Title: Performance Evaluation of WiMAX / IEEE 802.16 OFDM Physical Layer Mohammad Azizul Hasan Master
1Performance Evaluation of WiMAX / IEEE 802.16
OFDM Physical LayerMohammad Azizul
HasanMasters thesis presentation, 5th June,
- Supervisor Prof. Riku Jäntti
- Instructor Lic. Tech. Boris Makarevitch
- Introduction
- IEEE 802.16 and Wireless Broandband Access
- IEEE 802.16 Physical Layer
- Simulation Model
- Simulation Results
- Conlusion and Futurework
- Background and Motivation
- Broadband Wireless Access
- Promising solution for last mile access
- High speed internet access in residential as well
as small and medium sized enterprise sector - Advantages of BWA
- Ease of deployment and installation
- Much higher data rates can be supported
- Capacity can be increased by installing more
base stations - Challenges for BWA
- Price
- Performance
- Interoperability issues
- Broadband access is currently dominated by DSL
and cable modem technologies - Limitations
- dsl can reach only three miles from central
office switch - Lack of return channel in older cable network
4IEEE 802.16 and Broadband Wireless Access (BWA)
- Evolution of IEEE family of standard for BWA
- -EEE 802.16 Working group on BWA is responsible
for development of the standards - -The standard provides secification for PHY and
MAC layer - IEEE 802.16-2001
- -First issue of the family intend to provide
fixed BWA access in a point-to-point (PTP)
topology. - -Single carrier modulation
- -10-66 GHz frequency range
- -QPSK, 16-QAM (optional in UL) and 64-QAM
(optional) modulation scheme - IEEE 802.16a
- -Added physical layer support for 2-11 GHz
- -Non Line of Sight (NLOS) operation becomes
possible - -Advanced power management technique and
adaptive antenna arrays were included - -OFDM was included as an alternative to single
carrier modulation - -BPSK, QPSK, 16-QAM, 64-QAM, 256-QAM (optional)
- IEEE 802.16-2004
5IEEE 802.16 and BWA (2/5)
- IEEE 802.16 Protocol Stack
- MAC Layer
- Service specific convergence Sublayer(CS)
- -MAC CS receives higher level data
- -provides transformation and mapping into MAC
SDU - -ATM CS and packet CS
- MAC Common Part Sublayer (CPS)
- - System access, bandwidth allocation,
connection - management
- -QoS provisioning
- Privacy Sublayer
- -Authentication, secure key exchange, encryption
- PHY Layer
- -Four different physical layer specifications
6IEEE 802.16 and BWA (3/5)
- Network Architecture and Deployment Topology
- Architecture
- Resembled to cellular networks
- Each cell consists of a BS and one or
- more SS
- BS provides connectivity to core network
- Topology
- Point to point (PTP)
- Point to multi point (PTM)
- Mesh
7IEEE 802.16 and BWA (4/5)
- Application
- -Supports ATM, IPv4, IPv6, Ethernet and VLAN
- Cellular Backhaul
- - hotspots, PTP back haul
- Residential Broadband
- -fill the gaps in cable and dsl coverage
- Underserved Areas
- -rural areas
- Always Best Connected
- - roaming
8IEEE 802.16 and BWA (5/5)
- WiMAX Forum and IEEE 802.16
- Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access
(WiMAX) - An allince of telecommunication equipment and
component manufacturers and service providers - Promotes and certify the compatibility and
interoperability of BWA products - Adopted two version of the IEEE 802.16 standard
- Fixed/nomadic access IEEE 802.16-2004 OFDM PHY
layer - Portable/Mobile access IEEE 802.16e
9IEEE 802.16 Physical Layer (1/4)
- PHY Layer attributes
- Defines duplexing techniques (TDD, FDD)
- Supports multiple RF bands
- 10-66 GHz for LOS
- below 11GHz for NLOS
- Flexible bandwidths
- Up to 134 MHz in 10-66 GHz band
- Up to 20 MHz in lt 11GHz band
- Defines multiple PHYs for different Applications
- SC for point-to-point long range application
- OFDM for efficient Point-to-Multi-Point high data
rate applications - OFDMA more optimized for mobility, using
sub-channelizationon on Downlink and Uplink - Specifies Modulation and channel coding schemes
10IEEE 802.16 Physical Layer (2/4)
IEEE 802.16 Airinterface nomenclature and
Desgnation Band of operation Duplexing Technique Notes
WirelessMAN-SC 10-66 GHz TDD, FDD Single Carrier
WirelessMAN-SCa 2-11 GHz Licensed band TDD, FDD Single Carrier technique for NLOS
WirelessMAN-OFDM 2-11 GHz Licensed band TDD, FDD OFDM for NLOS operation
WirelessMAN-OFDMA 2-11 GHz Licensed band TDD, FDD OFDM Broken into subgroups to provide multiple access in a single frequency band
WirelessHUMAN 2-11 GHz Licensed Exempt Band TDD May be SC, OFDM, OFDMA. Must include Dynamic Frequency Selection to mitigate interfarence
11IEEE 802.16 Physical Layer (3/4)
- WirelessMANTM OFDM PHY Layer
- Flexible Channel Bandwidth
- integer multiple of (1.25 1.5, 1.75, 2 or 2.75)
MHz with a maximum of 20 MHz - Robust Error Control Mechanism
- outer Reed-Solomon (RS) code and inner
Convolutional code (CC). - Turbo Coding (optional)
- Adaptive Modulation and Coding
- 8 different scheme
- Adaptive Antenna System
- Transmission of DL and UL burst using
- directed beams
- Transmit Diversity
12IEEE 802.16 Physical Layer (4/4)
- Special form of MCM technique
- Dividing the total bandwidth into a number of
sub-carriers - Densely spaced and orthogonal sub-carriers
- Orthogonality is acheived by FFT
- ISI is mitigated
Comparison between conventional FDM and OFDM
13Simulation Model (1/5)
14Simulation Model (2/5)
- Channel coding
- Mandatory channel coding per modulation
Modulation Uncoded Block Size (bytes) Coded Block Size (bytes) Overall coding rate RS code CC code rate
BPSK 12 24 1/2 (12,12,0) 1/2
QPSK 24 48 1/2 (32,24,4) 2/3
QPSK 36 48 3/4 (40,36,2) 5/6
16-QAM 48 96 1/2 (64,48,8) 2/3
16-QAM 72 96 3/4 (80,72,4) 5/6
64-QAM 96 144 2/3 (108,96,6) 3/4
64-QAM 108 144 3/4 (120,108,6) 5/6
15Simulation Model (3/5)
- Channel Coding (contd.)
- Data randomization
- Implemented with PRBS generator
- 15-stage shift register
- XOR gates in feedback
- RS-encoding
- Derived from RS(N255, K239, T8)
- Shortend and punctured
- CC Encoder
- Native code rate ½
- Supports punctureing to acheive variable code
rate - Interleaver
- Two step permutation
- First stepadjacent coded bits are mapped onto
non-adjacent subcarriers - Second step adjacent coded bits are mapped
alternately onto less or more significant bits of
the constellation
16Simulation Model (4/5)
- Simulator Description
- Each block of the transmitter, receiver and
channel is written in separate m file - The main procedure call each of the block in the
manner a communication system works - initialization parameters number of simulated
OFDM symbols, CP length, modulation and coding
rate, range of SNR values and SUI channel model
for simulation. - The input data stream is randomly generated
- Output variables are available in Matlab
workspace - BER and BLER values for different SNR are stored
in text files
17Simulation Model (5/5)
- Channel model
- wireless channel is characterized by
- Path loss
- Multipath delay spread
- Fading characteristics
- Doppler spread
- Co-channel and adjacent channel interference
- Stanford University Interim (SUI) channel models
- -empirical model
- -six channel model to address three different
terrain types - -3 taps used to model multipath
- -tap delay 0-20 µs
18Simulation results (1/10)
- Scatter plots
- '' transmitted data
- '' received data.
- Sppead reduction is taking place with
- the increaseing values of SNR
- Validates the implementation
- of channel model
Scatter Plots for 16-QAM modulation (RS-CC 1/2)
in SUI-1 channel model
19Simulation results (2/10)
BER vs. SNR plot for different coding profiles on
SUI-2 channel
20Simulation results (3/10)
SNR required at BER level 10-3 for different
modulation and coding profile
BPSK ½ QPSK ½ QPSK ¾ 16-QAM ½ 16-QAM ¾ 64-QAM 2/3 64-QAM 3/4
Channel SNR (dB) at BER level 10-3 SNR (dB) at BER level 10-3 SNR (dB) at BER level 10-3 SNR (dB) at BER level 10-3 SNR (dB) at BER level 10-3 SNR (dB) at BER level 10-3 SNR (dB) at BER level 10-3
SUI-1 4.3 6.6 10 12.3 15.7 19.4 21.3
SUI-2 7.5 10.4 14.1 16.25 19.5 23.3 25.4
SUI-3 12.7 17.2 22.7 22.7 28.3 30 32.7
21Simulation results (4/10)
- BER performancevariations with the change in
channel conditions - Severity of corruption is highest on SUI-3
- Lowest in SUI-1
- Tap power dominates in determining
- the order of severity of corruption
BER vs. SNR plot for 16-QAM 1/2 on different SUI
22Simulation results (5/10)
BLER vs. SNR plot for different modulation and
coding profile on SUI-1
23Simulation results (6/10)
SNR required at BLER level 10-2 for different
modulation and coding profile
BPSK ½ QPSK ½ QPSK ¾ 16-QAM ½ 16-QAM ¾ 64-QAM 2/3 64-QAM 3/4
Channel SNR (dB) at BLER level 10-2 SNR (dB) at BLER level 10-2 SNR (dB) at BLER level 10-2 SNR (dB) at BLER level 10-2 SNR (dB) at BLER level 10-2 SNR (dB) at BLER level 10-2 SNR (dB) at BLER level 10-2
SUI-1 7.3 7 11 12.6 15.6 19.6 21.3
SUI-2 10.7 12.7 15.4 16.5 20.8 23.8 26.1
SUI-3 15 17.7 22.7 24.4 28.8 31.2 33.8
24Simulation results (7/10)
- BLER performancevariations with the change in
channel conditions - Results are consistant with
- the BER performance
BLER vs. SNR plot for 64-QAM 2/3 modulation and
coding profile on different SUI channel
25Simulation results (8/10)
- Effect of Forward Error Correction
- FEC gains 4.5 dB improvement
- at BER level of 10-3
Effect of FEC in 64-QAM 2/3 on SUI-3 channel
26Simulation results (9/10)
- Effect of Reed-Solomon Encoding
Performance improvement due to RS Coding
QPSK ½ 16-QAM ½ 64-QAM 2/3
SNR(dB) at BER 10-3 1 1.2 1.4
SNR(dB) at BLER 10-2 3 4.5 5
Effect of Reed Solomon encoding in QPSK ½ on
SUI-3 channel model
27Simulation results (10/10)
- Effect of Bit interleaver
Performance improvement due to bit
BPSK 1/2 QPSK ½ 16-QAM ½ 64-QAM 2/3
SNR(dB) at BER 10-3 2.2 0.8 1.4 2.2
SNR(dB) at BLER 10-2 1 1.2 1.7 2.5
Effect of Block interleaver in 64-QAM 2/3 on
SUI-2 channel model
28Conclusion and Future Work
- Conclusion
- Lower modulation and coding scheme provides
better performance with less SNR - The results are ovious from constallation mapping
point of view - Results obtain from the simulation can be used to
set threshold SNR to implement adaptive
modulation scheme to attatin highest transmission
speed with a target BER - FEC improves the BER performance by 6 dB to 4.5
dB at BER level 10-3 - RS encoding improves the BER performance by 1dB
to 1.4 dB at BER level 10-3 - RS encoder provides tremendous performance when
it is concatenated with CC - Future Works
- The implemented PHY layer model still needs some
improvement. The channel estimator can be
implemented to obtain a depiction of the channel
state to combat the effects of the channel using
an equalizer. - The IEEE 802.16 standard comes with many optional
PHY layer features, which can be implemented to
further improve the performance. The optional
Block Turbo Coding (BTC) can be implemented to
enhance the performance of FEC. Space Time Block
Code (STBC) can be employed in DL to provide
transmit diversity.