Title: Salmonella
- Bhushan Jayarao
- Extension Veterinarian
- Department of Veterinary Science
- Pennsylvania State University
- University Park, PA
- ________________________________________
- 1 Case Study The Hudson Farm
- 2 What Should You Know About Salmonella ?
- 3 Prevention and Control Strategies
3PART ONEHudson Farm a Case Study
4Hudson Farm
5Meet the Hudsons !
Susan John
6The Hudson Dairy Farm
- History
- 1920 - Established
- 1956 - Upgraded
- 1981 - New structures equipment
- Employees
- Jeff Hudson, owner
- 1 farm worker
- 1 milker
- Dave, Linda, Fred
- Susan John feed the calves
Jeff Hudson Owner Since 1982
Milk cow barn
Dry cow heifer barn
Feed barn
Holding area
Calf barn
Milking parlor
Tool shed
Hudson home
Grazing area
Hudson dairy farm layout
8Dairy Herd Statistics
- Grade A milk
- 4600- 4800 lbs of milk per day
- No antibiotic residue violations
- BTMSCC 200,000 - 500,000 last year.
- 12 calves
- 19 dry cows
- 20 heifers
- 87 cows in milk
- 4 stray cats 2 dogs
1 pony
3 ducks and
8 chickens
9People with whom Jeff interacts ...
Milk Agent Farm Worker
Cull Cow Farm Credit
Dealer Agent
Banker Salesmen
County Ext. Agent Veterinarian
10So goes the story !
11October 1, 7.00 am
Jeff, I have got a deal for you ! How about 3
calves for 90 ? IF you dont, I have someone
who will take it !
I take it !
12October 1, 10.00 am
Milk cow barn
Dry cow heifer barn
Feed barn
Holding area
Calf barn
Milking parlor
Tool shed
Hudson home
Grazing area
Theres no one to tell him where to put the
calves, so he leaves them in the calf barn !!!!!!
14October 4
5.00 am 3 new calves, and 2 other calves have
high temp. and bloody diarrhea !
8.00 am The Vet examines the herd. He also takes
a swab sample for lab testing. He then
treats the calves, and then tells Jeff You
might have a serious problem
15October 4
8.00 p.m. A total 7 out of 15 calves are now
sick. He treats the sick calves.
11.00 PM Jeff, has to take both
and to the County Hospital
emergency room --- abdominal cramps and high
This has not been a good day for Jeff !
16October 5
4.00 am Children admitted. Dave volunteers to
5.00 am 8 dead calves Dave loads the dead calves
on the UNI-LOADER and takes them to the
pit. 6.00 am The cows have just returned from
milking, he quickly TURNS AROUND hoses down the
uniloader, and picks up feed for feeding the cows
17October 8
- Nothing much happening on the farm.
- The remaining sick calves nursed back to health.
- On October 8th, the children return home.
Diagnosis Salmonellosis.
October 10
- The veterinarian calls to tell that Salmonella
from his calves - is a new type of Salmonella called DT104.
18October 12
- 4.00 am
- 18 cows in milk are scouring !
- 9.00 am
- Sick cows are moved from the milk barn to the
maternity /sick pen. - 11.00 am
- The Vet examines the cows.
- Verdict Salmonellosis.
- 12.00 noon
- Mr. Smith a neighbor, who buys raw milk tells
Jeff that they are going to host 24 Boy Scouts
over the weekend on his game farm.
19October 14
- 9.00 am
- Jeff learns, 18 of 24 boy scouts are
hospitalized 2 in serious condition.
- 11.00 am
- The County Health Officer, the State Regulatory
Veterinarian, The Milk Agent, his Veterinarian,
FDA and USDA officials come to the farm.
- 11.30 am
- Herd is to be quarantined, till further notice.
20All newspapers carry the outbreak story !
Milk makes kids sick Salmonella outbreak
traced to DAIRY farm .. Milk contains bugs that
makes people sick . Scientists say .. Dairy
farming ...... Dairy cows .. All infected with
dangerous bugs Killer bug on the loose dairy
cows responsible
21How did Salmonella typhimurium DT104 get into
raw milk ?
22Date Event October 1
Apparently healthy
calves brought
clean looking truck
New calves
mixed with
other calves
23 Date Event October 1- 3
Incubation period
for Salmonella
(Children probably
infected) October
4 Clinical symptoms
in calves children
24 Date Event October
5 Dead calves loaded onto uniloader
SALMONELLA ! Uni-loader hosed down
with water
!!!!! Picks up feed---
25- Date Event
- October 5 Cows infected with Salmonella
Typhimurium DT104 - October 10 Salmonella Typhimurium DT
104 Multiple antibiotic
resistance Ampicillin - Chloramphenicol
- Streptomycin
- Sulfonamides
- Tetracycline
- Incidence increasing in the US
- 3 human outbreaks reported !
26 Date Event October
5-12 Cows infected with Salmonella
27 Date Event October
12- Infected cows contaminate milking
stall, parlor and milk in bulk
28Putting it all together !
29PART TWOWhat should you know about Salmonella ?
30 Whats Salmonella ?
- Salmonella is a bacteria
- Rod shaped
- Appears pink to red when stained with Grams
stain (Gram-negative) - Belongs to a family Enterobacteriaceae
(intestinal bacteria) - Salmonella (genus)
- enterica ( species)
- serovar ( over 2200 serovars)
- Example Salmonella enterica serovar Dublin
S. Dublin
Light Microscope
Electron Microscope
31DANIEL ELMER SALMON, D.V.M. (1850-1914)Father of
disease eradication Pioneer in public health
practice and medical researchDiscoverer of
salmonellaeExperimental Immunologist,
Epidemiologist, AdministratorBureau of Animal
Health Veterinary Medicine and Human Health,
C. W. Schwabe, 1969
Historical Perspective
One of the first veterinary students from Cornell
University, and holder of the first D.V. M.
degree (1876)
32Where does Salmonella come from ?
- Inhabitant of intestinal tract of
- animals
- birds
- reptiles
- insects
Host adapted Human S. Typhi Cattle S.
Dublin Poultry S. Pullorum Pigs S.
Choleraesuis Non host adapted S. Typhimurium
33Whats Salmonellosis ?
- When Salmonella causes a physical illness in
animals or human beings it is termed as
Is Salmonella communicable between animals and
humans ?
- YES !
- Human outbreaks of Salmonellosis in the United
States are frequently associated with food
products of animal origin including eggs, meat,
milk and milk products
38 Outbreaks, 14 (37) traced to products of
bovine origin !
34Bovine Salmonellosis
- Magnitude of the problem
- National survey
- 2.1 fecal samples from 7.4 of farms
- Cull dairy cows
- 4.6 of cull cows (Washington State)
- Neonatal calves
- Ohio- 4.8 farms California- 16 farms
- Missing information
- Estimates of economic losses
- calf and adult cattle
- milk production
- contaminated raw bulk tank milk
Salmonella in raw milk
Wisconsin --- 4.7 Tennessee --- 8.9 South
Dakota - 6.1
35Bovine Salmonellosis
- Common serotypes isolated from cattle in the
United States
- S. Dublin - ( group D) -------------
Most - S. Typhimurium - ( group B) --- common
- S. Newport
- S. Muenster
- S. Saintpaul
- S. Anatum
- S. Kentucky
- S. Montevideo
36How does Salmonella gain access to a farm ?
Most important sources of infection
Replacement calves
trucks heifer/ cows
birds /pests feed water
37Other routes of entry
38Salmonella host interaction
feces colostrum / milk
Microscopic picture of small intestine
39Outcome of an Salmonella infection .
No Salmonella in feces and milk
No clinical signs
Salmonella infrequently present feces and or
Salmonella present in the body but not excreted
Fever, diarrhea, bloody stool, dehydration,
anorexia/ emaciation rapid breathing, sloughing
of skin from extremities
Clinical symptoms
Salmonella in feces and or milk
40Salmonella carriers ?
- Animals with Salmonella infection that appear
healthy and show no signs of disease make - detection
- diagnosis
- prevention and control
- one of the most difficult tasks to achieve
and provide the greatest challenges to the animal
health industry.
41 How do healthy animals become infected ?
Contamination of 1. Barn/ manure 2. Water
troughs 3. Feed 4. Run off waste 5.
Uni-loader 6. Other equipment
Sick but apparently look healthy
On farm newly purchased
Healthy cows
Healthy calves
42Characteristics of Salmonella and Salmonellosis
--- points to remember
ONE Infection on a farm is maintained
primarily by transmission of Salmonella from
feces of infected animals ACTION Break the
links in the chain by minimizing opportunity for
fecal contamination of feedstuffs, feeding
surfaces, water troughs and equipment
Partly taken from John M. Gay,
Bovine Herd Salmonellosis http//
www.vetmed. wsu.edu / courses-jmgay/
43TWO Salmonella infection subsequent clinical
disease is a result of
- ACTION Maximize host resistance by paying
careful attention to the transition of
susceptible animals (periparturient cows newborn
Organism Animal
serotype age
virulence immunity
No. of organisms nutrition
prior exposure
44THREE Salmonella infects anything in the
livestock environment that has an intestinal
ACTION Initiate control programs 1. Rodent
proof and bird proof feed storage 2. Remove
nesting and roosting opportunities
45FOUR Majority of Salmonella infections in a herd
over a period of time are symptomlessClinical
infections are only the tip of the iceberg, even
during clinical outbreaks of disease
- ACTION in an outbreak handle all animals as
if they were shedding not just the sick ones.
Reduce water and feed contamination.
Clinical Normal Subclinical
46FIVE Some symptomless animals shed Salmonella
through saliva, nasal secretions, urine, milk and
controlling spread of Salmonella infection as
they contaminate - water bowls
- nipples
- oral treatment equipment (balling guns,
esophageal feeders) - human hands
- ACTION Clean all equipment with Chlorhexidine (
3 oz. / gal) and other items such as boots and
mats with orthophenylphenol.
47SIXSalmonella are usually killed by exposure to
the volatile fatty acids of fully functional
normal rumens
1. Normal Dry Matter Intake 2. Normal VFA
level 3. No Growth of Salmonella in
rumen 1. Lowered Dry Matter Intake 2. Lowered
VFA level 3. Increase in number of Salmonella in
1. Dont have regular access to feed 2. During
transport 3. Parturition 4. Subclinical
ketosis 5. Hypocalcemia 6. Sudden ration
changes 7. Ration maladaptation 8. Inadequate
bunk space and pen space 9. Mixing submissive
heifers with dominant cows at parturition
ACTION Maximize rumen function by maximizing a
consistent dry matter intake in periparturient
and early fresh cows
48SEVEN Salmonella survives for long periods under
conditions common on the livestock farm
- Colostrum
- 30 C, 2 to 5 weeks.
- 5 C to 11 C, for 10 days, low pH will reduce
the number of Salmonella - Pasture and soil ---- 200 days
- Garden soil ---- 251 days
- Liquid manure --- 27 days ( S. Dublin), --- 286
days ( S. Anatum) - Slurry - 84 to 250 days
- Infected feces stored in cans - 159 days ( S.
49EIGHT People who are at risk of illness
- Farm workers
- Expectant mothers handling sick animals
- Working with sick calves and cows
- Poor personal hygiene
- Consuming raw bulk tank milk
- Public
- Consuming raw milk, fresh cheese made of raw
50NINE Personal hygiene practices on farm
Wash hands with soap and water A must before and
after 1. Attending sick calves and animals 2.
Milking cows ( also wear gloves) 3. Manure
Dress and boots 1. Change into
farm boots on the farm 2. Wash farm boots
regularly 3. Leave farm boots on the farm
4. Wash and disinfect farm clothes
IF available shower before leaving the farm
Avoid drinking raw milk
51Salmonella Typhimurium DT 104
- Emerging foodborne pathogen
- Detected in several countries
- Why is DT 104 of concern ?
- Multiple antibiotic resistance
- Ampicillin
- Chloramphenicol
- Streptomycin
- Sulfonamides
- Tetracycline
- DT 104 has been isolated from
- poultry, swine, cattle and wild animals
52- United States
- Humans
- S. Typhimurium 8510 (1990) ------
9510 (1996) - S. Typhimurium DT 104 766 (1990) ------ 3138
(1996) - Cattle ( Northwest)
- DT 104 No isolations till 1986
- 13 --- 1986 to 1991
- 64 ---1991 to 1996
- Outbreaks ( human) in the US
- 4 ( 3 - west coast, 1- east coast)
53- No unique control methods available for S.
Typhimurium DT 104 in animals. - Control measures that are effective against other
types of Salmonella will reduce the likelihood of
transmission of S. Typhimurium DT 104.
54Risk factors for Salmonella Typhimurium DT 104
- Cattle in dealer premises were at increased risk
of disease (Odds ratio 14.25) - Introduction of newly purchased cattle ( 4 weeks
after purchase) to the farm increases the risk of
disease (OR 2.51) - Purchase via dealers was at high risk as
compared with purchasing stock directly from
other farms (OR 3.90)
Evans S., and R. Davies. 1996. Case control study
of multiple - resistant Salmonella typhimurium DT
104 infection of cattle in Great Britian. Vet.
Rec. 139 557558.
55Risk factors for Salmonella Typhimurium DT 104
- Persistently contaminated buildings may be a
source of infection (OR 2.48) - Lack of isolation facilities for ill animals was
associated with an increased risk of disease - In particular if cows calved in buildings that
previously housed diseased stock (OR 1.51) - A high population density of cats around the farm
increased the risk of infection (OR 1.35) - Evidence of access to cattle feed stores by wild
birds was associated with an increased risk of
disease (OR 1.67)
56Risk factors for Salmonella Typhimurium DT 104
- Risk factors over which the dairy producer
can exert control - 1. Purchasing replacement stock from direct
rather than a dealer - 2. Quarantine of purchased cattle for a 4 week
period - 3. Housing sick animals in dedicated isolation
areas - 4. Preventing wild bird access to cattle feed
stores - 5. Vaccination
57Typical Scenario-1
No of animals
- Newly assembled herd, animals from unknown
source, or from a dealer - High morbidity ( at least 40 - 60 in the herd
infected) - Drop in milk production, 10 , high risk of
bulk tank milk contamination - Typically observed with S. Typhimurium, last 2-4
weeks - Samples taken during outbreak show extensive herd
contamination - Samples collected 4-6 weeks later, most of which
test negative - Subsequent outbreaks or infections may be
sporadic, or may go unnoticed
58Typical Scenario-2
- Recurrent Salmonella infection in calves and cows
- Cycling of Salmonella in a herd
- Typically seen with Salmonella group D and group
E - Presence of animal reservoir or extensive
environmental contamination - Hot spots Maternity area, calf housing areas,
watering troughs - Identify carriers, massive environmental
cleanup, put in place appropriate management
59 Other Scenarios...
Salmonella detected in milk filters and bulk
tank milk
Pre-fresh and or fresh cows sick
Family member diagnosed with Salmonellosis
after drinking raw milk
Calves and cows you recently sold caused
Recurrent diarrhea and loss of calves
60PART THREEStrategies for Prevention and Control
of Salmonellosis
61Principles of Salmonella Control on Dairy Farms
- Herd risk factors
- Larger herd size
- Freestalls
- Recycled-water flush system
- Open herds
- Lack of quarantine facilities
- Rendered-product use
- Concurrent diseases
- Inadequate calf-feeding utensil cleaning
62Principles of Salmonella Control on Dairy Farms -2
- Individual animal risk factors
- Age ( 3 to 6 week-old calves)
- Starvation/ nutritional deficiencies
- Concurrent diseases
- Poor immunoglobulin levels
- Transport and other stresses
- Manure access
63Principles of Salmonella Control on Dairy Farms -3
- Sources of Salmonella bacteria
- Contaminated feed
- Carrier animals
- Vectors (birds, wild animals, pet animals,
64Principles of Salmonella Control on Dairy Farms -4
- Control measures during a Salmonella outbreak
- Identify sick animals
- Isolate sick animals
- Identify source of bacteria, and if possible
eliminate - Prevent reintroduction of the bacteria
- Institute hygiene measures (fecal-oral spread)
- Vaccination ?
- Treatment of infected animals ?
65Control measures during a Salmonella outbreak -2
- Human health precautions during a Salmonella
outbreak - Avoid exposure of young, old, or immune
compromised people - Limit number of people handling sick animals
- Avoid having same people handle sick and well
animals - Hygienic measures
- foot bath
- handwash
- separate clothes/footwear for sick animal
handling - Prevent pet animal exposure to cattle
67 Whole herd outbreak
- 1 General
- A Make sure all farm personnel are made
aware of the outbreak - B Discourage all farm visitations and visitors
- C Disinfect
- 1 All soiled work clothes in 500- 1000 PPM
of chlorine solution, rinse, wash and dry. - 2 Boots, rinse with high pressure hose and
soak overnight in orthophenylphenol.
68 Whole herd outbreak
- 2 Secure the milking facility
- A Milker(s) clothes and boots
- B Disinfect boots before entering the milking
facility - C Do not milk cows with diarrhea
AND TEATS - E No visitors or other farm personnel
69 Whole herd outbreak
- 3 Restrict movement of animals
- A Minimize movement
- B Retain animals within the same barn/ unit
- till laboratory tests tests are negative
- C No visitors
70 Whole herd outbreak
- 4 Equipment
- Clean equipment
- Between operations one unit to another
- Same equipment is used for different tasks
- 5 Feed areas
- Remove feed in the feeding alleys at the time of
outbreak - Disinfect the feeding alley
- Replenish with fresh feed
71 Whole herd outbreak
- Calving area and Calf house
- Remove manure
- Scrap off dry manure and top soil
- Clean wall with sodium triphosphate (1 oz. / gal)
- Spray the floor with same
- Transfer all refuse to a marked area on the farm