Your CIO
- 1. The Federal Enterprise Architecture (FEA) is a
taxonomy. - 2. The Data Reference Model (DRM) is one of the
five FEA Reference Models and each has their own
taxonomy. - 3. The taxonomies of most of the FEA Reference
Models have been expressed in eXtensible Markup
Language (XML) in accordance with policy,
legislation, and best practice. - 4. The new DRM has a taxonomy and an XML
expression and addresses Section 207 (d) of the
E-Gov Act of 2002.
91.2 Introduction Ten Talking Points for Your CIO
- 5. Light-weight and simple tools for using the
new DRM taxonomy and XML expression are being
developed using open collaboration with open
standards. - 6. Agencies need not be concerned that the new
DRM taxonomy and XML expression will affect their
data architectures now, only the way they share
the information about their data architectures
and assets. - 7. When taxonomies and XML expressions are
formalized they become ontologies which can be
used as the basis for data architectures that can
be networked and are interoperable.
101.2 Introduction Ten Talking Points for Your CIO
- 8. There already is an FEA Reference Model
Ontology which is being used in Model Driven
Architecture (MDA) development and executable
Composite Applications (CA). - 9. Most data and enterprise architecture
standards, processes, and tools are evolving to
the use of open standard ontologies, rules, and
logic. - 10. The new DRM is being developed in an open
collaborative process where public comments,
agency concerns, and technical details are being
worked on aggressively to meet the OMB Fall
schedule. - Note See supporting information for each talking
point at http//web-services.gov/scope07252005.pp
112. Practical RDF Book Excerpts
- 2.1 Preface and Introduction
- 2.2 Heart and Soul RDF Triple, Data Model, and
Graph - 2.3 Creating an RDF Vocabulary
- 2.4 Noncommercial Applications FOAF
- 2.5 Commercial Applications Siderean Softwares
Seamark RDF in Oracles Spatial Network Data
Model - Sources Shelley Powers, Practical RDF, Solving
Problems with the Resource Description Framework,
OReilly, 2003, and others as noted. - See http//www.oreilly.com/catalog/pracrdf/
- Also Shelley Powers RDF Tutorial at the XML 2005
Conference, November 18th.
122.1 Preface and Introduction
- RDF offers developers a powerful toolkit for
making statements and connecting those statements
to derive meaning. - The W3C has been developing RDF as a key
component of its vision for the Semantic Web, but
RDFs capabilities fit well in many different
computing contexts. - RDF offers a different, and in some ways more
powerful, framework for data representation than
XML or relational databases, while remaining far
more generic than object structures.
132.1 Preface and Introduction
- Ever since I started working with XML in its
earliest days, Ive longed for a metamodel to
define vocabularies in XML that could be merged
with other vocabularies, all of which could be
manipulated by the same APIs. I found this with
RDF and RDF/XML (Shelley Powers). - This book attempts to present all the different
viewpoints of RDF in such a way that we begin to
see a complete picture of RDF from all of its
various components. - As a way of pulling all of that coverage
together, Chapter 6 (2.3 Creating an RDF
Vocabulary) then uses all weve learned about RDF
to that point to create a relatively complex
vocabulary, which is then used for demonstration
purposes throughout the rest of the book.
142.1 Preface and Introduction
- If RDF is analogous to the relational data model,
and RDF/XML is analogous to relational database
systems, then OWL is equivalent to applications
such as SAP and PeopleSoft which implement a
business domain model on top of the relational
store. - Roadmap to the book
- Chapters 1-6 RDF Specification
- Chapters 7-11 Programming Language Support,
Tools, and Utilities - Chapters 12-15 Uses of RDF and RDF/XML
152.1 Preface and Introduction
- Simple demonstration The differences between XML
and RDF/XML - XML has a tree structure while RDF has a much
flatter triple-based pattern. - XML is hierarchical, which means that all related
elements must be nested within the elements
theyre related to RDF does not require this
nested structure. - Consider a Web resource which has a history of
movement on the Web each element has an
associated URL for the new location and a reason
why the resource was moved.
162.1 Preface and Introduction
- XML version
- lt?xml version1.0gt
- ltresourcegt
- lturigthttp//burningbird.net/articles/monster3.htmlt
/urigt - lthistorygt
- ltmovementgt
- ltlinkgthttp//www.yasd.com/dynaearth/monster3.htmlt/
linkgt - ltreasongtNew Articlelt/reasongt
- lt/movementgt
- lt/historygt
- lt/resourcegt
172.1 Preface and Introduction
- RDF version
- lt?xml version1.0gt
- ltrdfRDF
- xmlnsrdfhttp//www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax
-ns - xmlnspstcnhttp//burningbird.net/postcon/elemen
ts/1.0/ - Xmlbasehttp//burningbird.net/articles/gt
- ltpstcnResource rdfaboutmonster3.htmgt
- lt!-resource movements-gt
- ltpstcnhistorygt
- ltrdfSeqgt
- ltrdf_3 rdfresourcehttp//www.yasd.com/dynaeart
h/monster3.htm/gt - lt/rdfSeqgt
- lt/pstcnhistorygt
- lt/pstcnResourcegt
- ltpstcnmovement rdfabouthttp//www.yasd.com/dyn
aearth/monster3.htmgt - ltpstcnmovementTypegtAddlt/psctnmovementTypegt
- ltpstcnreasongtNewArticlelt/pstcnreason/gt
- lt/pstcnMovementgt
- lt/rdfRDFgt
182.1 Preface and Introduction
- Differences
- RDF/XML uses namespace and URIs (URLs in this
case). - RDF/XML is more difficult to read and to see the
relationships between the data a common
complaint about RDF/XML. - RDF/XML adds a layer of complexity on the XML
that can be off-putting when working with it
manually. - Within an automated process, though, the RDF/XML
structure is actually an advantage - There is a fairly significant strain on memory
use, particularly with processing larger XML
documents. - Optimized query capability and joining
vocabularies are excellent reasons for using RDF
as a model for data and RDF/XML as a format. - When to Use and Not Use RDF
- RDF/XML meets a business rather than a technical
need to use the model and related XML structure. - RDF/XML is not a replacement for XHTML, CSS,
192.1 Preface and Introduction
Explorers Guide to the Semantic Web, Thomas
Passin, Manning Publications, 2004, Mind Map for
RDF, page 19.
Semantic Web Ontology
As Database
Database Topic Maps Case Study
Base Language OWL RDF Schema
Related To
Data XML Syntax
Knowledge Representation
Statements Resources
What? URI Indicates Contradictory Incomplete
Resources Names URI
Distributed Describing
202.2 Heart and Soul RDF Triple, Data Model, and
- RDF can be intimidating because
- It is a description of a data model rather than a
description of a specific data vocabulary. - It has a foothold in English, logic, and even
human reasoning. - RDF is about the search for knowledge
- Most search engines use keyword-based
functionality automated agents or robots and
web spiders traverse the Web via in-page links
pulling keywords from either HTML metatags or the
page content. - A better approach would be to attach information
about the context of the resource in a
machine-understandable format. - Context as used here refers to a certain aspect
of a subject at a given time. - RDF is based on the principle that three pieces
of information is all thats need in order to
fully define a single bit of knowledge.
212.2 Heart and Soul RDF Triple, Data Model, and
- Regardless of the manner in which an RDF triple
is documented, four facts are immutable about
each - Each RDF triple is made up of subject, predicate,
and object. - Each RDF triple is a complete and unique fact.
- An (RDF) triple is a 3-tuple, which is made up of
a subject, predicate, and object which are
respectively a uriref or bnode a uriref and a
uriref, bnode or literal. - Each RDF triple can be joined with other RDF
triples, but it still retains its own unique
meaning, regardless of the complexity of the
model in which it is included.
222.2 Heart and Soul RDF Triple, Data Model, and
- Model for RDF
- A collection of statements (or triples), each
with a subject, predicate, and an object (English
grammar). - RDF Formats
- Graphs
- Non-XML (Notation 3-N3 and N-triples)
- ltsedangt ltis a type ofgt ltautomobilegt (see next
slide) - Tim Berners-Lee and Dan Connolly, unofficial, but
published in document by the W3C. - N3 processors like, cwm, can perform logical
inferences on the triples and N3 can be converted
into RDF/XML and vice versa.
See Explorers Guide to the Semantic Web,
Thomas Passin, Manning Publications, 2004,
Chapter 2. Describing data with RDF, page 56.
232.2 Heart and Soul RDF Triple, Data Model, and
- OWL Listing
- lt?xml version"1.0"?gt ltrdfRDF xmlnsrdf"http//w
" xmlnsdc"http//purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"
l"gt ltowlOntology rdfabout""/gt ltowlClass
rdfID"Transportation"/gt ltowlClass
rdfID"AirVehicle"gt ltrdfssubClassOf
rdfresource"Transportation"/gt lt/owlClassgt
ltowlClass rdfabout"GroundVehicle"gt
ltrdfssubClassOf rdfresource"Transportation"/gt
lt/owlClassgt ltowlClass rdfabout"Automobile"gt
ltrdfssubClassOfgt ltowlClass rdfID"GroundVehicle
"/gt lt/rdfssubClassOfgt Etc.
Transportation Class Hierarchy
Source Formal Taxonomies for the U.S.
Government, Michael Daconta, Metadata Program
Manager, US Department of Homeland Security,
XML.Com, http//www.xml.com/pub/a/2005/01/26/formt
242.2 Heart and Soul RDF Triple, Data Model, and
- The W3Cs Core RDF Working Group decided on the
RDF Graph a directed labeled graph - as the
default method for describing the RDF data model
for two reason - The graphs are extremely easy to read and
- There are RDF data models that can be represented
in RDF graphs, but not in RDF/XML. - The RDF directed graph consists of a set of nodes
connected by arcs, forming a pattern of
node-arc-node - Nodes come in three varieties uriref, blank
nodes, and literals.
252.2 Heart and Soul RDF Triple, Data Model, and
Source RDF in the Database Enabling
Semantically Rich Business Applications, Xavier
Lopez, Director, Product Management, Server
262.2 Heart and Soul RDF Triple, Data Model, and
Source RDF in the Database Enabling
Semantically Rich Business Applications, Xavier
Lopez, Director, Product Management, Server
272.2 Heart and Soul RDF Triple, Data Model, and
- Ed Dumbill, Editor, XML.COM on Misconceive Early,
Misconceive Often - In RDF everything must have a URI RDFs usual
convention for identifiers is the URI, but it is
obvious that there are things that do not have
URIs (such as people) and no global way of ever
agreeing on a URI scheme for them. That point
alone has been enough to put many people off RDF.
However, in such cases, reference-by-description
using IFPs seems to provide a good solution. IFPs
(Inverse Functional Properties) are those for
which any given value is generated by exactly one
object (e.g. ones Social Security Number is an
IFP because it is impossible for more than one
individual to possess that SSN, but should not be
used openly on the Web because of identity
theft). IFPs have found practical use in the FOAF
project as a way of identifying people, a few of
which are even a joke (e.g. dnaChecksum). - http//www.xml.com/lpt/a/2004/08/04/deviant.html
282.2 Heart and Soul RDF Triple, Data Model, and
- The RDF Big Ugly
- In some applications, there is a need to provide
metadata for the RDF triples, for example who
created them and the date of their creation. In
RDF this is done using reification the
description of an RDF triple using the RDF
built-in vocabulary. When implemented naively,
reification significantly bloats storage and
inflates query times, since four new triples are
stored for each reification. Oracle 10gR2 tames
the Big Ugly by utilizing an Oracle XML DB
DBUri to directly reference the reified triple in
the database only one new triple is stored for
each reification. Initial results show comparable
performance between queries using the RDF object
type and a relational-based storage system.
However, further optimizations for the RDF object
type are expected in the future.
292.2 Heart and Soul RDF Triple, Data Model, and
- The striped format lets you treat ordinary XML
markup as if it were RDF if it meets certain
requirements - If an element represents a subject, then its
immediate children must be properties. - If an element represents a property, then it can
only have one child, and that child must be the
property value. - If an element has character content, then that
content is the literal value of the property. - Element names represent resource types, not their
identifiers. - This visualization can help you read RDF/XML more
easily and allow you to differentiate between
predicates and resources.
See Explorers Guide to the Semantic Web,
Thomas Passin, Manning Publications, 2004,
Chapter 2. Describing data with RDF, pp. 52-53.
302.3 Creating an RDF Vocabulary
- A vocabulary or schema is a rules-based
dictionary that defines the elements of
importance to a domain and then describes how
these elements relate to one another - E.g., pstcnbio is an element from a custom
vocabulary created by Shelley Powers while the
rdftype element is from the RDF Vocabulary
Description Language 1.0 RDF Schema. - If RDF is a way of describing data, then RDF
Schema can be considered a domain-neutral way of
describing metadata that can be used to describe
the data for a domain-specific vocabulary. - By creating a domain-neutral specification to
describe resources, the same specification can
then be used with many different domains but
still processed by the same RDF agents or parsed
by the same RDF parsers. - To better understand this statement, see the next
slides for an explanation of metadatas role in
existing applications and RDF Schema as a
metadata repository!
312.3 Creating an RDF Vocabulary
- Metadatas role in existing applications
- Relational database management systems can be
used for many different applications and to store
many different types of data because they use
metadata structures. - For example consider an application database with
three database tables that are all related to one
another by a Primary Key (PK) relationship (see
next slide). - To facilitate the multiple uses of the same
storage mechanism for different domains, the
relational database schema defines elements such
as database tables, primary and secondary keys,
and columns that provide a domain-neutral
description of the information about the
different aspects of the table objects. - Within any table-like structure, you can think of
metadata as column headers converted to rows. The
describer then becomes the described!
322.3 Creating an RDF Vocabulary
Important Note A key characteristic of the
relational data model is that the data is viewed
logically rather than physically. Data is viewed
within the context of its use rather than its
physical storage method. RDF Schema provides the
same functionality as the relational database
schema. It provides the resources necessary to
describe the objects and properties of a
domain-specific schema.
332.3 Creating an RDF Vocabulary
- At runtime, the relational database management
system hides the higher-level nature of the data
storage (metadata) by allowing applications to
access objects directly as if they were actual
objects rather than mappings between domain
elements and a generic relational database
schema. - The concept of runtime metadata can be extended
to large multiuse applications (e.g. PeopleSoft,
SAP, Oracle Financials) by the expedient of
recording metadata as records rather than as
columns within a table. - RDF acts in a manner similar to a relational
database system or these large, multiple-purpose
application frameworks. Instead of creating a
custom XML vocabulary to describe resources, you
use a predefined syntax and schema that allow you
to store information about the resource domain,
but in such a way that automated RDF processes
can access and process the data regardless of
domain. - E.g. a domain specific XML element call WEB_Page
versus an rdfDescription element and RDF to
define its properties.
342.3 Creating an RDF Vocabulary
- RDF is a set of XML elements defined by the rules
of the RDF data model/graph and the constraints
of the RDF syntax, vocabulary, and semantics. - RDF creates domain-specific, interoperable
vocabularies that are then used to model business
resources. - We will see how a vocabulary is created and
validated against the RDF syntax and schema and
then compared to an existing resource domain
vocabulary (the Dublin Core) to look for matches. - An environmental thesaurus project (CERES/NBII)
is a good example of why just XML (nothing more
than a syntax) and XSD (concerned more with data
types and other constraints) will not do when a
meta-language vocabulary is need to use XML to
record business domain information in such a way
that any business can be documented. See next
352.3 Creating an RDF Vocabulary
- California Environmental Resource Information
System (CERES)/National Biological Information
Infrastructure (NBII) - Partnership to create a common environmental
vocabulary and the tools necessary to work with
this vocabulary. - http//ceres.ca.gov/thesaurus/
- Defined an RDF vocabulary with a class called
Term and several properties such as Source,
Category, and Status. - Important Note If just XML had been used, then
they would have had to define the concept of
class and property in order to record
relationships like Source is a property of Term
and to create code to process the XML in such a
way that the Source element is processed as a
property of Term rather than an arbitrary related
element that happens to be nested within the Term
element. A schema would also need to be created
to support these new objects so that the XML
document matches the constraints documented in
this schema.
362.3 Creating an RDF Vocabulary
- ltrdfRDF
- xmlnsrdfhttp//www.w3.org/TR/WD-rdf-syntax
- xmlnsdc"
- xmlns"http//ceres.ca.gov/thesaurus/thesaurus_sch
ema/"gt - ltTHESAURUS rdfresource"http//ceres.ca.gov/thesa
urus/Theme" - dc.Title"CERES Themes"
- dcCreator"California Environmental Resources
Evaluation System" - dcDescription"The scope of this thesaurus is
to be a relatively shallow and general set of
terms for describing environmental data and
documents, with links from these general terms to
more indepth treatments of subject areas by other
thesauri, such as the Integrated Taxonomic
Information Thesaurus (ITIS) for species names.
dcDate"1999-08-01"gt - ltREFERENCES label"GEMET rdfresource"http//l
ocalhost/thesauri/GEMET"/gt - ltREFERENCES label"CA Designation
d_plants.html"/gt - ltREFERENCES label"LCSH rdfresource"http//lo
calhost/offline_thesaurus/LCSH"/gt - lt/THESAURUSgt
- lt/RDFRDFgt
372.3 Creating an RDF Vocabulary
- Content Management Systems help with creating,
posting, and managing the original content, but
do not provide information about the context of
the resource. - Solution A PostContent (PostCon) information
system to provide information about the resource
to the resource users that are both useful for
humans and usable by automated processes. - Defining the business elements for a new system
(PostCon) is the same process whether using a
relational database system or RDF - You first describe the major entities and their
properties, and then describe how these entities
are related to one another. See next slide.
382.3 Creating an RDF Vocabulary
- PostCon system domain elements and their
properties - Content (7)
- Unique Content ID (1)
- Description To identify content
- Biography(6)
- Title, Resource Abstract, Resource Description,
Creation Date, Content Author, and Content Owner.
Each has a definition. - Relevancy(5) Etc.
- History (4) Etc.
- Related (2) Etc.
- Recommendation (3) Etc.
- Presentation (3) Etc.
392.3 Creating an RDF Vocabulary
- Before creating a formal RDFS document for the
new vocabulary, prototype the model with several
different instances of it. - Check the validity with the RDF Validator to
validate the result against the standard and see
the edged graph and N-triples breakdown of the
RDF. - http//www.w3.org/RDF/Validator
- Define the URI for the vocabulary namespace
- It is a good consistent practice to use a
consistent namespace and to create a document and
place it at the URL of the namespace. See next
slide. - Define the URI of the Web resource
- Again, what is most important is that it is
consistent and unique. xmlbase is used to
simplify the model. See next slide. - Finish populating the documents and formalize the
vocabulary with RDFS (see Shelley Powers book
for details).
402.3 Creating an RDF Vocabulary
- lt?xml version"1.0"?gt
- ltrdfRDF
- xmlnsrdf"http//www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-synt
ax-ns" - xmlnspstcn"http//burningbird.net/postcon/elem
ents/1.0/" - xmlbase"http//burningbird.net/articles/"gt
- ltrdfDescription rdfabout"monster1.htm"gt
- ltpstcnbio /gt
- ltpstcnrelevancy /gt
- ltpstcnpresentation /gt
- ltpstcnhistory /gt
- ltpstcnrelated /gt
- lt/rdfDescriptiongt
- lt/rdfRDFgt
412.3 Creating an RDF Vocabulary
- The Dublin Core is an effort to define the
business data of the Web, so to speak. RDF on the
other hand, is a way of recording this metadata
so that it can be merged with other metadata
defined for other businesses, not just the
business of the Web. In other words, RDF is the
methodology, and Dublin Core is one business
employing the RDF methodology. - Modify PostCon to make use (reuse or mapping) of
Dublin Core Elements (15). See next slide.
422.3 Creating an RDF Vocabulary
- I (Shelley Powers) decided to replace the PostCon
elements(7) with the matching DC elements as
follows - pstcntitle dctitle
- pstcnauthor dccreator
- pstcnowner dcpublisher
- pstcnabstract dctermsabstract
- pstcndescription dcdescription
- pstcncreationDate dccreated
- pstcndate dcdate
- This exercise shows the need to keep a vocabulary
small and then add to it. The DC Group started
with a small set of important elements (15) and
then extended this with a new set of qualifier
432.3 Creating an RDF Vocabulary
- Semantic Webs Layered Architecture Definitions
- RDF and RDF/XML RDF is the model and RDF/XML is
the XML syntax for storing the model. RDF is used
to specify OWL instances. It is the most
important value-added layer of the Semantic Webs
architecture. - RDF Schema (RDFS) RDFs vocabulary description
language, is the a semantic extension of RDF. It
provides the mechanisms for describing groups of
related resources and the relationships between
these resources. - OWL permits the definition of sophisticated
ontologies, a fundamental requirement in the
integration of heterogeneous information content.
OWL ontologies will also be important for the
characterization of interoperable services for
knowledge-intensive processing on the Web (e.g.,
Grid and Pervasive Computing). - Source Lee Lacy, OWL Representing Information
Using the Web Ontology Language, Trafford, 2005,
pages 83, 111 , and 133.
442.3 Creating an RDF Vocabulary
- Tim Berners-Lee (June 2005 Interview by Andrew
Updegrove at http//www.consortiuminfo.org/bulleti
ns/pdf/jun05/feature.pdf) - One of the criticisms I hear most often is, The
Semantic Web doesnt do anything for me I cant
do with XML. This is a typical response of
someone who is very used to programming things in
XML, and never has tried to integrate things
across large expanses of an organization, at
short notice, with no further programming. One IT
professional who made that comment around four
years ago, said a year ago words to the effect,
After spending three years organizing my XML
until I had a heap of home-made programs to keep
track of the relationships between different
schemas, I suddenly realized why RDF had been
designed. Now I use RDF and its all so simple
but if I hadnt have had three years of XML hell,
I wouldnt ever have understood. - Many of the criticisms of the Semantic Web seems
(to me at least) the result of not having
understood the philosophy of how it works. A
critical part, perhaps not obvious from the
specs, is the way different communities of
practice develop independently, bottom up, and
then can connect link by link, like patches sewn
together at the edges. So some criticize the
Semantic Web for being an (clearly impossible)
attempt to make a complete top down ontology of
452.4 Noncommercial Applications FOAF
- Growth in two directions sophisticated
commercial applications (section 2.5) and small,
friendly, easy-to-use, and open source
applications like Friend-of-a-Friend (FOAF) - FOAF is a way to describe yourself using RDF/XML
that allows software to process these
descriptions and discover information about you
and the communities of which you're a member with
the potential to drive many new interesting
developments in online communities. - FOAF has eleven properties, the most important of
which is knows, and four classes Organization,
Project, Person, and Document. - The best way to understand how to create an FOAF
file for yourself is to look at the FOAF files
for people you know (e.g. Ralph Hodgson in
Section 3) or use the FOAF-A-Matic (see next
slide and Section 3) and follows the instructions
at - http//www.ldodds.com/foaf/foaf-a-matic.html
- For the latest see SWAD-Europe Final Workshop
Friend of a Friend, Social Networking and the
Semantic Web, September 1-2, 2004, Galway,
Ireland - http//www.w3.org/2001/sw/Europe/reports/final_wor
462.4 Noncommercial Applications FOAF
- ltrdfRDF
- xmlnsrdf"http//www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-
syntax-ns" - xmlnsrdfs"http//www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-sc
hema" - xmlnsfoaf"http//xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/"gt
- ltfoafPersongt
- ltfoafnamegtShelley Powerslt/foafnamegt
- ltfoaftitlegtMslt/foaftitlegt
- ltfoaffirstNamegtShelleylt/foaffirstNamegt
- ltfoafsurnamegtPowerslt/foafsurnamegt
- ltfoafnickgtBurningbirdlt/foafnickgt
- ltfoafmbox_sha1sumgtcd2b130288f7c417b7321fb51d240d5
70c520720lt/foafmbox_sha1sumgt - ltfoafhomepage rdfresource"http//weblog.burning
bird.net"/gt - ltfoafworkplaceHomepage rdfresource"http//burni
ngbird.net"/gt - ltfoafworkInfoHomepage rdfresource"http//burnin
gbird.net/about.htm"/gt - ltfoafschoolHomepage rdfresource"http//www.cwu.
edu/"/gt - Continued on next slide
472.4 Noncommercial Applications FOAF
- Continued from previous slide
- ltfoafknowsgt
- ltfoafPersongt
- ltfoafnamegtSimon St. Laurantlt/foafnamegt
- ltfoafmbox_sha1sumgt65d7213063e1836b1581de81793bfcb
9ad596974lt/foafmbox_sha1sumgt - ltrdfsseeAlso rdfresource"http//www.simonst
l.com/"/gt - lt/foafPersongt
- lt/foafknowsgt
- ltfoafknowsgt
- ltfoafPersongt
- ltfoafnamegtDorothea Salolt/foafnamegt
- ltfoafmbox_sha1sumgt69d0c538f12014872164be6a3c16930
f577388a8lt/foafmbox_sha1sumgt - ltrdfsseeAlso rdfresource"http//www.yarinar
eth.net/caveatlector/"/gt - lt/foafPersongtlt/foafknowsgt
- lt/foafPersongt
- lt/rdfRDFgt
482.5 Commercial Applications Siderean Softwares
Seamark RDF in Oracles Spatial Network Data
- The power of the RDF specifications lies in our
ability to access the data easily, using familiar
techniques from other data models like the
relational data model. - Initially it was to store the RDF model as
triples, with or without support for additional
information such as namespace or model
identifier - E.g. Jena a table for storing statements and
secondary tables for storing literals (which
could get quite large), resources, and
namespaces. - E.g. Siderean Softwares Seamark separate
tables for resource and literal and another table
pulling together the triples, etc. See next
slides for evolution to RDF in Oracles Spatial
Network Data Model (10gR2).
492.5 Commercial Applications Siderean Softwares
Seamark RDF in Oracles Spatial Network Data
- Siderean Softwares Seamark
- Sophisticated application providing resources for
intelligent site querying and navigation intended
for enterprise applications and websites. - Seamark delivers faceted metadata search using
the open standards of RDF, XML and web services,
to drive both querying and the rendering of
customizable user interfaces - Seamark applications can be deployed into portal
environments and any internal or public-facing
website via commonly used JSP or ASP techniques - There are no constraints on the RDF definition
that Seamark supports which means that the
RDF/XML data you load can be from any vocabulary
or source. - I was most impressed with how quickly and easily
it integrated my RDF/XML data from the PostCon
application into a sophisticated query engine
with little or no effort. Few things prove the
usefulness of a well-defined metadata structure
faster than commercial viability (Shelley
Powers). - Update Siderean Softwares Seamark offers
integration with the RDF in Oracles Spatial
Network Data Model and supports a
SPARQL-compliant RDF query language. - See An RDF Data Model for the Semantic Web (5th
Oracle Life Sciences User Group Meeting, May
16-17, 2005) Note Includes Use of Siderean's
Seamark Navigation Server - http//www.olsug.org/Presentations/May_2005/Worksh
502.5 Commercial Applications Siderean Softwares
Seamark RDF in Oracles Spatial Network Data
User Navigation and User Tagging
Web Browsers Portals
User Alerts
Oracle RDF Data Match Query issued from Seamark
Management Console
Oracle 10g RDF Data Model for scalable
persistence of metadata
Feed Aggregators
Source Demo of Sidereans Seamark Navigation
Server, Mike DiLascio, David LaVigna Joanne
Luciano, 5th Oracle Life Sciences User Group
Meeting, May 16-17, 2005.
512.5 Commercial Applications Siderean Softwares
Seamark RDF in Oracles Spatial Network Data
- Summary of RDF Support in Oracle RDBMS
- RDF Data Model
- Models (Graphs)
- RDF Query using SDO_RDF_MATCH Table Function
- RDF Data Model with (user-defined) Rules
- Models (Graphs)
- Rulebases
- Rule Indexes
- RDF Query on entailed RDF graphs
- Management (DDL, DML, Security, )
- Models, Rulebases, and Rule Indexes
Source RDF Support in Oracle RDBMS, Souripriya
Das, Ph.D., Consultant Member of Technical
Staff, Oracle New England Development Center.
522.5 Commercial Applications Siderean Softwares
Seamark RDF in Oracles Spatial Network Data
Source RDF in the Database Enabling
Semantically Rich Business Applications, Xavier
Lopez, Director, Product Management, Server
532.5 Commercial Applications Siderean Softwares
Seamark RDF in Oracles Spatial Network Data
- Oracle Spatial Network Data Model (NDM)
- Provide an open and generic network data model
and analysis platform for graph-based
applications (store, index, query). - Combine specialized application information with
a general network data. - Applies efficient network algorithms and
constraints to support graph analysis. - Enable 3rd party tools and apps.
- Network Data Model (NDM) Architecture
- Network Schema
- Persistent node, link, path and path-link tables
along with metadata. - Java API
- Network features loaded as in-memory Java objects
in client tier or middle tier. - Thick or Thin Client
- Browsing, navigation, presentation, editing, and
analysis Java API.
542.5 Commercial Applications Siderean Softwares
Seamark RDF in Oracles Spatial Network Data
Source 39. Grandfathers With Inferencing in
552.5 Commercial Applications Siderean Softwares
Seamark RDF in Oracles Spatial Network Data
- RDF Data Model Opportunities
- Unique Business Opportunities
- Life Sciences pathway analysis, protein
interaction - Web service discovery, FOAFs, blogs
- eBusiness grid resources, app integration, BI
- Security social networks, provenance, varying
trust - Applying DBMS Technology to the Challenge
- Scalability models comprising millions of graphs
- Security Web-based, trust, reification
- Transaction, versioning, performance
- Exploit expressive power of SQL
- Interoperability Integrating multiple networks
Source RDF in the Database Enabling
Semantically Rich Business Applications, Xavier
Lopez, Director, Product Management, Server
562.5 Commercial Applications Siderean Softwares
Seamark RDF in Oracles Spatial Network Data
- Over 100 Partners Thoroughly Test and Support
Oracle (R) Database 10g Release 2,
50711/LAM04811072005-1.html - The RDF Network Data Model, Susie Stephens, Ali
Niazi, and Timothy Taylor, Oracle, Russ Ruggiero,
Human-Markup.org, Adam Hocek, Broadstrokes, Inc.,
and Rex Brooks, Starbourne, at the First DRM
Public Forum, http//colab.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.p
l?DataReferenceModelPublicForum_2005_06_13 - The Semantic Web is Here, Eric Miller, W3C
Semantic Web Activity Lead, March 8, 2005,
Semantics Technology Conference 2005, San
Francisco, CA, USA, http//www.w3.org/2005/Talks/0
308-semweb-em/ - An RDF data model to store RDF statements
- including reification
- Java Ntriple2NDM converter for loading existing
RDF data - An RDF_MATCH function which can be used in SQL to
find graph patterns in RDF (similar to SPARQL) - Will be released as part of Oracle Database 10.2
later this year
573. Information Sharing Tool Pilot Part 2 Today
- Recall the Roadmap in Slide 2
- 2. Learn to Use Tools to View, Create, and
Validate RDF - See Resources and Tools Link in the Wiki Page.
- Submit your RDF files from today and afterwards
- URL of RDF file or RDF file itself.
- 3. Learn About a Major New Semantic Web
Application (DOAP) - Does ET.Gov, Core.gov for and with open source
software tools! - Can adapt to your own needs!
- 4. Learn About the Semantic Technology Profiles
for the DRM - Suggested Strategy for Merging COIs and FEA
Vocabularies into the DRM Core. - FEA Geospatial (GWG-MFG) Profile, and Security
Privacy, Records Management Profiles (in
process). (Advanced take-home exercise.)
583. Information Sharing Tool Pilot Part 2 Today
Source State of SICoP, Brand Niemann, May 16,
2005, slide 68.
593.1 Information Sharing Tool Pilot Part 2 Today
This service will retrieve a Web page and
automatically generate Dublin Core metadata,
either as HTML ltmetagt tags or as RDF/XML,
suitable for embedding in the ltheadgt...lt/headgt
section of the page. The generated metadata can
be edited using the form provided and converted
to various other formats (USMARC, SOIF,
IAFA/ROADS, TEI headers, GILS, IMS or RDF) if
603.2 Information Sharing Tool Pilot Part 2 Today
FOAF is a project for machine-readable modeling
of social networks. The heart of the project is
its specification which defines what statements
you can make about someone, such as Name, Gender,
Homepage, Weblog, etc. It is based on RDF, and
can be easily extended with more specific
relationship definitions. RDF can be used to
build web sites and describe photo collections.
http//rdf.burningbird.net/ and
613.2 Information Sharing Tool Pilot Part 2 Today
l do View Source to see RDF
623.3 Information Sharing Tool Pilot Part 2 Today
The ConvertToRDF tool is designed to take
plain-text delimited files, like .csv files
dumped from Microsoft Excel, and convert them to
RDF. To use it all you need to write is a file to
map from one form to the other. The ontology for
creating the mapping file is shown here.
634. Information Sharing Tool Pilot Part 3
September 14th (Preliminary)
- The Information Sharing Tool Kit Part 1 Update,
Kiran Batchu, GeoDecisions (tentative) - Address suggested improvements from the July 19th
Workshop. - Building Topic Maps in OWL-DL
- Anne Cregan, National Information and
Communications Technology Australia (NICTA)
Center of Excellence (invited). - See http//www.mulberrytech.com/Extreme/Proceeding
s/html/2005/Cregan01/EML2005Cregan01.html - Collaborative Ontology Development Server -
Multi-User Protégé with Oracle backend - Peter Yim, CIM3 and Co-Convenor, Ontolog Forum,
and Mark Musen, Protégé / Stanford Medical
Informatics (invited) - http//www.oracle.com/technology/industries/life_s
644. Information Sharing Tool Pilot Part 3
September 14th (Preliminary)
- Building Composite Applications with Multiple
Ontologies, Business Rules, Events, etc. that
Reduce the Number of Separate Applications and/or
Databases with the Digital Harbor PiiE Platform - Use Cases (4) Demos in the SICoP Fact Sheet on
Executable Integration of the FEA Reference
Models in Composite Applications. - Improved Emergency First Response Using the RDF
Network Data Model, Broadstokes/CIM3/Oracle/Starbo
rne Team - Addresses the Geospatial Data Profile!
- Social Security Administrations PolicyNet, Duane
Degler, SSA - See February 22, 2005, Workshop Presentation
Policy Content at SSA Using XML and Semantic
Metadata Terry Hynes, PolicyNet, Program Manager,
Social Security Administration, and Duane Degler,
Strategic Designer, Lockheed Martin/IPGems. - Relates to the Tactical Goal 3 Knowledge Line of
Sight (Daconta, July 21, 2005).
655. Application Demonstrations-Today (Preliminary)
- TOPOFF and P2P Semantic Querying for Information
Sharing, David Kamien, Editor, The McGraw-Hill
Handbook of Homeland Security - Referred by Mike Daconta and we had planned to
discuss the TOPOFF Exercise. - The company is in stealth-mode (e.g.
http//www.mind-alliance.com/) - Oracle 10g R2 RDF Network Data Models Examples
Journal Articles and Family Relationships, Steven
Wadsworth, Oracle-Reston, VA - Relates to the Tactical Goal 2 Many-to-Many
Interfaces (Daconta, July 21, 2005). - See Oracle 10g R2 Oracle Spatial RDF
Documentation (July 2005). - Siderean's Seamark Navigation Server, Mike
DiLascio, Siderean - Relates to the Tactical Goal 3 Knowledge Line of
Sight (Daconta, July 21, 2005). - Used in An RDF Data Model for the Semantic Web
(5th Oracle Life Sciences User Group Meeting, May
16-17, 2005).
665. Application Demonstrations-Today (Preliminary)
- Model-Based Data Engineering for Web Services,
Charles Turnista, Battle Lab Manager, Virginia
Modeling, Analysis Simulation Center, Old
Dominion University - Use of a common reference model (meta-model and
mappings) to end the interoperability wars. - Relates to the Tactical Goal 2 Many-to-Many
Interfaces (Daconta, July 21, 2005). - Expose Ontology Tool Suite, Mala Mehrotra,
Pragati Synergetic Research, Inc - Compliments the Tolk presentation for UML/OWL
Modeling of the DRM. - Relates to the Tactical Goal 2 Many-to-Many
Interfaces (Daconta, July 21, 2005). - Model-Driven Semantic Web Emerging Technologies
Implementation Strategies, Elisa Kendall,
Sandpiper - A Roadmap to OMGs MDA and Ontology Definition
Metamodel, XMDR, etc. - Relates to the Tactical Goal 2 Many-to-Many
Interfaces (Daconta, July 21, 2005).