Title: LET S PLAY JEOPARDY!! $100 Question from Hand Hygiene $10
Hand Hygiene
HH Program
Fact or Fiction
More Hand Hygiene
Hand Care
Q 100
Q 100
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Q 100
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Q 200
Q 200
Q 200
Q 200
Q 300
Q 300
Q 300
Q 300
Q 300
Q 400
Q 400
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Q 500
Q 500
Q 500
Q 500
Q 500
Final Jeopardy
3100 Question from Hand Hygiene
What is the next step after removing gloves?
4100 Answer from Hand Hygiene
Always perform hand hygiene after removing gloves
5200 Question from Hand Hygiene
What is hand hygiene?
6200 Answer from Hand Hygiene
Includes both hand washing with soap and water or
the use of alcohol based hand rub to remove or
kill bacteria or viruses.
7300 Question from Hand Hygiene
What is the best method of hand hygiene when
hands are not visibly soiled?
8300 Answer from Hand Hygiene
Alcohol-based hand rub
9400 Question from Hand Hygiene DOUBLE JEOPARDY
A common complaint by staff about hand hygiene
that prevents them from cleaning their hands is
drying or redness from frequent hand
hygiene. How can this be addressed?
10400 Answer from Hand Hygiene
Emphasize the need for staff to care for their
hands through use of moisturizers and protecting
their skin i.e. wearing gloves in the winter.
11500 Question from Hand Hygiene
What is the correct order of cleaning hands
with ABHR? 1. Swirl the product with finger
tips of opposite hand 2. Squirt the product
on the hand 3. Scrub over hands including
between fingers until dry 4. Switch product
to the opposite hand and repeat 5. Swirl the
product over fingertips
12500 Answer from Hand Hygiene
2. squirt 1. swirl 4. switch 5. swirl 3.
scrub until dry
13100 Question from HH Program
Where should alcohol-based hand rubs be placed
for best use?
14100 Answer from HH Program
Point of care (close to where you give
client/patient/resident care)
15200 Question from HH Program
The introduction of a multi disciplinary team
approach is the most effective way to improving
staff hand hygiene.
16200 Answer from HH Program
17300 Question from HH Program
Hand hygiene audits and timely feedback to staff
are key to a successful hand hygiene program.
True or False
18300 Answer from HH Program
19400 Question from HH Program
Promotion of hand hygiene by champions and role
models is important to the success of a hand
hygiene program? True or False
20400 Answer from HH Program
21500 Question from HH Program
Name the 4 Moments for Hand Hygiene in health
care for health care workers.
22500 Answer from HH Program
- Before initial patient/patient environment
contact - Before aseptic procedure
- After body fluid exposure risk
- After patient/patient environment contact
23100 Question from Fact or FictionDOUBLE
Alcohol-based hand rub has been shown to be less
irritating to skin than soap and water. Fact or
24100 Answer from Fact or Fiction
25200 Question from Fact or Fiction
The Infection Control Department is responsible
for the hand hygiene program and senior
leadership involvement is not necessary.
26200 Answer from Fact or Fiction
Fiction Senior leadership support is key to an
effective hand hygiene program.
27300 Question from Fact or Fiction
Alcohol based hand rub has an expiry date?
28300 Answer from Fact or Fiction
29400 Question from Fact or Fiction
The concentration of alcohol needed to be
effective for hand hygiene is 40.
30400 Answer from Fact or Fiction
- Fiction
- 60-90 is still ok the new PIDAC doc recommends
at least 70. - A recent study suggests that norovirus in
inactivated by alcohol concentrations at 70
31500 Question from Fact or Fiction
Liquid hand hygiene products must be refilled
regularly by a designated person i.e.
32500 Answer from Fact or Fiction
Fiction Liquid products are never to be topped
up or refilled. They must be changed.
33100 Question from more HH
What are the 2 methods of hand hygiene?
34100 Answer from more HH
- Alcohol based hand rub
- Hand washing with soap and running water.
35200 Question from more HH DOUBLE JEOPARDY
How long should effective hand hygiene
take? Hand washing and ABHR
36200 Answer from more HH
15 seconds
37300 Question from more HH
What method of hand hygiene is acceptable when
running water is not available and hands are
visibly soiled according to PIDAC?
38300 Answer from more HH
Use a moistened towelette to remove the visible
soil, followed by alcohol-based hand rub.
39400 Question from more HH
Name 1 Moment for Hand hygiene in health care for
a client/patients/residents
40400 Answer from more HH
- Any one of the following answers
- Upon arrival (their room/clinic area)
- Before eating
- Before leaving (their room/clinic area)
41500 Question from more HH
- Put the hand washing procedure in order.
- 1. Wet hands with warm water
- 2. Rinse soap
- 3. Turn off taps with paper towel
- 4. Apply soap
- 5. Lather all surfaces of hands for 15
- seconds
- 6. remove hand and arm jewellery
- 7. dry hands
42500 Answer from more HH
6, 1, 4, 5, 2, 7, 3 1. Wet hands with warm
water 2. Rinse soap 3. Turn off taps with paper
towel 4. Apply soap 5. Lather all surfaces of
hands for 15 seconds 6. remove hand and
arm jewellery 7. dry hands
43100 Question from hand care
An effective hand hygiene program does include
skin care for hands. True or False
44100 Answer from hand care
45200 Question from hand care
How can nails contribute to the spread of
bacteria and viruses?
46200 Answer from hand care
- Long nails are hard to clean and can pierce
gloves. - It has been shown that nail enhancements have
more germs and are more difficult to clean than
natural nails. Artificial nails and nail
enhancements have been known to help in the
spread of bacteria and viruses.
47300 Question from hand care
Why should rings not be worn in clinical care?
48300 Answer from hand care
- Rings are very hard to clean and hide bacteria
and viruses from the action of the hand washing
or the alcohol hand rub. - Rings increase the risk of tears in gloves.
49400 Question from hand care
Why is hand care a necessary part of the hand
hygiene program?
50400 Answer from hand care
- Intact skin is the bodys first line of
defense against bacteria and viruses. - Red/chapped hands increases shedding of skin
and therefore shedding of bacteria.
51500 Question from hand care DOUBLE JEOPARDY
What is the correct length of nails for people in
the clinical area?
52500 Answer from hand care
Below the pads of the fingers when looking at
your hands palms up.
53Final Jeopardy
What is the most significant risk factor to
patients acquiring an infection?
54Final Jeopardy Answer
Lack of Hand hygiene