Title: David Parker Deputy Director, UNICEF IRC Florence, Italy dparker@unicef.org
1David ParkerDeputy Director, UNICEF
IRCFlorence, Italydparker_at_unicef.org
- Protecting the Rights
- of Children with Disabilities
Council of Europe, Swedish Presidency /Nordic
Council of Ministers European ConferenceProtectin
g and Promoting the Rights of Persons with
Disabilities in EuropeTowards full
participation, inclusion and empowerment Strasbour
g, 29-30 October 2008
2Priority on children with disabilities
- In the formative stages of their life-course
- Labels and identities given in childhood are of
profound significance - Potential gains from early attention
- Additional dimension of complexities of
adolescence - Linkages to other human rights instruments
3Heckman curve Returns to human capital investment
Source James Heckman (Carneiro Heckman, 2003)
4Barriers to inclusion
- Social model of disability obstacles in the
environment - Policies and regulations
- Physical barriers
- Social barriers and stigma
- Attitudes and self-fulfilling expectations
- Poverty as a cause and a consequence of disability
5Children in institutions
- Ongoing policy and programmatic reflections on
institutional care - Isolation from families and community life
- Developmental delays and often limited
availability of care - Particular problems of adolescents
- Strong advances toward community-based care
- Fostering and other alternative models
- Assessment - opportunity
6Rights of children with disabilities
- Existing provisions in the CRC
- Key principle of non-discrimination
- Provisions especially in education and social
welfare to the fullest social inclusion - Limitations on how other rights have been taken
up for children with disabilities - Consultation in CRPD development with
organizations of children with disabilities
7The CRPD and children
- Full enjoyment of human rights on equal basis
- General principles of the CRPD applying to all
persons - Article 3 (h) Respect for the evolving
capacities of children with disabilities and
respect for the right of children with
disabilities to preserve their identities - Article 6 recognizing the particular situation
of girls with disabilities
8The CRPD and children (cont)
- Article 7 Children with disabilities
- Enjoyment of rights on an equal basis with other
children - The best interests of the child
- The right to express views and have them taken
seriously - Other rights in the Convention
- Access to justice
- Age-sensitive assistance for protection against
violence abuse - Registration immediately after birth
- Right to family life
- Inclusive education, including all necessary
support and aids - Play, recreation, leisure and sporting activities
- We cannot solve problems with the same kind of
thinking that created them.
10Actions at national level
- Review of legislation
- Effective remedies in case of violations
- A cross-sectoral plan of action
- Focal points and interministerial coordination
- Independent monitoring mechanisms (e.g., ombuds)
11Actions at national level (cont)
- Resource allocation to and for children and their
families - Promote alternatives to institutionalization
- Awareness-raising of the public
- Community services and support
- Centrality of organizations of persons with
12The international level
- United Nations system processes
- Committee on the Rights of Persons with
Disabilities - Support to national level actions including
advocacy - Programme cooperation in some European countries
- Roles of multilateral bilateral agencies, INGOs
- Close cooperation with national and regional
13Principles of inclusion
- Consulting with and listening to children and
families - Integrated and life-cycle approach
- Working with parents and families, and all
stakeholders - Building on current momentum
14- Thank you
- www.unicef-irc.org