Ch 25 Metamorphic Facies - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Ch 25 Metamorphic Facies


T-X phase diagram of the system albite-orthoclase at ... of several determined univariant reactions in the CaO-MgO-Al2O3-SiO2-H2O-(Na2O) system ( C(N)MASH ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Ch 25 Metamorphic Facies

Ch 25 Metamorphic Facies
  • V.M. Goldschmidt (1911, 1912a) contact
    metamorphosed pelitic, calcareous, and psammitic
    hornfelses Oslo s. Norway
  • fewer than six major minerals in the aureoles
    around granitoid intrusives
  • first to note that the equilibrium mineral
    assemblage of a metamorphic rock could be related
    to Xbulk
  • Aluminous pelites contained Al-rich minerals,
    such as cordierite, plagioclase, garnet, and/or
    an Al2SiO5 polymorph
  • Calcareous rocks contained Ca-rich and Al-poor
    minerals such as Di, Wo, and/or amphibole

Victor Moritz Goldschmidt- Oslo
  • Certain mineral pairs (e.g. anorthite
    enstatite) were consistently present in rocks of
    appropriate composition, whereas the
    compositionally equivalent pair
    (diopside  andalusite) was not
  • If two alternative assemblages are X-equivalent,
    we must be able to relate them by a reaction
  • In this case the reaction is simple
  • MgSiO3 CaAl2Si2O8 CaMgSi2O6 Al2SiO5
  • En An Di Als

Metamorphic Facies
  • Pentii Eskola (1914, 1915) Orijärvi, S. Finland
  • Rocks with K-feldspar cordierite at Oslo
    contained the compositionally equivalent pair
    biotite muscovite at Orijärvi
  • Eskola difference must reflect differing
    physical conditions
  • Finnish rocks (more hydrous and lower volume
    assemblage) equilibrated at lower temperatures
    and higher pressures than the Norwegian ones

Metamorphic Facies
  • Oslo Kfs Mg-Crd
  • Orijärvi Phlo Ms Qtz
  • Reaction
  • 2 KMg3AlSi3O10(OH)2 6 KAl2AlSi3O10(OH)2 15
  • Phlo Ms Qtz
  • 3 Mg2Al4Si5O18 8 KAlSi3O8 8 H2O
  • Crd Kfs water (missing at Oslo)

Metamorphic Facies
  • Pentii Eskola (1915) developed the concept of
    metamorphic facies
  • In any rock or metamorphic formation which has
    arrived at a chemical equilibrium through
    metamorphism at constant temperature and pressure
    conditions, the mineral composition is controlled
    only by the chemical composition. We are led to a
    general conception which the writer proposes to
    call metamorphic facies.
  • Eskola s dual basis facies Xbulk mineralogy
  • A metamorphic facies is a set of repeatedly
    associated metamorphic mineral assemblages

Metamorphic Facies
  • Eskola aware of the P-T implications and
    correctly deduced the relative temperatures and
    pressures of facies he proposed
  • Modern lab results can now assign relatively
    accurate temperature and pressure limits to
    individual facies

Metamorphic Facies
  • Eskola (1920) proposed 5 original facies
  • Greenschist
  • Amphibolite
  • Hornfels
  • Sanidinite
  • Eclogite
  • Easily defined on the basis of mineral
    assemblages that develop in mafic rocks

Metamorphic Facies
  • In his final account, Eskola (1939) added
  • Granulite
  • Epidote-amphibolite
  • Glaucophane-schist (now called Blueschist)
  • ... and changed the name of the hornfels facies
    to the pyroxene hornfels facies

Metamorphic Facies
  • Fig. 25-1 The metamorphic facies proposed by
    Eskola and their relative temperature-pressure
    relationships. After Eskola (1939) Die Entstehung
    der Gesteine. Julius Springer. Berlin.

Metamorphic Facies
  • Several additional facies types have been
    proposed. Most notable are
  • Zeolite
  • Prehnite-pumpellyite
  • ...resulting from the work of Coombs in the
    burial metamorphic terranes of New Zealand
  • Fyfe et al. (1958) also proposed
  • Albite-epidote hornfels
  • Hornblende hornfels

Metamorphic Facies
Fig. 25-2. Temperature-pressure diagram showing
the generally accepted limits of the various
facies used in this text.
  • The limits are approximate and gradational,
    because the reactions vary with rock composition
    and the nature and composition of the fluid phase
  • The 30oC/km geothermal gradient is an example of
    an elevated orogenic geothermal gradient.

Metamorphic Facies
  • Table 25-1. The definitive mineral assemblages
    that characterize each facies (for mafic rocks).

Metamafic and pelitic grade correspondence
Fig. 25-9. Typical mineral changes that take
place in metabasic rocks during progressive
metamorphism in the medium P/T facies series. The
approximate location of the pelitic zones of
Barrovian metamorphism are included for
comparison. Winter (2001) An Introduction to
Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology. Prentice Hall.
Miyashiro extended the facies concept to
encompass broader progressive sequences facies
series A traverse up grade through a metamorphic
terrane should follow one of several possible
metamorphic field gradients (Fig. 21-1, next
slide), and, if extensive enough, cross through a
sequence of facies
Facies Series
Metamorphism of Mafic Rocks
  • Mineral changes and associations along T-P
    gradients characteristic of the three facies
  • Hydration of original mafic minerals generally
  • If water unavailable, mafic igneous rocks will
    remain largely unaffected, even as associated
    sediments are completely re-equilibrated
  • Coarse-grained intrusives are the least permeable
    and likely to resist metamorphic changes
  • Tuffs and graywackes are the most permeable and
    so subject to metamorphic changes.

Metamorphism of Mafic Rocks
  • The principal mineral changes are due to the
    breakdown of the two most common basaltic
    minerals plagioclase and clinopyroxene
  • Plagioclase
  • More Ca-rich plagioclases become progressively
    unstable as T lowered
  • General correlation between temperature and
    maximum An-content of the stable plagioclase
  • At low metamorphic grades only albite (An0-3) is
  • The An-content of plagioclase jumps as grade
  • More Anorthite content ( more calcic)
    plagioclases are stable in the upper amphibolite
    and granulite facies

Metamorphism of Mafic Rocks
  • Clinopyroxene breaks down to a number of mafic
    minerals (less hot) chlorite, actinolite,
    hornblende (hotter), etc. depending on T P

Greenschist, Amphibolite, and Granulite Facies
  • The greenschist, amphibolite and granulite facies
    constitute the most common facies series of
    regional metamorphism on Mafic rocks

Greenschist Facies
  • ACF diagram
  • The most characteristic mineral assemblage of the
    greenschist facies is chlorite albite
    epidote actinolite ? quartz

Fig. 25-6. ACF diagram illustrating
representative mineral assemblages for
metabasites in the greenschist facies. The
composition range of common mafic rocks is
shaded. Winter (2001) An Introduction to Igneous
and Metamorphic Petrology. Prentice Hall.
Greenschist Facies
  • Greenschist amphibolite facies transition
    involves two major mineralogical changes
  • 1. Albite oligoclase (increased Ca-content with
    temperature across the peristerite gap)
  • 2. Actinolite hornblende (amphibole accepts
    increasing aluminum and alkalis at higher Ts)
  • Both transitions occur at approximately the same
    grade, but have different P/T slopes

Exist exsolution lamellae on cooling in the
peristerite miscibility gap, An5-An18
Amphibolite Facies
  • ACF diagram
  • Typically two-phase Hbl-Plag
  • Amphibolites are typically black rocks with up to
    about 30 white plagioclase
  • Like diorites, but differ texturally
  • Garnet in more Al-Fe-rich and Ca-poor mafic rocks
  • Clinopyroxene in Al-poor-Ca-rich rocks

Fig. 25-7. ACF diagram illustrating
representative mineral assemblages for
metabasites in the amphibolite facies. The
composition range of common mafic rocks is
shaded. Winter (2001) An Introduction to Igneous
and Metamorphic Petrology. Prentice Hall.
Amphibolite to Granulite Facies
  • Mafic rocks generally melt at higher temperatures
  • If water is removed by the earlier melts the
    remaining mafic rocks may become depleted in
  • Hornblende decomposes and orthopyroxene
    clinopyroxene appear

Hornblende gt orthopyroxene clinopyroxene
Low water
Fig. 26-19. Simplified petrogenetic grid for
metamorphosed mafic rocks showing the location of
several determined univariant reactions in the
CaO-MgO-Al2O3-SiO2-H2O-(Na2O) system
(C(N)MASH). Winter (2001) An Introduction to
Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology. Prentice Hall.
Granulite Facies
  • Granulite facies characterized by a largely
    anhydrous mineral assemblage
  • Critical meta-basite mineral assemblage is
    orthopyroxene clinopyroxene plagioclase
  • Garnet, minor hornblende and/or biotite may be
  • mineralogy plagioclase and pyroxene similar to
  • The texture gneissic, and grain shapes decussate
    or polygonal, no resemblance to the original

Granulite Facies
  • Origin of granulite facies general agreement on
    two points
  • 1) Granulites represent unusually hot conditions
  • Temperatures gt 700oC (geothermometry has yielded
    some very high temperatures, even in excess of
  • Average geotherm temperatures for granulite
    facies depths should be in the vicinity of 500oC,
    suggesting that granulites are the products of
    crustal thickening and excess heating

Granulite Facies
  • 2) Granulites are dry
  • Rocks dont melt due to lack of available water
  • Granulite facies terranes represent deeply buried
    and dehydrated roots of the continental crust
  • Fluid inclusions in granulite facies rocks of S.
    Norway are CO2-rich, whereas those in the
    amphibolite facies rocks are H2O-rich

Fig. 25-2. Temperature-pressure diagram showing
the generally accepted limits of the various
facies used in this text. Winter (2001) An
Introduction to Igneous and Metamorphic
Petrology. Prentice Hall.
Mafic Assemblages of the High P/T Series
Blueschist and Eclogite Facies
  • Mafic rocks (not pelites) develop definitive
    mineral assemblages under high P/T conditions
  • High P/T geothermal gradients characterize
    subduction zones
  • Mafic blueschists are easily recognizable by
    their color, and are useful indicators of ancient
    subduction zones. Formation requires abundant
  • The great density of eclogites subducted
    basaltic oceanic crust becomes more dense than
    the surrounding mantle
  • Begins to sink , extended necks thin and break
    off pieces

Blueschist Facies
  • The blueschist facies is characterized in
    metabasites by the presence of a sodic blue
    amphibole stable only at high pressures (notably
  • The association of glaucophane lawsonite
    (CaAl2Si2O7(OH)2H2O) is diagnostic of the high
  • Albite breaks down at high pressure by reaction
    to jadeite (a pyroxene) quartz
  • NaAlSi3O8 NaAlSi2O6 SiO2 (reaction 25-3)
  • Ab Jd Qtz
  • Jadeite without quartz would be stable into the
    albite field at lower pressure gtlow pressure

Specimen Jadeite Glaucophane w/o quartz
Blueschist and Eclogite Facies
Fig. 25-10. ACF diagram illustrating
representative mineral assemblages for
metabasites in the blueschist facies. The
composition range of common mafic rocks is
shaded. Winter (2001) An Introduction to Igneous
and Metamorphic Petrology. Prentice Hall.
Eclogite Facies
  • Eclogite facies mafic assemblage omphacitic
    pyroxene pyrope-grossular garnet

Glaucophane Paragonite Pyrope Jadeite
Qtz H2O
Glaucophane Na2Mg3Al2Si8O22(OH)2 Paragonite is
NaAl2(AlSi3O10)(OH)2 Pyrope is Mg3Al2(SiO4)3
Jadeite is NaAlSi2O6
Fig. 25-11. ACF diagram illustrating
representative mineral assemblages for
metabasites in the eclogite facies. The
composition range of common mafic rocks is
shaded. Winter (2001) An Introduction to Igneous
and Metamorphic Petrology. Prentice Hall.
BTW Omphacite compositions are intermediate
between calcium-rich augite and sodium-rich
  • Non-quad pyroxenes

aegirine- augite
Na Na / (Na Ca)
Ca-Tschermacks molecule
Augite (Ca, Na) (Fe, Al) Si2O6
Pressure-Temperature-Time (P-T-t) Paths
  • The facies series concept suggests that a
    traverse up grade through a metamorphic terrane
    should follow a metamorphic field gradient, and
    may cross through a sequence of facies (spatial
  • Progressive metamorphism rocks pass through a
    series of mineral assemblages as they
    continuously equilibrate to increasing
    metamorphic grade (temporal sequences)
  • Are the temporal and spatial mineralogical
    changes the same?

Pressure-Temperature-Time (P-T-t) Paths
Staurolite (St) as relict within poikiloblastic
andalusite (And).
  • Metamorphic P-T-t paths may be addressed by
  • 1) Observing partial overprints of one mineral
    assemblage upon another
  • The relict minerals may indicate a portion of
    either the prograde or retrograde path (or both)
    depending upon when they were created

Muscovite chlorite quartz staurolite
andalusite / sillimanite biotite H20
Staurolite (St) as relict within poikiloblastic
andalusite (And).
Pressure-Temperature-Time (P-T-t) Paths
  • Metamorphic P-T-t paths may be addressed by
  • 2) Apply geothermometers and geobarometers to the
    core vs. rim compositions of chemically zoned
    minerals to document the changing P-T conditions
    experienced by a rock during their growth

Pressure-Temperature-Time (P-T-t) Paths
  • Classic view regional metamorphism is a result
    of deep burial or intrusion of hot magmas
  • Plate tectonics regional metamorphism is a
    result of crustal thickening and heat input
    during orogeny at convergent plate boundaries
    (not simple burial)

Chapter 26 Metamorphic Reactions
  • Isograds are reaction
  • lines

1. Phase Transformations
  • Isochemical phase transformations (the polymorphs
    of SiO2 or Al2SiO5 or graphite-diamond or
  • The transformations depend on temperature and
    pressure only

Aragonite is the stable CaCO3 polymorph commonly
found in blueschist facies terranes
1. Phase Transformations
Independent of other minerals present, fluids,
etc. Andalusite -gt Sill as T and P increase
regardless of other phases Stau, Mus, Qtz
1. Phase Transformations
  • Small DS for most polymorphic transformations
  • ? small DG between two alternative polymorphs,
    even several tens of degrees from the equilibrium
  • ? little driving force for the reaction to
    proceed common metastable relics in the
    stability field of other
  • Coexisting polymorphs may therefore represent
    non-equilibrium states (overstepped equilibrium

Staurolite poikiloblast
2. Exsolution
Some solid solutions are unstable at lower T, and
exsolve as T falls. Classic example K-spar and
Ab form a solid solution at 1000C but separate
into Microcline Albite -gt Perthitic Texture
Figure 6-16. T-X phase diagram of the system
albite-orthoclase at 0.2 GPa H2O pressure. After
Bowen and Tuttle (1950). J. Geology, 58, 489-511.
Winter (2001) An Introduction to Igneous and
Metamorphic Petrology. Prentice Hall.
3. Solid-Solid Net-Transfer Reactions
  • Differ from polymorphic transformations involve
    solids of differing composition
  • Material must diffuse from one site to another
    for the reaction to proceed
  • NaAlSi2O6 SiO2 NaAlSi3O8
  • Jd Qtz Ab
  • MgSiO3 CaAl2Si2O8 CaMgSi2O6 Al2SiO5
  • En An Di And
  • 4 (Mg,Fe)SiO3 CaAl2Si2O8
  • Opx An Plag
  • (Mg,Fe)3Al2Si3O12 Ca(Mg,Fe)Si2O6 SiO2
  • Gnt Cpx Qtz

Reaction curves typically pretty straight DS and
DV change little
3. Solid-Solid Net-Transfer Reactions
  • If minerals contain volatiles, but the volatiles
    conserved in the reaction so that no fluid phase
    is generated or consumed
  • For example, the reaction
  • Mg3Si4O10(OH)2 4 MgSiO3 Mg7Si8O22(OH)2
  • Talc Enstatite
  • involves hydrous phases, but conserves H2O
  • It may therefore be treated as a solid-solid
    net-transfer reaction

4. Devolatilization Reactions
  • For example the location of the reaction line on
  • P-T phase diagram of the dehydration reaction
  • KAl2Si3AlO10(OH)2 SiO2 KAlSi3O8
    Al2SiO5 H2O
  • Musc Qtz Kfld Sill Water
  • depends upon the partial pressure of H2O (pH2O)

4. Devolatilization Reactions
  • Here the equilibrium curve represents equilibrium
    between the reactants and products under
    water-saturated conditions (pH2O PLithostatic)

P-T phase diagram for the reaction Ms Qtz Kfs
Al2SiO5 H2O showing the shift in equilibrium
conditions as pH2O varies (assuming ideal H2O-CO2
mixing). Calculated using the program TWQ by
Berman (1988, 1990, 1991). After Winter (2001) An
Introduction to Igneous and Metamorphic
Petrology. Prentice Hall.
KAl2Si3AlO10(OH)2 SiO2 KAlSi3O8 Al2SiO5
H2O Ms Qtz Kfs Sill
  • Suppose H2O is withdrawn from the system at some
    point on the water-saturated equilibrium curve
    pH2O lt Plithostatic
  • According to Le Châteliers Principle, removing
    water at equilibrium will be compensated by the
    reaction running to the right, thereby producing
    more water
  • This has the effect of stabilizing the right side
    of the reaction at the expense of the left side
  • So as water is withdrawn the Kfs Sill H2O
    field expands slightly at the expense of the Mu
    Qtz field, and the reaction curve shifts toward
    lower temperature

Pfluid lt PLith by drying out the rock and
reducing the fluid content Pfluid PLith, but
the water in the fluid can become diluted by
adding another fluid component, such as CO2 or
some other volatile phase
4. Decarbonization Reactions
  • CaCO3 SiO2 CaSiO3 CO2 (26-6)
  • Cal Qtz Wollastonite

Figure 26-5. T-XCO2 phase diagram for the
reaction Cal Qtz Wo CO2 at 0.5 GPa assuming
ideal H2O-CO2 mixing, calculated using the
program TWQ by Berman (1988, 1990, 1991). Winter
(2001) An Introduction to Igneous and Metamorphic
Petrology. Prentice Hall.
Figure 26-1. A portion of the equilibrium
boundary for the calcite-aragonite phase
transformation in the CaCO3 system. After
Johannes and Puhan (1971), Contrib. Mineral.
Petrol., 31, 28-38. Winter (2001) An Introduction
to Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology. Prentice
  • 5. Continuous Reactions
  • Occur when F ? 1, and the reactants and products
    coexist over a temperature (or grade) interval

Fig. 26-9. Schematic isobaric T-XMg diagram
representing the simplified metamorphic reaction
Chl Qtz ? Grt H2O. From Winter (2001) An
Introduction to Igneous and Metamorphic
Petrology. Prentice Hall. Winter (2001) An
Introduction to Igneous and Metamorphic
Petrology. Prentice Hall.
6. Ion Exchange Reactions
  • Reciprocal exchange of components between 2 or
    more minerals
  • MgSiO3 CaFeSi2O6 FeSiO3 CaMgSi2O6
  • Enstatite Hedenbergite Ferrosilite Diopside
  • Expressed as pure end-members, but really
    involves Mg-Fe (or other) exchange between
    intermediate solutions
  • Basis for many geothermobarometers
  • http//

Ch 27b Geothermobarometry
  • For any reaction with one or more variable
    components, at any given P,T ,we can solve for
    the equilibrium curve using
  • DG0 DG0 RT ln K (27-17)
  • where DG0 is the Gibbs Free Energy at the
    pressure and temperature of interest
  • So ln K - DG0/RT
  • At constant P, a reaction obeys
  • and dDG DVdP DSdT
  • are the corrections as T,P change

  • lnK - DG0/RT
  • DG DH TDS DVdP (last correction if T const.)
  • Gives lnK - DH/RT DS/R - (DV/RT)dP (27-26)
  • Consider the Fe-Mg exchange in the reaction
    between biotite and Ca-free garnet
  • Fe3Al2Si3O12 KMg3Si3AlO10(OH)2
  • Mg3Al2Si3O12 KFe3Si3AlO10(OH)2
  • Almandine Phlogopite Pyrope Annite

  • The Garnet - Biotite geothermometer

lnK - DH/RT DS/R - (DV/RT) dP
This is a line! From (27-26) we can extract DH
from the slope and DS from the intercept!
Figure 27-5. Graph of lnK vs. 1/T (in Kelvins)
for the Ferry and Spear (1978) garnet-biotite
exchange equilibrium at 0.2 GPa from Table 27-2.
Winter (2001) An Introduction to Igneous and
Metamorphic Petrology. Prentice Hall.
  • The GASP geobarometer
  • Garnet-aluminosilicate-silica-plagioclase

Figure 27-8. P-T phase diagram showing the
experimental results of Koziol and Newton (1988),
and the equilibrium curve for reaction (27-37).
Open triangles indicate runs in which An grew,
closed triangles indicate runs in which Grs Ky
Qtz grew, and half-filled triangles indicate no
significant reaction. The univariant equilibrium
curve is a best-fit regression of the data
brackets. The line at 650oC is Koziol and
Newtons estimate of the reaction location based
on reactions involving zoisite. The shaded area
is the uncertainty envelope. After Koziol and
Newton (1988) Amer. Mineral., 73, 216-233
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