Title: Global Christian Transformational Technology Summit TechMission Advisory Board
1Global Christian Transformational Technology
Summit(TechMission Advisory Board)
2Goals of This Time
- Introduce ourselves, organizations and programs
(3-4 minutes each) - Discuss Goals for Advisory Board
- Review Community Technology Program Models and
Organizations - Review Resources for Christian Community
Technology - Review Outcomes for Christian Community
Technology - Discuss Action Items and Next Meeting
Note we will be recording this call for a Webcast
3Summit Invitees (confirmed)
- Andrew Sears, Christine Tan, Francois Augustine,
TechMission www.techmission.org - Sas Conradie (co-chair), WEA MC Joint Information
Management Initiative Taskforce Chairman - John Edmiston (co-chair), Antioch Internet Bible
Institute www.aibi.org, www.cybermissions.org - Joanna Coles, Oasis USA www.net2work.org
- Andy Michaels, Synergy Ministries
www.synergyministries.org - Bob Fox - from Operation Blessing / CBN
www.operationblessing.org - Dan Henrich, Handclasp International,
www.handclasp-international.org - Rich Bonham, Greater Europe Mission
www.gemedot.com - Pastor Noel Bartolome, WIN-Philippines
- Tim Olonade, Nigeria Evangelical Mission
Association - Jude Simeon, National Evangelical Alliance of Sri
Lanka and Asia Evangelical Alliance - Keith Swift, Instituto InterGlobal
http//ig.gospelcom.net - Pete Hotzman, ICCM (not confirmed),
4What is the TechMission International Advisory
- A gathering of global leaders in the area of
Community Technology and Missions - Potential Purpose Statement (borrowed from the
IEC) - Our purpose is to simulate and accelerate
community technology in the worldwide Body of
Christ by linking partners in this mission to
reach the world with the full Gospel. - To help direct and advise how TechMission can
effectively support this movement. - Comments and feedback?
5What is Christian Community Technology?
- Any use of technology that serves the poor and
shares the Gospel by helping to meet their
spiritual and physical needs. - Christian Community Computer Centers (C4s)
- Distance Learning targeting under resourced
communities - Online volunteer and resource matching programs
targeting under resourced communities - Any use of technology matching the above
6The Need Community Technology and Missions
- What is the movement?
- In the past 15 years over 2,000 ministries have
developed Christian community computer centers
and other technology tools to serve under
resourced communities - There is a growing need to collaborate and
facilitate this movement
7Proposed Statement of Faith
- We believe the Bible to be the inspired, the only
infallible, authoritative Word of God and through
it we are called to live out justice,
reconciliation and redemption. We believe that
there is one God, eternally existent in three
persons Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. - We believe in the deity of our Lord Jesus Christ
in His virgin birth, in His sinless life, in His
miracles, in His vicarious and atoning death
through His shed blood, in His bodily
resurrection, in His ascension to the right hand
of the Father, and in His personal return in
power and glory. - We believe that for the salvation of lost and
sinful man, regeneration by the Holy Spirit is
absolutely essential and that the church nurtures
Gods people gathered as a community to carry out
Gods Word. - We believe in the present ministry of the Holy
Spirit by whose indwelling the Christian is
enabled to live a godly life. - We believe in the resurrection of both the saved
and the lost they that are saved unto the
resurrection of life and they that are lost unto
the resurrection of damnation. - We believe in the spiritual unity of believers in
our Lord Jesus Christ.
Taken from the Statement of Faith of the National
Association of Evangelicals with additions (in
italics) from the Christian Community Development
8About TechMission
TechMission is a Christian nonprofit social
service organization. Our Values are Jesus,
Justice and Technology. Our Mission is to
support Christian organizations as they use
technology to transform vulnerable communities.
9TechMission Programs
10TechMission Resources to Facilitate Community
Technology Movement
- AC4 over 1,200 past and current members
- ChristianVolunteering.org expects over 10,000
registered organizations by the end of 2007 - Church database of over 15,000 churches
- Over 15 full-time staff and 20 full-time interns
11Potential Goals for Advisory Board
- Link all the networks of Christian Community
Computer Centers (C4s) - Collaborate to secure funding to grow movement as
a whole - Link to resourced groups that can support
movement - Share knowledge and expertise
- Set direction for international community
technology movement
12Potential Goals for Advisory Board
- Provide credibility to international computer
centers and community technology - Advise TechMission in supporting the
International Community Technology Movement - Provide TechMission resources and other resources
to international community - Other Ideas?
13Who Else Should Be Here?
- What other networks of computer centers or
community technology should we consider for this
advisory board? - What other computer centers are there that we
have not yet identified? - See list at www.techmission.org/international/
14Understanding the Christian Community Technology
Movement Proven Models
15International Model 1Tent Making Model for
- Description C4s can operate as tent making
businesses for missionaries - Cybermission.org model (John Edmiston)
- Provide for-fee Internet access in developing
countries - One cyber café can support four missionaries
- Café provides forum for evangelism
- Replicated at eight sites
- Focus on normal users and techies in developing
countries - May have low range radio station
16International Model 2 Using C4s to Start
Christian Colleges
- Description C4s form the basis to start a
Christian college in developing countries - Sim-tec.org model
- Start C4s in Developing Country to offer
computer classes - Develop C4s into fully accredited Christian
colleges - Focus is on non-users, normal users, and techies
in developing countries
17International Model 3 Technology in Holistic
Christian Programs
- Description technology is one component in a
holistic program addressing poverty and providing
jobs (focus on non-users) - AGRM and CCDA Model
- Computer classes in a Christian jobs/vocational
training program - Discipleship or rehabilitation programs involving
technology - Micro-loan program which provides a computer
18International Model 4 Equipping Church Techies
with Technology
- Description provide technology training to those
providing tech support on the mission field - International Conference on Computing and
Missions Model - Provides a conference for those providing tech
support on the missions field - Focus is on techies
- www.gospelcom.net/iccm/
19International Model 5 Equipping Church Leaders
in Developing Countries
- Description providing technology training to
indigenous church leaders in developing countries
(focus on normal users) - Examples
- Provide training on audio/visual systems for
services - Providing training in getting a ministry website
20International Model 6 Providing IT Skills Needed
for Jobs
- Description Oasis International Net2Work Program
teaches Information Technology (IT) skills needed
for jobs on mission fields - 28 centers in 10 countries
- Over 1,000 students now e-literate huge demand
for more centers - Job placements nearly 50
- Students have gone from unemployed slum dwellers
to good full time jobs within 4 months
21International Model 7 Internet Enabled
International Christian Radio
- Cybercafe also uses low-powered FM transmitter to
provide community radio station - Can utilize digital audio content from the
internet - Enables improved global distribution of Christian
message via radio across different languages (top
sermons globally in Spanish, Arabic, etc.)
22Model 8 Using Tech To Resource Developing
Countries Volunteers
- TechMission Volunteer Network Goal to place
hundreds of thousands of volunteers in social
service opportunities targeting the faith based
community - Vision to use the Internet to expand the
volunteer market in the same way that eBay
expanded the auction market - Provides ability to effectively match very
specific interests not possible before the
Internet - Provides the ability to volunteer remotely
(social service equivalent of outsourcing) - www.christianvolunteering.org
23International Model 9 Distance Learning
- Model use Internet to provide distance learning
courses (possibly through computer centers) - Global University (globaluniversity.edu)
- Largest school in the world with 645,294 active
students - Rescue College (rescue.edu)
- Accredited online distance learning program for
urban ministry leaders - Instituto InterGlobal (InstitutoInterGlobal.org)
- Christian distance learning organization
targeting Latin America
24Global Computer Refirbishing
- Model distribute computers from developed
countries to developing countries - World Computer Exchange
- Secular organization that has shipped 21,450
computers to 34 developing countries - Business Model
- Ship in pallets of 200 computers monitors
- Charge Pentium IIIs US67, PIIs 50, PIs 30,
Power Macs 35. - Shipping cost about 50-75/computer additionally
- 10-20 breakage during shipping
25Resources for Christian Community Technology
26Sources of Funding
- Microsoft Unlimited Potential Grants
- Funding is available through the Microsoft
subsidiary offices around the world. Decisions to
fund organizations and projects are made every
year in October. - Gifts in Kind International
- Gifts in Kind International distributes millions
worth of newly manufactured product donations and
special pricing programs to qualified 501(c)(3)
non-profit organizations nearly 800 million in
2003! - The Gates Foundation
- Funding is available through the Bill and Melinda
Gates Foundation for various categories,
including global development projects. Please
read the FAQ page for more information. - A Glimmer of Hope Foundation
- The foundation serves to ease some of the pain
and suffering on the planet. It currently
operates a national aid program in Ethiopia as
well as programs for excluded youth in the U.S.
and the U.K. - Carnegie Corporation of New York
- The grantmaker has identified the following
area(s) of interest Carnegie Scholars Program
Education International Development
International Peace and Security Partnership to
Strengthen African Universities Strengthening
U.S. Democracy. - The Coca-Cola Foundation, Inc.
- The grantmaker has identified the following
area(s) of interest Classroom Teaching and
Learning Global Education Higher Education.
27Sources of Funding
- Echoing Green
- Seed money and technical support are provided to
social entrepreneurs starting innovative public
service organizations and projects that seek to
catalyze positive social change. Echoing Green
invests in entrepreneurs' organizations and
projects at an early stage, before most funders
are willing to do so, and then provides them with
support to help them grow beyond start-up. - Ford Foundation
- Grants are made primarily within three broad
categories (1) asset building and community
development (2) knowledge, creativity, and
freedom and (3) peace and social justice. Local
needs and priorities, within these subject areas,
determine program activities in individual
countries. - Rockefeller Brothers Fund
- The Fund's programs are intended to develop
leaders, strengthen institutions, engage
citizens, build community, and foster
partnerships that include government, business,
and civil society. Respect for cultural diversity
and ecological integrity pervades the Fund's
activities. - The Rockefeller Foundation
- The foundation was established by John D.
Rockefeller, Sr. to "promote the well being" of
humanity by addressing the root causes of serious
problems. The foundation works internationally to
expand opportunities for poor and vulnerable
people and to help ensure that the benefits of
globalization are shared more equitably.
28Sources of Funding
- The Draper Richards Foundation
- Awards fellowships to selected social
entrepreneurs with seed funding of 100,000
annually for three years as well as technical
support. The Foundation only awards six
fellowships per year. The funds are specifically
and solely for entrepreneurs starting new
non-profit organizations that seek to solve
existing social problems in innovative new ways. - Weyerhaeuser Family Foundation
- The Weyerhaeuser Family Foundation supports
programs of national and international
significance that promote the welfare of human
and natural resources. These efforts will enhance
the creativity, strengths and skills already
possessed by those in need and reinforce the
sustaining processes inherent in nature. - First Fruit, Inc.
- First Fruit is a private foundation that provides
grants to Christian ministries in the developing
world in the areas of leadership development,
evangelism, and wholistic ministry. - Cornerstone Trust, International
- Cornerstone provides funding for large-scale
charitable and humanitarian projects arranges
financing for large economic projects also
provides venture capital funding for medium to
high risk startup businesses. - The Maclellan Foundation
- This foundation provides consulting services,
equipment, general/operating support, program
development and evaluation, and seed money to
organizations in Eastern Europe, Asia, Africa,
Latin America, and the Middle East.
29Sources for Statistics
- World Bank World Development Reports
- UN Human Development Reports
- http//hdr.undp.org
- Technology Section
- Internet Society
- http//www.isoc.org/internet/issues/divide/
- Digital Access Index http//www.itu.int/ITU-D/ict
/dai/ - Digital Divide http//www.itu.int/ITU-D/digitaldi
30Global Agencies Initiatives
- United Nations Information and Communications
Technologies Task Force - World Summit on the Information Society
- Asia-Pacific Development Program
- Others?
31Feedback and PotentialAction Items
32Feedback on Building the Case for the Community
Technology Missions Movement
- Discussion on presentation
- Suggestions on additional program models
- Suggestions on programs that are among the best
in class for a given program model - Outcomes data for CTM
- International statistics demonstrating need
- Materials providing Biblical basis of CTM
33Potential Action Items
- Determine whether you or your organization wants
to serve on Advisory Board - Identify point person in organization to serve
- Sign up for free AC4 membership at
- https//www.techmission.org/get_involved/join.php
- Select group membership option and enter code of
advisoryboard to get free membership - Share Contact Information (Phone, web, E-mail,
Skype) - Schedule Next Skypecast
34Action Item Share Information to add to
- Send Materials to francois_at_techmission.org
- Presentations or documents
- Contact information of other leaders and
organizations we might want to invite - Lists of other computer centers
- Links to other Christian organizations involved
in community computer centers - Links or contact information for other potential
sources of funding - Note Identify any information that cannot be
made publicly available on TechMissions website - Books or videos to add?
- Research or stats to add?
- Other related global initiatives to add?
- Links to Christian community technology
initiatives to add?
35Expectations of TechMission Advisory Board Members
- Participate in quarterly conference calls (or an
assigned designee) - To join and actively participate in at least one
committee each year and take on tasks as needed
or requested. - Estimated time commitment of 10-20 hours per year.
36TechMission Action Items
- Collect and distribute contact list
- Collect and distribute information on TechMission
International Website - Provide this call recording as Webcast and MP3
37Other Action Items?
38Suggestions for Next Meeting Agenda
39Building the Case for the Christian Community
Technology Movement Proven Outcomes
40AC4 International Membership By Region
207 Total International Members
41Total AC4 Member Site Statistics
These numbers are extrapolated for all active
members based on 182 sites reporting.
42Measurable Outcomes from AC4 Sites
Extrapolated for all active members with 182
sites reporting Note many outcomes of AC4
sites are not measurable in these terms (after
school programs, etc.)
43Number of AC4 Sites with Various Tech Activities
44Participants of AC4 Member Sitesby Language
Extrapolated for all active members with 182
sites reporting
45Participants of AC4 Member Sites by Age
Extrapolated for all active members with 182
sites reporting
46Example Technology Centers and Evangelism in AGRM
- Association of Gospel Rescue Missions was founded
in 1913 and is a group of over 300 Christian
homeless shelters - Last year over 85,000 people enrolled in AGRM
educational programs - Meeting Spiritual Need Estimated that over half
(over 42,500) of these made decisions to follow
Jesus - Meeting Felt Need 5,000 graduated with a GED or
other diploma, and nearly 15,000 formerly
homeless individuals completed training programs
and became productive members of society
47What Is The Revenue From An Average Icafe? (John
- With 20 client machines, given at least 50
occupancy and 1 hour per customer at 60c per
hour. -
- 12 hrs x 10 clients per hour 120 clients per
day -
- Income 120 x 60c per hour x 25 days per month
1800 per month -
48Profit Loss (John Edmiston)
- Rent 300 a monthInternet 100 a monthPhone
etc 100 a monthDeprecation 150 a month - Total fixed costs 650 a month
- Missionary wages (4 indigenous missionaries)
250 per month each 1000 -
- This leaves 150 a month for extras and
ministry expenses. If the icafe is run well it
can achieve much more than 50 occupancy.
49Oasis Net 2 Work Outcomes Achievements
- 28 centers in 10 countries
- Teaching IT Basics, Seven MSN networking and
Oasis hardware courses - Self-developed classroom
- and low-cost exam software
- Over 1,000 students now e-literate huge demand
for more centers
- Job placements nearly 50 but this metric must be
improved - Students have gone from unemployed slum dwellers
to good full time jobs within 4 months
50Appendix Building the Case for C4s Global
51Christian Volunteering Serving Inside Church vs.
Outside Community
Value of Christian Volunteer Time (USA) 51.2
Source US Department of Labor and Corporation
for National and Community Service
52Global Christian Volunteering
- Estimated Number of Christian Volunteers 336.8
million people - If Christian volunteers were a country, they
would be the 3rd largest country in the world - Value of Christian Volunteers Globally 133.5
Billion - Makes it the 36th largest global economy
- Value is much more than the total of all foreign
Sources Estimates based on purchasing power and
extrapolated from the following sources
anity/resources.php 2006, UN Development Report
2006, US Department of Labor and Corporation for
National and Community Service
53The Need for Online Volunteer Matching Service
for Christian Organizations
- Provide More Volunteers to Christian Nonprofits
- VolunteerMatch, the leading secular site, reports
placing over 475,000 volunteers in 37,000
nonprofit organizations - Organizations using online volunteer matching
report that over 50 of volunteers come from
online sources - Most Christian organizations do not want to use
secular sites - Cannot selectively target to recruit Christian
volunteers on secular sites - Less than 2 of postings on secular sites are
from Christian organizations
54Why Information Technology (IT) in Missions?
- IT provides Tent Making Business for missions
- IT plays an Essential Role in Education and
Holistic Ministry - Global economic growth primarily in Information
Technology sector - Growing digital divide between countries with
IT skills and those without with further economic
divides - Data from experience shows it is an extremely
effective tool for missions
55International Digital Divide Graph
Source UN Human Development Report
2006 http//hdr.undp.org/hdr2006/
56Technology and Ministry Where Is the Largest
- Computer centers are the primary opportunity in
urban environments and in developing countries - Most of the growth of the church is happening in
urban environments and in developing countries - Urban
- Since 1900, 70 of new Christians have been in
urban areas (1.1 billion since 1900) - 75 of new Christians will be in urban areas in
the future - Developing Countries
- Over 80 of growth of the church is in Asia and
the Southern Hemisphere (1.17 billion since 1900) - 95 of growth in the next 20 years expected to be
in Asia and the Southern Hemisphere
57Source International Bulletin of Missionary
Research, January 2005. David B. Barrett Todd
M. Johnson. http//www.globalchristianity.org/reso
58Source International Bulletin of Missionary
Research, January 2005. David B. Barrett Todd
M. Johnson. http//www.globalchristianity.org/reso
59What Are Felt Needs?
60Stages of Technology and Ministry
- By Geeks for Geeks (or techies)
- By Geeks for Normal Users
- By Normal Users for Normal Users
- By Normal Users for Non-Users
61Appendix Building the Case for C4s Biblically
62Biblical Model for Missions
1 Corinthians 919-23 Though I am free and belong
to no man, I make myself a slave to everyone, to
win as many as possible. To the Jews I became
like a Jew, to win the Jews. To those under the
law I became like one under the law (though I
myself am not under the law), so as to win those
under the law. To those not having the law I
became like one not having the law (though I am
not free from God's law but am under Christ's
law), so as to win those not having the law. To
the weak I became weak, to win the weak. I have
become all things to all men so that by all
possible means I might save some.
63Biblical Basis for C4s
James 215-16 Suppose a brother or sister is
without clothes and daily food. If one of you
says to him, Go, I wish you well keep warm and
well fed, but does nothing about his physical
needs, what good is it?
Jesus always met both spiritual needs and felt