Title: How do you make decisions about the world around you?
1How do you make decisions about the world around
What is the information OUTSIDE your body called?
Stimuli include light sound heat
pressure chemical
3What is it called when the stimuli are detected
and transferred?
(A physical reaction within the body in response
to an external stimuli)
4Sensation Past Experience
(The organization of sensation into meaningful
5Sensation is to perception as________ is to
- A. Interpretation organization
- B. Transmission interpretation
- C. Integration interpretation
- D. Adaptation interpretation
6Sensation is to perception as________ is to
- A. Interpretation organization
- B. Transmission interpretation
- C. Integration interpretation
- D. Adaptation interpretation
7Do we detect every stimulus in our environment?
- No, it has to be strong enough for us to detect.
We have a sensory threshold.
Two types of sensory thresholds. - Absolute
threshold - Difference threshold
8Absolute threshold
- The smallest possible strength of a stimulus that
can be detected half the time.
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14Difference Threshold(Just Noticeable Difference)
- the smallest possible change in a stimulus that
can be detected half the time. - True OR false? . Our sensory experiences
depend more on changes than the absolute size of
the stimulus.
15Difference Threshold(Just Noticeable Difference)
- True
- Sensory experiences depend more on changes than
the absolute size of the stimulus.
16Difference Threshold(Just Noticeable Difference)
Example What do you notice more? 3 brick into
an empty backpack? OR 3 brick into a 100
backpack ?
17Webers law
- The larger or stronger a stimulus, the larger the
amount of change required for an observer to
notice a difference. - Doubling sweetness takes 3x the sugar
- 2x the light lt doubly bright
18Sensory Adaptation
- -Our sensory receptor cells become less
responsive to a constant stimulus.
-This allows us to quickly notice new or changing
19Sensory Adaptation
Give me an example Movie theater
lighting pressure of your clothes hot / cold
(esp. water) Odors in a lab Street noise
20Sensory Adaptation (p. 212)
21Signal Detection Theory
- Studies the relationship between
- Motivation, Sensitivity , Decision Making
- Different thresholds depending on the
circumstances (importance of the detection
matters) - Radar operator looking for a blip
- Expecting to see someone at a party
- Vision
- Hearing
- Smell
- Taste
- Touch
- Vestibular
- Kinesthetic
- Light waves.rods cones in eyes
- Controlled by Occipital lobe
- Vision involves changing light energy into
energy of the nervous system.
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29Rods and Cones
Not sensitive to color.
Require little light to function useful in
night vision.
30Rods and cones
Sensitive to color
Require more light than rods useful for daytime
Study tip cones color..both start w/ c.
31Binocular fusion - The combining of the two
images that the eyes receive.
- Retinal disparity -
- The difference between the two images on the
Sound waves move hairs in Ears Controlled by
upper temporal area of cerebral cortex Ear bones
convert vibrations into signal
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Soluble substances on taste buds of the
Tongue Controlled by Cerebral cortex (temporal
lobe) What is the Stimulus? Chemical
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37Mr. Tongue
Volatile substances contact hair cells in
nose Controlled by olfactory bulb (front
temporal) Olfactory nerve one of the longest in
the body.1 synapse on the way to the brain!
Pressure, warmth, cold and pain receptors in the
skin Controlled by parietal lobe
headband Sensitivity to pressure varies from
place to place in the skin. (Mr. Homunculus p
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Mechanical / gravitational forces operate on
inner ear Controlled by cerebellum parietal
lobe Regulates the bodys sense of balance by
sending messages from semicircular canal fluid to
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- Body movements w/in muscles/joints/tendons
- Controlled by cerebellum cerebral cortex
(esp. parietal) - Senses movement and position of body parts
46Kinesthetic How does it work?
- Sensory neurons located in the joints and muscles
communicate information to the brain about
changes in body position. - Maintain posture balance
- The perception of stimuli as wholesrather than
bits and pieces.
48 x
x x x x
oo X x x xx
49 x
x x x x
oo X x x xx
50Three Gestalt principles
- Tendency to group according to enclosed or
completed figures rather than open or incomplete
- Tendency to group together objects that are close
to each other.
3 columns 3 Rows
- Tendency to group elements together that are
similar to one another.
Columns Rows
58Figure and Ground
- One form of perceptual organization in which we
distinguish between an object and its background.
59 Figure and ground
Vase or face?
60 http//www.gsw.edu/gfisk/anim/gestalt.sw
61Perceptual inference
- Perception based on sensory input and past
experience. - Mostly automatic unconscious
- Fill in the gaps of what you sense!
62Perceptual inference
- Auditory
- hear a bark assume its your dog
- Visual
- driving over a hill, you ASSUME the road
63We learn to perceive
- Learned babies learn to recognize faces
- Interaction with our environment is necessary for
the development of perception. (Kitten example) - Influenced by
- -needs
- -beliefs
- -expectations
- Cant just RIDE in the car.you must DRIVE!
64We learn to perceive
- Perceptual Set-
- You tend to believe/see what you expect
- heuristics lead to
- pre-judging (mis-judging)
- racism
65 External (monocular) cues
Relative height
Light Shadow
Aerial Atmosphere
Motion parallax
Relative Motion
66Relative Height Farther objects appear smaller
67Relative Height Farther objects appear smaller
68Interposition Whole object closer than partial
69Shadows attached or cast? Give position clues
70Shadows attached or cast? Give position clues
71Shadows attached or cast? Give position clues
72Texture Density Near objects more detail
73Texture Density Far objects less detail
74Aerial Atmospheric Bluing-far looks blue
graying pollution helps
75Aerial Atmospheric Bluing-far looks blue
graying pollution helps
76Aerial Atmospheric Bluing-far looks blue
77Motion parallax
As you move, NEAR objects seem to move more than
FAR objects cars on a highway objects in a
straight line of sight
78Linear Perspective parallel lines meet in
79Linear Perspective
- The thickening or thinning of the lens to focus
on objects near or far.
- Thickens for near objects.
Thins for distant objects.
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82Relative motion
- If you look near, far things move with you.
- If you look far, near things move in the opposite
direction. - Look out your car window!
83Relative motion
84Internal / Binocular cues
- Eyes turn inward to look at an object.
As the eyes turn inward, the muscles of the eyes
send messages to the brain telling it the object
is near.
86Retinal Disparity / Binocular Fusion
- The two eyes see different images, the brain
recognizes this, and then calculates distance. - The two images are fused into one, creating one
large, coherent image in your brain.
- The tendency to perceive certain objects in the
same even though light, angle, or distance may
3 Types
88Size constancy all the same sizebut pilots
know this better than you!
89Shape constancy
- Perceive the shape of a known object as remaining
unchanged although we may perceive it from
different angles - (different images cast on our retina)
90Brightness constancy
- Perceive the brightness of an object as stable or
unchanging regardless of a change in lighting.
Objects in sunlight shade
- Illusions occur when we misperceive the true
characteristics or properties of an object.
- Spatial summation A collection of individuals
a different whole
93Sunday Afternoon on the Island of Grand Jatte by
Georges Seurat (1884-1886)
94Does our mind always accurately represent
-Ames room (p. 231)
95Muller-Lyer Illusion
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97Subliminal Perception
subliminal means literally below the threshold.
-1957 movie theater experiment -subsequent
experiments do NOT support this! -There IS
evidence that we can detect subliminal
information -Word Recognition experiment -Explanat
ion for déjà vu?
98Extra Sensory Perception
Receiving info. From channels other than the
normal senses -Clairvoyance perception w/o
sensory input -Telepathy mind reading / thought
transference -Psychokinesis moving objects
w/mind -Precognition foretelling of events
99Extra Sensory Perception
- Ms. Cleo - 6th Sense - Yuri Geller - Spoon
Bending - John Edward - The Amazing Randi
million challenge