Title: Types & Significance of Labelling Machines from Brothers Pharmamach (India) Pvt. Ltd.
1Welcome To Brothers Pharmamach (INDIA) PVT. LTD.
2Brothers Pharmamach (India) Pvt. Ltd.
Brothers Pharmamach is a leading manufacturer
supplier of Pharmaceutical and packaging
machinery providing technological advanced Pharma
equipments for better and bulk production with
long lasting performance and low maintenance.
The machineries include. . .
3Washing and Air Jet Cleaning Machines
4Different types of Powder Filling Machine
5Liquid Filling Machine
6Labeling Machine
7Capping Machines
8Turn Table
9Packaging Conveyor
10Inspection Conveyor
11What is Labelling Machine?
Machine for affixing labels or advertisement
covers on various items, products, containers, or
packages is called a labelling machine.
12Why a Labelling Machine is Used?
Labeller or labelling machine is used to prepare
labels for containers, products, items, packages
and other materials. With a label applicator
machine, pre-printed, self-adhesive
(pressure-sensitive) labels can be applied in
different positions and different ways to
products, accurately and reliably every time.
13Types of Labelling Machine
- Labelling machines can be classified various
factors Like the type of label to be applied or
labelling to be done on product, position of
labeling, speed, automation of labeling machine
and which product is labeled. - Depending on type of labelling to be done, most
important categories of labelling machines are
sticker or self adhesive labelling machines, wet
glue labelling machines etc. - There are front and back labelling machines, top
and bottom labelling machines, partial and full
wrap around labelling machines, overlap labellers
and shrink sleeve applicators.
14Types of Labelling Machine
- Labeling machines for labeling bottles of
different shapes, vials and containers are
available. -
- Automatic, Fully Automatic, Semi-Automatic and
Manual label Applicators are available for
labeling tasks.
15Significance of Labelling Machine
Labeling every product manually especially in the
bulk industrial tasks can be very intricate and
time consuming task. This is where labelling
machine or labeller comes into play. A modern
labelling machine with available with advanced
features and high automation can perform bulk
labelling tasks very efficiently, easily with
less efforts in shortest possible time.
16How to Select the Best Labelling Machine?
- There are a few steps by following which one can
ensure to select the best labelling machine to
suit customized labelling processes. - Best knowledge on the type of machine required is
necessary. - Select a machine depending on its use like
products to be labeled, dimensions of the
products, size of labels, type of labels or
labeling and speed or output desired. - Information on various kinds of machines, their
specifications and configurations should be
17Contact Us
Phase II, GIDC, Vatva, Ahmedabad 382
445 (Gujarat) INDIA Phone- 91 79
40213213 Email sales_at_brothers.in
18Thank You Brothers Pharmamach (INDIA) PVT. LTD.