Title: ICT for Local Governance: A Case Study on the Application of ICTs on LifeEvent Services at the Kebel
1ICT for Local Governance A Case Study on the
Application of ICTs on Life-Event Services at the
Kebeles of the City Government of Addis Ababa,
LOG-IN Africa Workshop June 6 - 5, 2008 Cairo,
- Solomon Atnafu, Dessalegn Mequanint and Yigeremew
Adal - Department of Computer Science
- Addis Ababa University
- The Research Problems
- The Objectives
- Methodology
- Results and Findings
- The Prototype System-KLESS
3The Research Problems
The research questions addressed
- What is the level of ICT usage for local
governance purposes at the Kebeles of the CGAA? - What is the e-local governance readiness status
of the Kebeles of the CGAA? - How can the application of ICTs on local
governance bring the participation of citizens
into a higher level? - What policies and strategies are needed for the
application of ICTs on local governance at the
Kebeles of the CGAA? - What are the key factors and drivers that impact
the successful implementations of e- local
governance at the Kebeles of the CGAA? - What is the reaction of the Kebele staff and
end-users on the prototype system?
42. Objectives
- to identify the key drivers/factors for
successful implementation of e-local governance
at the Kebeles of the CGAA - to identify policy and strategy-related fields
for successful implementation of e-local
governance - to propose a roadmap for an effective
implementation of e-local governance at the
Kebeles of the CGAA - to identify priority areas on life-event services
where ICTs intervention is required, and - to develop a prototype system that serves as a
showcase on the application of ICT on local
53. Methodology
- Data collection
- Analysis of the data collected
- Desk/Literature review
- Prototyping
6 Document Search
Activities Conducted
- Literature on e-Governance and related areas
- Proclamations (Sub-cities, Kebeles)
- Documents about the Organizational Structure
- Guidelines and Procedures
- Various Forms
- Documents related to Existing Practices
- Data Collection ( from Key-Informants)
- Level of ICT usage for local governance purposes
at the Kebeles - e-Local governance readiness of the Kebeles
- Services to citizen (Life-Events services)
- ICT Policy and Strategy
7 Focus Group Discussion
- Data Collection (from Kebele Residents)
- Level of ICT usage
- e- Local Governance Readiness
- Services to Citizens Life-event Services, etc.
- Life-events service team
- Services to citizen (priorities, problems, the
experience, the environment) - Level of ICT usage and e-readiness for local
governance purpose - Revenue Collection Team (experience sharing)
- On Services of the revenue administration,
- The success story and the challenges
- EICTDA e-Government team
8- Kebele life-event service employee,
- Sub-cities Capacity building officers,
- Representatives from CGAA and EICTDA
- Prototype System Development
- Requirement identified,
- Tools selected,
- System designed,
- Developed,
- Tested and demonstrated
94.1 Findings and Analysis based on the Data
Collected from Key Informants
4. Results and Findings
- a) Level of ICTs usage
- ICTs equipments currently being used by theKebele
offices are Fixed phone, Mobile phone,
Computers, Radio and TV - Purpose of use
- Computers are mainly used for revenue
administration, However, at present no computer
systems are in use for the delivery of life-event
service. - Fixed telephones are used for the day-to-day
activities of the Kebeles. - Televisions and Radios are used only for
refreshments. - ICTs skills of Kebele staff
- No formal training on ICTs particularly, No
Computer use has been given to both Kebeles
staff, particularly those employees working on
life-event services did not get the opportunity
of training on Computer use. - Kebele administrators believe that ICT equipments
usage can make a difference.
10b) Local e-governance readiness
- At present both Kebeles do not have Internet
connectivity, and have also no web presence, - Except in the revenue administration unit,
computers available at the resident services of
both Kebeles are not wired - The staff of both Kebeles are not trained on
Computer use. - Aside from their fiscal budget allocated to them
by the sub-city, Kebeles have no other financial
support or means to acquire and use ICTs for
their day-to-day activities.
11c) Services to Citizens
- There are a number of life-event services
rendered at both Kebeles. - Kebeles collect and keep information about
residents, - However, information about residents is not up
to date
12d) ICTs policy and strategy
- No ICTs policy tailored made to Kebeles there is
a draft ICT policy at CGAA level, - both Kebeles are planning or finding ways to use
ICT-based life-event services in the immediate
134.2 Findings and Analysis on the Data Collected
from Kebele Residents
- 4.2.1 Information on the Respondents
Table 01 Background information about the
Kebeles considered for the case study
- Two Kebeles with a total population of about
100,000 are selected for the initial survey
Table 02 ICTs equipments available in the two
144.2.2 Level of ICT Tools Usage by the Residents
Table 05 Percentage Distribution of Respondents
by usage and place of ICT Equipments
15Table 06 Distribution of Respondents who took
Training on computer applications by Educational
Table 07 Percentage Distribution of Respondents
who took Courses on computer by Type of Training
16Table 08 Percentage Distribution of Respondents
by Level of Competence in Using Computer
Table 09 Percentage Distribution of Respondents
who did not take Courses on computer by Reason
174.2.3 e-Local Governance Readiness
- Table 10 Distribution of Respondents by Access
to Internet and Employment Status
Table 11 Percentage Distribution of Respondents
who have Access to internet by Place of Access
18Table 12 Percentage Distribution of Respondents
who have Access to internet by Reason for use
Table 13 Percentage Distribution of Respondents
by Means of Communication with the Kebele
194.2.4 Services to Citizens Life-Event Services
Table 14 Percentage Distribution of Respondents
by type of Services they get from the Kebele
20Table 24 Percentage Distribution of Respondents
by service efficiency rating
Table 28 Problems identified by Respondents
related to service delivery
21Table 29 Opinions of Respondents on which of the
services require improvement.
22 Focus Group Discussion
Life-Event Services (prioritized list)
- ID Card new, replacement, lost, renewal.
- Issuance of Testimony Letters
- For free medical services to those who have
financial problem - For marital status
- Court related cases of Kebele residents
- Recommendation letters for scholarship/tuition
fee exemptions - Letters on housing conditions
23 Problems Encountered
- Incomplete information
- Rules are not flexible particularly with issuing
ID card - Residents record is not current, misplacement,
oldness - Lack of uniformity among Kebele in offering some
services - Oral instructions are hard to deal with, use of
unwritten rules, - etc.
24 Revenue Collection
- Resources could be shared
- There is a server being used for the revenue
administration system which could be used for the
envisaged automated system of the life event
services as well, - Lessons can be learned
- Passed a long way to arrive to the current
status, - Human resource usage,
- Basic data to use in common,
- Process of system development,
- ensuring data quality is a daunting task, which
has to be seriously considered from the outset.
25e-Local Governance Functional Model tailored to
265. The Prototype System - KLESS
- A showcase for the automation of life-event
services at Kebele level, - Develop in line with the proposed e-government
functional model, - Bi-Lingual,
- Uses open source software, Development
Environment - Apache web server
- PHP- scripting language
- The ultimate owners of the product were highly
involved - Iterative approach
27Functionalities of the Prototype system
- Basic Functionalities
- Capturing basic residents information
- Issuing new ID card
- Renewal
- Issuance for lost ID card
- Provision of testimonial services such as
- Testimony on marriage
- Testimony for school fee exemption
- Testimony for support on free medication
- etc
28 Some screen shots of the system
- Registration of the Kebele Residents
29- A Screenshot for Editing or Updating Residents
30- A Screenshot for Serving ID Card Request Ordered
31- A Screenshot for housing Information Registration
32- Report Generation set-up interface
33 34Reaction of Kebele Employees and Officials on the
Prototype System
- A demonstration conducted to capture the reaction
of Kebele employees and officials, - Over all positive reception,
- They want to see such kind of system implemented
35Future works
- Scaling up the prototype system into a more
usable one- the anticipated LOG-IN Phase II - Working more on Partnership
36 ??????? ? Thank You ?