Title: Advancing Gerontological Nursing Science: Research Training and Funding Opportunities in Gerontologi
1Advancing Gerontological Nursing Science
Research Training and Funding Opportunities in
Gerontological Nursing Research SymposiumThe
John A. Hartford FoundationRachael Watman,
MSWProgram Officer
2Aging in America
In 2002 1 in 8 Americans (35 million people)
age 65
In 2030 1 in 5 Americans (70 million people)
age 65
3Older adults represent 13 of the
population, yet account for 46 of patients in
critical care 50 of hospital days 50 of spec
ialty ambulatory care visits 60 of adult primary
visits 70 of home health services 90 of resid
ents in nursing facilities
4Workforce and Educational Preparation in
- Overall, less than 1 of the nations 2.2
million practicing RNs are certified in
- Only 3 of all certified APNs are certified in
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7- Hartford Foundation Mission
- Increase the nations capacity to provide
effective and affordable care to its rapidly
increasing older population
8Through its grantmaking, the Hartford Foundation
seeks to
Enhance and expand the geriatrics training of
doctors, nurses, social workers and other health
professionals, and Promote innovation in the in
tegration and provision of services for all older
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10Hartford Nursing Framework
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12Only nurse-led organization in the country
seeking to shape the quality of the nations
health care for older Americans by promoting
geriatric nursing excellence to the nursing
profession and to the larger health care
The Hartford Institute accomplishes its mission
through work in four areas
Nursing Research Nursing Policy
Nursing Education Nursing Practice
13Geriatric Nursing Research Scholars Program
A week-long, intensive, summer seminar at New
York University for an in-depth mentoring
experience with nationally recognized nursing
researchers in aging.
Goal To hone specific research skills and gain a
competitive edge for funding
Eligibility Completed accredited doctoral degree
Affiliations with a sponsoring university or hea
lthcare institution Demonstrated potential for ou
tstanding aging research
Application due April 4, 2008
14Regional Nursing Research Awards
Eastern Nursing Research Society
www.enrs-go.org Western Institute of Nur
sing www.ohsu.edu/son/win/membership/nominations/n
omgeriatric2005.shtml Southern Nursing Research
Society http//Snrs.org/awards/geriatric_
institute.html Midwest Nursing Research Society
15Gerontological Society of America Nursing Care of
Older Adults Special Interest Group
2007 Doris Schwartz Gerontological Nursing
Research Award Linda Phillips, RN, PhD, FAAN
University of California, Los Angeles
16Coordinating Center Scholarship Program
The American Academy of Nursing serves as the
coordinating center for the initiative.
To date, 153 pre-, postdoctoral, and MBA/nursing
scholars have been funded.
17- Predoctoral Scholarship
- Support for 2 years of doctoral work for nurses
committed to careers in academic geriatric
- Up to 50,000 per year for tuition, fees
- Masters in Business Administration Scholarship
- Support work towards an MBA for applicants with a
career focus on management/leadership of
institutions serving older persons.
- Total of 50,000 in support.
- Claire M. Fagin Fellowship
- Support for 2 years of advanced research training
and mentorship for doctorally prepared academic
geriatric nurses.
- 60,000 per year.
- Application due January 2008
18Summer Institute on Aging Research
Pre-Conference Workshop
A collaborative effort to enhance nurse
researchers capacity to design and conduct
clinical research in aging with human
July 11-12, 2008 Aspen Wye River Conference Cen
ter Queenstown, MD Application due March 7, 2
19Centers of Geriatric Nursing Excellence
Goals Strengthen nursing excellence in research
, teaching and practice Produce a cadre of futur
e academic teachers Advance scientific and clini
cal knowledge Provide interdisciplinary collabor
ation Enhance local regional activities to imp
rove care for older adults
20Expansion of ProgramSeptember 2007
Four new Centers at Arizona State University,
Penn State and the Universities of Minnesota and
Utah Goal Prepare faculty with expertise in ag
21Geriatric Nursing Education
Original grant
Embed geriatric nursing education in 20
baccalaureate nursing schools and 10 advanced
practice nursing programs.
Renewal grant
Using a train-the-trainer model, up to 700
nursing faculty members will be trained to teach
geriatrics content to faculty at their schools.
22Goal To equip baccalaureate nursing faculty
with the tools and knowledge to lead their
colleagues in gerontologizing undergraduate
senior-level curricula, as well as teaching and
mentoring students in the care of older adults.
Six Institutes will be held between June 2007 and
June 2009
October 8-10, 2008St. Louis, MOApplication
Deadline May 26, 2008 February 2009West La
te Spring 2009Northeast
June 27-29, 2007Portland,ORApplication
Deadline March 12, 2007 October 3-5, 2007Atla
nta, GAApplication Deadline May 21, 2007
February 27-29, 2008San Antonio, TXApplication
Deadline October 15, 2007
23Photo The John A. Hartford Foundation Institute
for Geriatric Nursing, James Schuck