ICTAS and the Doctoral Scholar Program September 3, 2008 CRC RB XV 2018 Conference Room - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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ICTAS and the Doctoral Scholar Program September 3, 2008 CRC RB XV 2018 Conference Room


ICTAS and the Doctoral Scholar Program September 3, 2008 CRC RB XV 2018 Conference Room – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: ICTAS and the Doctoral Scholar Program September 3, 2008 CRC RB XV 2018 Conference Room

ICTAS and the Doctoral Scholar ProgramSeptember
3, 2008CRC RB XV 2018 Conference Room
The Institute for Critical Technology and
Applied Science at Virginia Tech
  • ICTAS is a part of Virginia Techs strategic plan
    to become an internationally-renowned
    institution that attracts the worlds best
    teachers, researchers, and students and ensures a
    path to vibrant economic development.

ICTAS is about . . .
  • We all play important roles, links in a chain,
    varying in scope and influence, but all equally

Dreams Can Transform
  • Proceed in the direction of your dreams and you
    come across unprecedented happiness
  • Emerson
  • We would like ICTAS to be a creative home for
    our faculty, staff, and students a place where
    individuals can dream big dreams and actually
    transform dreams to realize goals.

  • The important thing is not to stop questioning.
    Curiosity has its own reason for

The most incomprehensible thing about the world
is that it is comprehensible. Einstein

ICTAS Grand Challenge
  • Through the creativity and discovery of the
    people working with ICTAS,
  • We want to establish ICTAS as a world class
    organization for creative research.
  • We want to make this complex world a little more
  • We want to employ the comprehensibility to make a
    positive contribution to the lives of people with
    a bias towards sustainability.

The ICTAS Invitation to You
  • In fulfilling our broad mission, we seek your
    help, your advice, your energy and your
  • We can innovate and share our innovations with
  • We can work together for the larger societal
  • We can contribute to the sustainability of the
    systems that will grow and nurture our world.
  • THIS IS WHAT WE ARE ALL ABOUT and you are a part
    of this.

NBIC Tetrahedron
Identifying Areas of ResearchNBIC with
sustainability bias
This diagram represents the ICTAS view of the
technology areas that will play a key role in the
transformation of our lives in the 21st century.
The ICTAS thrust, focus, and theme areas are
either a subset of or at an intersection of these
ICTAS Research Organization
  • ICTAS Thrust Areas
  • Nanoscale Science and Engineering
  • Nano-Bio Interface
  • Sustainable Energy
  • Renewable Materials
  • Water
  • Cognition and Communication
  • Emerging Areas

The ICTAS research enterprise is organized within
these key technology areas as fields of study
known as thrust areas.
ICTAS Research Organization (continued)
  • Each field of study or Thrust Area may be
    populated by focus areas, theme areas, and seed
    projects in order of hierarchy.
  • Focus Areas characterized by 16-20 engaged
    faculty members involved in comprehensive,
    in-depth research of an important
    interdisciplinary topic with a target annual
    research expenditure of 6-8 million.
  • Theme Areas characterized by 6-8 engaged
    faculty members involved in comprehensive,
    in-depth research of one aspect of a broad topic
    with a target annual research expenditure of 2-3
  • Seed Projects selected on the basis of
    innovation and potential for growth and external

ICTAS Facilities - ICTAS AOpened for Business
July, 2007
ICTAS Nanoscale Characterization and Fabrication
Laboratory NCFL Director Professor Bill
Reynolds http//www.ictas.vt.edu/ncfl Building
Inauguration September 21, 2007
ICTAS Facilities (continued) - ICTAS I Getting
ICTAS Facilities - ICTAS IIDesign Phase
ICTAS Doctoral ScholarsProgram Profile
  • The ICTAS Doctoral Scholars Program was
    established in 2007.
  • The program honors exceptional Ph.D. applicants
    through award of financial support (tuition and
    stipend) for the Ph.D. qualifying period (maximum
    of four years).
  • Successful candidates of the highest caliber are
    selected for this honor.

Program Profile (continued)
  • This program is a cooperative effort supported
    and coordinated primarily by ICTAS, with
    significant contributions from participating
    departments, colleges, and the Graduate School.
  • The initial goal for the program is to establish
    a steady state of 40 ICTAS fellows by 2011 ad

Program Profile (continued)
  • The ICTAS Doctoral Scholars Program award
    provides full graduate tuition support plus a
    graduate student stipend award and associated
    benefits for the entire period of Ph.D. pursuit
    to a maximum of four (4) years for each selected
  • Additionally, ICTAS supports pre-approved travel
    for professional development and external

ICTAS Doctoral Scholars Program 2007-2008
  • Eleven Doctoral Scholars were selected for the
    inaugural class involving 5 colleges, 10
    departments, and the Graduate School.
  • 3 scholars from College of Engineering
  • 3 scholars from College of Science
  • 2 scholars from College of Agriculture
  • 2 scholars from College of Natural Resources
  • 1 scholar from College of Veterinary Medicine

2007 ICTAS Doctoral Scholars by Departmental
and College Affiliation
College of EngineeringJeremy S. Archuleta,
Computer ScienceMuhammad Karami, Engineering
Science and MechanicsMarcel Christophe
Remillieux, Mechanical Engineering College of
ScienceQian He, PhysicsMatthew Williams,
StatisticsSihui Zhang, Biological
Sciences College of Agriculture and Life
SciencesJustin Lemkul, BiochemistryJonathan
Weekley, Horticulture College of Natural
ResourcesS. Carter Fox, Wood Science and Forest
ProductsQingqing Li, Wood Science and Forest
Products College of Veterinary MedicineTila
Khan, Biomedical Sciences and Pathobiology
ICTAS Doctoral Scholars Program 2008-2009
  • Ten Doctoral Scholars were selected for the
    second class involving 5 colleges, 9 departments,
    and the Graduate School.
  • 3 scholars from College of Engineering
  • 3 scholars from College of Science
  • 2 scholars from College of Agriculture
  • 1 scholar from College of Natural Resources
  • 1 scholar from College of Veterinary Medicine

2008 ICTAS Doctoral Scholars by Departmental
and College Affiliation
College of Engineering Mehdi Ghommem,
Engineering Science and Mechanics Syed Makhmoor
Mazahir, Chemical Engineering Xiaoyue (Selina)
Zhang, Industrial Systems Engineering College
of Science Adam Bowman, Mathematics Matthew
MacInnis, Geosciences Myuao Shen, Biological
Sciences College of Agriculture and Life
Sciences Su Wan Myung, Biological Systems
Engineering Noppadon (Tik) Sathitsuksanoh,
Biological Systems Engineering College of
Natural Resources Karthik Pillai, Wood Science
Forest Products College of Veterinary
Medicine Thomas Rogers-Cotrone, Biomedical
Sciences Pathobiology
ICTAS Expectations for Doctoral Scholars
  • Notification of the names of the degree committee
    members as soon as established. Remember to
    include the ICTAS Director as a non-voting
    member of the committee.
  • Notification of research interests and plan.
  • Acceptance of at least 4 archival publications
    that is, presentation of proof of acceptance
    prior to degree completion.

ICTAS Expectations for Doctoral Scholars (cont.)
  • Report of breakthroughs of any kind during the
    degree earning period.
  • Participation in ICTAS promotional materials and
  • Notification of invitations to present
  • Ongoing communication with program director to
    update status, progress, etc.

Where do we want to be ?
  • A 50 Million research institute by 2011 a 100
    Million RI by 2016.
  • An institute known for NBIC with Sustainable
    Development, among the top ten by 2011, top 3 by
  • An organization with sufficient human resources
    and systems in place to support its research and
    people agenda.
  • An institute recognized by VT faculty as the
    place to go for
  • Growth of innovative, interdisciplinary research.
  • State-of-the-art equipment and facilities in a
    few selected areas.
  • An institute known for promoting Big Research,
    Unencumbered Research .
  • An organization known for being people-centric
    and fair.
  • An organization known for being nimble and
  • An organization known for its devotion to
    enhancing the quality of life.

We can't solve problems by using the same kind
of thinking we used when we created
them. Einstein
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