Title: Online Recruitment Expo A Real World Case Study in Hispanic Recruiting
1Online Recruitment ExpoA Real World Case Study
in Hispanic Recruiting
- José Manuel Montenegro
- September 10th, 2008
- Introduction
- Hispanic Digital Landscape
- Case Studies
3Agency Profile
- Full service multicultural interactive agency
- Services We Provide
- Online Media Marketing
- Web Design Development
- Strategy, Analytics Planning
- Web Technology Services
- Headquarters Los Angeles, CA
- Full-time staff 25
- A Real World Case Study in Hispanic Recruiting
5Hispanic Digital Landscape
- 23 million Hispanics are online
- 52 of the Hispanic population is online
- Hispanics under 35 spend more time online than
watching TV, often doing both - 57 of Hispanics use a cellphone regularly
- 27 text-message regularly
- 5 of Hispanic ad spending went to online
Source eMarketer
6Hispanic Digital Landscape
- Hispanics embrace new technology rapidly and use
of all digital media will continue to grow. - Young Hispanics
- Have iPods
- Instant message
- Text message
- Watch videos on mobile devices
- Visit social networks
- Share pictures
Source eMarketer
7Case Studies
- Hispanic Influencer (35-54)
- GoArmy.com
- Nested Content
- Web Profiles
- Hispanic Prospect (18-24)
- Online Media
- Social Media
- Nested Content
- Job Boards
- Lead Generation
- Mobile
8Case StudiesHispanic influencers
- A Real World Case Study in Hispanic Recruiting
- Overview
- GoArmy.com is one of the most
- important recruiting vehicles for the
- U.S. Army
- Current Web site lacks comprehensive content
tailored to Hispanic Influencer audiences - All other military branches (Navy, Marines and
Air Force) already have sections that are
dedicated to Hispanics on their Web sites.
- The Solution
- In recognition of the important role Hispanic
parents play on a Prospects decision to join the
military, a comprehensive Web site is currently
being developed specifically for Hispanic
audiences. - The agency will leverage Army research to
develop relevant, easily accessible/shareable
content in Spanish with the end goal of creating
a rich engaging experience for Hispanic
11Nested Content
- The Challenge
- GoArmy.com lacks content tailored to Hispanics
- Hispanic Influencer audiences tend to be passive
information seekers - The Solution
- Bring content to the audience through a media
partnership with a prominent Hispanic Portal
12Nested Content
- Orgullo En Alto
- Timing 7/1/07-01/31/08
- 11,813 unique users
- 31,513 page views
- 0.12 overall CTR
- Average engagement 158
13Nested Content
- Social Networking
- 35,505 profile visits
- 25,599 picture views
- 413 contest entries
- 124 picture submissions
14Web profiles
- Web profiles provide a great opportunity to
engage audiences with deep content about your
brand in a manner that makes it more relatable to
the user. - Our Strategy
- Real soldiers and real families, no script
- Showcase diversity
- Bilingual shoots
15Web Profiles
16Case StudiesHispanic prospects
- A Real World Case Study in Hispanic Recruiting
17Online Media
- Challenge
- Intercept 18-24 Hispanics at key points of their
online experience - Solution
- Implement a comprehensive online media campaign
that reaches - 18-24 Hispanics around their passion points
18Online Media Rich Media
- Leverage rich media placements to engage with
consumers in a deeper fashion. Banners are
increasingly becoming Microsites. - Examples
- Interactivity
- Video
- Data transfer
- Downloads
19Social Media
- 88 of Hispanics have a profile
- Hispanics are more active on social networking
sites - Hispanics are e-fluential hypercommunicators
- 18-24 Hispanics are
- Social Networking
- Blogging
- Posting/sharing videos and pictures
- Instant messaging
Source eMarketer
20Social Media Top sites
- MySpace
- Blogger
- Facebook
- WordPress
- flickr
- hi5
- MSN Spaces
Source comScore, August 2008
21Nested Content
- Leaders Among Us
- Timing 6/1/07-01/31/08
- 167,798 unique visitors
- 209,564 pageviews
- 0.56 overall CTR
- 22,044 video views
- 851 contest entries
22Nested Content
- Qualitative Results
- An AdIndex study was performed to
- measure the effects the program had
- on key brand attributes. Exposure to
- the program resulted in
- Increased intent to visit GoArmy.com
- Increased brand favorability
- Increased intent in joining the U.S. Army
23Job Boards
- Diversity partners
- Leverage targeting technology
24Job Boards New Initiatives
- Enhance creative
- Deeper engagement
- Improve ROI
- Increase pool of candidates by targeting passive
job seekers - Refined searches improve quality of candidates
25Lead Generation
- Traffic generated by targeted
- media
- Refine leads
- Cost-efficient
- Programs
- Regular Army
- Army Reserve
26Mobile Hispanic Landscape
Sent photo / video
Source MMetrics Inc, May, 2007
27Mobile SMS
- Campaign Army Advantage Fund
- Market San Antonio, TX
- Challenge
- Generate awareness of test
- Traffic Drivers
- Out-of-Home
- Radio
28Mobile Planned Initiatives
- Mobile Video
- Run pre-roll creative
- Create WAP microsite with video
- Targeted to Hispanic media
- WAP advertising
- Banners
- Drive to WAP site
- Leverage targeting capabilities of social networks