GAIT TRAINING - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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GAIT TRAINING Amputee gait The mechanical coupling between the stump and the prosthetic limb cannot be as good as in the normal, for these reasons: The lever arm ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes


  • Definitions of normal gait
  • "A method of locomotion involving the use of the
    two legs, alternately, to provide both support
    and propulsion. In order to exclude running, we
    must add 'at least one foot being in contact with
    the floor at all times'

  • In order that a person can walk, the locomotion
    system must be able to accomplish four things
  • 1-Each leg must be able to support the body
    weight without collapsing.
  • 2-Balance must be maintained statically and
    dynamically during single leg stance.
  • 3-The swinging leg must be able to advance to a
    position where it can take over the supporting
  • 4- Sufficient power must be provided to make the
    necessary limb movements and to advance the

  • In normal walking each of these requirements
    achieved without any difficulty.
  • However, in many pathological conditions these
    requirements can be achieved by means of abnormal
    gait or by the use of walking aids such as
    walker, crutches, cane or orthotic devices.
    Failure to achieve all four requirements means
    that the subject is unable to walk.
  • The pattern of gait is the outcome of a complex
    interaction between the many neuromuscular and
    structural elements of the locomotion system.
    Abnormal gait may result from a disorder in any
    part of this system. It may also result from the
    presence of pain.

  • A-The movement being forced by weakness,
    spasticity or deformity.
  • B-The movement is a compensation, which the
    subject is using to correct for some other

  • 1- Lateral trunk bending bending of the trunk
    toward the supporting limb during the stance
    phase Trendelenburg gait. During the double
    support phase the trunk is usually upright but as
    soon as the swing leg leaves the ground, the
    trunk leans across towards the side of the stance
    phase leg, returning to the upright attitude
    again at the beginning of the next double support
  • In case of bilateral hip problem, the trunk
    swaying from side to side, to produce a gait
    pattern called waddling.

  • Standing on one-leg leads to increase the load on
    the stance hip because of three components
  • 1-The whole of the weight of the trunk is now
    supported by the stance hip joint, instead of
    being shared between the two hips.
  • 2-The stance hip now takes the weight of the
    swing leg, instead of by the ground.
  • 3-The gluteus medius of the stance leg contract
    to keep the pelvis from dipping on the
    unsupported side, the reaction force of this
    contraction passes through the stance hip joint.

  • Causes of trendelenburg gait
  • Painful hip (osteoarthritis, rheumatoid
  • Hip abductor weakness
  • Abnormal hip joint congenital dislocation of the
    hip, coxa vara and Slipped femoral epiphysis
  • Wide walking base
  • Unequal leg length

  • 2-Anterior trunk bending the subject fiexes his
    trunk forward at the time of heel contact. The
    purpose of this gait pattern is to compensate for
    an inadequacy of the knee extensors .
  • 3- Posterior trunk bending around the hell
    contact the subject moves the whole trunk
    backward in the sagittal plane. The purpose of
    this gait pattern is tocompensate for
    ineffective hip extensor early in the stance
  • A different type of posterior trunk bending may
    occur early in the swing phase, where the subject
    may throw the trunk backward in order to propel
    the swinging leg forward. This is most often to
    compensate for weakness of the hip flexors or
    spasticity of the hip extensors. Posterior trunk
    bending may also occur when the hip is ankylosed.

  • 4-Increased lumbar lordosis The most common
    cause of increased lumbar Lordosis is a flexion
    contracture of the hip. This deformity cause the
    stride length to be very short by preventing the
    femur from moving backward from its flexed
  • 5-Functional leg length discrepancy means that
    the legs are not necessarily different lengths
    when measured on the examination table, but that
    one or both are unable to adjust to the
    appropriate length for a particular phase of the
    gait cycle. Four gait abnormalities
    circumduction, hip hiking, steppage and
    vaulting are closely related, in that they are
    designed to overcome the same problem. This gait
    abnormality is frequently the result of a
    neurological problem

  • Circumduction by which the ground contact by the
    swinging leg can be avoided if it is swing
  • Hip hiking the pelvis is lifted on the side of
    the swinging leg by contraction of the spinal
    muscles and the lateral abdominal wall
  • Steppage it consisting of exaggerated knee and
    hip flexion to lift the foot higher than usual
    for increased ground clearance. It is usually
    used to compensate for foot drop.
  • Vaulting the ground clearance for the swinging
    leg will be increased if the subject goes up on
    the toes of the stance phase leg .

  • 6-Abnormal hip rotation the gait pattern may
    involve both stance and swing phase, and it may
    result from
  • A problem with the muscles producing hip rotation
  • A fault in the way the foot makes contact with
    the ground
  • As a compensatory movement to overcome some other
    problem as foot inversion or eversion, quadriceps
    weakness and/or hip flexor weakness.

  • 7-Excessive knee extension the normal stance
    phase flexion of the knee is lost, to be replaced
    by full extension or even hyperextension, in
    which the knee is angulated backwards. The cause
    of this gait pattern is quadriceps weakness
  • 8-Excessive knee flexion the knee is normally
    fully extended twice during the gait cycle, one
    or both of these movements into extension fails
    to occur. This gait pattern can be caused by
  • A flexion contracture of the knee flexors
  • Spasticity of knee flexors
  • Functional leg length discrepancy
  • Stiffness of the ankle joint

  • 9-Inadequate dorsiflexion control It gives rise
    to two distinct gait abnormalities
  • Between heel contact and foot flat, the
    dorsiflexors resist the external planterflexion
    moment, thus permitting the foot to be lowered
    gently. If they are weak, the foot is lowered
    abruptly in a foot slap.
  • Failure to raise the foot sufficiently during
    early swing phase may cause toe drag. If it is
    bilateral subject may avoid toe drag by high
    steppage gait

  • 10-Abnormal foot contact the foot may be
    abnormally loaded in that the weightis primarily
    borne on only one of its four quadrants.
  • Talipes calcaneus pes calcaneus loading of the
    heel occur in this deformity.
  • Talipes equinus pes equinus in this deformity
    the forefoot is fixed in plantarflexion, usually
    through spasticity of the plantarflexors. In mild
    cases the foot may placed flat on the floor. But
    more commonly the foot' never touch the floor
    (Primary toe strike gait) ,talipas equinuverus .
  • Excessive medial contact occur in weakness of
    invertors or spasticity of evertors.
  • Excessive lateral contact occur in Talipes
    equinuvarus in which the medial border of the
    foot is elevated or the lateral border depressed
    by spasticity or by weakness.
  • Stamping gait occur in loss of the sensation in
    the foot.

  • 11-Insufficient pushes off the weight is taken
    primarily on the heel, and there is no push off
    phase, the whole foot being lifted off the ground
    at once. The main cause of this pattern is a
    problem with the triceps surae, Achilles tendon
    or intrinsic muscles of the foot. It may also
    result from any foot deformity or pain under the
  • 12-Abnormal walking base either increase or
    decrease in the walking base beyond the normal
  •  An increased walking base may be due to
    deformity (abducted hip, valgus knee),
    instability or fear of falling
  • A decreased walking base may result from
    adduction hip or varus knee deformities.

  • 1-Visual gait analysis
  • The subject needs to walk minimum of 8 m with
    different speed for the visual gait analysis. It
    is the most simplest gait analysis, but it
    suffers from four serious limitations.
  • It is transitory, gives no permanent record
  • The eye cannot observe high-speed events
  • It is only possible to observe movements, not
  • It depends entirely on the skill of the
    individual observer.

  • Common gait abnormalities and best viewpoint
    for observation
  • Side view From the side view you can see the
    following abnormalities,lateral trunk bending,
    anterior trunk bending, posterior trunk bending,
    increased lumbar lordosis, steppage, excessive
    knee flexion, excessive knee extension,
    inadequate dorsiflexion control, insufficient
    push off, rhythmic disturbances and vaulting.
  • Front and behind view From the Front and behind
    views you can seethe following abnormalities,
    circumduction, hip hiking, vaulting, abnormal hip
    rotation, abnormal foot contact and abnormal
    walking base.

  • 2-Videotape examination It helps to overcome two
    of the limitation of visual gait analysis- the
    lack of a permanent record and the difficulty of
    observing highspeed events. In addition, it
    confers the following advantage
  • It reduce the number of walk the subject needs to
  • It makes it possible to show subjects exactly how
    they are walking
  • It makes it easier to teach visual gait analysis
    to someone else

  • General gait parameters
  • Cadence
  • Cadence may be measured with the aid of a
    stopwatch, by counting the number of individual
    steps taken during a known period of time. It is
    seldom practical to count for a full minute, so a
    period of 10 or 15 seconds is usually chosen.
  • Stride length
  • Stride length can be determined in two-ways- by
    direct measurement, or indirectly from the
    velocity and cadence. The simplest direct method
    of measurement is to count the stride taken while
    the subject covers a known distance. A more
    useful method is where the subject steps with
    both feet in a shallow tray of talcum powder, and
    then walks across a polished floor, leaving a
    trial of foot prints.

  • . As an alternative to using talcum powder,
    felt adhesive pads, soaked in different colored
    dyes my be fixed to the feet. The subject walks
    along a stripe of paper and leaves a pattern of
    dots which gives accurate indication of the
    location of both feet.

  • These may be measured, to derive left and right
    step lengths, stride length, walking base,
    toe-out angle, and some idea of foot contact
    pattern. This investigation is able to provide a
    grate deal of useful information for the sake of
    a few minutes of mopping up the floor after ward
  • Velocity
  • The velocity my be measured by the subject
    while he or she walks a known distance, for
    example between two marks on the floor, or
    between two pillars in a corridor. The distance
    walked is a mater of convenience, but somewhere
    in the region of 6x10 m is probably adequate.
    Again the subject should be to walk at their
    natural speed, and they should be allowed to get
    into their stride before the measurement starts.

  • 3-Footswitches
  • Footswitches are used to record the timing of
  • 4-Instrumented walkway
  • 5-Electrogoniometer
  • 6-Electromyography

  • Walking aids can modify the gait pattern
    considerably. While some people using the walking
    aids to reduce the pain in a painful joint, some
    others are totally unable to walk without some
    form of aid. It is very important to put in our
    consideration under water gait training and gait
    training in the parallel bars.
  • 1-Canes by means of which force can be
    transmitted to the ground through the wrist and
    hand. Canes can be used for three purposes

  • A-To improve stability, this is achieved by
    increasing the size of the area of support. If
    more stability is required two canes my be used.
  • B-To generate a moment, if the cane used on the
    opposed side of the affected leg, a vertical
    force is applied through the cane, which generate
    a counterclokwise moment applied to the shoulder
    girdle and hence to the pelvis. This reduces the
    size of the moment, which the hip abductor
    muscles generated to keep the pelvis level.
  • C-To take part of the load away from the legs, If
    the cane used in the same side of the affected
    leg, and placed closed to the foot. In this way,
    load-sharing can be achieved between the leg and
    the cane.

  • Types of canes
  • Straight cane
  • Tripod cane
  • Tetrapod cane
  • (L) shaped handle
  • (U) shaped handle
  • Angular shaped handle Adjustable in high

  • 2-Crutches
  • The main different between cane and crutches is
    that a crutch is able to transmit significant
    forces in the horizontal plane.
  • Types of crutch
  • Axillary crutches they fit under the axilia,
    it can be used with some modification or addition
    like a platform which help to transfer the point
    of pressure.
  • Forearm crutches (elbow crutches)

  • 4-Walking frames and rollators (walkers)
  • The most stable walking aid, which enable the
    subject to walk within the area of support
    provided by its base.
  • Types of walkers
  • Regular walker
  • Rolling walker

  • 1-Gait with a single aid if only a single cane
    or crutch is used. The aids moved forwards
    together with the worse of the two legs during
    the stance phase of the better one.
  • 2-Three-point swing-through gait it is used when
    it is impossible to support the body weight on
    one leg. Three-point gait involves support of the
    body weight by the two crutches while the leg or
    legs are moving forwards, and by the legs while
    the crutches are moved.

  • 3-Three-point swing-to gait this gait pattern is
    similar to three-point swing-through gait, except
    that feet are advanced by a much shorter
    distance, being placed on the ground behind the
    level of the crutches.
  • 4- Four-point gait It is only appropriate when
    both legs are able to support partof the body
    weight. Subject who have only minor stability
    problems my use two canes, each of which is moved
    forwards during the swing phase of the opposite
    leg, during which time the body has only two
    points of contact with the ground.

  • Planing of gait training
  • 1- Safety measures
  • A-Gait belt B- Dry surface
    C-Slippers or shoes
  • D-Therapist to be on the affected side in cane
    walking and behind the
  • subject with walker training.
  • E-Turning around always towards the good leg
  • 2- Point to start with It depends on the level
    of static and dynamic balance,according to the
    therapist's evaluation, gait training starts from
    the easier to the hardest way of walking as the
    following graduation
  • A-Under water gait training b- Walking in
    the parallel bars
  • C-Walker
    d- Crutches
  • E-Cane
    f- Independent

  • 3- Weight bearing status
  • None weight bearing (NWB)
  • Toe touch weight bearing (TTWB, TDWB)
  • Partial weight bearing (percentage of the body
    weight) (PWB) we need to use weight scale
  • Weight bearing as tolerated (WBAT)
  • Full weight bearing (FWB)

  • 4-Mental status level of awareness or
    orientation of the subject to understand the
  • 5-Preparing of the treatment area
  • Usage of the mirror in the treatment area
  • Draw a line on the floor as a guidance in case of
    dynamic balance or coordination ex
  • Decide the distance of walking according to the
    patient's tolerance
  • The surface of the training area (level or ramp)

Amputee gait
  • The mechanical coupling between the stump and
    the prosthetic limb cannot be as good as in the
    normal, for these reasons
  • The lever arm between the hip joint and the
    socket is relatively small.
  • Relative motion between the stump and the socket.
  • Uncomfortable socket makes the patient reluctant
    to apply large forces to the prosthetic limb.

  • Walking up and down stairs training
  • Go up stairs with good leg first and down stairs
    with the affected leg first.
  • Patients using canes, go up stairs with good leg
    first followed by cane then the affected leg and
    vise-versa going down stairs.
  • Patients with crutches go up stairs with the
    legs first followed by the crutches, or crutches
    first followed by good leg then the affected leg
    and vise-versa going down stairs.
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