Title: The Relationship Between Risk and Return
1The Relationship Between Risk and Return
2Goals of Risk Analysis
- A good risk and return model
- Should apply to all assets
- Explain the types of risk that are rewarded
- Develop standardized risk measures
- Translate risk into a rate of return demanded by
the investor - Should do well explaining past returns and
forecasting future returns.
3Issues Relating to Risk
- Riskiness of the expected future cash flows
- Stand Alone vs. Portfolio Risk
- Diversifiable Risk vs. Non-Diversifiable (Market)
Risk - Higher Market Risk Implies Higher Return
- The same principles apply to physical assets
4Stand Alone Risk
- The risk faced from owning the asset by itself.
(there are no other assets which help to spread
risk) - The return from owning the asset varies based on
outcomes in the market -
- Need to look at the expected return and standard
5Probability Distributions
- Probability Distribution provides the
combinations of outcomes and the probability that
the outcome will occur - Example Weather Forecast
- Outcome Probability
- Rain .6 60
- No Rain .4 40
- The probability tells the likelihood that it will
rain. The probability is based upon the current
conditions. - Given 100 days with the current conditions (the
history), it will rain on 60 of the following
days. - We want to use the same logic when discussing the
possible return from owning the stock - what is
the history?
7An Example
- Intel has decided to introduce its new computer
chip. There are three possible outcomes and
three possible returns - Outcome Return Prob
- 1) High Demand 90 40
- 2) Average Demand 30 20
- 3) Low Demand -80 40
8Example Continued
- Assume MidAmerican Energy is also facing three
outcomes - Outcome Return Prob
- 1) High Demand 15 25
- 2) Average Demand 10 50
- 3) Low Demand 5 25
- How would you compare the two stocks?
9Expected Rate of Return
- To compare the two stocks you would need to find
the expected rate of return
- Demand Ret Prob Ret x Prob
- High 90 40 (.9)(.4) .36
- Average 30 20 (.3)(.2) .06
- Low -80 40 (-.8)(.4) -.32
- expected return 10
11Mid American Energy
- Demand Ret Prob Ret x Prob
- High 15 25 (.15)(.25) .0375
- Average 10 50 (.1)(.5) .0500 Low
5 25 (.25)(.05) .0125 - expected return 10
- The expected return for each stock is 10
- Which would you prefer to own?
12Measuring Stand Alone Risk
- To compare the stand alone risk you need to look
at the standard deviation - To calculate Standard Deviation
- 1) Find Expected return
- 2) Subtract expected return from each outcomes
return - 3) Square the number in 2)
- 4) Multiply the squares by the probabilities and
sum them together - 5) Take the square root of the number in 4
- Demand (Ret-ExpectRet)2 x Prob
- High (90 - 10)2 x (.40) .2560
- Average (30 - 10)2 x (.20) .0080
- Low (-80 - 10)2 x (.40) .3240
- .5880
- take the square root (.5880)1/2
- standard deviation .7668 76.68
14Mid American Energy
- Demand (Ret-ExpectRet)2 x Prob
- High (15-10)2 x (.25) .000625
- Average (10- 10)2 x (.50) 0.00
- Low (5 - 10)2 x (.25) .000625
- .00125
- take the square root (.00125)1/2
- standard deviation .035355 3.54
15Interpreting Standard Deviation
- What does the standard deviation tell us?
- Assuming that the returns are normally
distributed - The actual return will be within one standard
deviation 68.26 of the time. - This means that we can expect the return to fall
in a range between the expected return plus and
minus the standard deviation 68 of the time
16Prob Ranges for Normal Dist.
17Our Example
- Intel had an expected return of 10 and standard
deviation of 76.64. Therefore we expect the
return to be between 10-76.64 - 66.64 and
1076.64 86.64 68 of the time - Mid American Energy had an expected return of 10
and standard deviation of 3.536 implying an
interval form 6.464 to 13.536 - Which would you rather own?
18Trade off Between Risk and Return
19Risk Aversion
- Generally, people are risk averse. (They avoid
risk) - In our example the expected return is the same
for both stocks, but Intel is much riskier (as
measured by the standard deviation) - What if the expected returns were not the same?
20Which do you prefer?
- Project A expected return of 50 with standard
deviation of 30 - Project B expected return of 8 with standard
deviation of 15
21Coefficient of Variation
- The amount of risk per unit of return which is
equal to - Calculating the Coefficient of Variation
- Project A 30/50 .6 Project B 15/8 1.875
22Semi Variance
- If stocks are normally distributed they are
symmetric about the mean. - This teats upside and downside risk equally.
- An investor is often more concerned about the
chance that a return falls below what is expected
or in other words the downside risk.
23Semi Variance
Where n number of periods where actual
returnltaverage return
24Sources of Risk
- Project Risk Factors influencing the realized
cash flows of the project error in estimation - Competitive Risk Cash flows impacted by the
actions of a competitor - Industry-Specific Risk Technology, Legal, and
Commodity Risk - International risk Political risk and exchange
rate risk - Market Risk Impacts all firms, marcoeconomic
changes such as inflation and interest rates
25Risk Intuition
- Diversification It is possible to decrease the
impact of some of the risks through
diversification. - Example Project risk can be offset by other
projects undertaken by the firm. - Which of the risks on the previous slide can be
diversified? Which Cant? - As an investor, which risks should you be more
concerned with (which can be diversified)?
26Risk and Diversification
Project Risk
Competitive Risk
Industry Wide Risk
International Risk
Market Risk
Firm Specific Affects One Firm
Market Risk Affects All Firms
Firm Can Reduce Risk By
Multiple Projects
Acquiring Competitors
Diversifying Across Sectors
Diversifying Across Countries
Cannot Affect
Investors Can Mitigate Risk By
Diversifying Across Domestic Firms Markets
Diversifying Globally
Diversifying Across Asset Classes
27Quick Stats Review
- Covariance
- Combines the relationship between the stocks with
the volatility. - () the stocks move together
- (-) The stocks move opposite of each other
28Stats Review 2
- Correlation coefficient The covariance is
difficult to compare when looking at different
series. Therefore the correlation coefficient is
used. - The correlation coefficient will range from
- -1 to 1
29Risk in a Portfolio Context
- The expected return of a portfolio of assets is
equal to the weighted average of the expected
returns of the individual assets. - Example four stocks 25 of your in each
- Intel 25 Disney 10
- BP 15 Citicorp 16
- Portfolio Expect Ret
- (.25)(2.5)(.1)(.25)(.15)(.25)(.16)(.25).165
30Standard Deviation
- The standard deviation of the portfolio will not
equal the weighted average of the standard
deviations of the stocks in the portfolio. - The standard deviation can be calculated from
each years portfolio expected return just like
for an individual asset.
31Example 1
- Two stocks with correlation coefficient -1
- Year Stock A Stock B Portfolio
- 2004 26 -6 10
- 2005 6 14 10
- 2006 -4 24 10
- 2007 12 8 10
- Avg Ret 10 10 10
- Stand dev 10.86 10.86 0
32Example 2
- Two stocks with correlation coefficient 1
- Year Stock A Stock B Portfolio
- 2004 16 19 17.5
- 2005 8 7 7.5
- 2006 12 13 12.5
- 2007 4 1 2.5
- Avg Ret 10 10 10
- Stand dev 4.47 6.71 5.59
33Example 3
- Two stocks with correlation coefficient .571
- Year Stock A Stock B Portfolio
- 2004 18 22 20
- 2005 -4 12 4
- 2006 24 18 21
- 2007 2 -12 -5
- Avg Ret 10 10 10
- Stand dev 11.4 13.19 10.9
34Real World
- Most stocks have a correlation between 0.5 and
0.7 - Why is it usually positive?
- What type of risk does this represent?
35Portfolio Effects
- Each stock has two types of risk
- Market Related (Non diversifiable)
- Firm Specific (Diversifiable)
- Increasing the number of stocks in your portfolio
should increase the diversification, lowering the
portfolio risk. - However there is a limit to the decrease in risk,
since most stocks are positively correlated you
can not eliminate all of the market risk
36Calculations of Standard Deviation
- Variance and Standard Deviation can be calculated
if you know the correlation coefficient and
standard deviation of each asset. - For two assets
37Marginal Investor
- The investor trading at the margin who has the
most influence on the price. - The type of marginal investor plays a key role in
determining how a firm may respond to different
circumstances - Usually it is assumed that the marginal investor
is well diversified.
38Measuring Market Risk and The Market Portfolio
- A market portfolio of all stocks available still
has a positive standard deviation. The market
portfolio would represent the return on the
average stock.
39Capital Asset Pricing Model
- CAPM relates an assets market risk to the
expected return from owning the asset. - Major components
- Risk Free Rate - the return earned on an asset
that is risk free (US Treasuries) - Beta - A measure of the firms market risk
compared to the average firm - Market Return - the expected return on a
portfolio of all similar assets
40Beta - Intuition
- Beta measures the sensitivity of the individual
asset to movements in the market for similar
assets. - Stock example
- Assume the SP500 increases by 10
- If a stock also increase by 10 over the same
period it would have a beta equal to 1. - If a stock increases by more than 10 its beta
will be greater than 1.
41Beta - Intuition
- A higher beta implies that the stock is more
sensitive to an economy wide fluctuation than the
market portfolio. - In other words the stock has a higher amount of
Non-diversifiable risk. - Since the Market risk for the stock is higher it
should also have a higher return...
42Risk and Return
- The CAPM compares the return on the market
portfolio to a risk free rate, the difference is
the market risk premium. - The Market Risk Premium represents the extra
return for accepting the market risk related to
the riskier asset (the extra return on the
average stock).
- rirRFBi(rM-rRF)
- Where
- ri The return on asset i
- rRF The return on the Risk Free Asset
- rM The return on the Market Portfolio
- Bi the beta on asset i
- Example
- Bank of America has a beta of 1.55
- Let If rRF 7 and rM 9.2
- The return on Bank of America stock is
- ri rRF Bi ( rM - rRF )r .07 1.55
(.092-.07) .104
45Market Risk Premium
- The Market Risk Premium is the extra return from
investing in the average stock. In the CAPM
this is equal to rM-rRF - The market risk premium represents the market
risk. - If a stock had a beta of 1 it would earn
- ri rRF Bi ( rM - rRF )r .07 1.0
(.092-.07) .092 - which is the market return
46Risk and Return
- Given the inputs to the CAPM you can develop the
relationship between the risk of an asset (as
measured by beta) and its return. - An easy way to demonstrate this is to graph the
possible risk and return combinations.
47Graphing the Security Market Line
- ri rRF Bi ( rM - rRF )
- Let risk (Bi) be on the horizontal axis and
return (ri) be on the vertical axis. - The slope of the line is then equal to the market
risk premium (rm-rRF) - Then you can graph all the possible combinations
of risk and return.
48ri rRF Bi ( rM - rRF )
- Lets put in some numbers for beta and ki
- beta 0 ri .070(.092-.07).07 rRF
- beta 1 ri .071(.092-.07).092 rM
- beta 1.55 ri .07 1.55(.092-.07) .104
49B0,rrRF B1,r0.092 B1.55,r.104
Security Market Line
- The market risk premium measures the risk
aversion of the investors. If investors become
more risk averse the risk premium widens
(investors require a higher return to accept
risk) - In this case the slope of the security market
line will become steeper.
51Increased Risk Aversion
52Estimating the Components of the CAPM
- Risk Free Return
- Usually long Term treasury bonds are used to
approximate the risk free return - Market return
- The market return uses historical data on a
market index, the SP 500 is a commonly used
53Estimating Beta
- Two main approaches to estimating beta
- Historical Data (Top Down Beta)
- Utilizes the price history for the stock to
estimate beta. Problems? - Bottom Up Beta
- Comparing the firm to others in the same
54Estimating a Top Down Beta
- The most common approach is to use linear
regression analysis. - Regression -- Attempts to explain the
relationship between two variables by estimating
the line that best describes the relationship.
55Regression Review
- Equation of a line Y a bX
- Graphing combinations of X and Y form a line.
- X is the independent variable and placed on the
horizontal axis. Y the dependent variable and
placed on the vertical axis (The value of Y
depends upon X) - a is the Y intercept and b the slope of the line.
56Observations of X and Y variables
57Regression Estimates the line that best explains
the relationship between the variables
58The Line is the one that minimizes the sum of
the squared residuals
59Estimating the Regression
- The slope of the line is then equal to
- The Intercept is
60Confidence in the ResultsR-Squared (R2)
- R2 will range up to one. It is the portion of
the relationship explained by the regression - R-Squared (R2) correlationYX2b2sx2/sY2
- Examples
- An R2 of one implies all the points are on the
line - An R2 of 0.5 would mean that half of the
relationship is explained by the line.
61Confidence in the ResultsT-statistic
- The t-statistic tells us whether or not we can
reject the hypothesis that the variable is equal
to zero. - The higher the t-statistic the higher the
confidence that we can reject the hypothesis that
the slope is zero. - If you cannot reject the hypothesis -- It implies
that the dependent variable has no impact on the
independent variable.
- A Rule of Thumb
- The confidence levels are based upon the number
of observations, but in general - If you have a t-statistic above 2.0 you can
reject the null hypothesis at the 95 level. - (With 120 observations a t-statistic of 2.36
allows rejection at the 99 level)
63Standard Error
- Provides a measure of spread around each
variable. - Provides a confidence band similar to standard
deviation) - We can use standard error to estimate the T-
Statistic (Assuming a normal distribution) - T-StatinterceptA/SEA T-Statslope B/SEB
64Quick Review
- Linear Regression - Provides line the best
describes the relationship between two variables - R2 - Portion of relationship explained by the
estimated line - T-Statistic - Confidence in the estimate of the
variable (Is is statistically significant?) - Standard Error - Confidence Interval
65Estimating Beta
- The basic CAPM can be rearranged to allow the use
of regression analysis to estimate Beta.
rirRFBi(rM-rRF) - rirRFBirM -BirRF
- rirRF-BirRF BirM
- rirRF(1-Bi)BirM
66Estimating Beta
- rirRF(1-Bi)BirM
- We know that rRF(1-Bi) is a constant let it a
- riaBirM
- Dependent Independent
- Variable Variable
67Estimating Beta
- Given Historical data on the return of the market
portfolio and the individual asset we can
estimate Beta.
68Estimating Jensens Alpha
- We can also gain insight by looking at the
intercept term. - The goal is to compare the intercept term to the
value we should have gotten for it given the
historical data. - From the rearranged CAPM the intercept should
equal - rRF(1-B)
69Jensens Alpha
- rRF(1-B)
- Given the historical data to estimate kRF and the
B we found from the regression we can find an
estimate of the intercept - The difference between the estimate in the
regression and the one from the historical data
is called Jensens Alpha.
70Jensens Alpha
- The estimate from the regression comes from the
historical data on the returns on the market and
stock -- It is an estimates of the actual return
received. - The theoretical estimate of Jensens Alpha comes
form the risk free rate and the assets beta - It
measures what you would have expected to receive.
71Interpreting Jensens Alpha
- If
- a gt rRF(1-B) The intercept from the regression
is higher than what we would have expected. This
implies that the stock did better than expected. - a lt rRF(1-B) The intercept from the regression
is less than what we would have expected. This
implies that the stock worse than expected.
72Issues in Estimation
- What estimation period should be used?
- What interval should be used to calculate the
returns (monthly, weekly, daily)? - Calculating Dividends in the return
73Estimating Beta An example
- Disney 5 years of monthly returns Example
- March 37.87
- April 36.42 Dividend in April 0.05
- Return((36.42.05)-37.87)/37.87 -3.69
- Monthly return over the same period on the SP
500 served as the market return
74Regression Results
- rDisney -0.00011.40(rM)e
- Beta 1.40
- rM(1-B) -.0001-.01
- R2.32
- Standard error of Beta .27
75Interpreting the results
- Beta, The stock is more responsive to market
risk than the market average. - R2.32 The line explains 32 of the relationship
between the variables (32 of the Disneys return
is explained by market risk factors the rest is
firm or industry risk). - SE .27 Beta ranges from 1.4.27 1.67 to
1.4-.27 1.13 with 68 confidence
76Interpreting Jensens Alpha
- During the 5 years, the average monthly return on
long term treasuries was .4 - rRF(1-B) .004(1-1.4) -.0016 a -.01
- Jensens Alpha
- a- rRF(1-B) -.0001 - (-.0016) .0015
- On average Disney performed .15 better than
expected each month. - That translated into (1.0015)12-1 .01811.81
better than expected each year.
77Adjusted Beta
- Many analysts adjust the regression estimate of
beta. - Beta has been shown to move toward one over time
as the firm matures. The data would not
represent this well. - A common adjustment is the following is to find a
weighted average beta as follows .67(regression
estimate).33(1) - Disney .67(1.4).33(1) 1.27
78Regression Example (2)
79Regression Results
- The coefficient on SP 500 is the beta,
- Beta 1.2847, Intercept .0335
- Standard Error on Beta 0.2995
- T-Statistic on Beta 4.2889
- R2.2439
- Can you explain each of these?
- Can you Calculate Jensens Alpha?
80Financial Leverage and Beta
- The amount of borrowing that the firm uses to
finance its capital projects plays a key role in
determining beta. - A higher use of debt should increase the
riskiness of the firm and increase its beta. - The use of debt concentrates risk on the
shareholder (the residual claimant).
81Financial Leverage and Risk
- Given the same level of earnings, increasing the
use of debt creates a fixed payment that must be
paid prior to the shareholder claims - Because of this the return required by the
shareholders increases to compensate them for
extra risk. - The firm is more responsive to market changes
(implying a higher beta..)
82Fundamental Beta
- The fundamental beta is the beta the firm would
have if it used no debt to finance its
operations. - When we ran the regression, the firm most likely
was using debt. Therefore the data does not
provide us with a measure of risk that is
independent of the use of debt.
83UnLevered Beta
- Assume that the impact of financial leverage is
fairly straight forward. - BL BU(1(1-t)Debt/Equity)
- BL Levered Beta BU Unlevered Beta
- t corporate tax rate
84Disneys Unlevered Beta
- bL bU(1(1-t)(D/E))
- we estimated the leveraged beta to be 1.4
- historically its Debt to equity ratio is 14 and
its marginal corporate tax rate is 36 - We can find the unlevered beta
- 1.4 bU(1(1-.36)(.14)) the solve for bU
1.2849 - Then we could find the Beta based upon different
levels of debt/equity.
85Disneys Unlevered Beta
- BL BU(1(1-t)Debt/Equity)
- we estimated the leveraged beta to be 1.4
- Historically Disneys Debt to Equity ratio is 14
and its marginal corporate tax rate is 36. - 1.4 bU(1(1-.36)(.14))
- then solve for bU 1.2849
- As the Debt/Equity ratio changes we can estimate
the levered beta.
86Bottom Up Beta
- The bottom up beta is a weighted average of the
average beta in the firms core industries. - The bottom up beta will usually provide a better
estimate of market risk when - There is a high standard error in the regression
- There have been structural changes in the firm
(reorganization or merger for example) - When the firms equity is not traded or traded
87Calculating Bottom up Beta
- Determine the key industries in which the firm
operates - Find the average unlevered beta of other firms in
the key industries - Calculate a weighted average of the unlevered
betas (weighted by the of the firm in each
industry) - Use the firms debt equity ratio to find the
current beta
88Calculating Bottom Up Beta
- Look at the firms financial statements to
breakdown the firm into business units. - Estimate the average unlevelered beta of other
publicly traded firms - Calculate the weighted average of the unlevered
betas - Calculate the debt/equity ratio of the firm
- Combine 3 and 4 to find the levered beta.
89Financial Statements
- Look at the annual report and or 10-K (firms
website or Edgar, or Mergent) - From Disney 10-K
- The Walt Disney Company, together with its
subsidiaries, is a diversified worldwide
entertainment company with operations in four
business segments Media Networks, Parks and
Resorts, Studio Entertainment, and Consumer
90Calculating unlevered beta
- To find the unlevered beta for each business unit
you would need to find the unleverd beta of firms
who are concentrated in the same business as the
business unit. - As an example we will use the parks and resorts
business line. - Disneys parks are destination resorts, family
friendly, focus on amusement rides etc. They
also have a small portion of their business in
cruise lines.
91Disney Parks and Resorts Comparable firms
92Other business units
- Media- Time Warner (enterprise competitor),
Univision, ACME communications, Gray Television - Consumer goods (toys) Matel, Hasbro, Action
Products, Action Games - Studios Marvel (X-Men movie),Lions Gate,
Graymark, Image (DVD production intermediary),
Time Warner (enterprise competitor)
93Calculating the weight in each business unit
- Simple approaches - revenue, assets,
capital expenditure - Multiple approach Use industry averages for
revenue multiple. - enterprise value (EV)MVequityBVdebt-Cash
- EV/sales multiple used to aggregate revenues
- RevEV/Sales est. value per business unit
- then find of total est. value
94 of BusinessSimple approaches
95D/E Book or Market Value?
- Book Value is based on the balance sheet
- Market Value would be based upon the current
value. For equity this is easy it is the
market capitalization of the firm. For Debt it
is much harder due to a lack of pricing data for
debt. It is possible to estimate a market value
for debt, based on a portion of debt- if you can
find a price. - Book value often over emphasizes the impact of
debt, since market value of equity will be more
undervalued by book value .
96Disney Bottom Up Beta
97Other methods
- Beta can also be estimated in other ways for
example - Accounting Betas -- found by analyzing the
financial statement of the firm and similar firms - Alternate regression -- You can replace equity
returns with a proxy ( change in earnings or
cash flows for example)
98Measuring Beta - Summary
- Two main methods Top Down (regression) and Bottom
Up. Bottom up is better when we do not have good
data. - Beta is an estimate of the firms sensitivity to
market risk. - The use of financial leverage plays a key role in
determining the beta
99Whats Next?
- CAPM measures the impact of market risk on the
return of an individual security. - So far we have concentrated on Stand Alone Risk,
but we know that combining assets into a
portfolio can reduce stand alone risk.
- We showed earlier that it was possible to reduce
risk by combining assets into a portfolio. - There is a limit to the amount of risk a
portfolio can eliminate - Given a set of assets, different weighting of the
assets will produce different returns for the
portfolio (and different risk)
101Efficient Frontier
- By changing the weights in a portfolio you get
different return and risk combinations. - It is often possible to rearrange a portfolio and
produce a higher return without changing the
risk. - The efficient frontier provides the set of
portfolios that produces the highest return at
each level of risk.
102Efficient Frontier
- Given four assets, the next slide shows a graph
of 76 different portfolios created by changing
only the weights in the portfolio. - The vertical axis is the return on the portfolio
, the horizontal axis represents the standard
deviation of the portfolio. - The efficient frontier is the set of points that
provides the highest return for each level of
103(No Transcript)
104Arbitrage Pricing Model
- The CAPM and APM both make a distinction between
stand alone and market risk - The CAPM assumes that the market risk is captured
by the market portfolio. - The APT assumes that there are many risk factors
that help to determine the market risk.
105Arbitrage Pricing Model
- APM assumes that several factors contribute to
market risk (interest rate, inflation, exchange
rates ). Just like the CAPM it assumes we can
measure the sensitivity of an asset to each
factor (Beta did this in the case of the CAPM) - In the APM let Bi represent the sensitivity of
the asset to factor i
106Arbitrage Pricing Model
- The expected return of the asset is then
- E(R)RRFB1(E(R)1-rRF) B2(E(R)2-rRF)
Bn(E(R)n-rRF) e - The CAPM is actually a one factor version of the
APM - The APM is difficult to implement due to need to
identify the relevant factors and returns.
107Arbitrage Pricing Model
- Assumptions
- Equal portfolios of risk should provide equal
expected returns - Investors will drive the return of those that do
not compensate for their risk up and those that
provide too much return down. - Sources of Market Wide Risk
- There are different sources of market risk
relating to the different factors investigated.
108Arbitrage Pricing Model
- Arbitrage illustration
- Assume one factor and 3 portfolios
- bA2.0 bB1.0 bC1.5
- Portfolio with 50 in A and 50 in B has same
beta as C - What is portfolio of A and B paid 16 but
Portfolio C paid 15?
109APM in practice
- Use of factor analysis to determine the factors
that impact a broad group of stocks - Benefits
- Specifies number of factors
- Measures beta relative to the common factors
- of factors, factor betas, factor risk premium
- Weaknesses
- The factors are unspecified
110Multifactor Models
- of factors of identified by the APM a
multifactor model attempts to identify the
factors - Possible factors
- Industrial production
- Unanticipated inflation
- Shifts in term structure of interest rates
- Real rate of return
111Proxy Models
- Attempting to identify financial or other
multiples that are linked to returns - Example Fama and French low price to book
ratios and low market capitalization result in
higher returns. - Rt1.77 - .11ln(MV).35ln(MV/MV)
- (-1.99) (4.44)
112The Risk in Borrowing
- The risk of default is a primary concern for the
debt market. - Again with added risk there should be added
return. - Default risk includes firm specific risk, unlike
the equity risk model we have been discussing. - Bonds have a much larger downside potential than
upside potential.
113Default Risk and Bond Ratings
- Moodys investors services and Standard and
Poors Corporation provide ratings for corporate
bonds based upon the quality of the bond. - The ratings allow investors to compare the safety
of bonds to each other. A large part of the
rating is based upon default risk. - The highest rating, AAA or Aaa, represents a very
low probability of default.
114Bond Ratings
- As the probability of default increases, the
rating drops from AAA to AA (or Aaa to Aaa). - After A the ratings go to BBB then BB etc.
- Bonds rated below BB are considered high risk or
Junk Bonds.
115Summary of Bond Ratings
116Yield Spread Monthly Data Jan 1919 June 2004
117Long Term Average Yearly Yields Over Time
118Yield Spreads 1994 - 2003
119Determination of Default Risk
- Generally
- Higher cash flow generation relative to financial
obligation lowers default risk - More stability in cash flows lowers default
risk - Higher liquidity of assets lowers default risk
120Yield Spreads
- Yield Spreads
- The difference in required return between two
assets, the difference in required return
represents the difference in risk. - Often bonds that are the same except for the
possibility of default are compared, implying
that the yield spread is a measure of the default
121Bond Rating Criteria
- Financial Ratios
- Mortgage Provisions
- Guarantee Provisions
- Sinking funds
- Maturity
- Stability
- Regulation
- Others
122Yield Spreads and Risk Premiums
- The difference in yield between any two assets
should represent differences in risk. The extra
return earned on a riskier security is termed the
risk premium. - Generally the risk premium is quoted in basis
points. - Yield Spread Yield on Bond A Yield on Bond B
- Where yield on bond B is being used as a benchmark
123Bond Ratings and Average Yield Spreads vs. US
Treasuries (long term bonds Jan 2004)
- Rating Spread Rating Spread
- AAA .30 B 3.25
- AA .50 B 4.00
- A .70 B- 6.00
- A .85 CCC 8.00
- A- 1.00 CC 10.00
- BBB 1.5 C 12.0
- BB 2.5 D 20.0
124Relative Yield Spreads
- Spreads are also measured relative to a base rate
125General Factors Impacting Yield Spreads
- Type of issuer
- Issuers creditworthiness
- Maturity
- Embedded options
- Taxability
- Liquidity
- Other risks associated with previously discussed
126Linking Yield Spreads to Financial Performance
- One of the key things impacting the rating is the
financial condition of the firm. - Changes in the financial condition obviously
impact the ability of the firm to pay its debt
obligations. - Often the most commonly used measure is an
interest coverage ratio. However use of interest
coverage by itself may mislead. Therefore
composite scores of credit risk may be used.
127Bond Rating Criteria and Financial Ratios
- EBIT int cov 17.5 10.8 6.8 3.9 2.3 1.0
- EBITDA Int Cov 21.8 14.6 9.6 6.1 3.8 2.0
- NetCF/TotDebt 90 67 50 32 20 11
- FCF/TotDebt 41 22 17 6 1 -4
- ROC 28.2 22.9 19.9 14 11.7 7.2
- LTDebt/TotCap 15 26.4 32.5 41 56 71
- TotDebt/TotCap 27 36 40 47.4 61 75