Title: New Economy Skills for Africa Program Information and Communication Technology (NESAP-ICT)
1New Economy Skills for Africa Program Information
and Communication Technology (NESAP-ICT)
- Peter N Materu,
- Senior Education Specialist, World Bank
- Global Forum on ICTs in Education
- Seoul, Korea
- November 9-11,2009
- Objectives of NESAP-ICT
- Key Focus Areas
- Phase I ICT Skills Development
- Phase II ICTs in/for Education
- Challenges and Opportunities
- Scarcity of ICT skills in Africa amid rapidly
growing telecom and services sectors - Reduces potential returns on ICT investments
- Disincentive for new investors
- Reduces quality of service delivery
- Increasing demand but poor performing ICT
components in Bank education projects. Africa
Region has highest ICT components - Emerging opportunity for job creation in IT/IT
enabled services (475bn market in 2007, 15
4Objective of NESAP-ICT
- Support the specific ICT educational and skills
needs of targeted African countries - Build capacity to better design, implement,
manage and innovate in ICT projects/components - Pilot a new way of working collaboratively across
sectors to address a common need
5Key Focus Areas
- Skills Development to support ICT investments
- improve service delivery
- improve employability of graduates
- create new jobs IT/ITES industry
- Capacity building for Integration of ICTs into
education and training at all levels - basic digital literacy, improve learning
motivation and thinking skills - teacher training, integration of ICTs into
curricula - mainstreaming of affordable technologies)
- Use of ICT as an enabler to improve performance,
governance and management of the education system
e.g. OER, EMIS, NRENs, -
6PHASE I (FY09- to-date)
- Mainstreaming into Country Development Strategy
- Fostering cross-sectoral collaboration
- Partnering with Private sector
- Leveraging South-South Learning
- Internationally benchmarked Training and
Certification Programs (employability) - Strengthening national institutions to conduct
training and certification
8NESAP-ICT Using Industry-relevant. Globally
Benchmarked Skillsas the catalyst of e-enabled
Post Training Assessment
Through a replicable framework consisting of
9Implementation Status Skills Dev.
- 8 participating countries Ghana, Kenya,
Madagascar, Mozambique, Nigeria, Rwanda, Senegal,
Tanzania - South-South Learning (GDLN, Visits)
- Engaging with Industry IBM Collaboratory in
Nigeria - Assessments, Studies, Pilots, Project Inputs
- EOI Internationally-benchmarked IT Enable
Services Foundational Skills Assessment
Certification Program in Nigeria
10PHASE II (FY10 - )
- ICTs in/for Education
- Goal
- Interventions with Transformational Impact on
Education in the Entire Sector
- Holistic Approach not just one more donor
- Start with 1 - 2 countries then scale up
- Tap and customize Global Good Practices
- Engage with Industry test and assess affordable
learning technologies - Action research to support users
- Link to Bank Education Program
- Build country capacity
- Build in ME and Impact Assessment tools
12Implementation Approach ICT4Ed
Status Needs Priorities Concept
Note Identify countries
- Background Studies
- Implement in 1-2 countries
- Scale Up
Government to lead Country Partnership Built in
ME and Impact Evaluation Link to Investment
13Challenges and Opportunities
- Poor connectivity but hope in the horizon
- Unreliable electricity
- Cost Total cost of ownership
- Lack of structures for cross-sector collaboration
- Too many players on the ground
- Weak institutions at country level
- Lack of ME and Impact Assessment Tools
14Thank You
- Contacts
- Peter Materu (TTL) pmateru_at_worldbank.org
15ICT in IBRD/IDA Portfolio
- 64 of Bank projects1 (pipeline and portfolio)
have ICT components - Total ICT investments estimated at about 7.73
billion (94-06)
1 Refers to the total number of projects
reviewed (1630) as part of the ICT dimension
study as of Nov 2006 2 Only includes pipeline
projects with clear ICT components identified 3
Other includes projects other than investment
lending (incl. GPP, IDF, GEF, Special funds etc)
16Bank ICT investments in Education are also
ICT components in education projects have
consistently risen in the 2001-2004 period
- In AFR, education sector has largest number of
operations with ICTs, with commitments averaging
168 million a year evaluation indicates
performance is poor
17Impact of the Sector
ICTs contribution to economic growth
...and on investments
Telecommunication service revenues as a
percentage of GDP, 1998 - 2004
Telecom FDI versus Total FDI in SSA (2000-2004)
35 of total FDI in SSA was from telecom Source
World Bank WDI (2007)
18(No Transcript)
19ITES market
IT services market
Source Tholons 2006
Source NASSCOM-Everest 2008
20New Economy Skills for Africa programNESAP-ICT
- Program launched mid-2008
- High Level management buy-in
- 3 Focus Areas
- 8 Participating countries
With a rapidly evolving telecom landscape
21(No Transcript)
23 Broadband Subscription Plans in Nigeria
(November 2006)
(Source Telegeography Nigeria Country Overview,