Title: "I am careful not to confuse excellence with perfection' Excellence is what I can reach for Perfecti
1"I am careful not to confuse excellence with
perfection. Excellence is what I can reach
forPerfection is God's business Michael J.
2HEMATOLOGY Part-I RBC disorders
- Dr. Venkatesh M. Shashidhar
- Senior Lecturer in Pathology
- Fiji School of Medicine
- Yolk sac Placenta ? Liver Spleen ? B.marrow.
- Haemopoietic marrow ? fatty marrow.
- RE system can take over hemopoiesis.
- 50 fat in adult marrow.
- Stem cell ? Progenitor cells ? Mature cells
- Growth factors Erythropoietin, thyroxine,
Androgens. - Iron, Vit B12, Folate, Zinc, Vit-C, B6, E,
thiamine, riboflavin, other metals, aminoacids
- low O2 ? Kidney ? Erythropoietin ?
Erythropoiesis. - 1 blast ? 16 RBC, 1 week, 1-2 day in spleen ?
mature - Hb formation and DNA essential for maturation.
- Immature RBC RNA/DNA remnant polychr.. lt2
- RBC cannot use oxygen only glycolysis why?
6Bone Marrow Cellularity
Normal Hypercellular Hypocellular
- Haemoglobin - 152.5, 14 2.5 - g/dl
- PCV - 0.47 0.07, 0.42 0.05 - l/l ()
- Haematocrit, effective RBC volume - better
- RBC count - 5.5 1, 4.8 1 x1012/l
- MCHC - Hb/PCV - 30-36 - g/dl
- Hb synthesis within RBC
- MCH - Hb/RBC - 29.5 2.5 pg/l
- Average Hb in RBC
- MCV - PCV/RBC 85 8 - fl
9Blood Smear - Normal
10White Blood Cells
11RBC disorders (Anemias)
Anemia is decreased red cell mass affecting
tissue oxygenation Low Hb lt13.5 (males), lt11.5
(females) Polycythemia ? High Hb.
12Anemia Classification
- Acquired
- Decreased production
- Increased loss
- Congenital
- Increased loss/Hemolytic
- Decreased production
- Nutritional
- Marrow suppression
- Marrow infiltration
- Increased loss
- Blood loss
- Hemolytic
- Immune
- Non immune
13Acquired RBC disorders
- Decreased Production
- Aplastic, Hypoplastic anemias
- Deficiency anemias Iron, B12, Folate etc.
- Lack of erythropoiesis - Kidney disease
- Marrow disease, malignancy, radiation
- Increased loss/destruction
- Blood loss anemias - parasites, bleeding
- Hemolytic anemias - Autoimmune (cold warm
antibody) mechanical, drugs toxins.
14Iron Deficiency Anemia
- Most abundant metal but most common deficiency..!
- Common in developing world,
- Worm infestation, chronic blood loss, poor diet.
15Low HbAnemia MCV
Low microcytic
Normal normocytic
High macrocytic
Measure Ferritin
Measure B12 folate
Low Megaloblastic anemia
Anemia of chronic disease/ Congenital Hb dis.
Iron def Anemia
Reticulocyte count
Anemia of chronic disease Renal failure Marrow
Hemolytic anemia or blood loss
16Iron Metabolism
- Limited absorption and no excretory mech.
- Recycling of iron dead cells to new cells
- 1mg/day ? 3-6G body ? 1mg/day
- 10 of the 10 to 20 mg of dietary iron.
- Iron is absorbed in Jejunum.
- Stored as Ferritin Hemosiderin.
- Laboratory tests
- Serum iron(1mg/l)
- Serum iron binding capacity (3mg)
- Serum ferritin (gt20ug)
17IDA - Etiology
- Blood loss bleeding, parasites
- Poor diet malnutrition (greens meat)
- Increased need Pregnancy, children
18IDA - Pathogenesis
- Decreased Iron stores
- Decreased Hb Synthesis
- Delayed maturation of erythroblasts (cytopl)
- Decreased cell size (microcytes)
- Decreased hb content (hypochromia)
- Decreased RBC number
- Anemia.
19Microcytic Anemia (IDA)
20Clinical Features
- Anemia
- Pallor, Weakness, Lethargy
- Breathlessness on exertion
- Palpitations may lead to heart failure - edema
- Angular cheilosis, atrophic glossitis,
- dysphagia, koilonychia, gastric atrophy.
21Angular cheilitis Glossitis
22Iron Deficiency Anemia
23IDA on Treatment
24Megaloblastic anemia
- Vitamin B12/Folic acid deficiency
- Second most common type of anemia.
- Multi System disease All organs with increased
cell division. - Macrocytic anemia, pancytopenia.
- Pernicious anaemia
- autoimmune, Gastric atrophy, VitB12 def.
25Megaloblastic anemia - Etiology
- Malnutrition
- Intrinsic factor Ab - Pernicious anemia
- Gastrectomy, Ileal resection
- Inflammatory bowel disease
- Malabsorption syndromes - Sprue
- Blind loop syndrome
26Megalobl - Pathogenesis
- Decreased Vit B12 / Folate
- Decreased DNA Synthesis
- Delayed maturation of erythroblasts (Nucleus)
- Increased cell size (macrocytes)
- Normal hb content (Normochromia)
- Decreased RBC number
- Decreased WBC number (pancytopenia)
- Anemia Pancytopenia.
27Macrocytic Anemia (Meg.)
28Megaloblastic Anemia
30CWM- ?
31CWM - ?
32Hemolytic Anemia - Types
- Immune lysis
- Warm Cold Ab types.
- Mechanical Damage
- Microangiopathy (DIC), prosthesis, march
- Hereditary Defects
- Membrane, Hb Enzyme defect
- Infection induced
- Clostridia, malaria, septicemia
33Clinical Features
- Pallor mild mucosal
- Jaundice - Mild fluctuating
- Splenomegaly
- No bile in urine (dark on standing-UBG)
- Pigment gall stones in chronic forms
- Crisis aplastic, hemolytic, vascular
- Ankle ulcers
34Polychromasia - Hemolytic An.
35CBC Analyzer Report
36Congenital RBC Disorders
- Membrane Disorders
- Spherocytosis, Elliptocytosis
- Hemoglobin Disorders
- Hemoglobinopathies - Sickle cell, HbC etc.
- Thalassemia Syndromes - ?, ?, ?
- Enzyme disorders
- G6PD, PK deficiency
37Thalassemia Trait
38Thalassemia Major
39Blood Smear Interpretation
Normal Micro/hypo Macro Target Sphero Heinz
body Schistocyte nRBC Polychrom Teardrop
40Basophilic Stippling
41Polychromasia - Hemolytic An.
42ß Thalassemia Major
43Sickle Cell Disease
44Microangiopathy / DIC
45Her. Spherocytosis /AIHA
46Cold Hemagglutinin Disease
47Anemia with Low MCV and Low Retics
- Differential diagnosis
- Iron deficiency
- Sideroblastic anemia
- Thalassemia trait
- Anemia of chronic disease
- Laboratory evaluation
- Iron, iron-binding capacity, and ferritin
- Blood smear - Target cells, stippling, etc.
- Hb electrophoresis for Thalassemia
- Bone marrow iron stores, ring sideroblasts
48Anemia with High MCV, Low Retics
- Differential diagnosis
- Megaloblastic anemia
- B12, Folate deficiency
- Myelodysplastic syndrome
- Nonmegaloblastic anemia
- Liver disease , Hypothyroidism
- Laboratory evaluation
- Serum B12, RBC folate levels.
- Examination of peripheral smear
- Bone marrow examination.
49Anemia with Normal MCV,Low Retics
- Differential diagnosis
- Primary bone marrow failure
- Aplastic anemia, drugs, chemotherapy
- Secondary bone marrow failure
- Uremia, Endocrine disorders, AIDS,
- Anemia of chronic disease
- Laboratory evaluation
- Blood smear Iron, TIBC, Ferritin.
- Bone marrow smear and iron stores
- Kidney, Thyroid liver function tests, Cortisol
levels - Erythropoietin level
50Anemia with high Retics - Hemolysis
- Differential diagnosis
- Immune Warm Cold Ab, Auto Allo immune
- Mechanical - Valve, Microangiopathy (DIC)
- Hereditary hemolytic anemias Hb, Enzyme mem
- Infection-related hemolysis Clostridia, malaria.
- Laboratory evaluation
- Blood smear morphology, nRBC, Parasites, Retics.
- Evidence of Hemolysis Bilirubin, Haptoglobin,
- Direct and indirect Coombs test
- Hemoglobin electrophoresis, G6PD screen etc.
51Causes of High Hct/polycythemia
- Relative or spurious erythrocytosis
- Hemoconcentration secondary to dehydration
- (diarrhea, diaphoresis, diuretics, deprivation
of water, emesis, ethanol, etc.) - Absolute erythrocytosis (True )
- Tissue hypoxia - High altitude, Pumonary disease,
respiratory def. Right to left cardiac shunts,
Carbon monoxide intoxication, High
oxygen-affinity Hb. - High EPO - Renal disease, Tumors eg. HCC.
- Androgen therapy
- Primary - Polycythemia vera