Title: Road network performance improvement including traffic safety study
1Opus International Consultants Ltd. Central
Laboratory, Gracefield, New Zealand
Transportation Group Consultancy Service
- Contact Detail
- Dr Haran Arampamoorthy, B.Sc. Eng. (Civil), PhD,
ME, CPEng, IntPE(NZ), RPEQ - Senior Research Engineer (Transportation
Pavement Engineering) - Address PO Box 30 845, Lower Hutt, New Zealand
Ph No. 0064 4 5870651 Fax No. 0064 4
5870604 Mob 0064 226232208
2Transportation Group
The transportation group in Opus Gracefield, New
Zealand can provide consultant service on the
- Highway Safety Deficiency
- Road Infrastructure Safety Assessment
- Road Safety Audit for Projects
- Highway capacity Deficiency
- Integrated Asset Management
3Offering expert advice on road safety and capacity
- Client can provide the necessary data
- Or our staff can collect the data
- Format of the Desktop analysis output is easily
- Advice on finding solutions
4Spatial accident data analysis
- First stage of the accident analysis
- Identify appropriate accident reduction plan by
identifying the hazardous locations, using
statistical spatial data analysis techniques,
which is designed for traffic accident data. - The hazardous locations and the accident
reduction plans are - black spots site action plan
- black route route action plan
- black area area action plan
5Spatial analysis approach
- Quadratic analysis
- Nearest-neighbour analysis (e.g.)
6Highway Safety Study (desk top analysis)
- Highway safety deficiency
- Curve advisory speed signs
- Passing lane assessment
- Input Data
- High speed Road Geometry Data
- SCRIM Data (Friction measurements)
- CAS Data
7Outcome from Highway Safety Study (Desk-top
- Identifying Passing Sight Distance deficiency
locations - Identifying Stopping Sight Distance deficiency
locations - Identifying Friction deficiency locations
- Identifying Curvature deficiency locations
- Identifying potential locations for accidents
caused by Environment and Local Speed - Identifying potential locations for accidents
caused by Cross-fall and Curvature - Identifying high accident locations.
8- Few examples from Strategy Study outputs
- Lack of passing opportunity results in driver
frustration and leads to undertake unsafe passing
manoeuvres. - Passing difficulties indicated between the RP 2.8
to 4.4 is mostly below 200 m. (Potential area for
overtaking accidents).
9- Required Stopping Sight Distance for 100 km/h
road is around 200 m. - Identify SSD deficiency locations
10- Friction demand and supply
- Deficiency
- Required friction gt Available friction
- Spikes
11- Problem caused by existing Radius lt Minimum
Radius - Remedies
- Increasing superelevation through shape
correction - Increasing superelevation (lt10) needs
12- Problem caused by speed
- Deficiency locations
- difference between local speed and speed
environment gt 15km/h
13- Shows curvature and crossfall
- Identifies adverse camber or excess warp
- Adverse camber (cross fall and curvature in
different direction) - Superelevation is effectively negative relative
to the curve
14Put it All Together With
- Accidents
- Truck Ride
- Swept Path
15Outcome from Curve Advisory Speed Signs Desk-top
- Helpful to identify the locations where speed
sign requirement - Sign may required
- Existing sign may modified or removed
16Curve Advisory Speed Signs Desk-top assessment
- Road Infrastructure Safety Assessment
- Background
- Safety Audits of Existing Roads
- Less subjective
- Accident reduction relationships
- On going monitoring
18Road Safety Audit for Projects
- Our staff offer the traditional four stage Road
Safety Audits Advice. - Feasibility
- Preliminary
- Detailed design
- Post construction
19Detailed design Stage
- Design data used for desk top study to identify
deficiency locations - The out puts are helpful for Auditor to comment
on - Passing sight distance deficiency and driver
frustration - Stopping sight distance and driver alertness
- Environmental speed and local speed variations
- Friction demand and driver alertness
20Accident Investigation
- Checking site has an atypically high accident
rate for accident reduction treatment - Two examples from River road (SH 2)
- (1) Intersections
- (2) Mid-blocks
- Accident rate compared with other similar roads
21Useful to compare the mid Block accident rate
22Useful to identify whether the accidents are
significantly high at those intersections
23Useful to identify the accidents are
significantly related to the locations or random
24Traffic Assessment
- Assess current situation
- Identify key constraints
- Peak Periods
- Growth
- Capacity
- Future Performance
- Identify possible future strategies
- Example of River road (SH 2)
25(No Transcript)
26Integrated Asset Management
27 Asset Management
- Transportation Networks are lifelines for the
Community - Reliability of these Networks must be improved
- We must put in place Best Practice in risk
management - Integrate into NMM actions Asset Management
28Spatial Approach for Networks
- Use of GIS
- to characterise networks
- map networks
- visual presentation of spatial risks
- analysis of risk
- assessment of risk treatment
- prioritisation and justification
29Prioritisation of Road Network
- Route class
- Traffic volumes
- Importance (alternative routes ?)
- Emergency services route
- Public transport routes
- Commercial routes
- Overall risk for road link
30Thank you
- If you need further information on each of the
six services then please contact us - Contact details are given in the first slide
- Our experts are willing to help and reduce social