Title: UNIVERSITY OF REUNION The French and European University in the Indian Ocean
1UNIVERSITY OF REUNIONThe French and European
University in the Indian Ocean
Opening up to the outside World
2University of Reunion in the Indian Ocean and in
- Islands in the south-western zone of the Indian
- Comoros and french Mayotte Madagascar
Mauritius and Rodrigues Seychelles
- Africa
- South and southern Africa, East Africa, Central
Africa,Western Africa
- India and Sri-Lanka
- Australia
- Other Countries
3The University of Reunion a unique position
- A French Overseas University
- Ocean and tropical environment
- Francophone and creolophone multicultural
- European standard of teaching and research
- A European University in the Indian Ocean -
An Ultraperipherical European University (EU)
- - Association of European Universites
- - SOCRATES (Erasmus and Leonardo) and CREPUQ
(Québec) Network and Profil International with
Laval University (Québec), ISEP (United States)
4Our politics encouraging students mobility and
exchanges a key to personal development,
success and creativity
- In 2020, 20 of the students at the University
of Reunion should be overseas students (in and
out) estimated 4000.
- Accompanying exchanges between lecturers and
- Developing administrative and technical training
through mobility for administrative staff
5The students at the university of Reunion in the
years to come
6Staff Mobility
- Administrative staff
- Technical Training
- Lecturers and Researchers
- Teaching techniques and scientific research
7Student mobility figures (2006-2007)
- 559 foreign students on Campus / 46 different
- Indian Ocean mobility 334 Indian ocean Students
- 127 mauritian Students 130 malagasy Students
71 comorian Students 6 seychellois Students
- European mobility 149 european Students 49
german Students 6 austrian Students, 50 british
Students, 9 belgium Students, 2 spanish Students,
5 italian Students, 2 islandic Student, 2 dutch
Students, 8 norwich Students, 2 rumanian
Students, 2 russian Students, 1 swedich Students,
7 swiss Students, 1 polish Student - American mobility 32 american Students 26 north
american and 6 south american Students
- Asia mobility 18 asian Students whose 8 indian
Students, 4 chinese Students, 6 from the rest of
- African mobility 26 african Students
8Mobility of outgoing students in 2006-2007
Exchange programs (139 IN/ 97 OUT)
9Mobility of outgoing students in 2006-2007
57 Short-term mobility courses and advanced
research projects
10Mobility of outgoing students in 2005-2006
33 Mobility of foreign language assistants
11420 Foreign students enroled at the University of
Reunion Not including exchange programme students
in 2006-2007
Europe 40
Asia 12
America 8
Africa 26
Indian Ocean 334
12Profile of the University of Reunion
- 4 Faculties
- - Faculty of Law Economics
- - Faculty of Science Technology
- - Faculty of Arts Social Sciences
- - Faculty of Social Sciences Environment
(South Campus in Le Tampon)
- 1 Engineering School in Food Science and
- 2 job-oriented institutes
- - Institute of Business Administration
- - University Institute of Technology (IUT)
in Saint-Pierre
- 1 Academic Institute of teachers training (IUFM)
- 27 departments
- 16 laboratories / 1 multi-disciplinary doctoral
school / 1 Unesco Chair
- 3 campuses Saint-Denis (9,000 students),
Saint-Pierre and Le Tampon (3,000 students)
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17- With the opening of the ESIDAI, the
French-speaking Indian Ocean trains its future
Agro-business and biotechnology executives in
synergy with its industry. It reaches today a
fundamental stage of its development. The
dynamism of agribusiness industry of Reunion
island was recognized besides by the French
Government which recently created a pole of
competitiveness Agro-nutrition in tropical
environment in Reunion Island. - The ESIDAI is the first school of overseas has to
be entitled by the Commission des Titres
dIngenieurs (CTI). Its graduates will be the
originators and the actors of industrial
development in the challenges and the
appropriatenesses of universalization. The
international recruitment of the students will
allow the trained engineers, once in activity, to
tie relations, to induce exchanges between the
various companies of the Indian Ocean, hoisting
the economies everywhere on the level of a full
international effectiveness. - Website http//www.esidai.fr/
18- The only Management Institute member of the
French IAE network located in the Indian Ocean
- A range of curricula covering the major fields
of Management
- A specific Masters degree in International
Tourist Activity Management
- Cross student and teacher flows with South
Africa, Mauritius, Madagascar, Australia and
- A research laboratory working in partnership
with Australia and a research group on Management
in the Indian Ocean area
- A close network of professionals from various
geographical origins hired as teachers and
partnerships with groups of global scale
19A window onto the world
- Communicating fast and efficiently The
University website (http//www.univ-reunion.fr/)
From global to local, from local to global