Title: 8 Takeaway from Creating Great Business Partnerships by Barri Carian
18 Great Takeaways You Will Get With This Workbook
2Takeaway 1 A step-by-step process for
assessing the compatibility and fit of a
potential business partner.
Takeaway 2 The 13 most common mistakes people
make when entering a business partnership and a
process to avoid them. Youll learn about the
potential emotional and financial cost if you
fall into the partnership pitfall trap.
3Takeaway 3 Specific, hands-on forms,
questionnaires and tools that walk you and your
partner through various assessments. From these
you will learn from one another, core values,
financial health, expectations and vision for
the business and of each other regarding roles
and responsibilities, decision-making,
compensation and equity.
Takeaway 4 A matrix to understand areas of
potential conflict in core value, where you have
alignment and a process to understand the true
meaning and how these values impact and play
out in the business.
4Takeaway 5 Specific tips on negotiating
differences with your partner for a win-win, how
to structure meetings for this purpose and how
to create the best solutions.
Takeaway 6 A process and the tools that will
help you to create structure in your business
partnership. Areas addressed are Contribution
Equity, Roles Responsibility, Compensation,
Decision Making Authority Limits, and Exit
5Takeaway 7 A list of items you will need to
bring with you or have answers to when you meet
with an attorney to codify your partnership.
Takeaway 8 Tools to help you keep your
partnership sustainable and on track. Included
is a sample Partner Meeting agenda and an Annual
Healthy Partnership Check-up.
6Creating Great Business Partnerships is a
must-have helping you do your due diligence and
make better choices upfront.
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