Title: The 14 Principles of the Toyota Way adapted to the Engineering Design Process for EPC Subtitle:
1The 14 Principles of the Toyota Way adapted to
the Engineering Design Process for EPCSubtitle
An Tribute to Anchor Bolts
- The Toyota Way can become a new way of thinking
about creating continuous improvements within an
organization. - Quality, in principle and practice, is improved
as a function of process improvements. people and
root problem solving. (The 4 Ps) - The Toyota Way has been called a system
(process) designed to provide the tools for
people to continually improve their work. - Build Consensus (team-building) in Developing
Solutions. - Implement Rapidly
- Toyota Way is based upon people improving
their ability to contribute to success. - Based upon observation of the sources of problems
true problem solving. - Find the root sources of problems.
- Go to the source and discover.
- This presentation is adapted from The Toyota Way
by Jeffery Liker, with examples primarily in the
domain of structural engineering and design
drawings - Reflection Thinking about anchor bolts is used
to show how a common, everyday E-P-C item can be
used to contribute to a project improvement
process. Toyota Production System (TPS) is
sometimes theThinking Production System.
2About the Presenter
- Thomas W. Hartmann, P.E.
- takes a poor picture
- Contact twhartmann_at_gmail.com cell phone
(970)213-3656 - Engineer Registrations
- Colorado
- Nebraska (Structural)
- New Mexico
- Wyoming
- Arizona
- Montana
- Has Entrepreneurial Philosophy
- Which Requires a sense of humor (people)
- Which Demands a creative outlet (process)
- Which Suggests innovative ways of
- looking at the world (problem-solving)
- Student of Lean a.k.a. Toyota Way
- Successfully Implemented Process Improvements
- Created standard work processes including BD/PD
templates to influence - 30 productivity gain while
3A Tribute to Anchor Bolts
- by Thomas W. Hartmann, P.E.
- Started thinking about anchor and adhesive
technologies in childhood - Experimented with Library Paste (Kindergarten)
- Scotch Tape Expert (Elementary School)
- White Glue Professional (Elmers, middle school)
- Contact adhesive and super glue (high school)
- Epoxies and Metal fastenings (college,
engineering curriculum) - Masters Thesis at Colorado State on Eccentric
Bolted Connections - Anchor bolts (post-graduate and career interest),
particularly F-1554 - Reflection Using Anchor bolts will provide
concrete illustrations about how Lean
thinking can be incorporated into the design
4Anchor Bolts Safety Topic
- Reflection Using Four Anchor bolts will provide
column stability and is required by OSHA unless
the column is deemed a post and weighs less
than 300 lbs. OSHA regulations provide a design
criteria. - Self-study Determine the OSHA design criteria
and calculate the required bolt force.
5The Toyota Way isA new Way of Thinking
- The 14 principles of The Toyota Way are organized
(visually) into four sections (The 4Ps) - Long-Term Philosophy (purple)
- The Right Process Will Produce the Right Results
(green) - Add Value to the Organization by Developing Your
People (orange) - Continuously Solving Root Problems Drives
Organizational Learning. (blue) - The principles are set out and briefly described
6Section I Long-Term Philosophy
- Principle 1
- Base your management decisions on a long-term
philosophy, even at the expense of short-term
financial goals. - People need purpose to find motivation and
establish goals. - Establish a Long-Term Vision and Strategy
- Reflection Toyota has a 500 strategic year plan.
7Long-Term Philosophy
- Example Mission We are a global project delivery
company, making technology work to help our
clients build a better world. - Mission (The 4 Ps of the Toyota Way)
- Help our clients to build a better world globally
(philosophy, problem-solving), using our
expertise (people) and technology (process
improvement). - Reflection Should every company have a 500
strategic year plan? Why or Why Not?
8Applying a Long-Term Philosophy
- By leveraging and improving knowledge about
technology (process improvement), engineering
companies can provide consistently greater value
to our clients. - As a starting discussion, anchor bolts are
simple, inexpensive fabrications used on most
construction projects. Simplified layout aids
the field crew. - Yet, improper installation or errors
in fabrication could create significant,
expensive delays (problems) and have a great
negative impact on project schedule and cost. - Reflection Do you think that your group has a
standard anchor bolts? Why or Why Not?
9Beyond the philosophy
- Section II The Right Process Will Produce the
Right Results - Continuous Flow
- Pull work to even production
- Level Out Workoad
- Standardize tasks and Processes
- Use visual control systems
- Use only reliable technology that serves people
and processes. - Reflection How much rework is necessary if
anchor bolts are mis-set?
10Beyond the right process
- Section III Add Value to the Organization by
Developing Your People - Grow leaders who understand the work, live the
philosophy, and teach to others. - Develop people and teams who follow companys
philosophy - Respect your extended network of partners and
suppliers challenging and helping them to
improve, too. - Reflection Are the anchor bolt fabricators
partners with Engineering Companies?
11Beyond developing people
- Section IV Continuously Solve Root Problems To
Drive Organizational Learning. - Go and see for yourself the root cause to
understand the situation. (Genchi Genbutsu). - Make decisions slowly by consensus, thoroughly
consider all options, implement rapidly. - Become a learning organization through
relentless reflection (hansei) and continuous
improvement (kaizen). - Reflection Why focus on anchor bolts?
- They are on most projects. Are there problems?
- Are there competing standards between groups?
- If yes, then there is room for improvement!
12Beyond Continuous Improvement
- Why focus on anchor bolts using lean thinking?
- They are used on most E-P-C projects.
- There may be competing standards between
business groups. - Every structural engineer has an opinion.
- Anchor bolts are a point of structure failure
and source of many RFIs. - Anchor bolts are long-lead items, and if
standardized, may improve the E-P-C delivery,
safety, cost and schedule. - Standard bolts can be pre-ordered or stocked
in the fabricators shop. - Reflection Anchor bolts provide the concrete
example on how to become a learning organization
through concensus-building, relentless reflection
(hansei) and continuous improvement (kaizen).
13Principle 2 Reduce Wasted Efforts
- Create a continuous process flow to bring
problems to the surface. - Work processes are redesigned to eliminate waste
(muda) through the process of continuous
improvement kaizen. - Kaizen is a rapid improvement process to
eliminate waste. Kaizen, loosely translated
could mean Blue ocean view or big picture
14Eliminate waste (muda)
- The eight types of waste, applied to anchor
bolts, are - Overproduction (e.g. too many anchor bolts)
- Waiting (time on hand, e.g. waiting for
fabrications to arrive) - Unnecessary transport or conveyance (e.g.
handling and storage) - Overprocessing or incorrect processing (e.g. set
out incorrectly or without templates such as
wet-stabbed) - Excess inventory (e.g. left over bolts)
- Unnecessary movement (e.g. cycle of redlines on
shop drawings) - Defects (e.g. bolt misalignment requiring RFIs)
- Unused employee creativity (e.g. Weve always
used this standard, though it has problems)
15Principle 3 -- Pull
- ? Use "pull" systems to avoid overproduction.
- A method where a process signals its predecessor
that more material is needed. The pull system
produces only the required material after the
subsequent operation signals a need for it. This
process is necessary to reduce overproduction. - Design Application Designers request work from
production system and production process. - vs. Push system Engineers prepare designers
work. - Reflection Can a construction site pull the
needed anchor rods from stock, which then signals
the fabricator to produce more standard anchor
16Principle 4--SteadyLevel out the workload
- ? Work like the ( tortoise, not the hare).
- This helps achieve the goal of minimizing waste
(muda), - not overburdening people or the equipment (muri),
- and not creating uneven production levels (mura).
17Principle 5 Quality(Mistake-Proofing)
- ? Build a culture of stopping to fix problems, to
get quality right the first time. - Quality takes precedence (Jidoka). Any employee
in the Toyota Production System has the authority
to stop the process to signal a quality issue. - Reflections Ford Quality is Job 1
- Toyota/Lexus Endless Pursuit of Perfection
- Measure twice, install once (anchor rods)
18Principle 6 Standardize (part of 5Ss)
- ? Standardized tasks and processes are the
foundation for continuous improvement and
employee empowerment. - Although Toyota has a bureaucratic system, the
way that it is implemented allows for continuous
improvement (kaizen) from the people affected by
that system. - It empowers the employee to aid in the growth and
improvement of the company.
19Principle 7 Visual Controls
- ? Use visual control so no problems are hidden.
- Included in this principle is the 5S Program -
steps that are used to make all work spaces
efficient and productive, help people share work
stations, reduce time looking for needed tools
and improve the work environment. - Reflection 1 Engineers and designers visually
control drawings with revision marks and clouds.
How can projects be visually controlled? - Reflection 2 How can the anchor bolts
annotations be improved on drawings to reduce
field layout errors? - Reflection 3 Can anchor bolt embedment and
gage-spacing become more standard to expedite EPC
20The 5Ss
- ? Sort Sort out unneeded items
- ? Straighten Have a place for everything
- ? Shine Keep the area clean
- ? Standardize Create rules and standard
operating procedures - ? Sustain Maintain the system and continue to
improve it
21Expanding the 5SsExample Thinking
- ? Sort Sort out unneeded items
- Prepare and provide the minimum calculation
set. Save paper and management of the
reproduction process. - One set of standard structural details across
business groups when possible. - (Reflection How many anchor bolt designs should
be standard?) - ? Straighten Have a place for everything
- Example A library of standard calculations
attached to standard details attached to standard
sheets attached to standard specifications. - Develop this thinking out of production tasks
(i.e. Ask yourself -- should this be standard
work, and if so, promote it to the team! - (Reflection Again, how many anchor bolt designs
should be the standard?) -
22Expanding The 5Ss
- ? Shine Keep the area clean
- ? Standardize Create rules and standard
operating procedures - ? Sustain Maintain the system and continue to
improve it
23Principle 8 Reliable Technology
- Use only reliable, thoroughly tested technology
that serves your people and processes. - Base this upon prototyping or creation of
multiple working sets of information that are
subject to the improvement process. - Technology is pulled by manufacturing/design, not
pushed to manufacturing/design. - Reflection Anchor bolts are often specified by
our suppliers and pushed into our work and
drawings. Would it be worthwhile to send
suppliers and fabricators standard bolt
designs for their consideration to help reduce
field errors and improve quality?
24Section III Add Value to the Organization by
Developing Your People
- Without constant attention, the principles will
fade. - The principles have to be ingrained, it must be
the way one thinks. - Employees must be educated and trained they have
to maintain a learning organization.
25Principle 9 -- Leadership
- ? Grow leaders who thoroughly understand the
work, live the philosophy, and teach it to
26Principle 10 -- Teamwork
- ? Develop exceptional people and teams who follow
your company's philosophy. - Teams should consist of 4-5 people and numerous
management tiers. Success is based on the team,
not the individual.
27Principle 11- Respect Suppliers
- ? Respect your extended network of partners and
suppliers by challenging them and helping them
improve. - Toyota treats suppliers much like they treat
their employees, challenging them to do better
and helping them to achieve it. Toyota provides
cross functional teams to help suppliers discover
and fix problems so that they can become a
stronger, better supplier.
28Section IVContinuous Improvement
- Continuously Solving Root Problems Drives
Organizational Learning - Principle 12 Go and See the Problem
- Principle 13 Decision Making by Concensus
- Principle 14 Reflection
29Principle 12 Go See
- ? Go and see for yourself to thoroughly
understand the situation (Genchi Genbutsu). - Toyota managers are expected to "go-and-see"
operations. Without experiencing the situation
firsthand, managers will not have an
understanding of how it can be improved. - Furthermore, managers use Tadashi Yamashima's
(President, Toyota Technical Center (TCC)) ten
management principles as a guideline
30Ten Management Principles
- 1. Always keep the final target in mind.
- 2. Clearly assign tasks to yourself and others.
- 3. Think and speak on verified, proven
information and data. - 4. Take full advantage of the wisdom and
experiences of others to send, gather or discuss
information. - Share information with others in a timely
fashion. - 6. Always report, inform and consult in a timely
manner. - 7. Analyze and understand shortcomings in your
capabilities in a measurable way. - 8. Relentlessly strive to conduct kaizen
activities. - 9. Think "outside (beyond) the box," or beyond
common sense and standard rules. - 10. Always be mindful of protecting your safety
and health.
31Principle 13 Decision Making
- Make decisions slowly by consensus, thoroughly
considering all options implement decisions
rapidly (nemawashi). - Here are some decision parameters
- 1. Find what is really going on (go-and-see) to
test - 2. Determine the underlying cause
- 3. Consider a broad range of alternatives
- 4. Build consensus on the resolution
- 5. Use efficient communication tools
32Principle 14 -- Reflection
- ? Become a learning organization through
relentless reflection (hansei) and continuous
improvement (kaizen). - The process of becoming a learning organization
involves criticizing every aspect of what one
does. - The general problem solving technique to
determine the root cause of a problem follows
33Determine the root cause
- 1. Initial problem perception
- 2. Clarify the problem
- 3. Locate area/point of cause
- 4. Investigate root cause (5 whys)
- 5. Countermeasure
- 6. Evaluate
- 7. Standardize
34Determine the root cause
- 1. Initial problem perception Anchor bolts are
often mis-set - 2. Clarify the problem One in 100 bolt sets is
wrong (1) - 3. Locate area/point(s) of cause Many layout
configurations, many bolts sizes, vendor
requirements, etc. - 4. Investigate root cause (5 whys)
- Why so many layout configurations?
- Why cant engineering companies standardize?
- Vendors/Tradition/Always done it that way
- Why maintain the tradition?
- Too busy to fix
- Why to busy?
- Im Busy Answering RFIs on Anchor Bolt Problems
in the Field! - 5. Countermeasure
- 6. Evaluate One in 1000 bolt sets is wrong
(0.1) - 7. Standardize What could AB-1-246(36) mean?
- Reflection Anchor bolts add a trivial cost on
most projects. How much is the cost of missing a
schedule because the anchor bolts took six to 10
weeks to fabricate?
35Translating the principles
- There is a question of uptake of the principles
now that Toyota has production operations in many
different countries around the world. - As a New York Times article notes, while the
corporate culture may have been easily
disseminated by word of mouth when Toyota
manufacturing was only in Japan, with worldwide
production, many different cultures must be taken
into account. - Concepts such as mutual ownership of problems,
or genchi genbutsu, (solving problems at the
source instead of behind desks), and the kaizen
mind, (an unending sense of crisis behind the
companys constant drive to improve), may be
unfamiliar to North Americans and people of other
cultures. - A recent increase in vehicle recalls may be due,
in part, to "a failure by Toyota to spread its
obsession for craftsmanship among its growing
ranks of overseas factory workers and managers."
Toyota is attempting to address these needs by
establishing training institutes in the United
States and in Thailand.
- 1. Liker, J. 2004. "The 14 Principles of the
Toyota Way An Executive Summary of the Culture
Behind TPS", p. 37. Ann Arbor, Michigan
University of Michigan. Retrieved 2007-04-24 - 2. Liker, J. 2004. The Toyota Way 14 Management
Principles from the World's Greatest
Manufacturer. - 3. Fackler, Martin. The Toyota Way Is
Translated for a New Generation of Foreign
Managers. New York Times. February 15, 2007.
Retrieved on July 2, 2007.
- ? Hino, Satoshi (2005). Inside the Mind of
Toyota Management Principles for Enduring
Growth. University Park, IL Productivity Press.
ISBN 978-1-56327-300-1. http//www.productivitypre
ss.com/productdetails.cfm?SKU3004. - ? Liker, Jeffrey (2004). The 14 Principles Of The
Toyota Way An Executive Summary of the Culture
Behind TPS. http//www.si.umich.edu/ICOS/Liker04.p
df. - ? Liker, J (2004). The Toyota Way 14 Management
Principles from the World's Greatest
Manufacturer. McGraw-Hill. ISBN 0071392319.
eToyotaWaypsp1. - ? Liker, J Meier, D. (2005). The Toyota Way
Fieldbook A Practical Guide for Implementing
Toyota's 4Ps. McGraw-Hill. ISBN 0071448934.
38External Resources
- The Toyota Way - Official Site
- Retrieved from http//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_To
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